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Markus Wilding

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In the early morning hours, militias loyal to the African and Militarist Parties moved to Freetown, taking any transportation they could use. By 9:00 AM, they had reached the outskirts of the city. So far, no shots had been fired as they walked into the city, rifles at the ready. The two militias, numbering 6,700 men, marched through the streets of Freetown straight to the House of Representatives, warning the citizens along the way to stay in their homes and not to interfere. Before they could reach the gates of House, though, the Freetown garrison stood in their path. While better armed and trained than most of the militias, there were questions of loyalty. How many of these 12,500 soldiers supported the African and Militarist parties, and how many were willing to kill their countrymen to keep politicians safe?


Those that did not simply look the other way began to shoot at the militias, and soon a fight developed against the 9,700 Army soldiers against the collected force of 9,500 militiamen and defecting soldiers. Those that defected did not immediately start shooting at their former comrades, but instead waited until the Army was too focused on the front to watch their flanks. Now coming under fire from their former friends, the Army opted to retreat rather than stand and die. With the regular army quickly falling back, the collected force began to march again to House.


Upon reaching the House of Representatives, the militias and defectors awaited the arrival of the core coup leader, Samuel Brown. He arrived in a simple jeep, surrounded by bodyguards. "Gentlemen, let's start the new era!" With that, the soldiers opened the doors to the House, which was by this time still in session, the gunshots from earlier having never been reported. The soldiers burst into the House floor, some of the more eager militiamen shooting their AKs into the air wildly. Getting up from his seat, Militarist leader Tyler Walker headed to the podium and shoved Bethany Tinker out of the way, who was quickly detained by two militiamen.


"My friends in the Militarist and African parties, I say welcome to our time. To those of you who oppose us, I bid you farewell. We warn you, you Communists, you Capitalists, you Imperials, should you try to fight, the weight of the Sierra Leonean Army will crush you. The Army welcomes and supports us, and we have no equal in this nation. We are the rulers now, we will stop the cultural and economic bleeding that has rusted our nation's gears. Help us, and you will be treated fairly. Defy us, and you will dig your own grave. There is no corner in this nation that you can run to. There is nowhere that you can hide. We will stop the plots of all those that seek to destroy us!"


Taking a moment to gauge the "audience's" reaction, Tyler continued, "In my first act as the new leader of Sierra Leone, I declare Gregory Basher and Jamie Walker to be enemies of the state and order their immediate arrest and trial. I now declare the House of Representatives dismissed indefinitely. As you leave today, our soldiers will ask you who you support. Answer carefully." Ending on that note, Tyler leaves the podium and heads to Samuel Brown. "We have done it, friend."


Elsewhere in Freetown, Gregory Basher and Jamie Walker both heard of what had happened in the House of Representatives, leading to the choice that they must evacuate immediately. A small contingent of soldiers loyal to the Communist Party protected them as they moved through the city, informing any militiaman or soldier that they were being detained and it was not necessary to radio their position in. Eventually the two heads of state, along with cabinet members that managed to escape, made it to the docks unmolested and set off to the open waters, and the following message would be encrypted and sent to every foreign ministry on the planet.



Friends of Freedom and Democracy,


A terrible event has happened in Sierra Leone, and our nation is under attack from within. The rightful government of Sierra Leone has been forcibly removed from power by radical authoritarians, and we, the surviving few members of the government, are now forced to flee our nation and seek exile. We must emphasize that we do not seek military intervention from any foreign state - we can continue the fight on our own so long as we have a stable location to operate from. What we do request is monetary assistance, shelter, and permission to build up the Sierra Leonean Liberation Army so that we can retake our nation for ourselves. We hope we can find sympathetic nations for our cause.


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A classified message would be sent to the refugee government.


To whomever it concerns,


As our country looks with concerns on developments in Sierra Leone, which threaten to destabilise your cour country and the order in the Atlantic, we would like to offer you asylum in our Empire in Minami-Kechua, where we would be willing to provide what you ask for, as well as plenty of traning ground, with the assistence of the local Kechuagun. We would hope this helps return peace, stability and freedom to Sierra Leone in the long term.


With regards,

Terawaki Katsu, in the name of the Japanese Empire

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TO: Gregory Basher and Jamie Walker

FROM: Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Considering our two countries have 2 treaties and are closely linked economically, Grand Chancellor Leonardo Kennedy would like to offer your government to establish the necessary framework and entities in order to liberate your country in Dublin. Any assistance needed by your government can most likely be accommodated by ours. If you are in need of secure transport to the United Republic please let us know.


- Foreign Minister Kendal Mayers




The Ambassador to Sierra Leone has been told to return to the United Republic at once along with all Irish citizens due to security concerns. Minister of Defense Brendon Calbert has ordered the 1st Expeditionary Strike Group from Naval Station Kinsale to travel to the Sierra Leone coast to evacuate all Irish personnel.

1st Expeditionary Strike Group: Naval Station Kinsale

    INS Defiant: Patterson-Class LCS
    INS Challenger: Liberty-Class Landing Ship
    INS Hercules: Freedom-Class Frigate
    INS Tiger: Guardian-Class Destroyer
    INS George: Invincible-Class Submarine

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With the troubling developments in Sierra Leone the Athenian government would need to focus on these problems as well as the conflict in Europe. The forces assigned to the protection of the Exarchate would be taken to their maximum alert while the Hellenic Forces in general were prepared to intervene. 


"The Athenian Federation must voice concern at the troubling developments within the African continent. We call upon all sides to settle the disputes peacefully and warn everyone to not violate international law"

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Encrypted and Location Hopped Dispatch to the Imperial Party:


As we all know all nations have the right to self defense, and all have the responsibility to protect.  Therefore pursuant to these needs and responsibilities, the certain parties would ascertain the party's willigness to fight and assert itself in the current civil war, forming independent units amongst the Liberation Army.  Should the party be so inclined it will not find itself wanting for arms, training, or funds.

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Despite the general call for peace Imperial Intelligence had already concluded that foreign powers would get involved before long. To counter such efforts weapons and monetary supplies would be prepositioned within the Exarchate to be smuggled into Sierra Leone at a later point in time. Intelligence assets in the area would seek contact with the communist faction to conclude a more solid agreement on the future of the state.

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To: Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Frm: Sierra Leonean Government in Exile


We graciously accept your offer and will change course to link up with your forces now. We are travelling on a civilian ship, a small yacht named the Illustrious. We have 8 loyal soldiers of the Sierra Leonean Army with us along with VIPs.


- Vice President Jamie Walker



We in the Imperial Party graciously accept the assistance. Rest assured we will do all we can to drive the Fascists from our lands!


- Eniola McGreggor, Imperial Party Leader


Meanwhile, in the northernmost parts of the country, Athenian intelligence assets would be answered by a number of Communist militias, requesting money and arms first, intelligence second.


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Upon receiving word that members of the Sierra Leone government would be accepting the United Republic's offer for assistance, RADM Braiden Vann ordered a 36ft. Rigid Inflatable Boat to intercept the yacht. The Marines on board assisted the government officials and soldiers onto the boat and then securely transferred them to INS Challenger. The soldiers were to be disarmed before boarding in accordance with Navy protocol.


Once the President and his staff were on board INS Challenger, RADM Braiden Vann would escort them to their quarters. The Expeditionary Strike Group would then set course for Naval Station Dublin where the President and his staff will disembark and be taken to the Sierra Leone Embassy. Increased security by the Protective Services Division will be provided.

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With confirmation granted the prepositioned arms would mysteriously disappear from Athenian depots as 'gangs' brought them over the border. Likewise a mysterious bank robbery would bring significant supplies of gold and other valuable metals over the border to make its way back to the Communists. The MIA would discretely retask a few satellites to maintain constant surveillance over Sierra Leone while U-2s went in deeper to obtain intelligence for the Communists. Any such intelligence would be relayed by the established channels.

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Once the 1st Expeditionary Strike Group docked at Naval Station Dublin, RADM Braiden Vann would escort the Sierra Leone delegation to an awaiting motorcade. The motorcade would then safely take them to the Sierra Leone Embassy in Dublin. They would be able to coordinate liberation efforts there as well as communicate with any foreign power necessary in order to restore democracy in Sierra Leone. The United Republic of Ireland would send the following message:

TO: Ambassador Ian Pollstock

CC: President of Sierra Leone

FROM: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Republic of Ireland


I hope the President and his staff are comfortable in their new residence. The United Republic would like to actively participate in liberation efforts with your officials and to assist them in any way possible. We can currently offer the use of our military installations, personnel, and equipment to train a new force to restore democracy in your country. Irish peacekeepers are still available to intervene in your country and work alongside their Sierra Leone counterparts.


If there is anything you may need please let me know.


- Foreign Minister Kendal Mayers

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The 3rd Regimental Combat team is ordered to being organizing supplies for immediate deployment. With them, the 112nd Composite Air Wing, the 11th Special Forces Group, and the 502st Airborne Battalion Combat Team all receive orders to get their affairs caught up to date in the event of an emergency deployment abroad.

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TO: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Republic of Ireland

CC: President Gregory Basher

FROM: Ambassador Ian Pollstock


Greetings friends,


At the current time, we need weapons and money first. No doubt the authoritarians in Freetown have captured the armories and banks that are rightful property of the State. We have had no contact with any loyal elements of the regular army, nor with militias affiliated with the Communists, Capitalists or Imperials. We fear that means of communication with the nation's brave resistors have been cut off.


Our first goal, however, is to secure an army large enough to face off against the authoritarians. Minister of Intelligence Timothy Grummer estimates as much as 65% of the Sierra Leonean Army has defected, combined with 14,300 Fascist or authoritarian militiamen, but that number is the low estimate, unfortunately. We must do all that we can to restore democracy to Sierra Leone.


- Vice President Jamie Abidemi Walker

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TO: Vice President Jamie Abidemi Walker

FROM: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Republic of Ireland


We can supply you with firearms and personal weaponry, we just need to know how much. We are curious of how you plan on amassing such a large army if you cannot communicate with your home country. Monetary funds can also be arranged. Grand Chancellor Leonardo Kennedy will be deploying a Carrier Strike Group off your country's coast in case of an immediate armed intervention is deemed necessary. We can also arrange with Athenian authorities the possibility of establishing communication lines and support in Sierra Leone.


We again offer our military's assistance and urge you to consider allowing us to intervene with our forces.


- Foreign Minister Kendal Mayers

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[b]Somewhere in Colombia[/b]


A hispanic man in a white suit lit his long cigar puffing it in the asian man's face.  "So let me get this straight you want us to give you our whole smuggling routes for Cocaine into Europe, our largest market, for absolutely nothing.  Are you fucking with me senor?" the cartel boss Rodriguez De Fuentez said astounded.  


The agent's face remained stone cold, "well not nothing, chalk it up to the cost of doing business." he said.  "I'm prepared to tell you that my bosses are getting very fed up with this little shindig you're running.  We're not the yankees, we're not the various regimes of Colombia.  We're meaner and we have more bad ass fuckers in our country than Colombia never has.  Say good bye to living in mansions, say hello to shitting in water holes and hiding in caves hoping a drone doesn't pick up that small fire you're using to keep your jungle diseased ridden body warm.  That's what we're talking about..." he said plainly.


"Why you..." the cartel leader began.


"Relax, we just need in roads to the West African midway points for the routes and a lot of heroin and cocaine to flow into the conflict zone extra cheap.  And don't think about threatening me, there is an AC-130 orbiting with its weapons hot." the agent explained calmly.  "Now suck it up."


With that the agent got up patting the cartel leader on his back as he walked out the door and got in his car driving away from the mansion.  It would not take long for the response to come, the next day within the E.D.B. a single line would be made available for the Emperor's consumption.


Church of Violence is back in business.


Various weapons from across the south american continent would begin to be scrubbed of identifying points of origin, they were for the most part broad ranged weapons used by many countries, they would begin to flood into the same routes as drugs heading to West Africa on their way to Europe would begin carrying extra packages along with them for the Imperial Party. 

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The waters of the Atlantic sprawled open in front of Carmen Vasquez's eyes.An engine roared behind her as the barge, Nola, steamed eastward toward the coast of Africa. She had crossed the ocean a dozen times in her life, running cocaine and other odd assortments of drugs from the farms and factories in South America to the eager markets in Europe. Africa existed as the halfway point for years. The continent shifted between constant instability to even providing suitable markets under the Sarnungians and other nation states of the previous years. Now with Africa essentially run as a colony of the Athenians, the continent served as a way point between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres.


The procedure was the same. Make toward Sierra Leone and other points on the West African coast. From there, smaller vessels would carry the drugs north to the European coasts. Imperial ships either needed to be thwarted or usually, bought off with a share of the drug cut. There had been a few times where Carmen interacted with Athenian sailors, they had always been pleasant, drugs, after all, connected to the life of luxury.


"Senora," said Martin Flores, her navigator. "I don't mean to bother you out on the bow. But I heard that Senor de Fuentez said that the game is changing."


"Yes," she said crossing her arms, her black hair blowing in the rough Atlantic winds. "We're being contracted out. Guns, not drugs, it's how the big bosses expect to stay in business with the new regime."


"Will we still get paid?"


"If we don't then I'm moving somewhere else. But for now, the operation doesn't change. Just some of the cargo."


"I saw some ammunition loaded on before we left, along with our usual. Are we still going to Europe after Africa?"


"Of course," Carmen laughed, "How else are we supposed to have a bit of fun."


They pressed on, the flag of the Baja Republic waving behind them.

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TO: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Republic of Ireland

CC: President Gregory Basher

FROM: Ambassador Ian Pollstock


After discussion, it is now clear to both myself and the government in exile that we must establish a forward operating base in Sierra Leone before any further steps can be taken. Volunteers for this army will also be taken from the world over - should any Irish national wish to fight for Sierra Leonean freedom, they are free to do so by our laws. Once the FOB is established, we can start seeing numbers on monetary and armament costs.


Meanwhile in Sierra Leone itself, Brown's Fascists had collected their strength - 37,985 soldiers aligned themselves with Brown, along with 7,462 militiamen to form an effective standing army of 45,447 soldiers. The majority of these soldiers would be focused in Freetown and the western mountains, up to the city of Waterloo. Waterloo and Freetown both became fortresses, with very few allowed to leave the cities without good reason. More of Brown's Fascists would head out to the interior of the nation in an attempt to gain control of the highways that crisscrossed the country.


The Communists, however, bolstered by Athenian support, received 19,355 soldiers loyal to them and another 15,286 militiamen. While not enough to attack the Fascists directly, sheer tenacity and fanaticism, along with Athenian weapons, would even the balance some. Communist strongholds were mostly centered in the northern jungles of Sierra Leone, but some of the soldiers had set up blockades in the cities of Port Loko and Kambia, both vital trade routes to the north, and potential springboards to the coast.


Then there were the Imperials. The remaining 6,200 soldiers went to the Imperials, and added with their already existing militias resulted in 25,859 Imperial-loyal fighters. The Imperials had a very strong hold on the southernmost parts of Sierra Leone, with the center of operations in Kenema. The city of Sulima became the Imperial's only link to the naval world and would be very protected against outside invasion.


A problem existed, though; of the very few modern weapons Sierra Leone had produced, the Fascists had managed to capture nearly all of them. They had gained control of two F-16SL fighters and one Blitz II CAS aircraft, along with two of the eight M113 APCs that had been produced by Sierra Leonean factories.


The government in exile had some advantage, though: the Combat Engineering Regiment of the Sierra Leonean Army. The 3,400 men of this regiment, along with two M113 APCs, five M728 combat engineering tanks, and ten precious Puma armored engineering vehicles, were caught out in Communist territory with little options left. The 2,700 foot soldiers still loyal to President Basher were scattered about the nation with little means of communication with one another.

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TO: Ambassador Ian Pollstock
FROM: Office of the Grand Chancellor
Thank you for your authorization to intervene with our forces. I can assure you that democracy will be restored in your country and that we are doing everything possible so that this ends as soon as possible.
- Grand Chancellor Leonardo Kennedy

Once clearance was given from the President of Sierra Leone to allow Irish military forces to intervene, Grand Chancellor Leonardo Kennedy directed the commander of the 1st Carrier Strike Group, RADM Mark Montgomery to begin Operation Restoring Freedom.
INS Dublin, an Independence-Class Aircraft Carrier would launch 12 F-35C fighter aircraft to provide over watch and close air support for the incoming Marine Amphibious Landing Force at Lungi International Airport. 12 ELECAIR18 aircraft would also be launched to provide electronic countermeasures to jam enemy radar warning and enemy communications. INS Dublin would also utilize 10 ROTO-22 and 10 HELO-53E aircraft to transport hundreds of marines into and around the airport. NAV2 AWAC aircraft would provide airborne early warning and control for navy and marine aircraft.
INS Challenger, a Liberty-Class Landing Ship would deploy LCACs to transport marines and vehicles for an amphibious landing on the shore west of Lungi International Airport. 5 ATTHELO-1Z attack helicopters would provide close air support and over watch for the landing force. HELO-53E helicopters would assist transporting vehicles into the AO as well. Marines would be using the AA1 and Terrex ICV vehicles.
A total of 1,000 marines participated in the amphibious landing. Once the beach was secured, the Marines would proceed to secure the airport and its facilities. An additional 2,000 marines would begin to be flown in via navy NAV1 Greyhounds and helicopters for reinforcements. The marines would establish a secure perimeter for the now Air Base Lungi and begin flying in supplies and equipment. The Air Force would send C-17 and C-130 planes full of additional vehicles and equipment to the air base along with air defense systems and command staff.
The Marines would not progress further into Sierra Leone for now. They were not to take offensive action unless in self-defense. A special operations team from the Army Ranger Wing would also be flown in to allow the government and Sierra Leone President with additional options. They would also attempt to establish communications with loyal forces to the President.
President President Gregory Basher and Grand Chancellor Leonardo Kennedy would be informed via secure channels of the success of Operation Restoring Freedom. Edited by lkfht
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To the north of Sierra Leone, within the Athenian protectorate, a forward operating base site was selected some days ago. A message is dispatched to the Athenian Command requesting use of this remote airstrip and two others in a chain across Africa that will give Legion a secure air bridge to the conflict zone.


To: Athens

From: Legion


As per our contractual agreements, we'd like the use of three remote airstrips to create an air bridge for lifting troops and supply into a Forward Operating Base north of Sierra Leone.



In anticipation of permission, the 501st Airborne Battalion, 100th Air Defense Company, 200th Engineering Team, the 3rd RCT, and the 1000th Services and Support Battalion are on immediate standby for deployment.

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In an operation unrelated to Captain Vasquez mission a Mobile Offshore Base Bravo would begin is assembly 200 miles off of the coast.  The M.O.B. ostensible mission would be to act as an air field for relief operations into the country and supporting ongoing military operations other than war within the conflict space.  One of the key aspects of this mission would be to host a large number of drone aircraft flying at various altitudes, with persistant surveillance at 70-90k feet respectabley straddling the 12 nmi territory water zone able to peer deep into the entire country using sophisticated visual and radar sensors from such a high altitude.  Smaller units would conduct signals intelligence gathering as well as host drones for monitoring the naval traffic, air, and ground in and out of the country.  


A ming class frigate patrol group and a king sejong class patrol group would be sent to provide naval support for the mission, while 4 joint high speed vessels would equip forces to send supplies into the littorals.  This force would also be supported by the deployment of a hospital ship.  Two squadrons of Speed Agile Transports which would fly round the clock missions both to gather supplies in South America and to send 'humanitarian supplies' the the Imperial Party bases.  The stealthy transports would provide a difficult detection capability.  But the cargo for the most part would be highly transparent.  A combat unit of a navy special surface warfare unit armed in inflatable fast speed boats for counter small boat operations, a F-6 squadron for area defense, a group of six ASW helicopters, and a marine anti-access missile unit armed with three batteries of SAMs and three batteries of ASM would also be deployed to the base but for the most part would remain inactive suggesting little in the way of expeditionary capabilities for the Imperial Operation.  


All and all the force would appear to be primarily a humanitarian support one.

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In Freetown, the movement of Irish troops and ships had not gone unnoticed. A single precious F-16SL flew out to scan over the airport where Irish forces landed, but would not engage and withdrew as soon as it came under fire or locked on to. With this movement being observed, Brown's Fascists organized 3,750 soldiers to cross the bay to assault the Irish-controlled airport. These soldiers, a combination of regular Army and militiamen, would be armed mostly with FN FALs, with the odd Kalashnikov or two among them.


But there was another problem for the Irish forces - they had landed directly in Communist territory. They soon mobilized a force of 2,800 soldiers, mostly militiamen, to head out to the rumored area of Irish operations. Whether they could intercept the Fascists or not was up in the air, or if they would even fight them or combine their forces to fight against the foreigners. Given the differences between ideologies, this was unlikely at best.


Meanwhile in the south, Imperial soldiers would gladly greet the "humanitarian aid" that was coming to their port. Seeing the impressive display of power and aid, the Imperial militias began to recruit very heavily for men to fight for the cause, to drive the Fascists out of Sierra Leone once and for all.


Irish communication assets would hear broken parts of radio messages between various Army units. Pieced together, and with a little bit of translating given dialect differences, they would eventually form the messages "Combat Engineering Regiment stuck in Communist territory - unknown if Communists are hostile, requesting assistance in any form. Require food and water if we are going to survive."

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With the apparent higher interest of Tianxia in the area elements of the Hellenic Navy would redirect to the South Atlantic to establish a more solid position in the area, meanwhile the decision was made to increase the amount of help the Communists would get. Additional weapons and armoured vehicles would mysteriously find their way to Communist camps while a highly trained High Guard Razor unit was inserted into the country to provide the Communists with proper training. These forces would of course rid themselves of all elements identifying them as Athenian soldiers and were primarily picked from Razors of an African origin. 


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After the incursion by the F-16SL, additional air-defense systems and anit-aircraft weapons would be deployed to shoot down any unidentified plane posing an immediate threat to the Air Base and the personnel stationed there. Two F-35s would conduct constant air patrols around the location of Irish Forces, being able to quickly engage and destroy any future air attacks from militia.


With 3,000 Marines stationed at Air Base Lungi along with air transport and close air support being provided from INS Dublin and INS Challenger, RADM Mark Montgomery requested additional marine personnel to be flown in for reinforcements. The request would be granted and the 1st Marine Expeditionary Unit (2,000 marines) from Ireland would begin to be flown into Sierra Leone. All Marines would be equipped with the GF416 and AR-21 assault rifles, M562 light machine guns, and M951 81mm Mortars.


Soon shots rang out from the outer parts of the Air Base from armed combatants. The marines would return fire and call in air support from F-35s on large enemy positions. The enemy force was estimated to be at about 4,000 with only 3,000 Irish Marines stationed to defend the Air Base. However due to superior training and equipment, the Irish forces were able to quell the surprise attack. This did not come easily, with over 200 casualties it was the largest loss of Irish Defense Forces personnel in history.


RADM Mark Montgomery ordered the Marines to establish a 2 mile security zone around the Air Base. The additional 2,000 Marines being flown in from Ireland would assist. Several attempts were to be made to contact Communist and Imperial militia groups to try to work out an agreement for all factions to work together to re-establish the overthrown government.


Intelligence officers received broken parts of radio messages between various militia units about the possibility of the renowned Combat Engineering Regiment being trapped inside Communist territory. A team of highly-trained special operators from the Army Ranger Wing would conduct forward recon and attempt to either locate or communicate with the regiment. A rescue attempt was out of the question for the time being due to the lack of enough resources on the ground to do so.

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The Empire would continue to scale up the deployment of resources into the Imperial territories, the focus would continue to be primarily on sending economic aid along with advisors and trainers for domestic security and border protections.  The goal would be to create a haven of stability even as the rest of the country would descend into civil war.  Equipment would be given also to help produce propaganda broadcasts pointing out much of what was being done in other regions, and also produce documentaries on the war crimes committed by Communism and Fascism throughout the 20th and 21st Century.  By contrast an emphasis was placed on Imperial lands being lands of free and open commerce, free expression, and a balance between tradition and modernity.   

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A website titled under the url www.africaforafricans.org would suddenly appear. Upon it would be the recent take of Legion's satellite photography of the Irish base that were somehow mysteriously "leaked".  Further satellite passes are authorized to continue collecting up to date information into the Irish numbers and dispositions.



Legion Official Announcement


"The source of the intelligence leak involving africaforafricans.org is being sought out as we speak. Pan-African nationalism has had a long history in Legion and at times it rears its head. This is one of those times.  Unfortunately, the process to take down the website is a difficult one and requires a motion from Legion's Council of 13, the waiting time for such a motion is expected to be 2 to 5 weeks."


- Prime Minister Duvall




A full wing of B-52 Bombers armed with long range cruise missiles are placed on standby. With those planes a suitable escort of a F-15 Strike Eagle Wing is organized to protect the ponderous bombers should they be called to battle. A Legion submarine is pulled out of the decommissioned reserve fleet and orders are given to return the vessel to active duty as quickly as possible.

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