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There's a dude who just attacked me. Now he is saying for me to give him 50 tech when his slots are open or he'll zi me. Problem is, I'm currently in a one to one tech deal, the guy recieving the tech is in a large alliance, but it's peaceful, and by the time my attacker's aid slots open, I'll probably be in bill lock and anarchy. I know I've done tech raiding in the past, but this guy is like using extortion, and attempting to destroy me. When I tech raid, which I don't do all that often, I take what I need, I use cautious attacks, try not to do anything with missles or aircraft, I just try to take a small amount of tech, and leave it be, then I offer peace. Maybe it's mean, but not as bad as destroying a nation for 4-5 days and THEN making the nation pay. He's also alliance-less.

So, this is where you come in. Anyone posting something like "Oh well sucks to be you" will be reported to a mod. Now I want to know if there are perhaps any small or large for that matter, alliances that may be able to help me. Whether it's loaning me a little bit of aid to get an edge on this guy (He is at about 5700, I'm at 4900, so not that much) or perhaps having one or two people attack him. I just want to last long enough to finish my tech deal, I can take it from there on. I will give further details when, or should I say if, some alliance agrees to help me a bit.

Or, gameplay advice, such as tips on maybe hitting this guy back, since right now he has 9000 defending, and I have 5000 troops in all. It was 12000 defending on my side about a week ago, but I get hit by raiders A LOT, especially during tech deals, which is ultimately the only reason I do tech raids. Anyway like any advanced strategies of any sort, DO NOT direct me to a guide in CN forums, chances are I've already read it, if you think there's a good tip inside a guide the quote it in a post or something. One more thing, do not direct me the foreign aid thread, I doubt that has worked for more than maybe 5 people? Plus I need something that'll work faster.

Now, I guess that's about it. Oh and I just remembered, also, the only place I'm quite a bit stronger than him is tanks, and tech, other than that he's far ahead in aircraft and soldiers.

Also, again no messages like "Well I guess you shouldn't have tech raided in the first place" or etc. Only helpful posts.

Any help?

Edited by Notatalldude
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He doesn't have an alliance. Well, a three man alliance... It's not the alliance he has listed as his own on the forums.

I'll ask my alliance if they want to help out, we need some war training as is ;)

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Independent isn't an alliance, it means I'm independent, meaning on my own. It just so happens that 2 other people also put that in, rather than none. It just looks cooler than none o.o

@Call me a noob, I just said do NOT direct me to that thread. I already have a request posted there, and plus I already know that there's probably not more than 5 people in the history of that thread who have actually donated or recieved aid.

@ArgonV- Thank you for the consideration. I just need maybe one, two at the most, three going over the topic, since he isn't that much stronger than I am, but thank you.

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Oh yeah, I had just quit out of TFD a few days ago, I guess I had forgot.

However yes thank you for helping with your alliance, be best if you could get your alliance involved today though, since he's militarily ready to attack me at any point and probably own me. I've sent all my forces home so I have none deployed, and so far he's won one battle with me, out of 4. He's destroyed nearly all my fighters, destroyed 93 infra, in one day, and only used 4 cruise missles out of his large amount.

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If he's a none, i'll look into getting him tech raided, but if he's affiliated in anyway to an alliance 'fraid not :/

You should probably get yourself into an alliance to avoid these tech raids, you'll grow much better, and won't have to wake up to this kind of extortion every week or so.

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Extortion is bad, the cyberverse agrees with on that.

However they also agree that attempts to hide important details in order to sway public opinion to your side are equally bad.

#1) Your Forum AA lists "The Foreign Division" yet you are listed as this 'independent' as in none, and your aid screen shows you very recently as "Tyberion Covenant". As recent as 3/25. Thus you have been a member of two alliances previously and left both of them, without readily known reasons such as a war/merger etc. This is supported by your in game nation Bio which says:

Notatalldude is not inactive, but he lubs warz :o ID: 200208-332 Message me if you are interested in any kind of tech deal, I'll buy tech from really, really, new nations or sell it for a price to really old ones :)

ID numbers in bio being a hallmark tag of a nation in an alliance.

#2) While you admitted to tech raiding including the one you are currently attacking (which btw generally people will not assist in defending you from raids, while you are actively committing them), your bio listed above is written almost as a challenge that you don;t mind being raided, as it is difficult to see it as a sarcastic threat like "Always INACTVE" or other such phrases. Hard to say you are not willing to fight a 1v1 out when your bio states that you "lubs warz".

#3) The nation which is attacking you was quite recently ALSO in "The Foreign Division" according to their aid screen then suddenly a few hours after being in TFD and accepting $3 million from them for "Pass it On" your attacker leaves TFD changing their AA to "Exiled Coalition" and attacks you for the reason of "It's Time Boy" all according to their war screen.

#4) Also from their war screen you can see that mere minutes later, this other nation switches AA tags to DUNDER MIFFLIN one of those annoying all caps alliances out there. Then attacks another apparently randomly, then gives peace right away. The DoW used in that being the default "a general dispute".

#5) Based on your main and aid screens, you could send the tech to him and buyers, thus this is a case of you not wanting to do so, rather than are unable, despite your claim. If your aid slots were maxed out, you could claim that you have 5 long term deals going on, but they are not, in fact only 1 such aid appears ot be so, the aid to this other nation is not based on, and since they received aid from a TFD applicant awhile back it appears to be aid to a friend of a personal nature.

Thus it seems that you have some previous connection or association with this attacker that you are failing to mention as well as:

A-As he was given aid from an alliance in what appears to be a chain, yet left, claiming exile, and was not pursued.

B- Your attacker's DoW, when compared to their other DoW seems to also indicate familiarity and a more 'personal' reason for these attacks, than you have stated.

C- Attacked you, also an ex member of the same alliance!

D- Why you claim to have been hit by tech raiders A LOT over the past week, but in fact have spent half of the past week in the Tyberion Covenant.

E- Why you claimed that he was unaligned when by the time you would have gotten the war against you PMs and nearly 12 hours before you posted this he was in the DUNDER MIFFLIN AA.

F- Why you need advice on war, when you have over quadruple the combined casualties of your opponent?

G- How this war stops you from delivering your contracted tech.

H- Why we should believe that the nation in question gives others peace without extortion, but not you.

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Okay this is the part where I'm too lazy to read, however I skimmed, and I think the big thing is that you think he is attacking me because I did something wrong in TFD or Tyberian convenent or whatever. I didn't. I insulted him when I was in TFD so as soon as I left he left as well, or like a few days after or whatever, so that he could attack me. He is big into tech raiding and etc. and just wants to cause me trouble. I left the other alliances of my own accord and was not in any way forced out or exiled. Does that answer any questions?

EDIT: Oh and he also likes ghosting small alliances, hence the Dunder mifflin thing, since they really can't do anything about it.

Edited by Notatalldude
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Okay this is the part where I'm too lazy to read, however I skimmed, and I think the big thing is that you think he is attacking me because I did something wrong in TFD or Tyberian convenent or whatever. I didn't. I insulted him when I was in TFD so as soon as I left he left as well, or like a few days after or whatever, so that he could attack me. He is big into tech raiding and etc. and just wants to cause me trouble. I left the other alliances of my own accord and was not in any way forced out or exiled. Does that answer any questions?

Considering it is your nation on the line one would imagine that you would take more interest in reading and addressing all parts of the post. I was not an involved party yet I took the time and courtesy to read your entire post and do the research before making any post of mine on the topic.

So what was the insult, and why should other people get involved in a personal fight? Random guy going for extortion is bad, personal enemy of the past, means we are now taking sides in an the issue. Best to explain the entire issue if you want people to do so.

EDIT: Oh and he also likes ghosting small alliances, hence the Dunder mifflin thing, since they really can't do anything about it.

Best to get a screenshot up here showing a leader of DUNDER MIFFLIN stating as much, or someone from their alliance to post here stating so. If you want assistance, best do the work FOR your saviors.

In addition your statement is patently untrue, DUNDER MIFFLIN could quite readily ZI him. In fact no small alliance which is bigger than the ghost, is 'unable to do anything about it'.

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Okay this is the part where I'm too lazy to read, however I skimmed, and I think the big thing is that you think he is attacking me because I did something wrong in TFD or Tyberian convenent or whatever. I didn't. I insulted him when I was in TFD so as soon as I left he left as well, or like a few days after or whatever, so that he could attack me. He is big into tech raiding and etc. and just wants to cause me trouble. I left the other alliances of my own accord and was not in any way forced out or exiled. Does that answer any questions?

EDIT: Oh and he also likes ghosting small alliances, hence the Dunder mifflin thing, since they really can't do anything about it.

Heh you ask for advice then tell that person you can't be bothered to read it?

Considering that you started this feud by your own admission I cannot imagine why anyone would want to aid you or help... sorry dude, good luck.

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At some point a little later I will, however now I'm a bit busy and don't have the time to do so.

You dont have the time to, "click link, register on forums, request membership, change AA", but you have the time to start multiple topics, respond in multiple topics and debate on whether or not you should get help or not.

Then when someone offers you help/advice you have the audacity to insult them by claiming that you don't have time to read it. You then pick and chose what you want to hear out of their post. I'll be honest with you, you aren't winning any friends or convincing anyone. You should probably elaborate a little on the "why you have several alliances in you AA over the past 3 days part." That would make people more liable to help you out in your current situation.

However, I dont see anyone helping you if you aren't willing to join an alliance.

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LOL, Notatalldude's resignation from TFD:

Hey I'm sorry guys, but I also gotta go, and it is NOTHING personal, please no one assume it had anything to do with anyone in this alliance, I just don't like being neutral, because I feel that tech raiding is a large part of game, warring in general
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Feels different when the shoe is on the other foot, eh Nota? I've been raided and raid. I always send them peace after the first attacks. If they want to fight back like I would, that'd be okay too.

Edited by o ya baby
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@Alden Peterson: I didn't start a feud, I stated my opinion on something he had done. Then after a while, he attacked. Real civilized we are.

@Prince Aurthora: I didn't start multiple topics regarding this, this is my only one. Dude, check your facts. Secondly, I asked for some suggestions, not people second guessing me. I never asked for a 4000 word post of questions. Oh and I don't have "Several alliances in the last three days" I quit out of TFD a while ago, then joined Tyberian covenent but after seeing their forums I saw that they were quite inactive and I disliked that, so I resigned. Those are the only two alliances I've ever been in. Once again, 'independent" is not an alliance, I just put that there in place of the word none.

@PeteMardle: If you really want to know why I resigned, it's because of the Terry Howard thing, not the tech raiding, not the neutral, I told Circlewood that in private but felt that it was more of a personal thing and kept it out of the resignation.

So there everyone, if you're going to just say "Well then join an alliance." Don't post. I've already heard the suggestion. If that's all you would post. Don't post. If you're going to say that you don't think I'm doing this right, without offering any VALID suggestions, don't post. I figured most of this was common sense and that I didn't have to ask that you just stay on topic to the thread. -.- So with that, how about some war suggestions?

Slightly more advanced tips or something for those in my situation? Or maybe a bit of alliance help, as in help from an alliance, not about alliances, not regarding joining, not talking about who I should join, help from alliances.

EDIT: @O ya baby: When the shoes on the other foot? Are freaking kidding me? I just mentioned that I get tech raided a lot. And what I do is basically the same as what you do. I send peace a few attacks, and normally don't inflict all that much damage anyway.

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So there everyone, if you're going to just say "Well then join an alliance." Don't post. I've already heard the suggestion. If that's all you would post. Don't post. If you're going to say that you don't think I'm doing this right, without offering any VALID suggestions, don't post. I figured most of this was common sense and that I didn't have to ask that you just stay on topic to the thread. -.- So with that, how about some war suggestions?

Slightly more advanced tips or something for those in my situation? Or maybe a bit of alliance help, as in help from an alliance, not about alliances, not regarding joining, not talking about who I should join, help from alliances.

What kind of help are you expecting exactly?

The reason people are telling you to join an alliance is because that is the most VALID suggestion, both protection and war advice wise. You are an unaligned nation who mentions liking wars in your bio. Expect to be tech raided. Join an alliance, go into peace mode or move to the red team.

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