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War of the Dragons [Open to anyone else that wants to get involved]


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With Druk Yul's sudden departure from SEATO Mei could tell something was up. Although the explanation their representative gave was understandable Mei had a feeling something bigger was at play and she needed the answers from the one really in control of Druk Yul. Once she eventually got to wherever Maelstrom really was she would confront him for answers. "It shouldn't have to take a dragon to know that something is up here. You can say I am one of those that can tell when someone was lying and the tells your "representative" gave off where enough for me to know that there is more going on here. I want to know the real reason Druk Yul is leaving SEATO and right now I am hoping it isn't because of something really stupid."

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Maelstrom glanced to Mei, "The world is changing.. and I am bored. SEATO isn't really needed any longer. We have our individual treaties, those are sufficient." He was in his lair, among masses of wealth, twiddling and carving at a stick, shaping it into an airplane..

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: Time for Mei's rant.


"Bored?! BORED!! What I see before me right now could only be described as pathetic! You used to be a great leader that the people could look up to but right now all I see is a once great dragon leader cowering away from the world and its problems! While you are down here is this cave with all of your "precious" gold there is a war going on in France which is distracting the Imperium enough for terrorists to attack their cities! The Dark Claws are making their move on us but if we cant stop them than they will get the war they want and in the end we will all be dead and they will be the ones left standing! Is that something you really want?!"

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"No, what I really want is for the dreamers of this world to stop being cowards and stop suffocating me. I grow weary of my chains. I am a great leader, but I can't reach my full potential because of their ridiculous and arbitrary rules set. Fortunately, this is a new world, and requires greater co-operation among the dreamers, so, I can determine my own conditions for existing. So I will." He looked to Mei, "The Dark Claws are gnats to me, I will strike them down. They are going to get the war they want, but I am going to wipe them out." His eyes were glowing a deep radioactive green.

He seemed to yank at the wall and there, out of nowhere, appeared a manacle on his arm, but it was now broken at the wrist. "No more arbitrary limiters... for me.." He growled. "It is my time to rise."

"I must go to the barracks. I have a recruitment campaign to wage.." He smiled at Mei and then vanished from sight.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"For governments at war, the media is an instrument of war or an element in war that is to be controlled."

Bruce Jackson

The Blitz

Over the next few days a major ad campaign would roll out from the Druk Yul military a massive recruitment drive that called to zealots of the Faith of Dreams and the layman alike. They played on TV screens, movie theatre pre-shows, and great lectures were given by the lamas to the young men in the temples about the need to support the Dream and to expand the Dream for others. Recruitment rates in the offices doubled within a week and continued on an escalating trend as the ad campaign extended its reach through Burma and India. The Druk Yul military swelled, and the economy boomed with unemployment falling dramatically. At the same time, the Druk Yul government for the first time in ages, began to run a slight deficit. Finally, when they were comfortable with the outlay level for the military force, the parliament started turning away recruits, taking only the best. The Druk Yul military, was swelling.


Rumors hit the street of the intent to integrate the remainder of the Indian subcontinent to remove the border between families there. There was also talk about vengeance against the Persian menace that had cost them so much in the last great war.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Mei would let Jesse know she was coming to Shanghai to tell him more about the situation that was developing in Druk Yul and along its western borders. Once the rumors made it to Emperor Jesse he was not happy with what Mei had done. "I know you were trying to get him to help us against the Dark Claws but in doing so you have pretty much made the same mistake the Japanese did with their attack on Pearl Harbor at the beginning of WWII. You have awakened a sleeping giant and right now it looks like he will do more bad than good."


"What would you expect me to do Jesse? To watch as more and more people die against an enemy only we know the truth about. Something had to be done, if we are going to defeat the Dark Claws than we will need all the help we can get.”


“What I expected was for you to leave this sort of stuff to me! You are not the leader of Shanghai and China anymore and yet you keep on doing this sort of stuff not knowing of the consequences that could come from that sort of thing. If those rumors about Maelstrom wanting a revenge war against the Persian people and those allied with them in India than I fear Druk Yul will refuse to differentiate between civilian and military targets and try to kill them all. If there is one thing we will not stand for it is the slaughter of innocent people and if Druk Yul does attack them that is exactly what will happen.”


“So what are you suggesting we do? We can’t protect all of India and Persia against them!”


“The Shanghai 2nd Fleet (1 of my 2 Carriers and its escorts) is located off the Western India coast right now nearest to the major city of Mumbai (formerly Calcutta). It was originally there to protect our trade routes to Europe but now we can use it to help protect the civilians of the region against Druk Yul attacks. The city itself is home to over 12 million people while the entire Metro area is home to over 20 million. If we can save even that much from the upcoming war it would be something great.”


“How the heck would that even work? We cant just evacuate a city of 12 million to stop the Druk Yul forces from killing those that are Persian.”


“Cargo ships. You are right in that our Navy is not nearly large enough to evacuate that many civilians from the city and the area surrounding it but our trade fleet is. It may not be ideal conditions for them but it is a lot better than just staying there waiting to die. The evacuation will be voluntary however, although we are trying to save them from the upcoming war we will not force them to evacuate if they do not wish to. Many will want to stay and fight with the resistance and while the evacuation is happening we will prepare them by giving them weapons to help against them. Those in the resistance will want us to evacuate their families to get them away from the Druk Yul forces that will soon be pouring into the region and that is exactly what we are going to do.”


“It’s a good plan but I don’t think Maelstrom is going to like any of this and it will seem like we are fighting against him by doing this.”


“That is also why there is going to be a big announcement about it. The evacuation is going to be known to the entire world and if anyone has a problem with it they can come talk to me about it. West India was originally under the protection of SEATO itself and by disbanding it Maelstrom thinks it is now entirely his but what he seems to forget is that we were originally a part of it as well and so we are equally responsible for the protection of its people against any and all invaders. If he wants to invade Persia and Western India than he will have to go through me first!

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The Imperium's own media would mention the movements in the the 24 hour news cycle, avoiding the mentions of vengeance, the belief in the reunification of families would be the preferred line of thought and support of Druk Yul's decision by the media at least would be clear.

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The California Republic would send a letter to both nations:


The California Republic has encountered actions of hostility from both Druk Yul and Shanghai. Why, we do not know. Only certain rumors that we have heard have been put into consideration when creating this letter to both nations. In an attempt to stay neutral, we will not create biased statements. We have all intention to stay neutral unless an attack is made upon our land of California, Baja California, or Nevada. An attack on American soil would be consulted to the highest authority, the president, to create a response and decide whether we will join the fight or stay neutral.


Under the circumstance that both nations have hostility towards us in a physical manner, we are sure other nations will help us bring both nations to justice. If neither show physical hostility, as stated before, we will do nothing and remain simple observers of the conflict. From the standpoint of propaganda, if either nation releases bad propaganda to it's citizens or anyone else's citizens, whether white land or not, we will be forced to be involved in the conflict. Whether militarily or not is unknown. What is defined as bad propaganda? Any propaganda meant to deceive, such as Nazi Propaganda or Soviet Propaganda. Simple "Join the fight" or anything that is correct and encouraging is not considered bad propaganda and will not be considered bad propaganda. Encouraging Propaganda is encouraged and is worthy of being shown on screens or billboards, etc.


In the situation that white peace is reached, the California Republic will undergo a thorough investigation to discover the fate of the nations and which one, militarily, could be considered the "victor" and "loser". The loser would pay high fees and be treated as if they surrendered. A nation that committed genocide, lost more troops, posted propaganda, destroyed forests or other geography should not be treated as good as the side that protected it's citizens and other geography, only posting good propaganda, just because they fought as good. These terms should be accepted, and good luck to both sides.


California Legislature

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A letter was sent in reply to California,

I would like to know what actions that Druk Yul has taken against California that it has interpreted as hostile? We are aware of no such hostility at this time.
-Yun Li

Maelstrom would send a separate letter to Mei by more private channels, "I have raised a garrison of 50,000 troops to help you stomp out the Dark Claws. Your team has the intelligence, share it and I will point my soldiers in the appropriate direction." Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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A response to Druk Yul:


What actions did California take that have made that Druk Yul interpreted as hostile? The California Republic is now confused. We originally thought the war was between the Shanghai and Druk Yul, is this false? More importantly, who is identified as the Dark Claws? Apologies for us being unaware of your history, representative.


California Republic

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Yun Li somewhat chuckled when he saw the note and then wrote his reply,

There is a bit of a misunderstanding I believe between Shang Hai and Druk Yul, but we are not yet at war. The Dark Claws are a terrorist organization responsible for a series of bombings and attacks in Shang Hai. We're in the process of attempting to help Shang Hai get a somewhat better grip on them. If you need more of an explanation, you should consult Shang Hai.

Our leader is a somewhat enigmatic fellow and his actions are often misunderstood.

-Yun Li

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A message would be sent to the California Government: 

The Empire of Shanghai is not currently hostile to our neighbors in Druk Yul at all. However we are all aware that there may be resistance groups in the region that may try to fight back against the Druk Yul occupational forces. What we are doing is a voluntary civilian evacuation of the major cities in the region until the fighting stops to that we may save as many civilians from the upcoming battle as possible.



Emperor of Shanghai


As for the message Mei recieved from Maelstrom she honestly didn't know how to respond to it. At the moment they had no idea where the Dark Claws were based but they knew it would be found eventually. "So what do you expect for me to tell him? That we have no idea where their main base is and have no way of locating it at the moment."


"You can tell him we are currently trying to gather that intel ourselves from a possibly reliable source and that you will let him know once we find it."


"How do you intend to find it?"


Lee would then enter the palace with the leader of the dragons that were at the ruins he went to with Jake and Adria. "For all we know the Dark Claws are the ones truly responsible for the assassination of the French Empress and the attack on Tokyo. If so than it would be in all of our best interests to make sure they pay for the lives they have taken from us and our allies in Druk Yul, the East Asian Imperium, and France. These dragons Lee and the others managed to capture may have the information we need and if so than I intend to do whatever it takes to get it." 

Edited by jesbro
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