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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1336061870' post='2962889']
STFU Ty, this is a very awesome topic atm.
[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1336067227' post='2962921']
It is actually pretty painful to watch.
D'awwwwww...make up your minds, eh? Awesome or painful? :P

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Not dramatic enough and boring. GMs are charged with entertaining me with heaps of drama. Cent and Triyun have provided scads of drama to keep me interested.

GMing is never about the decisions as if you think about it, no one reaaaaaaaaaallllllllllly cares. If people reaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllly cared about the slew of crappy decisions the GMs have collective instituted over the years their wouldn't be a cnrp anymore.

So what people really want is drama.

That's the most vital function a GM can provide. More drama.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336168483' post='2963500']
Two horribly boring GMs having a tedious little slap fight doesn't equal one drama providing awesome GM. Are you a product of the New Math system or something? Or is this the sum of some sort of bonkers philosophy class?

Two wrongs make a right now?
[/quote]What wrongs? Boring =/= wrong. Not always, anyway. :P

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Look, the system is broken, but no one hates it enough to do more than complain. Never had the crying, moaning, belly aching ever been so constant, which leads me to believe the current lot are doing a fantastic job by providing the self-indulged babies of CNRP with their Drama-bottle each and every morning. No is flocking away from CNRP in great numbers and that tells me everything I need to know.

All yall want to cry and moan and grouse and all yall want good drama.

So given that insight, the only real conclusion is dramatic GMs are good for us all as it gives us something to complain about. The more boring you are therefore for equals the worst job you are doing as GM.

So sorry, all yall stunk big rotten tunas when it comes to stirring up drama and controversy, that's just a fact, now get over it.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1336172934' post='2963530']
I should note that my belief is, the reason people aren't flocking away is because they like the community, or certain people within it. Staying doesn't necessarily indicate a non-hatred of the GM's. Just saying. ;)

Quite honestly, if we weren't hated we wouldn't be doing our job.

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I have a love of drama. I find my ways of savoring the hate, the rage, and all the blubbering that goes on around here.

Though on a serious note, being hated and being popular are two things a truly good GM must avoid. An excellent GM finds ways to stir up drama without it ever being seen.

Which also means Shammy was a terribly dull one as well, so I don't see where he gets off criticizing Centurius who isn't doing all that good of a job either.

I mean yeah Cent, you are interesting at times, but it's the kind of interesting that's gotten far too predictable. You've got to change it up now and again and surprise the hell out of everyone by inciting drama from unusual sources rather than the usual suspects.

I mean we all clearly get off on the drama, complaining, whining, and delicious tears otherwise we would have collectively bailed years ago.

AT the very least I think we can expect some really innovative and possibly even some sort of more original drama and trolling from the GMs. Cent and Triyun though, I can more or less predict a week in advance who is going to complain with those two.

Damn boring that.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336196115' post='2963795']
Which also means Shammy was a terribly dull one as well, so I don't see where he gets off criticizing Centurius who isn't doing all that good of a job either.

I think this about sums up this entire conversation...


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