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News and Actions of the Great Lakes Republic


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"General, we've received word that the Pacification Squads have located the last of the Lord's Resistance Army's bases. All intelligence available indicates that these three are their last points of resistance," Colonel Oluoch highlighted three small areas on the map within General Akinyi's office. "With your authorization, General, we can begin the final push of the Ugandan pacification." The Colonel was smiling as he waited on the General's response.

"Very well, remove the Lord's Resistance Army from our Republic. Use the air force and the Pacification Squads to ensure that none of them escapes, especially their officers." The Lord's Resistance Army, a holdover from before the Pacification Wars, had been a thorn in the Republic's side since before its founding.

"Sir," Colonel Oluoch saluted before passing on his orders, through the office's secure line. Icons representing the Republic's strike fighters appeared on the map, followed by more icons representing close support aircraft; Akinyi and Oluoch watched quietly as the map updated to show the aircraft's new positions until, at last, they arrived at the three pockets of resistance. Though the fighters moved on quickly, the support craft remained.

It was hours later, after several other Colonels within the Junta had arrived and all had eaten, that the call came in.

"General, the fifty first reports that the mission has been a success. All three positions have been neutralized. Lieutenant Adondi reports that the Pacification Squads have eliminated all Lord's Resistance Army personnel who attempted to escape the camps during the engagement."

"Casualties?" Akinyi asked, folding her fingers together in front of her, and propping her chin upon them.

"Forty three of our men, including the crew of a helicopter brought down by the enemy. Initial count reports that there were a total of three hundred and fifteen resistance fighters spread throughout the camps."

Catharine nodded once and relaxed, feeling the tension wash out of her muscles. "Excellent. We are one step closer to a truly unified Republic, gentlemen. Colonel Oluoch, be sure that the updated situation map reaches our officers."

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The following is an excerpt from a government sanctioned news paper.

President Osano today gave an address regarding the Republic's stance on its controversial nuclear weapons program. The President has confirmed the long held suspicion that the military possessed multiple nuclear weapons, as well as protocols for their use.

The military has issued a memo confirming the details of the President's speach, and outlining the Republic's nuclear strike policies. The memo states that the Republic will launch a nuclear strike on any nation to invade the Great Lakes region. In addition, a massive nuclear retaliatory strike is confirmed should the Republic be the target of any nuclear attack be launched against the Republic's territories.
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A memo from the government of the Republic.

The Great Lakes Republic is pleased to announce that its anti-missile defense systems have, today, come fully online. Any nuclear weapons that come within the range of the Republic's defenses will be shot down, regardless of point of origin or target. The Republic will not tolerate nuclear warfare.
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Internal memo within the R&D department of the Republic's military.

Directive from General Akinyi: R&D is to continue development of pre-fall exoskeletal technology for use in military affairs. Primary obstacle is increased battery life and ability to charge while in the field. Funding provided is [redacted]
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The following is an internal military memo.

The Dar es Salaam shipyards have produced the first wave of vessels for use in the salt water navy of the Republic. With production proven at Dar es Salaam, General Akinyi has ordered active and full production of a salt water navy.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The following is an internal military memo.
"Observation posts, formerly manned by the personnel of the Kingdom of Axum, have been occupied by Republican military personnel. Some few outposts had survives of the collapse of Axum, and have been offered a place within the Republic. Observation of African White Zones has commenced. By orders of General Akinyi, the Republic is to defend all White Zones from non-African aggression and settlement."

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General Akinyi stood with her hands clasped behind her back, staring out the windows of her office at the city lights below her. "Thirty seconds, General," came the soft spoken report from behind her. Catharine gave no response, but clenched her hands together all the tighter. Moments later the lights in Nairobi went out.


"Go go go!" The order came through loud and clear over Alexis Adondi's radio, and she burst from the delivery truck that she and her unit had hidden within. The parking garage came into focus through her night vision goggles, and she spied the unfortunate guards who flanked the entrance to the apartment building. Her shotgun snapped up and fired twice, and each man let out a gasp of pain as they collapsed to the floor. Two of her squad mates advanced and silenced the soft groans of pain that eminated from the wounded guards. It was unfortunate, but necessary, for the success of the operation.

Lieutenant Adondi sprinted to the doors and slammed them open with a kick. Glass shattered, then she and her unit were inside. Questions of concern and confusion by the building's residents soon became screams of panic and fear as the Pacification Squads swarmed through their homes.

The building's guards put up a fight when they could, but they were outnumbered and outgunned by the elite soldiers of the Republic. Blood pooled through the halls of the apartments as the Pacification Squads swept upward, floor by floor.

When she reached the top floor at last, Alexis reported in through her radio, "The fifty ninth block has been secured. The Senators and their families have been taken into custody. No sign of President Osano's family, however."

"Good work, Lieutenant," came the crackling reply, "Operation Dark Star reports success throughout Nairobi."


"General, the Pacification Squads have reported in. Nairobi's political figures have been secured. Fighting has begun in Dar es Salaam, and several of the Governors have fled before our men could reach them. The resistance doesn't have enough strength, at this time, to challenge you."

"Good," Catharine turned from the window at last, "Bring the Senators to the Senate House. They'll sign the new constitution, and we'll have legitimacy."

"Sir", a soldier snapped a salute and gave her orders through a secured phone line.


The Senators of the Republic were gathered together in Nairobi's Senate House, their faces drawn with fear. The first fingers of dawn's light were creeping across the horizon when General Akinyi entered the central meeting hall. "Senators, you have had time to review our new constitution. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Several of the Senators had already signed their name to the document, but some few resisted, and gave strength to their peers. "The Republic will not have a dictator," one of the courageous Senators growled at her.

"Dictator? My dear friend, I am nothing of the sort. Our Republic will have no Dictators, but it will have a Queen. A benevolent Monarch, who shall hold no interest save that of the Republic within her heart."

"Queen, dictator, they mean the same when they're forced down our throats at the end of a gun."

"Perhaps that is so, and you are free to take this stance. You have no family in Nairobi. Your esteemed peers, however, do. I'm sure that they will see the sense in this necessary change for the Republic."

Though there were mutters of resentment, and some Senators still chose to defy her, the General won her battle in the end. A new constitution was passed that morning, and the Republic gained a Queen at the helm of its government.

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  • 1 month later...

Construction has begun on what has been dubbed the Royal Archology of Nairobi. The superstructure, intended to house the Republic's political elite, has been designed with the cutting edge of green technology available within the Republic. While the Royal Archology will not be fully self-sufficient, as early 21st century designs called for, it will provide for its own power grid and atmospheric purification systems. The archology is to be constructed several miles outside of Nairobi proper, and will include offices for the Grand Council of the African League. The project is slated to be completed within four years.

A new wing of the military, dubbed the Praetorian Guard by Queen Akinyi, has been formed to guard the Royal Archology. Though the Queen was unavailable for comment, she is reported to have stated that the name suits the purpose of the new units. It is unknown whether Queen Akinyi and her household will be relocating to the archology on its completion.

Though unconfirmed, rumours of similar projects located at several of the Republic's largest city centers, such as Dar es Salaam, have been reported by unnamed sources within the government.

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[b]Classified Top Secret[/b]
By the order of Queen Akinyi, a massive overhaul of the Republic's defensive military positions within its territory shall commence. Codenamed Fortress Victoria, the project will focus on providing overlapping fields of fire and support across Republican territory. Bunkers serviced by subterranean high speed rail networks and caches of supplies for guerrilla combat, in the form of technicals, are secondary assets to be emplaced throughout the nation. Project estimated to cost [redacted] and to be completed within two years. Work to be done under cover of the Pan African Rail Network construction.

By the order of Queen Akinyi, Mount Kenya is to have installed beneath it a bunker complex capable of surviving local nuclear warhead detonations, as could be expected should the Republic come under nuclear assault from hostile powers. The Kenya Installation will be utilized to house VIPs of the Republic, and will serve as a semi-permanent residence for the Royal family. All command and control systems, as well as amenities, will be hardened against secondary and direct EMP attacks. The Kenya Installation shall be self sufficient in food stores and water recycling. Project is estimated to be completed within the year.

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Today the Engineering Corps has been deployed by the Republic to member states of the African League. The Corps has begun construction on the Pan African Rail Network, a new high speed network of rail lines that will connect all major African population centers. Citizens can expect to see the Corps working tirelessly within the Republic's territory on domestic rail lines, as well as the possibility of spotting the Corps while on vacation to League member states.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Colonel Alexis Adondi stepped out of the transport jet that had brought her from Kergulen Base back to Nairobi. She wore her combat mask, which filtered the air for her, though she was startled to see that the city's air was nearly clear. Her HUD registered few pollutants or contaminants, with air purity at Pre-Fall levels. The Republic had made great strides while she was deployed, and yet she chose not to remove the mask. With Republican Liberation Front attacking military installations, she wanted to be prepared for anything.

“Colonel”, a Praetorian saluted her, his uniform pristine, and his armour nearly completely hidden beneath it, “Queen Akinyi has requested your presence. We are here to escort you to her.” The Praetorian gestured to a small motorcade that was idling near where the jet had stopped, and into which her belongings were already being loaded.

Alexis gave a quick nod and got into the car that was designated for her. As the door closed, she removed her mask and basked in the climate controlled interior. A small tablet rested on the seat beside her, and she lifted it curiously. A message was left on the screen, reading, 'Welcome Colonel. I hope this information is useful.' She paused, then began to scroll through the information presented to her.

The tablet contained information on the Praetorians and the investigation into the RLF. She had information on the RLF's attacks, and the interrogations of captured operatives. She was so engrossed in her reading that it wasn't until one of the Praetorians opened the car's door that she realized they'd arrived. She quickly slipped her mask back on, and put the tablet in one pocket, as she slid out of the car. The motorcade had stopped at a secured building, and Alexis was ushered inside. Within she found that the building was nothing more than a security checkpoint, which led to a small bunker.

“Alexis,” Queen Akinyi greeted her from within the bunker, rising from the plush armchair she'd been resting in. The Queen strode to her and flashed a smile, “I'm glad to see you again.” She reached out and took one of the Colonel's hands in her own, before settling at the bunker's sole table, and pulling Alexis down beside her. “It is wonderful to have a friendly face in the capital again.”

Alexis glanced down at her hand, still held by the Queen's, then nodded. “I'm happy to have come. No one told me it was at your request until I got here, though. What's happening?”

“The RLF has kidnapped President Osano's son. Osano swears he has no affiliation with them, and says he thinks they'll execute Jeremiah as a traitor for joining the Pacification Squads. We cannot allow that to happen. I called you to Nairobi because I'm putting you in command of a division of Praetorians. You're going to find Jeremiah, and you're going to get him back from the RLF before they can do him any lasting harm.”

Alexis frowned, her brows knitting together in concern, “It won't be easy. But I suppose hunting them will be like hunting the other rebels, during the Pacification Wars.”

“Exactly,” The Queen beamed at her, “and this is why it must be a member of the Pacification Squads to command the efforts. We must treat these people like what they are: rebels seeking to overthrow our rightful government. Tomorrow you'll begin your investigation; tonight you'll rest here and I'll make sure you're debriefed fully.”

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  • 4 weeks later...


The military of the Republic has been put on high alert due to the rising tensions across Europe. All installations and naval groups have taken a strong defensive posture to ensure the protection of the Republic's soldiers. Reserves have been mobilized.


Republican surveillance has intensified in the regions of Carthage, Britain, Persia, and the Balkans, including Yugoslavia, Romania, and Sparta. Military satellites have been moved into position for optimum observation of these potential hot spots.

Edited by Yerushalayim
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The Republic has begun deploying significant amounts of troops and materials to Yugoslavia to take control of the newly leased military bases. Military assets are moving through the port of Dubrovnik, which has become a center of Republican Naval activity. Primary objectives are to prepare the Republic's new holdings for defensive purposes, and anti-missile and anti-air batteries are amongst the first shipments of material to make landfall alongside the valiant Republican soldiers.

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"The fuck is this?" Captain Adera snarled after ordering the Republican supply group to halt. An encrypted message had been dispatched to Alexandrian Command, and the Republic's own military assets were already enroute to her position, but this delay in her schedule caused great annoyance. She stalked over to the radio operator and demanded that they broadcast to the Romanian fleet. She spoke into the phone in clipped French, "Romanian fleet, these vessels are flying the Great Lakes Republic flag. Are you blind?! Stand down and clear a path. The Republic will not tolerate an attack upon its ships or assets!"

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Amiral Marescu was more than annoyed by the insulting response from the other fleet, but he would make a pretty short response, in French and in compliance with his instructions. "Greater Romania has enacted a blockade of this Strait. We reiterate our warning that any attempt of breaking this blockade will result in military action against Yugoslavia. Romania will not tolerate completely foreign units stationed in a country neighbouring ours."

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Classified: The Republican support fleet has withdrawn from Yugoslav waters. Republican observational satellites are engaged in active observation and tracking of Romanian naval assets involved in the Yugoslavian blockade. Conventional intelligence and observational assets have also been brought to bear for this task, including Republican naval elements remaining within range, though not approaching, the Romanian fleet.

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As the Imperium had been producing war materials for the past two decades, additional shipments containing 6,000 LiaoShō (BrahMos) missiles would be included in the standard loads from Sumatra to the GLR.

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The Republic has engaged in operations to return all Republican citizens to the homeland in the face of escalating warfare. Foreign nationals have been ordered to vacate the nation, and Praetorian units have engaged in the removal of these nationals from the Republic's territory. This operation has specifically targeted British, Carthaginian, Novakian, Persian, Romanian, Prussian, and Spartan nationals for return to their homelands. Data storage and communications devices were confiscated, examined, and any sensitive information wiped before they were returned. The Ambassadors, and all staff relating to the African League, from Carthage and Novak, were not targeted in the operation, though a higher Praetorian guard presence has been established for these individuals.



The Republic has reinforced its positions within the homeland, and its non-contiguous territorial bases.

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For what reasons have you decided to increase military presence at my embassy, as well as harass Novakian citizens? The removal of citizens will hamper economic activity important to both our nations as well as the cooperation we have built through years of working together."

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Private Response:

The Republic is unaware of any Novakian property that has been confiscated by national operatives. All reports indicate Novakian nationals have been escorted, with their property, to the border. An investigation shall be launched to determine whether any Praetorian units acted inappropriately toward Novakian nationals.

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