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Value of the Interstate system?


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I was wondering when i should invest in the Interstate wonder. I have 7600 Infa and a couple of wonders (SSS, SM, temple, Internet).

It seems like there is a big cost increase on the 8,000 infa mark, but the happiness from the other wonders is much better when i am saving up money.

Here is the order i was thinking of(Just cant decide on the IS):

1-National Research Lab

2-Great University(I should have 3000 tech by then)

3-Disaster Relief Agency

4-Great Monument

5-National War Memorial

6-Space Program

Thanks for the help!

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as soon as your gonna jump

This person is right. Get it before the 8K jump.

I was wondering when i should invest in the Interstate wonder. I have 7600 Infa and a couple of wonders (SSS, SM, temple, Internet).

It seems like there is a big cost increase on the 8,000 infa mark, but the happiness from the other wonders is much better when i am saving up money.

Here is the order i was thinking of(Just cant decide on the IS):

1-National Research Lab

2-Great University(I should have 3000 tech by then)

3-Disaster Relief Agency

4-Great Monument

5-National War Memorial

6-Space Program

Thanks for the help!

The GU is equal to other +5 happiness wonders at 2,700 tech.

Also, the SP sucks compared to other wonders. Even if you don't plan on getting in many wars, you'll want at least the SDI. I'm very economically focused, and even I'm getting a few military wonders before the SP and MI.

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I tell the players I train on nation building that it needs to be one of the few must-haves before you jump 8K infra.

You can get by without it before then, but not after. It is expensive, however. Waiting until just before 8K works great.

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I was at just over 5k infra and it saved me about 300k/day on bills...

Does this depend on your trade set, or something? I was looking at this one myself, and I am really not sure when I should get it. I won't even consider it until after I cross the 5k infra barrier, but even then for it to be as valuable as the economic wonders I would have to be buying 20 infra a day on average...and I am not sure if I will be doing that. The money it saves you on bills is not enough by itself to justify buying it over a +5 happiness wonder say.

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Of course your bills relate to your trades. The interstate only relates to your nation, obviously. I got it for my 5k Infra jump. Its not just what you save on bills, but also on the cost of infra. I found it well worth the money at 5k infra

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Your first three economic improvements should be SSS, Stock Market, and Interstate. Though not necessarily in that order.

I am willing to give you the SM and the SSS, but after looking over my position I am going to argue the IS does not have to be your 3rd or 4th wonder without exception. I did the math for my nation; If I went IS I would save $132k on bills/day, and if I buy 20 infra a day I will save another $130k. Sounds great, but if I buy a +5 happiness wonder instead I will make another $354k/day. The +5 wonder is flat out better, and that is not even considering I am not ready to do the 5k jump yet so I won't be buying any infra for a while. Past the 5k jump it gets much closer, but it always depends on you buying more infra. I'm going to suggest the IS is not ALWAYS the best 3rd wonder, but it should certainly be considered.

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Does this depend on your trade set, or something? I was looking at this one myself, and I am really not sure when I should get it. I won't even consider it until after I cross the 5k infra barrier, but even then for it to be as valuable as the economic wonders I would have to be buying 20 infra a day on average...and I am not sure if I will be doing that. The money it saves you on bills is not enough by itself to justify buying it over a +5 happiness wonder say.

It saved me about that much as well with the FF/Beer/Constr fish/uranium trade set.

Edited by alden peterson
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