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Nations with a legit reason (technocracy, govt flooding money into research, Great university IG wonder etc) can claim an extra 10% use.


IG tech : RP year : % of nation using that level : RP year #2 : % of nation using that level.

0 : 1910 : 0 % : 1905 : 100%

400 : 1993 : 10 % : 1988 : 90%

800 : 2002 : 20 % : 1997 : 80%

1200 : 2007 : 30 % : 2002 : 70%

1600 : 2011 : 40 % : 2006 : 60%

2000 : 2014 : 50 % : 2009 : 50%

2400 : 2016 : 60 % : 2011 : 40%

2800 : 2018 : 70 % : 2013 : 30%

3200 : 2020 : 80 % : 2015 : 20%

3600 : 2022 : 90 % : 2017 : 10%

4000 : 2023 : 100 % : 2018 : 0%


I have to agree with lynneth for this. All you're doing is shuffling the tech year around. So instead of RPing at 2000 year tech for everything people use 1996? how is that different than just lowering all the tech years without the wait? If thats what you want you don't need something more complex than the system already used.

While I agree, cutting edge takes time to become general public, but this play wouldn't solve that. Everyone would just have cutting edge of X year your chart says. Same thing as now. :v:

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you are under a silly impression that we are allowing her to claim to have even have had 50 million to begin with. I would think that nuclear annihilation would substantially reduce any population

I'm not touching the population issue. All I'm saying is that if she says she has fifty million like she says she does, a handful of them are going to go everywhere. Rockport included. If she had a substantially smaller population, like five million or whatever, then she could make the argument that they all got out and are not going to certain places, such as Rockport. But even then I would argue that a handful would go there. People will not always follow government orders.

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I have to agree with lynneth for this. All you're doing is shuffling the tech year around. So instead of RPing at 2000 year tech for everything people use 1996? how is that different than just lowering all the tech years without the wait? If thats what you want you don't need something more complex than the system already used.

While I agree, cutting edge takes time to become general public, but this play wouldn't solve that. Everyone would just have cutting edge of X year your chart says. Same thing as now. :v:

Well its not really shuffling any of it around. Its the fact that it shows how widespread your cutting edge tech is. And its not going to lower anyones tech year. Just change what part of their nation can use it. For example, a 1600tech : 2011 : 40 % : 2006 : 60% nation. They rp 40% of their nation having cutting edge 2011 tech, which is fine, and 60% having cutting edge 2006 tech which by their standards is old and outdated. Its only really a cosmetic change, and i for one will just let those that want a bit more realism to use it.

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3) SEE #2.

4) SEE #3.


Chuck Norris round-house kicks your keyboard. Your caps-lock key shoots beyond the edge of the universe. The 1.0 CNRhK (Chuck Norris Round-house Kick) makes the key become another universe.

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Chuck Norris round-house kicks your keyboard. Your caps-lock key shoots beyond the edge of the universe. The 1.0 CNRhK (Chuck Norris Round-house Kick) makes the key become another universe.

Then I shoot Chuck Norris and he dies. No more Chuck Norris comments.

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I'm more immortal than Chuck Norris. Thus he cannot kill me while I am capable of killing him.

He is only immortal, I am immortal³.

Heh heh, nice...hey, how did you get the 3 to type as an exponent?

I suppose I'll let LVN RP my "civilians" and break down his constant propaganda of KT being the DPRK of CN.

Now, when will that trial continue......

War Criminals aren't sent to trial in Boomtown as we merely issue contracts for their heads, in a box, for 3rd parties to sort out. Saves us time and resources as we'd rather reserve our hangman's noose for drug smugglers.

What's this? What thread are you two referring to?

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I'm more immortal than Chuck Norris. Thus he cannot kill me while I am capable of killing him.

He is only immortal, I am immortal³.

Hehe, perhaps I could've worded it a bit different. Chuck is not immortal, immortal4 is Chuck. And thus, you are no more immortal than he is actually more immortal4 than you. :awesome:

Heh heh, nice...hey, how did you get the 3 to type as an exponent?

You use the Super-script. ^_^

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And...that tells me nothing. HOW do you do the superscript?

Hm, how do I put it this way....aha! You click on 'Super-script', and a code of some sort should appear. Then you put any number you like between the tags. There ya go. :awesome:

(The Super-script is in the Extra Formatting dropbox, btw. Hope I was clear enough... :ph34r:)

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