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The Arsenal of the People


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New Testing:

Triyunican researchers have begun focusing on developing a new metal storm fighting vehicle:


The unit will be testing new force penetrator long range propelled shells for anti armor and urban warfare, and another version with proximity detonating shells for anti air, infantry, and missile defense.

Edited by Triyun
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The nation of Tuland will lease 20 squadrons of F-22S (Sino) Raptor's with Generation 5 avionics.

Also we will buy 200 Asuras, 200 Titans, 700 Juggernauts, 700 Ogres as well as sufficient numbers of Mk-28's, J-M's, and Type 95's.

In addition, Tuland will buy 30 F-60s, 5 B-8 and 5 Tupolov squadrons, along with 200 Razorstorm ATV (Armored Tracked Vehicle)'s.

Edited by SkiingGuru1611
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We will begin weapons production on this arsenal right away.

The F-22 Sinos are of course already built and in mothball reserve with our airforces, we'll be converting them to G5s to transfer over.

*classified* G-6 technology is being kept on these units an UFE mechanics are being sent to prep them along with the latest air to air missiles.

Edited by Triyun
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Per private negotiations, Ile de Noir would like to purchase 8 squadrons of F-50 export model Air Superiority fighters, with a sufficient supply of spare parts. Maintenance will be done by UFE teams forwarded to our Paca aerodromes. We look forward to seeing what they can do. B)

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We would like to purchase enough of the Standard Infantry Armour to outfit our army and a squadron of A-10 Dragon's Claw ground attack aircraft. We would also be very interested in acquiring several suits of the advanced armour for the elite presidential guards and myself.

Please send us a quote about the pricing of these items.

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Orders for Skiing Guru's airforce are completed.

Orders for Neo Olympia are accepted.

The new Metal Storm Combat Vehicle is completed.

[unit specs]


Unit Name: Razorstorm ATV (Armored Tracked Vehicle)

Top Ground Speed: 110 kilometers per hour

Engine: Turbine


2 16-Tube 25 mm Metal Storm Cannons (10 rounds each tube)

Ammo Type Used: Propelled Proximity dispersing anti-air/ anti missile, propelled proximity fragmentation anti-personnel, Tungsten propelled armor piercing, propelled electro magnetic shell

8 sealable rifle slots,

4 anti personnel close in 50 caliber machine guns

Advanced Systems: BOR targetting systems, Generation-E Composite Armor.

Like with the Hydra and our other metal storm weapons this uses a roll casing, which allows for decreased friction and rapid reloading, in this case a enclosed arm is used for the reloader.

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Foreign Export Division

The UFE is pleased to announce North China Labs, is being founded as a foreign export company. The company is designed as a co-development project with the European Allies.


F-60 Hailstorm Strike Fighter

Unit Specifications:

Unit type: Semi-stealth Multi-role Fighter Interceptor

Engine Type: Scram Jet/ Pulse Detonation Engine

Maximum Speed: Mach 3.3

Supercruise: Mach 1.8

Manuverability: The Hailstorm is highly manueverable and the frame is built to withstand intense gee forces, allowing it to fly with the best of fighters in a dogfight.

Sensor Suite: Based on a simplified version of UFE Generation 6 Avionics, it is still capable of most of the feats of the UFE G6 Avionics, with top of the line LIDAR and RADAR, but on a much smaller chip making it more simple and cheaper to produce. It is capable of detecting and engaging enemy stealth fighters

Counter Measures: The unit has thermal and radar dampening units, additionally it is equipped with several counter measure detonation charges, which scramble enemy missile guidance systems when they move in close. The unit is also equipped with chaff and flares.


1 25 mm Gatling Cannon

1 Direct Energy Weapon (Similar to the one planned for the F-35 IRL 600 kW, designed to defeat enemy warheads primarily ground-air but also can be somewhat effective against other targets, especially other planes)

8 Missile Hardpoints

Additionally we are proud to announce the opening of Triyunica Euro Trade Zone:

We will begin constructions of new war factories in the Dutch Republic s part of both our commercial and military investment in the country.

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The Union of Eastern Soviet Republics would like to order 120 F-60 Hailstorm Strike Fighters.

We would also like to order 2,500 Juggernaut tanks, Sparrow Missile Systems, and UFE radar systems for the defense of our ships. Also, we would like to order the necessary upgrades to turn our Cruisers, which follow the same hull desing, into Zheng He class cruisers.

Edited by Cody Seb
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Orders will be fulfilled for Guru's order in the Yunnan factories and the UESR's orders in the Netherlands factories.

Additionally we will begin construction on juggernaut tanks for the UESR and the upgrade of their naval vessels with new Sonar, radar, air and missile defenses and upgrading their kirov cruisers to Zheng He class.

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OOC: Similar to the one proposed for the F-35 in the future.


The UFE has begun construction on the following force for the Dutchland Republic


3 Imperial Class Carriers

3 Revolution Class Assualt Ships

2 Franco Class SSBNs

3 Jade Emperor Battleships

3 Zheng He Battlecruisers

3 Qing Frigates

3 Pacific Wolf Battlecruisers

6 Sun Wukong Destroyers


15 F-50-B Squadrons

30 F-60 Squadrons

5 AB-52 Squadrons

5 B-8 Squadrons

5 Tu-160 Squadrons

5 AC-130 Squadrons

10 A-10 Squadrons

Multiple ECW and transport craft

Ground Forces:


100 Hind Supergunships

150 Titan Artillery Pieces

300 Razorstorm ATVs

900 Juggernaut Tanks

1050 Ogre Tanks

Additional Vehicles Provided:

Asura Command Vehicles



Type 95s

Armor Provided:

10, 000 SPECTRE Combat Armor suits

100, 000 Shock trooper armor suits

40, 000 Combat Engineer suits

100, 000 force recon armor suits

Infantry Weapons Provided:

80, 000 Hydra Assualt Rifles

700, 000 Barett Assualt Rifles

20, 000 Future Combat Systems

15, 000 guided rocket launchers

10, 000 heavy machine guns

8, 000 automatic grenade launchers

We're also research ABM weapons on the Gao (we got !@#$ loads of cash at this point)

Additionally we will continue to upgrade and force integrate our sizeable radar bases in Europe for our European allies and help them construct additional sites of their own to be added into the network

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OOC: The Gao would never fly, just look at it!


-Large blunt front

-Short wingspan

-Wings are placed high, that automatically puts them in a weaker spot.

-Scam jets wouldn't work on that thing, it couldn't go fast enough to use them.

I mean, seriously? It's like your strapping a toy rocket to a brick and calling it good.

There is a reason planes are the shape they are now, and why current ideas for continued work into large transports brings us into the flying wing design, because things need to be aerodynamic if you want them to fly.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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OOC: Never noticed the Gao... Ignoring the fact that the total weight of it's cargo/passangers would ensure that it won't get off of the ground.... The scramjets seem to be placed on the wings of the thing, which makes the thing extremely unstable and maneuverable. Combine that with the general structure of the plane plus it's total weight, and yeah, it fails hard. Edit: A few things about the F-60... First off, you do realize that having a PDE as your single engine is suicidal and means your fighter will be utterly powerless in dogfights and bombing runs? PDE's cannot work alone. Secondly, is the PDE using hydrogen fuel? If so, the range of your fighter will be almost nothing at all, because unlike other fuels, hydrogen fuel cannot be stored in the wings of aircraft and that (for the same amount of energy) hydrogen takes up four times as much space/volume as kerosene-based fuels. Thirdly, the laser will not be able to hurt aircraft or other targets, as it simply does not have the amount of energy needed to do so (lasers take up a helluva lot of energy). As well, one of the biggest problems with aerial lasers is keeping the beam together in Mach 1 speeds, never mind 2 or 3. Plus, judging by the size of the fighter, it will not be able to house and operate a laser as it simply does not have the space for it. The F-35B (not the A or C models) will be able to house a laser due the fact that it removes the STOVL lift-fan and replaces it with a shaft that links the laser directly to the engine (which is where it draws it's weapon).

Edited by Lavo_2
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OOC: Gao has been around for months and months. In my last nation, never was there an objection form it then, if people are really that pissy about it I can get another image, that one is just that a fun image.

As for the F-60: The PDE has been around on other aircraft which you actually praised. The laser system could be stored in a raft developed with considerable more technology in a more micronized power device.

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OOC: I have praised the PDE and still do. I am saying using it as an aircraft's only engine is suicidal. Please do not try to spin my words. As for the Gao, I'm questioning how it flies period. Looking at your description, it's total weight and volume is massive and unparalleled by any sort of RL aircraft with high cargo capacities such as the A380 and Tu-160. Hell, they don't even hold a candle to the Gao! Edit: As well, you do not have the tech yet to miniaturize the laser's power source.

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OOC: First off, 2012 is the earliest it can come out. Things, especially ones like this, never come out on time. Plus, the power source for the laser is the engine. I forgot to mention that (with the F-35B for example) they're replacing the STOVL fan with the shaft to the engine AND space for the laser.

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