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Atlantic Intent to Place in the Sun


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Sunny Days Over the Atlantic II


This Optional Defense Pact is based on and affirms the strengthening bond of friendship that exists between the State of Unified Nations and the North Atlantic Defense Coalition. In the spirit of friendship and cooperation, the parties agree to the following terms.

Article I - Previous treaty superseded

This treaty shall supersede the previous Amity and Cooperation Treaty signed by the parties on June 27, 2013.

Article II - Sovereignty

The parties shall respect the sovereignty of each other, and neither party shall engage in any conduct which may impinge on the sovereignty of the other party.

Article III - Non-aggression

The parties shall not engage in aggressive actions against each other, including conducting espionage or declaring war on each other, or providing aid to enemies of the other party.

Article IV - Dispute resolution

If a dispute arises between the parties, whether because of the provisions of this treaty or otherwise, the parties shall seek to resolve that dispute in private via proper diplomatic channels.

Article V - Intelligence

Each party must share with or relate to the other party intelligence or information that relates to or affects the safety or security of the other party in a timely manner.

Article VI - Defense

If either party is subject to an attack from another alliance or rogue nation, the attacked party may request military or financial assistance from the other party, and that other party is encouraged to, but not obligated to, provide that assistance.

Article VII - Termination

If either party wishes to terminate this treaty, the terminating party must give 48 hours prior notice to the other party. Neither party shall engage in aggressive actions against the other for 72 hours after the termination of this treaty.

Signed for the North Atlantic Defense Coalition,

Tiagoroth - Secretary General
Aurelius - Deputy Secretary General and Foreign Affairs Minister
Rivereye - Internal Affairs Minister
Aloysius - Military Operations Commander
Scotia the Brave - Finance Minister

Signed for the State of Unified Nations,

Fen Dorbek - Second Emperor of SUN
PSpiz - Imperial Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
King James II - Minister of Internal Affairs
Relapse - Minister of Defense
Paul Jacobs - Minister of Economics
Shard - Minister of Education Edited by Tiagoroth
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On behalf of SUN, we are proud to continue developing closer and closer ties to the fine people who comprise the North Atlantic Defense Coalition.
NADC has already contributed positively to SUN, for which we are grateful.  In return, we swear fidelity and good will, and we look forward to the future we grow with our friends in NADC.  We feel honored to have such good friends.
Salute to the NADC!
Fen Dorbek
Emperor, State of Unified Nations
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