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Kingdom of Portugal


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Kingdom of Portugal

A união faz a força

United we stand, divided we fall; Union is strength








The nation of Portugal and Spain formally declares its independence!


The royal Saraiva family has assumed the throne is Lisbon today. The new monarch, Queen Valéria has instituted a new government and has called for immediate congressional elections for the upper house, the Senate; as well as the lower house, the General Assembly.


Monarch: Queen Valéria and King Frederico Saraiva

  • Prince Francisco, Crown Prince
  • Princess Laureana, Governor-General of Spain
  • Prince Marcelo, Chancellor
  • Prince Vicente, Executor of State
  • Prince Augusto, Executor of National Defense
  • Princess Luciana, Executor of Internal Administration

Council of State:

  • Chancellor: Prince Marcelo
  • Executor of State: Prince Vicente
  • Executor of National Defense: Prince Augusto
  • Executor of Internal Administration: Princess Luciana
  • Minister of Justice: Madam Rosália Lima
  • Minister of Finance: Mr. Gabriel Fidalgo
  • Minister of Commerce: Mr. Mateus Santos

Royal Congress:

  • Senate: 100
  • General Assembly: 500

Royal Supreme Court of Justice:

  • 5 Protectors of the Constitution
  • 9 Promoters of Justice
  • 25 Supreme Magistrates
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The nations of Hungary and Slovakia, and the Hungarian provisional government, recognize, welcome, and congratulate the nation of Portugal and their new government.


We also offer to exchange embassies and ambassadors, to begin cordial, formal diplomatic relations, and mutual trade between our nations.

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"Queen Valéria welcomes all those who have offered their official recognition of our sovereignty. Her royal highness invites all to send diplomatic representatives as soon as possible to establish formal relations between our states."

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Kingdom of Portugal


Royal Portuguese Army


Infantry Divisions:  18 (25,000 Each)


Mechanized Divisions: 15 (20,000 Each)


Airborne Divisions: 8 (10,000 Each)


Armored Divisions: 40 (200 M1A2 Tanks Each)




Task Force 88: 10,000 Operators (Tier 1)


Royal Rapid Reaction Brigade: 10,000 Raiders (Tier 2)


Army Ranger Wing: 30,000 Rangers (Tier 2)


Marine Commando Force: 57,000 Marine Commandos-Land / 13,000 Marine Commandos-Sea (Tier 3)




F-22 Raptor: 76

Rafale Multirole Fighter: 92

Rafale M: 360

F-35B: 42

B-1-R: 20

*B-2: 20




Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier (36 Rafale M, with EW capability)

Canberra-class LHD (6 F-35B)


CVBG Lisbon

Location: Mediterranean Sea

1x Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier

2x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

2x Shivalik-class Frigate

1x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

1x Astute-class Submarine

1x Ohio-class Submarine

2x MILGEM-class Corvette


CVBG Centauro

Location: Mediterranean Sea

1x Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier

2x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

2x Shivalik-class Frigate

1x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

1x Astute-class Submarine

1x Ohio-class Submarine

2x MILGEM-class Corvette


CVBG Pégaso

Location: Mahon

1x Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier

2x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

2x Shivalik-class Frigate

1x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

1x Astute-class Submarine

1x Virginia-class Submarine

2x MILGEM-class Corvette


CVBG Orion

Location: Azores

1x Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier

2x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

2x Shivalik-class Frigate

1x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

1x Astute-class Submarine

1x Virginia-class Submarine

2x MILGEM-class Corvette


CVBG Juan Carlos

Location: Porto Moniz

1x Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier

2x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

2x Shivalik-class Frigate

1x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

1x Astute-class Submarine

1x Virginia-class Submarine

2x MILGEM-class Corvette



Location: Atlantic Ocean

1x Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier

2x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

2x Shivalik-class Frigate

1x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

1x Astute-class Submarine

1x Virginia-class Submarine

2x MILGEM-class Corvette


CVBG Destemido

Location: Atlantic Ocean

1x Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier

2x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

2x Shivalik-class Frigate

1x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

1x Astute-class Submarine

1x Virginia-class Submarine

2x MILGEM-class Corvette


CVBG Madrid

Location: PORT

1x Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier

2x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

2x Shivalik-class Frigate

1x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

1x Astute-class Submarine

1x Virginia-class Submarine

2x MILGEM-class Corvette


CVBG Maria

Location: PORT

1x Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier

2x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

2x Shivalik-class Frigate

1x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

1x Astute-class Submarine

1x Virginia-class Submarine

2x MILGEM-class Corvette


CVBG Valeria

Location: PORT

1x Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier

2x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

2x Shivalik-class Frigate

1x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

1x Astute-class Submarine

1x Virginia-class Submarine

2x MILGEM-class Corvette


Amphibious Assault Group 1

Location: Mediterranean Sea

3x Canberra-class LHD

6x San Antonio-class LPD

1x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

4x Shivalik-class Frigate

3x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

1x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

10x Kirov-class Battlecruiser

8x MILGEM-class Corvette


Amphibious Assault Group 2

Location: PORT

3x Canberra-class LHD

6x San Antonio-class LPD

1x Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

4x Shivalik-class Frigate

3x Álvaro de Bazán-class Frigate

2x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser

8x Zumwalt-class Battleship

8x MILGEM-class Corvette







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Queen Valéria has summoned the Council of State to deliberate on the current status of Portugal's national security and power projection in the Atlantic. Chancellor Prince Marcelo has urged the queen to proactively acquire ungoverned islands in the Atlantic to secure Portugal's power projection capabilities, mainly for the navy. Executor of National Defense Prince Augusto also suggested the idea of Portugal acquiring the islands southeast of mainland Spain to secure Portugal's security interests in the Mediterranean Sea. After careful thought and reflection, her Royal Highness decided to give the go ahead to militarily acquire these lands.


The following military units are ordered to deploy:

  • Carrier Strike Group 1: Target 1
  • 1x Infantry Brigade Combat Team: Target 1
  • Carrier Strike Group 2: Target 2
  • 1x Infantry Brigade Combat Team: Target 2
  • Carrier Strike Group 3: Target 3
  • Amphibious Assault Group 1: Target 3
  • 2x Infantry Brigade Combat Teams: Target 3

The Kingdom's military alert status has been raised to DEFCON3.







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The Queen has ordered all naval warships currently heading towards Targets 1 and 2 to change course and head back to the Mediterranean. Those military units assigned to Target 3 are to halt their advance but not return to port, except for AAG-1.

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Carrier Strike Groups 4, 5, and 6 have been order to the Atlantic to conduct regular patrols.




Executor of Internal Administration Princess Luciana has announced a $5.5 billion project plan in order to renovate and improve already existing brides, roads, and railroads that have been deemed "at risk". She has also announced a $1.2 billion project to upgrade the existing airports in Lisbon, Madrid, and Barcelona to accommodate the growing number of tourists. It is expected that after these improvements are done, daily flights in and out of these airports will double.

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In order to protect the Kingdom from ballistic missile threats, the Ministry of Defense is to implement a Strategic Warfare Command. This command will organize, maintain, and utilize non-nuclear strategic weapons and air defense systems. The area of air defense will utilize the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD), Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), and Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS). These different systems will also be integrated into an overall Anti-Air Defense Network, Interceptor Missile System, and Strategic Defense Initiative.


GMD is the system for intercepting incoming warheads in space. It is a major component of the missile defense strategy to counter ballistic missiles, including intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) carrying nuclear, chemical, biological or conventional warheads in a ballistic flight trajectory.

The key sub-systems of the GMD system are:

  • Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV)
  • Ground-based interceptor (GBI) – For every interceptor missile there are a missile silo and a silo interface vault (SIV), which is an underground electronics room adjacent to the silo.
  • Battle management command, control and communications (BMC3)
  • Ground-based radars (GBR)
  • Upgraded early warning radars (UEWR) (a.k.a. PAVE PAWS)
  • Forward-based X-band radars (FBXB) such as the sea-based X-band platform and the AN/TPY-2


THAAD is an anti-ballistic missile system designed to shoot down short, medium, and intermediate ballistic missiles in their terminal phase using a hit-to-kill approach. The missile carries no warhead but relies on the kinetic energy of the impact to destroy the incoming missile. A kinetic energy hit minimizes the risk of exploding conventional warhead ballistic missiles, and nuclear tipped ballistic missiles won't explode upon a kinetic energy hit, although chemical or biological warheads may disintegrate or explode and pose a risk of contaminating the environment. MEADS is a ground-mobile air and missile defense system. The system provides force protection against a broad array of third-dimension threats. Improved interoperability, mobility, and full 360-degree defense capability against the evolving threat represent are key aspects. MEADS is the first air and missile defense (AMD) system that provides continuous on-the-move protection for maneuver forces. MEADS also provides area defense, homeland defense, and weighted asset protection. The MEADS air and missile defense system is composed of five major equipment items.


Multifunction Fire Control Radar (MFCR) – an X-band, solid-state, phased array radar using element-level transmit/receive modules. The active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar provides precision tracking and wideband discrimination and classification capabilities. For extremely rapid deployments, the MEADS MFCR can provide both surveillance and fire control capabilities until a surveillance radar joins the network. The MFCR uses its main beam for uplink and downlink missile communications. An advanced Mode 5 identify friend-or-foe subsystem supports improved threat identification and typing.

Surveillance Radar (SR) – the UHF MEADS Surveillance Radar is a 360-degree active electronically steered array radar that provides extended range coverage. It provides threat detection capability against highly maneuverable low-signature threats, including short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and other air-breathing threats.


Battle Management, Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (BMC4I) Tactical Operations Center (TOC) – the MEADS TOC controls an advanced network-centric open architecture that allows any combination of sensors and launchers to be organized into a single air and missile defense battle element. Through a capability called plug-and-fight plug-and-fight, sensors, shooters, or other battle managers simply act as nodes on the network. From the MEADS battle manager, a commander can add or subtract nodes as the situation dictates without shutting down the system.


Launcher and Reloader – the lightweight MEADS launcher is easily transportable, tactically mobile, and capable of rapid reload. It carries up to eight PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) Missiles and achieves launch readiness in minimum time. A MEADS reloader is similar but lacks launcher electronic systems.

Certified Missile Round (PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement and canister) – The PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) missile is the baseline interceptor for MEADS. The interceptor increases the system's range and lethality over the baseline PAC-3 missile, which was selected as the primary missile for MEADS when the design and development program began in 2004. The MSE missile increases the engagement envelope and defended area by using more responsive control surfaces and a more powerful rocket motor.


These systems will utilize ground, sea, air, and space assets to target and eliminate threats. OTH Radar has been installed throughout the country and mobile sea-based radars have been deployed off the Portuguese coast in the Mediterranean and Atlantic.


The strategic weapons the command will use, only when authorized by the monarch her/himself, may be conventional, nuclear, biological, or chemical.

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"Happy Portugal Day."

-Priscila Ferreira


"Thank you for your kind words. This year's celebrations took place in Guarda and to thank our fellow Brazilians, Queen Valéria will be sending leitão assados to all government officials in Brazil."

- Prince Vicente, Executor of State

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The number of Chinese tourists visiting Portugal has more than tripled in the past two years, and last year exceeded 74,000. Tourists from China are not necessarily after relaxation when travelling to Portugal, however, according to industry experts. "The tourism industry in Portugal must promote history and culture more than beach holidays," said Minister of Commerce: Mr. Mateus Santos.How to attract more tourists from the Asian region is among the top priorities for both the Ministry of Commerce and Department of State. It is rumored that Her Royal Majesty Queen Valéria is looking to expand Portugal's influence politically and economically outside of Europe. Asia holds key financially stability in terms of industry and employment for Portuguese citizens and businesses.

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Low-skilled workers encounter increasing difficulties to find a job, face lower job stability and are out-competed by medium-skilled workers even in elementary occupations, a report out this week by the Executor of Internal Administration has shown. In contrast, job opportunities are growing in some high-skilled professions. The report also highlights the increase in temporary and part-time work during the crisis and underlines the need to better support school-to-work transitions, to decrease segmentation of the labour markets and to up-skill jobseekers, particularly the low-qualified. Princess Luciana, Executor of Internal Administration along with Minister of Commerce Mateus Santos have announced a possible joint department solution to the employment problem throughout the Kingdom. Further details to come.

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