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United Nations General Assembly

Captain Enema

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"Logistics and security behind moving nuclear material to the Athenian Federation for proper disposal are in the planning stages. The current estimate is a year for the full disposal of the required material to the Athenians."

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Montessori, the President of the United Nations General Assembly, pulled out a trumpet and gave off a strong note of affirmation that whoever is wait for whatever is approved.


Further, he then leaves the podium, where he was enjoying a nap and goes to use the toilet. A distant cry is heard, "I HATE CRAPPING IN LOW GRAVITY."

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"Québec hereby seeks membership in the UN, as we see our country as a free and sovereign state, recognised as such by most, if not all of the world. Furthermore, regardless of being granted membership status, Québec opposes any idea of the American Commonwealth becoming a permanent member of the United Nation's Security Council. In our opinion, the P3 is a group of nations acknowledged as nations, whoms support is of vital importance to any international policing action. The American Commonwealth, while being a stable nation and long-time guarantor of North American stability, is still far from the international status of the P3, and any expansion of the P3 at the current point, merely based on the argumentation of the American Commonwealth, risks creating a broader two-class membership within the UN, as an undue precedent for extension of the UNSC is set. The american Commonwealth should be kept at the status quo, where it can occupy a normal UNSC seat, without veto powers, which just unnecessarily complicate matters within the UNSC."

-Florence de Pétèvellier, Minister of the Exterior of the Faraway Realm of Québec

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The Norse Kingdom supports the American Commonwealths application for what its worth. However, it is curious that a state seeking membership to this organization immediately seeks to discredit a long standing and respected nation.

However, the General Assembly is not in the habit of rejecting membership based on poor decisions, and so supports Quebec's application.

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"Our country does not seek to discredit. We merely state our position on expanding the UNSC permanent members, which is our sovereign right to do as an independent nation and which has an effect great enough on our nation to make it a concern for our foreign affairs regardless of being a member or not. We thus also refute the idea that it was a bad decision to voice our objection to an expansion of the UNSC, as it would only be a bad decision if we would not voice our position on a matter of such great importance. The American Commonwealth, by all means, is not said to not be a respected and faithful nation, however, it needs more than that to be a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and we doubt that the American Commonwwealth is, in this regard, on the same level as the current P3. Not to mention our general objection to expanding what we see as an undemocratic principle that merely exists as a concession to the realities of the international system."

-Florence de Pétèvellier, Minister of the Exterior of the Faraway Realm of Québec

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In relatively abrupt fashion, the members of the observing delegation from the Stormlands would depart the general assembly.


In a general, handwritten note to be read to the General Assembly, the departing leader of the delegation would note that "the Stormlands agrees with the basic principles and rights set down by the foundation of the UN so many years ago". The note, however, would go on to say that "the Stormlands does not feel, at this time, that those basic principles and rights that were the hallmark of the United Nations, are being kept, and therefore withdraws its observer status until a time that the global forum for peace rights itself".

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In a formal letter from Québec, Minister of the Exterior Florence de Pétèvellier would likewise withdraw the nation's request for membership, stating that while the UN Charta lined out noble and respectable principles, Québec has its doubts on whether the Charta is actually adhered to, or just a "shred of paper". Of course, Québec would still follow international law and be willing to work with actually functional aspects of the United Nations, but the nation would see no reason to join at this point of time.

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Before UN Ambassador Gabriela Pearce left the UN to seek asylum in another country due to her country's government being overthrown she would state the following:


"My fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen,


It is with great sadness that I address this body for the last time with deplorable news. My country, the United Republic of Ireland, has been attacked and invaded by the Empire of Tianxia unprovoked and unilaterally. The reasons for such actions are baseless in the eyes of international law. As Tianxia is a permanent member of the UNSC and is mandated to uphold international security and peace, how can it justify such barbaric actions against a civilized and democratic country. Its actions have severely damaged the image around the world of these United Nations, and as such some members have already left its membership. The people of its Empire called my government Imperialistic while at the same time remain governed by in fact an Imperialistic government. I also condemn the Athenian Federation for conceding to the Tianxians and allowing them to unilaterally attack a sovereign and peaceful European country. This precedent clearly shows that international order and stability is a fantasy and that any country may be invaded and attacked so long as the powerful are the instigators. There is no justice in this. There is no concern for the common good. I strongly urge the international community to not sit idly by as this atrocity occurs. My people want freedom and democracy not tyranny and dictatorship."

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The Irish Nation, which acted without consultation with this esteemed body in considering measures for war in the Polish Prussian War, and directly sent combat forces without mandate in the Sierra Leone Civil War, and then tried to exploit the situation even as others who merely gave assistance deferred to the debate at the UN, is hardly in a position to now come crying foul.  The fact is is that the exiles of this nation have been quite clear that they want freedom for the British people, something that was historically a reality, to now place them under no a federation but a Irish state and claim they are not in a position of tyranny already seems highly suspect.  It is true our air and sea armadas back them, but it is the people of Britain.


We give the people of Britain their freedom!  Britain will be yours!  Do with it what you will!

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"Finally, something interesting," Montessori exclaims. "All motions to join this body are approved. Further, the nations departing are wished all the best." He then orders a sandwich and prays for a planet killing meteor to wipe out the population of the Planet Earth in such a way that would send forth a vigorous statement as to just how pointless the UN really happens to be.

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The Tianxian delegate must truly be pulling at straws in order to justify its actions. Every country has the right and obligation to protect its citizens and allies in times of war. The European War was a true failure in European peace and stability, however Ireland did not take any action and repeatedly said it would not do so unless in self-defense. These claims are backed up by your very country who sent a goodwill squadron to the English Channel along with a stealth bomber to thwart off any incoming attack by the Norse Kingdom. In terms of the Sierra Leone War, the Irish state simply upheld its treaties with the Sierra Leone government and sent troops to restore peace and order while the remainder of the international community sat idly by. It was only until the death toll rose did the international community take interest and then forced our military forces out. We complied and withdrew over 50,000 military personnel and equipment in ten days. Any quicker would've been impossible. It was by popular referendum that the countries of Britian, Scotland, and Wales were annexed into Ireland. They each are represented by their Chancellor and have considerable regional influence. These exiles you speak of, care to give a number for surly in order for such a great nation like Tianxia to use military force they must be the majority? Because is not then the Empire of Tianxia has unlawfully attacked and invaded a sovereign country without ANY UNSC mandate. Again if such a mandate for the use of such brute force against my nation was passed I ask for a copy for my own reading.

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'Can Ireland offer any proof of this claim that Tianxia did indeed send military forces to Europe with the purpose of 'thwarting' an attack against Ireland by my country? That is a grave allegation, perhaps the allegation of a desperate man with nothing to lose.' responded the Norse deputy, eying the Irishman for any signs of dishonesty before casting a glance over the Tianxian delegate who had not batted an eyelid.

'Such claims must be backed up with evidence to this Assembly.'

'What is Tianxia's response to this claim by Ireland?'

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"First of all I take great offense to the reference of me being a man, for I am a women and proud of it. Secondly i so happen to be carrying copies of such discussions."

Ambassador Gabriela Pearce would then hand the Norse delegate previously classified dispatches.

OOC- http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/120212-dispatch-to-tianxia/#entry3218566

OOC- http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/120212-dispatch-to-tianxia/?p=3218578

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"Apologies madam, it must be the lighting in this room, makes it seem as though you have a mustache."

"Documents are easily forged, I would need to see the corresponding communication from the Empire of Tianxia also to prove its authenticity and not a forgery."

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"Very well. However in case the Tianxian delegate is hesitant in presenting their corresponding communications, I do have access to a secret vault where all original diplomatic cables are kept along with their original diplomatic seals."

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"And if not? If you do not believe our records and they refuse to show and/or refuse the existence of such documents it will only harm your country, not mine. Most of my nation's government has been murdered by Tianxian military forces. I question why Tianxia did not first attempt diplomacy if they disagreed with my government. It would have been much more peaceful that way."

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