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Benefits to Alliances, and am I getting spam???


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Well, I assume the benefits to an alliance would be other countries having your back. But would you also become a target for opposing alliances?

I am also getting messages in my inbox like, "Join us and receive $3,000,000". Is this true? Just spam? How do you pay it back?

I am really considering an alliance but it just seems like there are so many, and being new to this game I am basically completely clueless to who is who and what is what in terms of good and bad.

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Benefits of joining an alliance

- They often give you money

- They often help you with the game

- They provide a pretty decent community as you get to know other players well

- They often will support you in war

Negatives of joining an alliance

- You might not like your allies

- You might not agree with their CN politics

- They might help you

- They might get you unnecessarily into wars

Your choice.

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Yeah all major alliances give large amounts of starter money, the only catch being you have to sign up and usually can't leave immediately after receiving it. At the MCXA we don't advertise based on this, but we give 3m as well, I believe it's pretty standard. You never are required to pay it back, and alliances will protect you from the constant barrage of people who raid unaligned nations. The only reason not to join an alliance would be that you don't like the community atmosphere or something along those lines. In almost all cases it's better to join an alliance, though you have to choose the right one for you of course...

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Basically, you have so many options it will make your head spin. Do you want the anonymity of a huge alliance with lots of members, or do you want to be part of a small alliance on the ground floor as they build? Also take into account your RP style. Do you like the war aspect of the game? If so, joining one of the larger alliances is probably a good idea. Many of them go to war at the drop of a hat, so you'll get your fill. If you prefer to build your nation economically without the hassles of war, then your alliance choice slims considerably as there are few completely war-free alliances if any. GPA used to be the "neutral" standard, but even they have been involved militarily recently. In that case, I would advise joining the red sphere as a none. Your nation would be relatively unharmed, and if you were attacked, the NPO has an avenue to redress any grievances. It isn't easy finding the right fit for you, and I wish you all the best.

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It's possible that joining an alliance will wind up getting you involved in a war, but not joining one is pretty much the one sure way to guarantee someone will target you. If you want to avoid frequent war, best to join an alliance. As for the other questions, yes, it's probably true, yes, I'd still consider it spam (even though I do it myself) and no, you don't have to pay it back (usually).

If you have any questions about specific alliances or whatever, feel free to PM me. I don't mind helping out the new guys land on their feet.

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Regarding the 3 mil:

Most larger nations easily collect that much in taxes every day, so for them to send out 3,000,000 really is not that much money. For example I manage to net over 5 million each day, so 3 mil to me really is not that much.

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Well, I assume the benefits to an alliance would be other countries having your back. But would you also become a target for opposing alliances?

Potentially, yes. If the alliance you join ends up getting drawn into a conflict with another alliance then anyone flying their affiliation naturally becomes a target on the battlefield.

However, if you do not join an alliance you are effectively a permanent target of opportunity for every jackass in the world who feels like beating up on someone who has no real serious defenses against it so they can steal your stuff.

I am also getting messages in my inbox like, "Join us and receive $3,000,000". Is this true? Just spam? How do you pay it back?

It's true unless they're lying. And if they're lying... leave.

It's doubtful they would be interested in you paying it back. It's to their benefit to build you up so you are a more effective soldier in their ranks, they're being compensated by your presence on their roster already.

I am really considering an alliance but it just seems like there are so many, and being new to this game I am basically completely clueless to who is who and what is what in terms of good and bad.

You have a couple ways you can go.

1. You can join one of the truly major powers. This tends to leave you more secure during relatively peaceful periods in the world, but if there's a truly major inter-alliance war (it's only a matter of time before it happens again somehow) the major powers also tend to be so extensively tied into mutual defense and aggression pacts that you're almost definitely going to end up in combat.

2. You can join a smaller alliance on the fringes of the major power blocs. Slightly less security in general but usually still more than enough to shield you against casual acts of violence, and greater flexibility to place yourself somewhere where you won't end up being dragged in the next time Armageddon breaks out.

Of course there are a lot of other considerations as well, but those are probably the two major categories you'd be looking at. For the first, just click on "Display all alliances" on your nation control panel and browse around those ones up around the top of the list until you find one you like. For the second you'll have to dig a bit more, there's a LOT of smaller alliances in various nooks and crannies of CN.

And of course, whatever way you go you want to end up with a group of people you won't want to strangle after interacting with them for a week...

(Edit: ODN I see... they're good orange people. Make sure you get some cake.)

Edited by Reformentia
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The assumption that the 3 million or whatever alliances offer you is completely free is a bit deceptive. Once you get very powerful, the idea is that you will be able to aid the people who were in your spot. At least that is how it works everywhere I have seen it.

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If you are unsure about the political part and want to get some experience first, stay unaligned but go to the red team (all nations without alliance are under protection of the New Pacific Order there, one of the strongest alliances in the game). You can stay there and grow on your own as long as you stay peaceful.

As alternative you can apply for the Citadel Trading Company, which is a business venture and under protection of 5 Alliances (The Order of the Paradox, The Grämlins, Old Guard, Fifth Column Confederation and Umbrella). You can learn there how to do business in CN and how most of the game mechanics work, while being protected from unwanted aggression.

Once you have grown a bit and have a rough overview of the global politics you may chose an alliance that fits you and your opinions best and join them.

Edited by (DAC)Syzygy
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