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UN Security Council Discussion


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"Madagascar's proposal was veto'd and Legion is an invading force, not a peacekeeping force. Their involvement has led to more death and destruction, not less. We remain open to a proposal that doesn't leave the door open for anyone to exert control over Sierra Leone."


"Legion supports exerting control over Sierra Leone should the local government of Sierra Leone attempt what precipitated our peace enforcement intervention. If they can refrain from further acts of violence whilst making both parties making simultaneous demands in the UNSC, it would go a great distance in demonstrating Sierra Leone's sincerity.  Certain parties seem to be having trouble recognizing or remembering or simply wish to overlook for their own aims, those being their own colonial interests; it was document skirmishing inside of Sierra Leone and those aforementioned  demands being made by both parties to the international community that prompted Legion to act.


As of right now, the fighting has ceased, it is our hope the fighting remains halted. As the TSI appears to be the ones being called upon to bring about a permanent solution to this issue, we wait for instructions from our Athenian and Tianxian neighbors."

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"Yes, it is a shame that Legion has allowed its own colonial ambitions to cloud its judgment, but we can forgive you for this. You saw two groups asking for an international organization to resolve the conflict they were fighting and naturally assumed they wanted a foreign invasion. It happens sometimes."

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"And yet Russia is the one with a colony in Africa. Nice one, but try another castle. Legion is quite pleased with the results of our actions. We see it as a template for future peace enforcement operations. Which by the way, Legion services are available at a highly affordable rate for those countries who wish to hire Legion forces to deal with problems of these sorts. Direct all requests to the Office of the Minister of Procurement and Special Projects headed by Gentleman Johnny Germaine Esq."





Minister of Procurements and Special Projects Gentleman Johnny Germaine Esq.

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"Despite the apparent success of TSI intervention in Sierra Leone the Athenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Commissioner for Internal Affairs of the Exarchate of Africa have concluded that there is still a threat of violence between various factions and that significant amounts of arms remain in the hands of partisan militias. As such the Athenian Federation proposes a resolution ordering all militias in Sierra Leone to dissolve and hand over their weapons to TSI forces. The Sovereign Initiative should then oversee the establishment of a non partisan military to protect the country against foreign threats but can not be used as a tool against political opponents"

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Tianxia would like to address the matter of the empty seats in South America and Asia.  We feel the time has come to allow for these to be filled by new membership.


Tianxia for its part as an Asian member is prepared to support the candidacy of either Bahrain or Meihua.


In South America we encourage the member states from the region to elect a representative to be seated at the council.  

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Is it not that we vote per region?


I remind the delegate of Athens what they voted on when there were only three members along with Tianxia:


N Security Council Docket:

Item 1:

Nominations of members from different regions:

Nomination Proposal put forth by Tianxia Delegation:

Dejure recognition of the Empire of Tianxia, Czardom of Greater Russia, Athenian Federation as permanent members with the option of adding two more later per terms of an American or British state justifying membership.

Appointment of a regional representative elected by [b]member states from each region[/b] defined as Indo-Pacific Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, and North America.

Edited by Triyun
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Donald Lewis, the American Commonwealth Ambassador to the United Nations, would rise to address the Security Council.  "I would like to address this council with the proposal to grant the American Commonwealth status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council as the successor to the American seat.  For a long time my country has kept the peace in North America, devoting the full range of its resources to protect the peoples of defunct nations, and ensuring them stability and a good quality of living until they could form their own governments and we are ready to step that effort up to a global commitment.  The American Commonwealth has a wide array of resources and capabilities at our disposal and we believe that this, combined with our lengthy record of upholding peace and stability, would make us an excellent addition to this organization".

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With the collapse of the Irish State, and recognizing our 'Right to Protect', we officially request a mandate from the Security Council on the standing up a provisional British Government, with an understanding of a transfer of sovereignty for the British Government at such a time where the old regime and its terrorist elements are removed, law and order is restored, and a Parliament once again rules the British Isles.  Such a mandate would recognize Imperial Military has having responsibility to defend the Isles from all enemies foreign and domestic until restoration of sovereignty, while authorizing UN civil services to support the restoration of law and order. 


Obviously we vote yay.

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I would like to bring up the issue of compliance.  One of the most august duties of this council has been towards the elimination of nuclear weapons.  It strikes me, that we as nations of the world should all have the ability to recognize that more than enough time has passed for nuclear disarmament to have taken place.  We would like to take stock of the progress made on all states at disarmament as this is a binding [i]global[/i] resolution.

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Transportation of nuclear material to the Athenian Federation has paused until the conflict with Noord-Uniestaat is complete. Once the dangers of the conflict pass, Prussia will be able to complete its timetable for adhering to the United Nation's mandate. 

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This progress is all very encouraging to me, Tianxia has of course been well on its way to meeting its obligations.  We await the Russian Report on disarmament.... hmm, it seems like we're forgetting something or someone.  Does the representative of Athens remember?

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"Following the public outrage against the war launched by Draka against the Cape the Athenian Federation would like to propose the commission of a committee consisting of experts from the permanent members of this Council to investigate the Cape and determine the validity of the war launched"

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