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Alliance for open version

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I have an idea of how to get to the top 10 in CN TE. If you wish to join me in the top ten please tell me ahead of time here. I will post the alliance name when the open version opens. And admin please do not mark me, I'm planning ahead to get people psyched for this game!

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Why don't I keep my own alliance? Good question. You see CN:TE is not SN. So why not change it up a bit. Have me take out one of my own leaders, or have NPO be a noob alliance. Something different. Just to make things interesting. I already play CN so why would I want to play TE if it was the same thing?

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Why don't I keep my own alliance? Good question. You see CN:TE is not SN. So why not change it up a bit. Have me take out one of my own leaders, or have NPO be a noob alliance. Something different. Just to make things interesting. I already play CN so why would I want to play TE if it was the same thing?

Oi! You're marked down in my books Alex :ph34r:

Personally I don't intend on joining with the same alliance I'm in now, lets make it interesting! I'll go under a different alise so I can cause havoc in my bid to rule the world! Mwahahaha

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Dinner Naked has done plenty of \m/ugging on pink sphere the last couple of days :awesome:

Want to be a signatory of, You got \m/ugged?

It'll be an ONAP,

Article 1.

We may not kill you, depends if we're bored or not.

Article 2.

We might \m/ug some random alliances together

Article 3.

Treaty is canceled, when one alliance gets "Bored"

I personally think it has some class :popcorn:

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Want to be a signatory of, You got \m/ugged?

It'll be an ONAP,

Article 1.

We may not kill you, depends if we're bored or not.

Article 2.

We might \m/ug some random alliances together

Article 3.

Treaty is canceled, when one alliance gets "Bored"

I personally think it has some class :popcorn:

awesome let me join

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