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I'm disappointed you didn't mention us...wouldn't have anything to do with the little war we just finished with you guys, would it?

Not at all, Slayer. I would certainly rank TPF above many alliances if I were myself looking for a new alliance, but I didn't have time to list all of them. For me, forum/IRC activity are really important, and TPF doesn't seem to stand out for its size in those areas. Although you do have some quality discussions going on in your public forums, which I fondly remember partaking in as ambassador from the ASC. One thing that TPF does truly excel at, is protectorates. I would definitely recommend anyone looking to start an alliance to look at the OPP, you guys do it rite.

I am pleased at the show of support from MK. The reasons that I did not mention MK should be obvious to any player who has been here more than a week, namely that they are under terms similar to those of Athens. I only mentioned my own alliance out of vanity. :awesome:

If you want to play to win, regardless of anything else, then there is no other choice than the NPO. They are in my mind the unquestioned masters of this, and I respect them for it. I do not list them in my top picks of alliances, because I do not agree with their philosophy of gameplay, in what is ultimately a roleplaying game. To me, Cybernations should be about having fun and not about "winning". I believe in the right of all alliances to thrive and prosper according to their personalities, their voices, their style. I do not believe that any alliance should have its existence or prosperity threatened by force for no reason other than winning - including the NPO. I feel that the grudges that develop over time in this game poison it, cause it to stagnate, and ultimately set up sad and self-perpetuating cycles of petty hatred. The NPO has a lot of amazing things about it. Some of the best forums I have ever seen, one of the best and most developed alliance cultures in the game, superb leadership (though I don't agree with everything they do, by any means). They have interesting people, and they should be #1 on your list if you want to "win" and keep "winning" as an alliance. Because they do that. :awesome: Personally, though, I just want to keep having fun. :) To each his own.

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I will not recruit you, but if you want to join The German Empire, you're welcome to, we offer protection, start aid, a close knit community, and an excellent atmosphere based on Victorian and WWI era Germany, www.thegermanempire.com . Welcome to the game.

Just saw the first response and decided to reply. There were probably other posts like this in the thread.

However, if you don't plan to recruit them, don't reply in the thread (with a link to your forums and such; I'm obviously not recruiting with this post). Even if you don't make promises, you are definitely recruiting them by psoting a link to your forums or even mentioning your alliance.

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For the OP

I would suggest spending some time on the red team as an unalligned nation while you scour the communications hub on Plant Bob [ooc]these forums[/ooc] for the kind of alliance you wish to be associated with. You would also go to the public data library [ooc]wiki[/ooc] to look up the various charters and constitutions of the multiple alliances there.

You are in a good position since you now have had a lot of good people give you suggestions and ways and means to decide upon the alliance you wish to join, better than the average new nation that just joins an alliance because they liked the recruitment propaganda of a particular alliance.

Once you have a short list of alliances you feel would be good for you to join, you could always get on to the back channels of communication also referred to as IRC and visit their channels, talk to a few of their members and then make up your mind.

Welcome to planet Bob/digiterra; have fun.

Edit: Spellings :(

Edited by Alfred von Tirpitz
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Thanks y'all! I have looked around this place for hours, and I have narrowed it down a bit!

Do you command an army of soldiers drunk on peppermint schnapps? If so, you can join my alliance. You will feel good enough to shout after signing up.

It's actually Jägerman's S'More flavored schnapps, but I do. Luckily I have it by the tank-truck-full. :D

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well hey there! I remember sending you a message earlier in the week. I guess I was one of the 10 that you recieved.. lol. anyway. My name is Rattlehead. I am a proud member of the Perennis Imperium. I will just say that I think you would fit in really well in our alliance. we are a small alliance, but we are growing. If you want a say in how things turn out in an alliance, and help shape the future of it, then come on and check us out.

http://s10.invisionfree.com/Perennis. I sure hope to see ya there. If not, then good luck!


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