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We do not come to this conclusion without heavy disappointment and without careful consideration. It has been debated for several days amongst the Central Executive Committee of The Ukraine. After several deliberations, bills were crafted in order to represent all of the deputies and their opinions on the war. These four bills each held a significant role to the Ukraine Response to the current hostilities in Asia, which includes European Nations as well.

The four bills are each proposed sanctions on a few of the involved parties. Historically we have been large importers of Chinese products, and while we realize some of our businesses will undoubtedly suffer economically, we can not move forward without taking a stand against what is wrong. Due to the millions upon millions of dead in Asia, we do hereby announce these voted results.

Proposition 1: Sanctions against China

Summary: This bill will impose: A 15% Tariff on all products imported from China, An arms embargo from the Ukraine, An additional 40% tariff on fossil fuel products.

Supreme Court of The Ukraine: Aye
Ukraine People's Congress: Aye
Premier and Council: Aye

Proposition 2: Sanctions against Japan

Summary: This bill will impose: A 5% Tarriff on all products imported from Japan, An arms embargo from the Ukraine, An additional 10% tariff on fossil fuel products.

Supreme Court of The Ukraine: Aye
Ukraine People's Congress: Aye
Premier and Council: Aye

Proposition 3: Sanctions against Philippines

Summary: This bill will impose: A 5% Tarriff on all products imported from The Philippines, An arms embargo from the Ukraine, An additional 10% tariff on fossil fuel products.

Supreme Court of The Ukraine: Aye
Ukraine People's Congress: Nay
Premier and Council: Nay

Bill will Re-Enter Congress for discussion, Alterations, or Scrapping.

Proposition 4: Sanctions against France

Summary: This bill will impose: An arms embargo from the Ukraine.

Supreme Court of The Ukraine: Nay
Ukraine People's Congress: Nay
Premier and Council: Nay

Bill will Re-Enter Congress for discussion, Alterations, or Scrapping.

The unpopularity of Sanctions against France and The Philippines have lead congress to scrap the two bills as they received a very low amount of supportive voters.

Ukrainian media reports rumor that the Japanese Sanctions passed with a very small majority, and the Chinese Sanctions passed with a medium sized majority. These bills would need to be voted on again to remove sanctions from these nations. The Ukraine would like to make it clear that nuclear war criminals will not be treated kindly by The Ukrainian Government.

These sanctions are considered extremely lenient in The Ukrainian Public's opinion. The Ukraine will be voting shortly for tougher sanctions shall the loss of life continue to expand. The launching of another nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon will be met with a Ukrainian Government vote on a full scale economic embargo, and the possibility of military intervention to protect the citizens of these Asian nations in conflict. Edited by Rotavele
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"The Imperium will be enacting a 30% tariff upon anything coming from the Ukraine. Any further actions to attempt to harm Japan's economy will lead to much more significant reprisal."

-Osamu Saito, MoFA

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"The Imperium will be enacting a 30% tariff upon anything coming from the Ukraine. Any further actions to attempt to harm Japan's economy will lead to much more significant reprisal."
-Osamu Saito, MoFA

An executive order placed by Svetlana has banned all trade with Japan. "It has become clear who the aggressor is now in this conflict. We were uncertain at first and decided to place economic sanctions on both nations. We suspected it was China, however given Japan's recent aggressive nature, we are pretty sure we know who it is now." Svetlana shook her head in disgust.

The house will be voting for immediate removal of the Sanctions against China.
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Voting tally....

Proposition 1: Removing Sanctions against China

Summary: This bill will null and void: A 15% Tariff on all products imported from China, An arms embargo from the Ukraine, An additional 40% tariff on fossil fuel products.

Supreme Court of The Ukraine: Aye
Ukraine People's Congress: Aye
Premier and Council: Aye

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"Anything sailing into the Pacific with a Ukrainian flag will be fired upon, You had your warning."

-Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Hoshiko, Daughter of Amaterasu, Prophet of Takamagahara, Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure

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"Anything sailing into the Pacific with a Ukrainian flag will be fired upon, You had your warning."
-Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Hoshiko, Daughter of Amaterasu, Prophet of Takamagahara, Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure

Anything sailing into the Mediterranean or Atlantic with a Japanese flag will be fired upon as well. Do not try to pick fights. You have too many on your hands already.
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"I wonder, to what extent does the orient rely on Ukrainian goods or services? I can't see these sanctions having much effect." - Random Alaskan political commentator

They do not rely on much from us. Rather our main export partners are the Russian and Turkish companies. We do however import much from China.
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They do not rely on much from us. Rather our main export partners are the Russian and Turkish companies. We do however import much from China.

"I hope you are intent on building a railroad then, because no Chinese Vessel is getting past our fleet."

-Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Hoshiko, Daughter of Amaterasu, Prophet of Takamagahara, Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure

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"I hope you are intent on building a railroad then, because no Chinese Vessel is getting past our fleet."
-Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Hoshiko, Daughter of Amaterasu, Prophet of Takamagahara, Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure

"Sinking a Ukrainian Ship will be an act of war. We will not negotiate with Tyrants and will continue to do business as usual. We do not fear you and if you wish to stack more nations against you, then it clearly is time for you to exit from power."

"So you've done nothing but harm your own economy. Congratualtion." - Random Alaskan political commentator

"No. We are sending a clear message that we will not tolerate tyranny and we vote with our money in this situation. We will not trade with a nation who has questionable actions morally or ethically. The mass murder of millions of innocent civilians by the Japanese is not something we support. If this means the Ukraine will have to pay a bit more for their products or increase our investment into our own economy, we will do that rather than support a nation that is involved in these acts. If that is a wrong thing to do, then the citizens of our nation will voice that opinion in the next election. We also wish to support a message of anti-imperialism to these nations involved in these acts over a wretched island." Edited by Rotavele
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"Sinking a Ukrainian Ship will be an act of war. We will not negotiate with Tyrants and will continue to do business as usual. We do not fear you and if you wish to stack more nations against you, then it clearly is time for you to exit from power."

"No. We are sending a clear message that we will not tolerate tyranny and we vote with our money in this situation. We will not trade with a nation who has questionable actions morally or ethically. The mass murder of millions of innocent civilians by the Japanese is not something we support. If this means the Ukraine will have to pay a bit more for their products or increase our investment into our own economy, we will do that rather than support a nation that is involved in these acts. If that is a wrong thing to do, then the citizens of our nation will voice that opinion in the next election. We also wish to support a message of anti-imperialism to these nations involved in these acts over a wretched island."

You acted first, we simply replied, much like the Chinese in their cowardly attack against us and our response to them, perhaps if the Chinese people are suffering they should find themselves new leadership that does not launch decapitating strikes against their neighbors leadership, or nuclear first strikes. If you send naval vessels into the Pacific, they will be sunk, I do not negotiate with rogue states. If you wish to behave as a member of the international community as Japan has and will continue to do so, perhaps in time we will change our policies toward you, but so long as you act against our interests we will act against yours.


-Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Hoshiko, Daughter of Amaterasu, Prophet of Takamagahara, Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure

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We do not come to this conclusion without heavy disappointment and without careful consideration. It has been debated for several days amongst the Central Executive Committee of The Ukraine. After several deliberations, bills were crafted in order to represent all of the deputies and their opinions on the war. These four bills each held a significant role to the Ukraine Response to the current hostilities in Asia, which includes European Nations as well.

The four bills are each proposed sanctions on a few of the involved parties. Historically we have been large importers of Chinese products, and while we realize some of our businesses will undoubtedly suffer economically, we can not move forward without taking a stand against what is wrong. Due to the millions upon millions of dead in Asia, we do hereby announce these voted results.

Proposition 1: Sanctions against China

Summary: This bill will impose: A 15% Tariff on all products imported from China, An arms embargo from the Ukraine, An additional 40% tariff on fossil fuel products.

Supreme Court of The Ukraine: Aye
Ukraine People's Congress: Aye
Premier and Council: Aye

Proposition 2: Sanctions against Japan

Summary: This bill will impose: A 5% Tarriff on all products imported from Japan, An arms embargo from the Ukraine, An additional 10% tariff on fossil fuel products.

Supreme Court of The Ukraine: Aye
Ukraine People's Congress: Aye
Premier and Council: Aye

Proposition 3: Sanctions against Philippines

Summary: This bill will impose: A 5% Tarriff on all products imported from The Philippines, An arms embargo from the Ukraine, An additional 10% tariff on fossil fuel products.

Supreme Court of The Ukraine: Aye
Ukraine People's Congress: Nay
Premier and Council: Nay

Bill will Re-Enter Congress for discussion, Alterations, or Scrapping.

Proposition 4: Sanctions against France

Summary: This bill will impose: An arms embargo from the Ukraine.

Supreme Court of The Ukraine: Nay
Ukraine People's Congress: Nay
Premier and Council: Nay

Bill will Re-Enter Congress for discussion, Alterations, or Scrapping.

The unpopularity of Sanctions against France and The Philippines have lead congress to scrap the two bills as they received a very low amount of supportive voters.

Ukrainian media reports rumor that the Japanese Sanctions passed with a very small majority, and the Chinese Sanctions passed with a medium sized majority. These bills would need to be voted on again to remove sanctions from these nations. The Ukraine would like to make it clear that nuclear war criminals will not be treated kindly by The Ukrainian Government.

These sanctions are considered extremely lenient in The Ukrainian Public's opinion. The Ukraine will be voting shortly for tougher sanctions shall the loss of life continue to expand. The launching of another nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon will be met with a Ukrainian Government vote on a full scale economic embargo, and the possibility of military intervention to protect the citizens of these Asian nations in conflict.




"All Ukrainian shipping will be subjected to a tariff that is over 9000 percent, to be paid before passing through the Red Sea. Failure to do so will result in said shipping being used as target practice by the Kingdom's Navy."

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You acted first, we simply replied, much like the Chinese in their cowardly attack against us and our response to them, perhaps if the Chinese people are suffering they should find themselves new leadership that does not launch decapitating strikes against their neighbors leadership, or nuclear first strikes. If you send naval vessels into the Pacific, they will be sunk, I do not negotiate with rogue states. If you wish to behave as a member of the international community as Japan has and will continue to do so, perhaps in time we will change our policies toward you, but so long as you act against our interests we will act against yours.
-Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Hoshiko, Daughter of Amaterasu, Prophet of Takamagahara, Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure

Those behaving in the international community do not launch nuclear weaponry and kills hundreds of millions of citizens. As per new Executive Order 578192000 The Ukraine no longer recognizes the Emperor as the leader of Japan and until a regime change, will not recognize the Empire of Japan.
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Hungary-Slovakia continues to strongly advocate against imperialism the world over, but otherwise has chosen to stay neutral in the Chinese-Japanese conflict, and asks that, even though we currently only have a few ships currently (as we only have one port graciously given to us by one of our allies), we ask that our few ships continue to be allowed safe passage.

Hungary-Slovakia does not have a navy, so none of our ships our warships. Though as a precaution, our trade ships do have a few armed sailors, water cannons, and flares, for emergencies.

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Hungary-Slovakia continues to strongly advocate against imperialism the world over, but otherwise has chosen to stay neutral in the Chinese-Japanese conflict, and asks that, even though we currently only have a few ships currently (as we only have one port graciously given to us by one of our allies), we ask that our few ships continue to be allowed safe passage.

Hungary-Slovakia does not have a navy, so none of our ships our warships. Though as a precaution, our trade ships do have a few armed sailors, water cannons, and flares, for emergencies.


"The Ukraine wishes to enter a statement that shall our ally be attacked in the Pacific, it will be seen as an attack on Ukraine."

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