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This is URGENT...


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I'm looking for maybe an alliance that wants to to maybe send one or two people who are ahead of him to attack him. Looks like TFD may already have hold of that though lol. He stole 3 mil from them yesterday. And at the moment he only has 3000 troops defending and no tanks at all. He also has a low tech level, if I hadn't of undeployed all my stuff earlier, I'd attack him with everything I've got.

EDIT: And he's in defcon 5. This is irritating. He's taunting me.

Edited by Notatalldude
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You don't see the people you raid come on the boards baaaaaawwwwwwwing about it, you shouldn't either. If you can't defend the tech you're supposed to be selling, join an alliance or move to the red team. Don't come here expecting sympathy for something YOU DO TOO. You can't go, OH I'M GETTING RAIDED, THAT'S MESSED UP!! ...

but I also raid people when I can! Help me when I can't handle myself and the shoe is on the other foot!

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At the end of the day this was never going to get you anywhere - nobody's going to come running unless they have a good reason to (TFD obviously do).

You seem like a decent guy so learn from it - if you willingly and openly expose yourself to tech raiding nobody appreciates you moaning about it when the answers are obvious (and no matter your take on the situation, people will see it as moaning).

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Chief, you don't need to stress. STD ran away with 3 million from TFD that were supposed to pay recruitment. He'll be punished accordingly. No need to all of this.

We're not falling in love with you either, however STD needs a lesson.

Edited by Lusitan
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Notatalldude you need to learn if you want to tech raid and be independant then you are also going to be tech raided. There is no need asking for help on the CN forums, it is your problem if you get tech raided. TFD is looking in to it as he owes us money, however we will not be doing it to help you. You where once a member and helped out, we thank you for that but once you left and became independant you had no protection from anyone.

We will do what is needed to sort STD out but you should join an alliance in order to protect yourself.

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I would just like to confirm these two (Notatalldude & Spectretehdestroyer) are not members of The Foreign Division anymore.

I should also say a nation levelled claims of extortion against Notatalldude when he was with us... If it is true or not I don't know.

To: circlewood From: Terry Howard 3/15/2008 3:40:05 PM Subject: have a word


this guy is trying to be funny wanting tech but it will get you in a heap of do do if i send it as im on zi as will any one who gets tech and such like from me. I do not wish to see your alliance have the same out come as mine for on member being a fool

To: circlewood From: Terry Howard 3/16/2008 7:08:01 AM Subject: RE: have a word

he is demanding tech saying he will get his alliance involved and things like that. i told him he only need ask as imoff loading the tech. he has DOW on me so illhave my contacts kill him off. I and my alliance may be daed but i made some very good contacts over the past 18 months

Spectretehdestroyer did leave us after getting 3 million in aid but we are in the process of recovering it right now.

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I think this settles it. As much as GSA would like some experience, we see no need to be involved in this. Best to all of you NATD and TFD.

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Going indy without a protectorate or going into peace mode means you take your chances.

You say you want to be alone.

So now you are, with all the risks that come with it.

You took that risk and now you are reaping what you sowed.

You should accept that you gambled and you lost. Be a man about it.

Furthermore, this topic is NOT a gameplay subject. It is a political topic that belongs in OWF.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't ever start a thread in marked urgent in loud capital letters again unless something is on fire. Literally.

This was not urgent, was misplaced, and kudos go to the other players participating who stayed on topic and managed to stay even marginally patient.

Hello, meet the mods of CyberNations. We don't call you names and wish death-by-toilet-humor upon you like the mods in your sig, but we also don't tolerate "crap." Thanks and have a nice day!

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