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Alliance War Resignations/Surrenders


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Originally posted by Smith.

War means resignations. Don't flood the forums, post here.

Do not reply to resignations unless you are resigning yourself.

Do not post here if you are not resigning. If you do so you will receive a warning.

Do not ask for mask removals because you resigned a long time ago. This is strictly for those resigning from a current alliance conflict.



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I, Hyran of The Texas League, surrender to the forces of BLEU and resign my position in the NADC. I also agree to abide by the designated surrender terms.

Nation: The Texas League

Ruler: Hyran

Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=89883

My public post: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...mp;#entry359773

As the NADC can affirm, I withdrew several days ago, even before surrender terms were offered and despite being told by my attackers that they would continue their offensive. I did this because I am/have been constantly dissapointed with NADC leadership over the past 3-4 months. The only reason I remained in the alliance was because the guilds origional founder was talking about giving the guild a purpose, ceasing to be isolationist and joining BLEU. Clearly that individual did not speak for the guild as he had several weeks to improve NADC relationships between BAPS and the BLEU offensive.

Regardless, this is not meant to be a flame, simply a public announcement of my resignation and and acceptance of the surrender terms - although I never considered myself to be at war with my BLEU opponents.

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I, DonHumpador of Humpadoria, surrender to the forces of BLEU and resign my position in the NADC. I also agree to abide by the designated surrender terms.

Nation : Humpadoria

Nation Ruler : DonHumpador

Nation Link : http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=183248

Public Post : http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...=213&st=500

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I, Molsen of Molstrom, surrender to the forces of BLEU and resign my position in the NADC. I also agree to abide by the designated surrender terms.

Nation: Molstrom

Ruler: Molsen

Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=123147

I cannot register at CN forums so can someone from Bleu put this there for me?

^ From the BLEU forums regarding the NADC - BLEU war.

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I, Centurius of Kanteero, surrender to the forces of BLEU and resign my position in the NADC. I also agree to abide by the designated surrender terms.



Link: http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...ation_ID=188949

It will be 1 Februar before I can decomission tanks and troops because I already decommisioned these units today.

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Posting Sir Goode's surrender from NADC for him, he does not have an account.

He, Sir Goode of the NADC, surrenders to the forces of BLEU and also resigns from his current position in the NADC, and he agrees to all surrender terms.

Edited by masterof9puppets
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Posting for this NADC guy who doesn't have an account on CN forums but posted on BLEU forums


I, (Rhaiat) of (mexicas), surrender to the forces of BLEU and resign my position in the NADC. I also agree to abide by the designated surrender terms.




Edited by Thrash
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Posted for Freki.

I, Freki of Das Asgard, surrender to the forces of BLEU and resign my position in the NADC. I also agree to abide by the designated surrender terms.

Nation: Das Asgard

Ruler: Freki


I resigned from NADC the day the war started and i no longer have access to retrieve a copy of my resignation on thier forums.

I also cant sign up for the Cyber nations forum either.

[*]Decommission soldier levels to below 30%

[*]Decommission all tanks, aircraft, nuclear weapons, cruise missiles

[*]Destroy Anti-Air Defense Network, Foreign Air Force Base, Hidden Nuclear Silo, Pentagon and SDI wonders

[*]Destroy missile defense, satellites, barracks and guerrilla camps and intelligence agencies

[*]All decommissioning must be completed within 48hrs of making this application.

[*]Must maintain in-game AA of BLEU POW for the duration of the war

[*]Must post a surrender in the CN surrender thread, resigning from the NADC. (please link to this post in your application)

[*]For the duration of the war you will remain a BLEU POW, you will be protected by the collective forces of BLEU from hostile attacks and free to move as you choose once the war is over.

If you fulfill the above requirements then BLEU will go over your application for surrender and either approve or deny it. If you have been cooperative and not caused undue trouble (such as nukes or threats towards BLEU members) then your surrender will likely be accepted.

Edited by KingRich
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Posting for Toltar:

I,Toltar of Hag Graef, surrender to the forces of BLEU and resign my position in the NADC. I also agree to abide by the designated surrender terms.

Nation : Hag Graef

Nation Ruler : Toltar

Nation Link : http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...Nation_ID=88140

Public Post : Couldn't be done, i'm not having an account and the OWF couldn't accept more registrations at this time. :(

I hope this won't be destructing for any surrendering...

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Posting for The Fuhrer:

I,The Fuhrer of Fight Club, surrender to the forces of BLEU and resign my position in the NADC. I also agree to abide by the designated surrender terms.

Nation : Fight Club

Nation Ruler : The Fuhrer

Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=140550

He can't register on the forums.

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I,Jack.s of Republic of Wales, surrender to the forces of BLEU and resign my position in the NADC. I also agree to abide by the designated surrender terms.

Nation : Republic of Wales

Nation Ruler : Jack.s

Nation Link : http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=48040

Public Post : I Can't, i don't have an account on the CN forums and there are no registrations allowed.

Same as the others..can't register.

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I am posting this surrender to BLEU on behalf NADC member trint7 of Trint Land and include his resignation from NADC as he is unable to register on the CN forums to post himself.

To: SgtSmurf66 From: trint7 1/30/2008 9:41:51 PM Subject: RE: POW

I am not registered on the CN forum and it will not accept any new registries. I have posted and done all other requirments.

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