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Question regarding surrender terms and the ToS

King Srqt

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My question is in regards to the ruling that forcing someone to give admin access to a private forum in order to secure peace is against the ToS. that ruling can be found here http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...st&p=709248

and here is the quote also

Does the new wording also include admin-access to privately owned, funded and run websites, boards, servers, software (calculators/tools) etc.?

Are those real life possessions? Yes they are.

Recently surrender terms were given to GATO in game that included having a viceroy from NPO installed who would be given Root admin access to the GATO forums. To me this seems like a clear cut violation of the rules. I have discussed this with a few people in order to get different view points and the only counter argument seems to be that it is not extortion if GATO complied.

That argument however is false. In order to extort someone you actually need to receive something. Extortion is defined as "to obtain from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or illegal power". War and the threat of continued war is most certainly force and intimidation. So seeing as though NPO received Root admin access to the GATO forums through extortion it would seem to me that it is in fact a rules violation.

I am completely uninvolved in this specific situation but I believe that regardless of what the involved parties may want keeping the integrity of the game rules is more important.

I suppose my question is if this is against the rules. If it is I believe it needs to be addressed and something should be done.

Edited by KingSrqt
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I was just thinking the exact same thing actually. However, I'm not entirely convinced it does break the rules since

I interpret, that it does break the rules. However, that's just how I understand it, you have to get the Game Staff to confirm or admin. I'll point them in this direction.

(Useless post of mine, I know)

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Its NPO they can do whatever they want remember..

Last I checked Admin was the ultimate power in Digiterra.

Anyway I'm also very interested in what the response will be. I hope that Admin and the Moderation staff will set a clear precedent one way or the other and enforce their decision fairly and uniformly as they always do.

o/ Admin

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I believe this is a question more directed at the moderation team than the community, seeing as I doubt the community could correctly interpret admin's reasonings and whatnot (I heard even the Mods themselves had trouble with that :o ).

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If GATO had a problem with the terms they could have raised their concerns to the mod team or myself and we would have reviewed the situation. Since they did not I see no reason to continue this discussion.

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