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Join Ragnarok!

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Do not join ragnarok. They are a bunch of tech raiders who destroy alliances who did nothing to them.

Redsoxfreak, I don't think that your alliance would appreciate you badmouthing Ragnarok, especially when we are on the road to being Sanctioned.

And to be frank, your protectors don't appreciate it either.

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Address your weaknesses. Work on your weaknesses until they become strengths. Work on your strengths until they become second nature. If you depend too

much on tech, work on infra. Are you strong enough? Are you man enough, big and bad enough? Are you passionate? Or just angry? Learn to cut out the dumb

stuff. Are you a division commander or foot-soldier? Battle hero or cannon fodder? Does the Planet Bob revolve around you or by-pass you? When was your last

login? When's your next nation wonder purchase? What is it going to be? Could you take a nuke? Consistently? Would you be able to hit back? Consistently? Can

you perform a tech raid? Would Hoo let you? Would you get any profit out of it? Can you make your military do what you want? What you damn well want?

Can you fight a nation half your size? Your size? Twice your size? Triple-teamed? Are you first to check the forums? Last logging out? Every day?

How badly do you want to Rok?

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