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Another Wonder question


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As i understand it you shouldn't make the 5K infrastructure jump until you have at least three wonders.

Would it be more benificial to have SM, SSS, Great Temple, Internet and Interstate System before making the 5000 infrastructure jump. Or have SM, SSS and IS then make the jump?

Obviously the money spent on the wonders is a constant as well you can't ruin your wonder clock .

Also is that a good order for wonder purchase?

All help much appreciated.


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What more do you want to know?

It's more beneficial to have as many wonders as you can have before making the jump, but it all depends on how you want to do it. My recommendation would be to get a wonder every 30 days and plan based off of that.

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Alden is right, upkeep costs go up only very slightly - from a base multi of .17 to .1725 which is around 1.5% increase. Presumably whoever said you need 3 wonders before making the jump was just meaning that you should put wonders ahead of infra by this point, but there's no reason to stay on 4999 once you have enough saved for your next wonder, plus tech puchases and warchest.

Interstate vs great temple is a less clearcut choice and will depend on your circumstances. For example interstate will save somewhere around 10mil on the cost of the 4999-5999 jump, and .13mil/day on bills whereas GT will net you somewhere around .3mil extra per day. So if it took you 60 days to save the infra jump cost, these will balance out, longer and GT would be better. Ofc these figures depend highly on your nation setup so you'll need to do the calcs for yourself. And finally, if it takes you over 30 days to save the ~130mil which is most likely will, then you'd be better off buying GT first and interstate after like Alden suggested in the other thread.

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I'd recommend sitting at 5k until you have all the "+5" wonders and the Interstate. Money is extremely important in CN and racing to increase your infra total is a great way to get crushed in a war. I wouldn't recommend you do the jump until your warchest is x100 your daily bills. Certainly don't get an Interstate as #3, it's a big waste of money if you run your nation the right way.

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Personally, I never waited for infra jumps pass one income based improvement or one wonder; I seem to do okay.

100* daily bill for a war chest is way overkill; and how one comes out after a war is greatly related to where your alliance play politics in CN rather than how build your nation...

Edited by ecoli73
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100* daily bill for a war chest is way overkill; and how one comes out after a war is greatly related to where your alliance play politics in CN rather than how build your nation...

Wow, I can't decide whether this is brave or foolhardy (well, I could, but I wouldn't want to insult the choice of another ruler). I'll just say that I hope you don't regret this decision in the future, because looking at the size of your nation you could lose a momumental amount through lack of preparation.

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Personally, I never waited for infra jumps pass one income based improvement or one wonder; I seem to do okay.

100* daily bill for a war chest is way overkill; and how one comes out after a war is greatly related to where your alliance play politics in CN rather than how build your nation...

We need that old rolling around cracking up smiley.

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You should have started buying wonders at 3999, which should put you at about 3 at 4999, but there's no set number needed at 4999. Just make sure you are getting your wonders every 30 days (in a good order) and make the jump when you can. You don't have to jump straight to 5999 either.

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