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Alliance Cup Thread/RP Thread


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Kevodia's team were elated at sneaking through with a jammy Fred Plarp goal against Gaussia in the 87th minute, although spirits in the camp had been high after the 4-1 victory over El Duque in the first round. Meanwhile in the supporters camp, spirits were disappearing at an alarming rate with the nearest off licence to the hotel being besiged with celebrating fans, amazed that Kevodia had actually won their first competitive international.

Manager Ron Bassetson, speaking to the press following the drawing of the groups said 'It looks like being a tough group, but right now we are just taking every game as it comes. Everyone is amazed to get to this stage of the competition and its amazing to be the only MHA nation in the group stage so I guess we are representing the entire alliance now.'

Captain Dave Brunton agreed: 'Obviously its pretty amazing to be here, and now we have to play the world no 2s VolNation and the number 43s Victoria Avenis we get to test ourselves against some of the best players in the world. Obviously we're going to have to be at the very top of our game to beat them.'

The success of Kevodia's national team in the competition has caught the country's imagination, with the national broadcaster KBC announcing that it will show as many group games as possible on TV, whether Kevodia actually play in them or not, despite this annoying all the women in Kevodia by moving all the soap operas and reality shows around the schedules. In the sporting press the build up is intense, with some pundits wondering if Kevodia could go all the way. Needless to say everyone in the camp is keeping their feet firmly on the ground, while it appears the use of the attacking Miguel formation in international competition has been vindicated. The nation awaits with excitement to see how their team fares in the group stages.

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The fancy graphics fly in and show the Dragonia City skyline and the National Stadium all lit up, this is it, the Alliance Cup Finals featuring the 64 finest teams on all Planet Bob. And now the voice over comes in of the world renowned commentator: Martin Taylor.

MT: "Hello again ladies and gentleman and welcome to PBSN's coverage of Alliance Cup 2009. Along side me is Dragonia United manager and Dragonia all time cap holder Dragono Vipertooth Sr. And further down is one Andy Grey. Well the qualifiers went on without a hitch, now on to to the Group Stages to open the final. We have had quite a surprising draw for the groups considering the number of Valhalla and IRON nations that remain."

AG: "I agree Martin, IRON and Valhalla combined for over 120 nations in the first round. They threw many inexperienced teams into the fire, but they still came out with 22 nations moving on to the group stage."

MT: "Many blame the random factor involved in the drawings, what do you think Drago?"

DV: "I think a bunch of politicians got there jocks in a bunch. The reason the random factor was thrown is was so that you wouldn't get the group stages loaded with the alliance. Plus its the politicians who lost are the ones whining, the ones that are in the group stage are not complaining."

MT: "Moving on, what do you think of the group stages?"

AG: "The should be the deciding factor in whether or not the super teams continue on. By this I mean the Tritonias and VolNations who run teams over with their talent and managing. It's not a surprise that NOAH has by far the most talent filled nations. I would hope WAPA or 1-TF or even Scotland Forever may challenge this in the future."

MT: "I'm surprised you didn't mention Legion"

AG: "Legion hasn't been much of a fixture in football since the early days of CNFIFA. Yes they do have Arcadian Empire, but there is no one else to help them support the mantel of the glory days of Legion footy. Legion, GATO, and GPA were talked as strong alliances when it came to footy, now they aren't even contenders."

DV: "It really comes down to interest and the boys of those alliances don't seem to want to play ball, instead they want to join the military or run for government. They have forgotten that Planet Bob wasn't always a war zone. But one man who has not forgotten that is of course Botha. He has without a doubt raised the game over the last year and has made not only footy, but athletics prominent on Bob again. At the FIFOB Gala after the Alliance Cup they are going to be having an awards ceremony in which they name the Football POY, Manager of the Year, and Ruler of the Year. Hopefully Botha wins the Ruler because what he has done with his annual cup is return football to people of Planet Bob.

MT: "Indeed, and of course Transvaal did reach the group stage and is preparing to set of on a run at the cup and leading IRON to potential victory. Who do you think has the best chance at the cup and the winner's shield?

DV: "Though IRON and Valhalla have the number, I don't think they have the experience to put enough points on the board. If NOAH had two or three more in the group stage I would give it to them considering the talent NOAH's nations produce, but alas. Personally I'm going with the underdog TOOL to take the Cup and I'm calling for a shocker in Kevodia to win it all."

MT: "KEVODIA?!? You must be joking."

DV: "If there is one thing I've learned while managing is never underestimate a team that everyone thinks is 'lucky' to be there, because luck rarely has anything to do with it."

AG: "Your pick Drago makes sense, a team that has nothing to lose will rarely lose anything. As for me, I agree with the Valhalla and IRON statement, outside of Articuno Islands who was eliminated in the qualifying stage, only Transvaal has any big game experience. Transvaal is one of the oldest footy nations still in existence on Bob, yet don't have a piece of international silverware to their name, which is why I am calling for Transvaal to no longer be called the "Greatest International Team without Silver." As for the Alliance I think Soldier or NpO will take home the Cup. Soldier has the experience and NpO has luck, it's a question of which gets countered first."

MT: "Personally I'm going with IRON to win it and Volnation to return to its rightful place atop the world rankings. On to the group stages, as we mentioned before winning the group or placing second will lead to advancement to the knockout stage. If there is a tie in pts, then we go to goal differential, if that's still tied then we will have a play-off IF the teams do not play on the group day. This case only holds up if there is a tie for second. If there is a tie for first between two team, we check the head-to-head and if a draw we flip a coin. This should be an exciting group stage and we will return to you later with the predictions and schedule. Until then for Andy Grey and Dragono Vipertooth, this is Martin Taylor bidding you a good night and a good morrow.

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A Challenging Draw

Coach Courtney revealed her reaction to the Arcadian Empire's draw in the first FIFOB World Cup, as "challenging". Being paired with Toangi, Checors and Novaja Zemlja, the Liga Mundo Primera Coach stated her biggest challenge would be against Checors.

She has kept all else secret, but a shipment of special kits, featuring a gold trim were found in the locker room.

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Since many Prince Edward Island supporters have already purchased tickets in hopes of making the finals, they have decided to throw their support behind Macland and Natherworld.

The Green and White Navy will be singing in the stands for you both

Edited by Machiabelly
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Soldier is still in it to win it!

LOL well you have to go through Transvaal (the most established competing football club in CN) first.

ADDED LATER: Just read the interview above, nice to see our Springbokke boys get some notice.

Edited by Botha
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Group Play will Be as follows

FA-Team 1 vs. Team 2, Team 3 vs. Team 4

FB-Team 1 vs. Team 4, Team 2 vs. Team 3

FC-Team 1 vs. Team 3, Team 2 vs. Team 4

1/19-G1,G5,G9,G13 FA

1/20-G2, G6, G10, G14 FA

1/21-G3, G7, G11, G15 FA

1/22-G4, G8, G12, G16 FA

1/23-G1,G5,G9,G13 FB

1/24-G2, G6, G10, G14 FB

1/25-G3, G7, G11, G15 FB

1/26-G4, G8, G12, G16 FB

1/27-G1,G5,G9,G13 FC

1/28G2, G6, G10, G14 FC

1/29-G3, G7, G11, G15 FC

1/30-G4, G8, G12, G16 FC

1/31-Play-off games if ties are as Martin Taylor mentioned in the preview

Knock out is as follows



















2/5 (Assuming the A wins)























FIFOB Gala and award ceremony, all FIFOB registered nations are invited

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The VolNation Mighty Volunteers started the Alliance Cup under very strange circumstances. The first round match against Establishmentism looked to be a challenging offensive matchup, as Establishmentism had won their first round match 3-0. However, this playin match was scheduled just hours before critical Ark Premier and Power League matches. Thus many of the VolNation players were unavailible for the matchup. In addition, midfielders Duncan Stamford and Nathaniel Reichle were on the shelf with injuries, further depleting their lineup. Thus the Mighty Vols had to take the field with a Liga-dominated lineup that seemed very patched up. Their impromptu 4-2-4 was:

GK: Oscar "The Penalty Killer" Sorgard (Liga Mundo)

LB: Ross Stewart (Liga Mundo)

CB: Al Holcomb (VolNation Power)

RB: Red Moreno (Liga Mundo)

SW: Freddy Batemen (VolNation Power) (normally GK)

RM: Joey Lehmann (Liga Mundo), Playmaker

LM: Gottfrid Karlson (VolNation Power)

LW: James "Moneyman" Turner (Ark Premier)

CF: Chad Goodwin (Liga Mundo)

SS: Leo van Pelt (Liga Mundo)

RW: Ian Robertson (Liga Mundo), Captain

With a shortage of players, the versatile Freddie Batemen was drafted from his reserve goalkeeper position into the backline as a sweeper. Since this left a "hole" in a critical position in the defense against an offensive team, it was decided that the VolNation strategy would be to ignite the jets and long-ball at every opportunity, allowing the blazing speed of Karlson, Robertson, Goodwin and van Pelt to catch up and hopefully get in behind the drawn-up Establishmentism back line.

Right away, this looked like this might be the right decision, as quickly the experienced Mighty Vols took advantage of the over-anxious Establishmentism back line with two quick strike breakaway goals by Goodwin and van Pelt. However, Establishmentism soon corrected this overeager tendency, clogging up the middle and playing a more ball-control match that took advantage of the lack of Mighty Vol midfielders in the 4-2-4 and singled out Bateman with crossing shots that soon brought Establishmentism even at 2 goals apiece.

The nervous VolNation fans, who did not expect such a display from Establishmentism, were finally set at ease near the end of the first as the stars of VolNation took command. First it was the Moneyman, who had asked his Ark Premier club to release him to play in this match and not start him in their regular league match, who took advantage of Establishmentism crowding the center to come off the left side with a brilliant header off a Lehmann feed to get the chant of "Show Me The Money!" coming from the VolNation faithful and break the 2-2 deadlock in the 43rd minute. In typical VolNation fashion, a minute later the Mighty Vols struck again, this time with Robertson artfully redirecting a Lehmann ball to the right post past an overshifted Establishmentism keeper and within seconds, the Mighty Vols were up by 2 going into the half.

That late flurry right before the half seemed to take the wind out of the sails of the Establishmentism club, and they just didn't have that same fire in the second half as they had in the first. An early breakaway goal by Karlson set the tone of the second half, and VolNation continued to give Establishmentism a steady diet of long balls to force the defensive line to stay home and not assist in scoring chances. Given the 5-2 deficit, Establishmentism kept trying to push to get back into the game, which ultimately gave the Mighty Vols more chances on goal. This resulted in another two goals before the end of the match, with the Moneyman slipping in a header off a corner kick and later Robertson capitalizing on yet another breakaway to give the Mighty Vols a 7-2 win and advancement into the group round.

In Group 3, the Mighty Vols were paired with three other clubs that are virtual unknowns to VolNation. While this could be a blessing, as the next highest ranking club seems to be 45th, the lack of familiarity of the opposition does concern the team. With the world #2 ranking, the Mighty Vols know that they are the target and anything less that the A-game could result in an unwanted loss. The key will be maintaining the intensity for each game. It is noted that Kevodia was picked by Dragonia United manager Dragono Vipertooth Sr. as the upset winner of the Cup, so VolNation will pay extra attention to them as someone has obviously scouted them and seen high talent in the team.

VolNation congratulates fellow NOAH and Ark Premier League members Tritonia and Checors on their advancement into the group stage. Best of luck in the group stage and here's to all of us advancing!

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VolNation National Team members Al Holcomb (DEF) and Freddy Bateman (GK) of VolNation Power in a press conference earlier today, just announced that they will both be hanging up their cleats at the conclusion of the Alliance Cup. With just three weeks left in the VolNation Power season, both concluded that this would be their last go-around.

Al Holcomb: "With the development of our younger defensive talent, these old legs are ready to move on to a job with less stress. It has been a priveledge being one of the guides to VolNation Power as it has advanced in the ranks of the Power League. It has also been an honor to play a role in representing VolNation in the World Cup and now the Alliance Cup."

Freddy Bateman: "Getting the cap in the Alliance Cup is truly an unexpected honor and ranks as one of the greatest honors I have recieved in this profession. I can think of no better way to bid this game and my beloved VolNation teams adieu that to leave at the top."

Both will move on to positions within the VolNation Sports organization: Al as the Director of Recruitment for the National team and Freddy in the position of Goalkeeper Development within the VolNation Power team.

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Trying to figure out which is the Group of Death...

My eye is currently on Group 7, with top teams Arcadia and Checors both involved.

Group 3's no walk in the park either. Victoria Avenis and your VolNation are both seeds.

I kinda feel bad for Comrade Nikonov, whose Novaja Zemlja team got stuck in the 7. I'd suggest Tritonia NOT underestimate Willems nation, though. Articuno Islands already made that mistake. ;)

Some groups have no seeds at all.

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(Psst...Botha, it's called "RP". Seriously though, he gives us the score and we are free to do what we want with it...watch me)

Close Call

5th Rank Arcadian Empire should have eased past unseeded Centurion Union, from the Independent Republic of Orange Nations. However, it turned out to be quite a thriller with the Arcadians winning 3-2 in front of a small contigent of 2000 fans, most of them Arcadians.

However, back in the Empire, fans were not happy with the coverage, with substandard TV equipment with the lowest quality scoreboard. Here is an actual screenshot of the scoreboard overlay shown during the telecast.

>>>---fifob alliance cup---<<<

|ARC 2-1 CNU


But back onto the game, the Arcadians won wonderfully after taking the lead, conceding twice and then having a comeback before playing extremely defencive football for the next 20 minutes.

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I realise the RP part... but I must be blind, where are you getting the scores?

Watch for press releases from njndirish in this thread. Like this one:

Sigmund** 5-0 Kvasa

Vertibul 2-1 Ferinrothaic

Original Name 2-1 Wombat Pirates Cove

Imperium Romanus 2-6 KLXY3

Orangetopia 0-1 New Tauron

TheContradictoryBloc 2-5 Thetanland

Magna Roma 2-4 Chimeran England

Tyranar 2-2 Hat Creek (2-2 AET) (Tyranar wins 2-0 on penalty kicks)

Flying Cows 4-5 ParrrrTay


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Rankings updated

1 Tritonia

2 VolNation

3 Paraganea

4 MacLand

5 Arcadian Empire

6 Costa Libertad

7 $JWS$

8 Dragonia

9 Crodog Damnation

10 Transvaal

11 Under the Sun

12 The Teutonic Order

13 Neo Japan

14 Yugoslavia

15 Deutschland

16 Republic of Scotland

17 Greatspace

18 Dun Carrig

19 OPArsenal

20 Shilla Commonwealth

21 Laputa

22 Ashwinder

23 Melloria

24 Cataduanes

25 Salopia

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UCFA CL's were recently included in the mix of the FIFOB rankings, so you have Ashwinder (who was a real giant killer in the 2nd UCFA if I remember correctly) going up very high...or was it Winterfall? Not sure.

And I realise my recent losing streak in the Primera and failure to win comfortably in the 2nd Round probably cost me a jump up in the rankings...

Is it possible Dragonia to post the numbers as well like the FIFA Rankings?

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I'm rather amazed that a good number of those aren't participating in the AC. :huh:

Ah well, means I don't have to worry about them so much. lol I need to get cracking on getting my ranking up though :lol: I dropped to 47th. O NOEZ!

The Alliance Cup is just one of the many events sanctioned by FIFOB. The highest weighting goes to the World Cup, then FIFOB tourneys, then International Cups, then friendlies. Because events like Liga Mundo and UCFA events have multiple over a given year they are weighted based upon seasons in existence. Plus we are only in the Group stages, expect after the group stages and after the tourney for the rankings to get mixed up.

I'll be discussing more about FIFOB rankings and anything related with FIFOB at the FIFOB Convention (2/14-2/17)

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From The Call of Gregor, Gregor's official national newspaper:

TOOL and the FIFOB shut down entire nation

Soccer fever is sweeping the nation of Gregor as The Order of Light manages to a number of unexpected and impressive victories. Gregorian economists estimate that the loss in production due to workers stopping to watch the games so far has surpassed 8 billion Dinars, wrecking havoc in the markets of Gregor's primary export, fun-filled Gregorian trinkets and scarves, as supply dwindles and demand skyrockets. While federal involvement was expected, a press conference at President Itsme's primary chateau yesterday yeilded unexpected results.

"As President of the fine country of Gregor, and with unanimous vote of both chambers of senate, I hereby proclaim each day that a TOOL nation plays in the FIFOB Alliance Cup a national holiday! Citizens of Gregor are strongly encouraged to take the time to stay up to date and support TOOL in its endeavors in the FIFOB, as well as take part in the number of exciting Anniversary Celebrations put on by TOOL."

With matches scheduled 9 of the next 12 days, and the entire knock-out round to follow, many wonder if the country can sustain such a lapse in productivity. After nearly an hour of taking questions, President Itsme made a final statement and ended the conference.

"Look, Planet Bob can do without thier highly prized fun-filled Gregorian trinkets and scarves for a few days. There are bigger things afoot here. TOOL is broaching new ground and celebrating its second anniversary, and we as citizens of Gregor have a duty to support her. Gregor will stand. Our citizens are loyal and hard working. Lets all enjoy this break and enjoy the festivities.

Happy Anniversary TOOL, and good luck in the upcoming FIFOB matches."

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World Cup fever has gripped the nation as Cataduanes find themselves drawn alongside Lan Castor (Valhalla), Southwest America (Legion) and The dakotans (TOOL ). No doubt the expectations of the fans will be high and the whole nation will demanding nothing less than qualification to the next round.

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