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Missing Tech Dealer

Ultra Sarraz

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When i ussually do tech deals, i can see the name of he person i last send money to 15-20 days after i send it, that way i can easily send follow up messages to whom ever im dealing with, but this time when ten days arrived the dealer's name vanished, so now I dont have any memory who i send 3 mil to and they dont seem to eager to be willing to pay back. Could someone with sufficient authority please help me and check to see who the person i send 3 mil to is. I beg of you to do me this favor, otherwise i may have to contend with another faithless dealer.

My nation name is: Tenkyoken Sarraz

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When i ussually do tech deals, i can see the name of he person i last send money to 15-20 days after i send it, that way i can easily send follow up messages to whom ever im dealing with, but this time when ten days arrived the dealer's name vanished, so now I dont have any memory who i send 3 mil to and they dont seem to eager to be willing to pay back. Could someone with sufficient authority please help me and check to see who the person i send 3 mil to is. I beg of you to do me this favor, otherwise i may have to contend with another faithless dealer.

My nation name is: Tenkyoken Sarraz

For future reference, I think that when one of the 2 nations involved deletes the aid off their screen, it vanishes from both. You can do that by going to your foriegn aid page(NOT the public tabed one, the on on the left-hand column), and clicking delete on an expired one much as you would on a trade you cancelled.

EDIT: This is just a guess. Don't take my word for it, but it's what I have seen.

Edited by Chocolate Cookies
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Chocolate Cookies is right, if one of the involved nations deletes the expired aid offer it disappears from both nations list. Before the bug was fixed you had to delete the expired aid offers to free up the aid slot, but now you don't need to.

It's the same with PMs, if the reciver deletes your sent PM it disappears from your out box.

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