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Aye, and whilst we have an oilfield under the falklands the Government have a legit reason to stay.
so, please refrain from undermining me, IRL i know its quality isnt the best, but in CNRP, oil is oil and so it doesnt matter, I can also just go 2lolmyland i say what quality it is", but im not gonna cos thats douchy.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='29 June 2010 - 08:43 PM' timestamp='1277862215' post='2354674']
Aye, and whilst we have an oilfield under the falklands the Government have a legit reason to stay.
so, please refrain from undermining me, IRL i know its quality isnt the best, but in CNRP, oil is oil and so it doesnt matter, I can also just go 2lolmyland i say what quality it is", but im not gonna cos thats douchy.

Actually if the oil is bad quality IRL it is bad quality in CNRP I am afraid.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' date='29 June 2010 - 08:49 PM' timestamp='1277862568' post='2354683']
Actually if the oil is bad quality IRL it is bad quality in CNRP I am afraid.
That's not true, at all.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='29 June 2010 - 08:52 PM' timestamp='1277862761' post='2354686']
where does it say that?
link please.

[quote name='Yawoo' date='29 June 2010 - 08:53 PM' timestamp='1277862764' post='2354687']
That's not true, at all.

So you are both saying we can change the land upon which we base our nation from its current status IRL.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='29 June 2010 - 08:55 PM' timestamp='1277862933' post='2354690']
No, we are saying quality of something doesnt matter in CNRP, cos oil is oil.

Hell, your RPing cities in Antarctica.
get a grip.
So please, no lectures about changing the lands.

I see, you have my apologies.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='29 June 2010 - 09:22 PM' timestamp='1277864531' post='2354722']
Calling shens on most of HHAYDs military equipment being used against JED.
its either impossible or so impractical it cant be used.

Meh just let it go JED seems to be accepting and lets be honest HHAYD needs all the help he can get. :lol1:

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='29 June 2010 - 09:25 PM' timestamp='1277864712' post='2354729']
if its not called out now, then its gonna carry on and get more absurd.

We have mars colonys though and right now they are impossible but are accepted because they are ingame. How about this if you can tell me why HHAYD's defenses are impossible I will let it go.

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because its in his new territory and hes never RP'd placing them, its been less than an RP year so even if development HAD been done, its nowhere near completion.
thirdly alot of his stuff is physicly impossible, IE they aint invented, or they would just explode midair just trying to turn.
Stuff like that.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='29 June 2010 - 09:36 PM' timestamp='1277865386' post='2354740']
because its in his new territory and hes never RP'd placing them, its been less than an RP year so even if development HAD been done, its nowhere near completion.
thirdly alot of his stuff is physicly impossible, IE they aint invented, or they would just explode midair just trying to turn.
Stuff like that.

Hmm I was hoping for a more detailed answer than that but okay, I can see your point however, remember that time goes by differently for each rper so to HHAYD he might have had time to build. Anyway thats all from me.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='29 June 2010 - 10:49 PM' timestamp='1277866159' post='2354761']
well an RP year is usually accepted as month. and to layer as many defences as he has done, would require well over a year.
Plus, he always seemed to have heavily-armed snipers and the like everywhere the invading forces went to.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' date='29 June 2010 - 06:54 PM' timestamp='1277862847' post='2354688']
So you are both saying we can change the land upon which we base our nation from its current status IRL.
People do that all the time. Unfortunate, but they have the right to do that with their land.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='29 June 2010 - 10:33 PM' timestamp='1277868802' post='2354797']
People do that all the time. Unfortunate, but they have the right to do that with their land.

So if, just as an example, I said that my antartic land was not ice/snow but nice normal grassland it would be okay.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' date='29 June 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1277868884' post='2354798']
So if, just as an example, I said that my antartic land was not ice/snow but nice normal grassland it would be okay.

I don't think it goes as far as landscape, but as far as cities and resources yeah I think so.

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[quote name='Shatner' date='29 June 2010 - 10:37 PM' timestamp='1277869024' post='2354800']
I don't think it goes as far as landscape, but as far as cities and resources yeah I think so.

See cities I can understand but resources are meant to be a part of the land so landscape goes hand in hand with them.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' date='29 June 2010 - 09:40 PM' timestamp='1277869223' post='2354804']
See cities I can understand but resources are meant to be a part of the land so landscape goes hand in hand with them.

I think resources only change if someone RP's their in game resources.

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[quote name='Shatner' date='29 June 2010 - 08:42 PM' timestamp='1277869328' post='2354805']
I think resources only change if someone RP's their in game resources.
This. Also, since resources don't come in degrees of potency IG, they don't in CNRP either unless the player wants to RP that,.

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I've been thinking, there are several RPers here whos' respective styles of RP are just [u]too realistic[/u]. I suppose one of the more apparent examples, in my mind at least, would be cochin. In specific we can see a number of actions and behaviors which are clearly outside of the norm for standard CNRP. While some might tout the so called excellent example he and others represent in terms of RP, in truth what we are really dealing with is the upset of the community established precedents that have come to characterize the [url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/!@#$%^&*]high standards[/url] of RP here.

For instance, during the Tahoe war Cochin actually role played logistics as well as realistic numerical values in troop deployments. This just won't do. For one who wants to deal with RL constraints, if I wanted to do that I wouldn't be sitting online playing RP for hours each day, I would be going outside, playing football, or some other insanity. The fact of the matter is it is a long established aspect of this game that logistical constraints of RL simply do not exist, mass armies numbering in the hundreds of thousands can be mobilized and deployed across the world in a mere 24 hours, paratroopers can be dropped behind enemy lines cut off for months or even years in game time due to their never ending food supplies, and tank columns and blitzkrieg tactics can always be used even in mountainous terrain and heavy jungle environments. Every reasonable person here knows that the real solution to war RP is to simply throw more soldiers and units at a battle so that you can latter point to your numerical advantage (and likely your tech level) to declare yourself the winner. So naturally we can't be bothered by trifles like physics and the intricacies of RL bureaucratic operation, there are clearly more important things at hand, like making sure you move at least [u]100[/u]k more troops than your enemy.

Another example would be Cochin's recent post in his deployments [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=60791&view=findpost&p=2355038]thread[/url].

[quote]This sustained fleet operation is expected to continue for at least 3 months before phased withdrawal for maintenance is conducted. [/quote]

The true issue I have with this can be found in the latter portion of the quoted section. "phased withdrawal for maintenance"... maintenance? What kind of nonsense is this, naval units in CNRP do not require maintenance. It is common knowledge that every piece of national infrastructure, every unit, every piece of equipment can operate at optimal efficiency for an indefinite period without any sort of maintenance or break down. Hell weapons in general :railguns:, are always 100% accurate, never overheat, and exhibit masterful application of theory on a level humanity has never before been capable of attaining. Again in general this just goes to show that Rpers like cochin simply are not playing along with the community and are off making up their own rules and standards while upsetting the carefully lobbied paradigm that we currently have. A system set up through thoughtful design and masterful implementation to give anyone with a massive IG nations a clear advantage. These Rpers which are trying to bring some semblance of reality back into the game need to be throttled, lest they erode the very foundations of the idyllic world we live within.

Third and finally there is the matter of tactics. During the Tahoan war Cochin among others were utilizing actual modern tactics and strategy within war and battle. This I find personally the most offensive of all. This RP is largely taking place in 2020 (or otherwise modern times), how dare they presume and impose upon us all that modern tactical methods are utilized. It is obviously just as likely, as well as largely supported by RP history that we for the most part utilize simple and straight forward human wave tactics of the medieval, and pre-industrial era. This simplifies the question of who the winner is, and feeds into the existing system which favors larger IG nations. Why would we want to complicate this further by including more subjective and abstract RP.

In short these RPers are usurping the more [s]logical[/s] [s]egalitarian[/s] better standards of the community in favor of their elitist ones. They clearly are attempting to set this game up so that they might utilize their superior knowledge of Military Science in an effort to seize and win the game for themselves. In reality they are playing in an entirely different RP universe than any of us, one which fundamentally different physical laws, one where being realistic actually means anything, one where you can't have 100,000 tons of conventional bombs loaded into a single transport, one where nuclear weapons are not launched at the first opportunity in war, and one where the ability to think actually means something at all. They are not playing CNRP, they are not even playing CNrp, or cnRP, they are playing some new and exotic game, RLRP. Their anti-social behavior should be exposed as their fidelity to reality is destroying RP. For all their supposed good intentions they are clearly acting in a way which is detrimental to the game.

/obvious satire


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Also, HHAYD, I want to know...just how are your defenses so effective?

I am not citing technological advantage, as that is balanced somewhat by defender's advantage in my opinion, but the fact that there has been nowhere near enough time for your defenses in the assaulted areas to be brought up to the level they seem to be operating at in your war with jed.

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