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Choosing the Right Alliance?

The Libra

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I posted this here because I don't want to get the thread inundated with "Join the ______ Alliance!" replies. I'd much rather have instead some guidance on how to best choose an alliance.

I've already got upwards of 30 messages, each one asking me to join an alliance. I fully expect more to roll in every hour until I join an alliance. The typical offers include something like:

* $3mil cash

* Trade Circles

* Guides

* Military protection.

* 30mil "techsplosion"

* Make $10's of Millions per Month

* $5-6mil in aid

* Millions per week in Tech Trading

* A democratic government where everyone gets a say

Now I was raised to believe you don't get something for nothing. So I'm naturally leery of anyone offering me millions of dollars just to join their alliance, unless a million is like pocket change and the initial $30k we start with is like a penny. I have no idea how tech trading works, but it sounds like making millions a week at it is probably also some sort of scam. However, I also am new enough at this game I have no idea how legit any of these claims are.

Just off my own ignorance and common sense, it seems like the best offers are the ones that include the "Democracy", Trade Circles, Guides, and Military Protection.

But admittedly, the idea of getting millions of dollars is appealing. I can only assume at this point it's a scam.

So... all that said... I really know very little about the sort of advantages and disadvantages that there are to the teams, the alliances, etc. And I really have no idea what it is that I should expect from an alliance before I even consider joining one.

Would anyone care to advise me on this?

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Well, tech dealing consists of people sending money to you so that you can buy tech and send it back (this is because at higher levels tech costs WAAAAY too much). The seller in a tech deal is pretty much in control of the situation so it's impossible really to be scammed.

Alliances often promise money in return of a most probably loyal member. It's very hard/impossible to be scammed here too, since if you don't see your money even after you messaged government members/regular members (depending on the alliance) about it, then you can just take up and leave.

I'll just say that pick the alliance with the most tempting offer and see what it's like there. If you don't like it, go somewhere else.

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* $3mil cash - typical amount, it's more important how you spend it... (i.e. construction and factories lower infra cost a lot)

* Trade Circles - depends on size of color sphere you choose (i.e. black, aqua, orange, blue are good)

* Guides - most alliances have these anyways, you can get most of what you need on Cyber Nations Forums

* Military protection. - look at the alliances' previous wars and who they have treaties with (find out what different types of treaties there are)

* 30mil "techsplosion" (... :blink: )

* Make $10's of Millions per Month - hopefully you will be, maybe not the first month though...

* $5-6mil in aid - typical amount, like above, just make sure you spend it wisely

* Millions per week in Tech Trading - average rates around 3M to send 100 tech in two packages of 50 tech each, purchase it 4.5+10+10+10+10+5.5 and you'll save an extra ~40K, and don't purchase above 50 to keep the cost down

* A democratic government where everyone gets a say - sounds fine, but make sure your leaders are competent and won't get your nation in trouble for something they do

3M is a lot easier to come by for larger nations, and alliance with a lot of stronger nations can afford to send out that amount since they usually have hundreds of millions on hand at any given time. Did admin change the $50K down to $30K?

The advantages to teams include such things as team size determining how likely you are to find the resources you would like to trade for, and depending on the color sphere how unified a team is you may find more or less protection - also look at which alliances have rooted themselves in which colors. The second best thing to determine which alliance you might like to choose is to look at their wiki page (if they have one) and find out what wars they have participated in and take the time to read their charter - these are the rules & laws the leaders of the alliance have laid down, if you break those you might see yourself expelled from that alliance or ZI'd for your misdirections.

Cyber Nations Wiki: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

Edited by Begovic
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3mil is a pretty standard new member aid package.

Tech deals will make you over 1.2mil every 10 days if you do them right.

Trade circles, guides - pretty standard for any member of a real alliance.

Everything else you mentioned is used to get a member to be active. For the most part, you'll only be getting oodles of free money for being an active, enthusiastic and quick learning member of your alliance.

There are many, many alliances that offer a lot of incentives, so I advise you to pick based on what can't be harvested from a huge nation: camaraderie. Its the most important part of having fun in an alliance. Trouble is, its hard to determine where you'll find a good home. Just look at the public portions of their forums, check for a lot of activity, few jerks, and good spelling.

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There are many, many alliances that offer a lot of incentives, so I advise you to pick based on what can't be harvested from a huge nation: camaraderie. Its the most important part of having fun in an alliance. Trouble is, its hard to determine where you'll find a good home. Just look at the public portions of their forums, check for a lot of activity, few jerks, and good spelling.

This is the best advice you can probably get.

Edited by Begovic
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Pretty much every alliance will offer some form of aid and all but the smallest will be able to set you up in trade circles and tech deals. I would advise having a look around here and seeing what people you like and what alliances their part of, and have a look in the 'Player Created Alliances' forum where alliances advertise for members. Also, there's no obligation to registering on a forum so have a look at a load and see which set-ups/communities appeal to you.

Good luck!

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If I were you, I would spend my first few months in the Citadel Trading Company.

Why that? You get almost all benefits any alliance out there can offer:

- Protection: and as Citadel Protectorate that is not only a word. Your Protectors are the definition of sheer crushing firepower in CN themselves + they have excellent political relations.

- Guides: You can learn directly from the most successful nation-growing alliances in the game.

- Cash: All your aidslots will be constantly filled with 3,000,000 cash offers for techbusiness. As often as you want. You can basically get 15 Million cash instantly by accepting 5x100tech deals and have a nice start capital to build a fine nation basement.

- Trade Circles: Probably nowhere is a higher density of trade circles and temptrade-offers than in Citadel.

On the other hand you have almost no obligations like in the usual alliances. No one tells you what to do, no one forces you to be active or to participate somewhere, no one forces you to contribute in any kind of stuff or to vote for certain people, to fight for them or to elect someone. You can simply sit relaxed, watch the global politics and try to find out which alliance might be the best for your future in CN.

Last but not least, as reliable CTC dealer you have good chances to join one of the Citadel Alliances, which are usually pretty picky with their membership - for a reason. Even if you join somewhere else, having good relations to Citadel never hurts.

No question: If you want to learn the game quick and efficiently, CTC is your place to go for the first few months.

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Excellent advice all around and most certainly answers I didn't expect. I was certain the millions of dollars were scam offers. It's nice to know that's not the case.

I'll be able to better research the best fit with these answers. CTC sounds intriguing as well.

Of course, I still have to re-create, as I gimped my nation already. That's what I get for not reading the guide before I made a nation.

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Incidentally, 3 mil is pocket change, and $30k is more like pocket lint than an actual penny.

Edit: Also what resources do you have? It's impossible to screw up a new nation in any meaningful way and if you have good resources, you're not going to want to restart.

Edited by Delta1212
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Gold and Wine, ouch. You should seriously consider restarting. You possess an amazing ability to type and reason - you will be a great addition to any alliance with these two things alone, but having those resources is kinda rough. Rerolling (if you get some good resources) will make finding and keeping trade partners/circles throughout your time here in CN.

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Gold and Wine, ouch. You should seriously consider restarting. You possess an amazing ability to type and reason - you will be a great addition to any alliance with these two things alone, but having those resources is kinda rough. Rerolling (if you get some good resources) will make finding and keeping trade partners/circles throughout your time here in CN.

Gold+Wine is not that bad, because he is an ideal participant of an FJ/AP/Steel-Circle which is a very strong setup. The only problem is that most people still have not realized that.

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...most people still have not realized that.

I'm honestly wondering how many people telling him to restart have actually done any math to judge which trade circles are good and bad. There seems to be many myths floating around CN about trade circles.

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I'm honestly wondering how many people telling him to restart have actually done any math to judge which trade circles are good and bad. There seems to be many myths floating around CN about trade circles.

the amount of people still advertising for 8BG circles is everything you need to know. From all available options they chose "the one with the most bonusgoods!!!!!!!11111" because that just looks cool. Almost everything else would be better than that, but well.

Edited by (DAC)Syzygy
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Well, I went ahead and rerolled and things went really well. I now have Fish and Sugar. Using the nation building guide, I ended up getting in a much better position with my first "turn" than I had been after 5 days of stumbling around the first time.

I really appreciate all the helpful advice, insight, and answers. This forum is remarkably civil compared to most.

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Well, I went ahead and rerolled and things went really well. I now have Fish and Sugar. Using the nation building guide, I ended up getting in a much better position with my first "turn" than I had been after 5 days of stumbling around the first time.

I really appreciate all the helpful advice, insight, and answers. This forum is remarkably civil compared to most.

That part is siggable because of how hilariously wrong it is. You seem to be lucky in responses so far, though.

Anyway, the best thing you can do at this point is to stop collecting taxes. Spend the next week or two setting up tech deals to make some money. Use that to pay your bills. Once you hit around 15 days of not collecting taxes, spend the money you've made on infra and then collect taxes.

That should give you a really nice boost.

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That's a nice re-roll. Fish is the best "wildcard" resource in the set you will likely be going for (fast food, construction, beer). A wild card resource is one that isn't needed for any bonus resources in the trade set you have. And sugar is a solid resource, and it's used for fast food.

Again, if you don't really want to be part of an alliance with a government, but receive full benefits, then Citadel Trading Company is a good one. If you want to be part of an actual alliance right away, you should look at the Sanction Race Thread. Then if you get onto IRC you can join their channels and go to their forums and read their charters. This will give you a good idea of what their alliance is like. Make sure that if you read that thread you view the latest update, the one on the first page doesn't always have the most up-to-date top alliances.

Good luck.

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Meh, I disagree.

I can acknowledge some alliances function better non-democratically (though all my alliances are democratic) , so the OP is biased.

This argument isn't limited to alliance government type either.

Just include criteria that are universally agreed on.

I need to start reading the entire OP's

Edited by thedestro
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Meh, I disagree.

I can acknowledge some alliances function better non-democratically (though all my alliances are democratic) , so the OP is biased.

This argument isn't limited to alliance government type either.

Just include criteria that are universally agreed on.

What? He was asking for advice...

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