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Posted (edited)
OCTOBER 12, 2013


Rhodesian society is a unique case in post-apartheid Africa. Nowhere else in the continent people have come to terms to establish a multicultural nation based on mutual respect and cooperation for the common good and the prosperity of all citizens irrespective of ideas, ethnicities and color. The labels "whites" and "blacks" are a taboo in Rhodesia Nyasaland and most foreigners who visit the country for the first time often incur in gaffes and misunderstandings when they engage conversations and talks with the local population.
The idea that Rhodesia Nyasaland is a nation founded on racial segregation is completely wrong and perceived as an insult by all the Rhodesians who for long have suffered and opposed the policies of Apartheid enforced between 2006 and circa 2009 in the Federal Republic of Transvaal
Today's society is based on common rules of "good neighborliness", the respect of cultural differences and mindsets, along with efforts to make sure the whole population of the country takes decisions togheter, irrespective of color and cultural background.

Minister of Social Assistance, Joshua Nkomo (Rhodesia African National Congress)

Q: "Mr Nkomo, what is your opinion of black rule and the condition of the blacks here in Rhodesia?"
A: "Here in Rhodesia Nyasaland we don't look at people as whites or blacks, that is a plain racist point of view. Foreigners who come here and talk about 'blacks and whites' as if they are two different races are as racist as those people who supported apartheid in the past. 
We are equal human beings with the same rights and the same duties, your skin color makes no difference here. When people ask me if i wished this country had black rule i answer: why should we 'blacks' be treated as inferior human beings who need special treatments and protections or special privileges? Aren't we evolved enough to participate and take decisions just like everyone else? Provided one has the abilities and provided he can earn the authority and the position? 
So why should we prefer a black rule over a rule of the Rhodesian people as a whole? We don't want the 'white man' to leave, and the 'white man' has never asked us to leave, we are one people, there is no such thing as 'black rhodesians' and 'white rhodesians', just Rhodesians. And we Rhodesians are working togheter, as one people, irrespective of our cultural or ethnical background. This is the system here in Rhodesia, we don't label people as 'whites' or 'blacks', that would be racist and we oppose racism and racialism, as far as humanly possible."
Q: "Don't you think the Afrikaner Nasionale Party is pursuing the interests of the Afrikaner minority instead of the common interests of the Rhodesian people as a whole?
A: "It would be impossible for them to do so, even if they wanted to, and this is the reason why we of the Rhodesia African National Congress are allied with the Afrikaner National party in this government. We don't deny that each party represents a specific part of the population but this is normal in a parliamentary republic like Rhodesia Nyasaland.

Of course the Afrikaner Party has certain interests to defend, but so do we. This is not racialism, everyone has interests to defend and we have formed this 'unholy alliance', as some people labeled it, to defend the interests of the Rhodesian people, not just the interests of 'afrikaners' and 'indigenous' Rhodesians. I'll say it again: we don't look at people as 'whites' and 'blacks', we Rhodesians take decisions togheter, as one people.

I understand and i am aware of the fact the Southern African history has been stained by many mistakes, made by all sides.. but we are doing our best to promote and defend our multicultural society based on equality, freedom and prosperity. We can also look back at the history of Europe or Asia.. are you really sure other continents have the moral authority to judge our lifestyle and our ideas down here in Southern Africa? I don't think so.."

Q: "Thank you for your time Mr Nkomo."
A: "Anytime."
Edited by Ian Smith
Posted (edited)


LIVINGSTONE city, Pop. 1800. The Capital City of Rhodesia Nyasaland is infact a small urban settlement in the heart of Africa. The wilderness sorrounds the town but the Rhodesians who live and work here everyday see their town as a special place, a place of opportunities where business is thriving, travel agency and hotels are working togheter to offer tourists the best experience. Government bureaucrats and functionary often visit the local restaurants and hold public meetings in the city's square. The city has some of the lowest crime rates of the country thanks to level of civilization and good neighborliness promoted by the local and the national government.

Nowhere in Livingstone there are signs of apartheid or any sort of racial segregation policies. Infact people of different cultural and ethnical background are working togheter, talking togheter, drinking a cup of tea togheter, playing cricket togheter in public parks and in the most serene and peaceful environment. The police costantly patrols the streets and monitors vehicular traffic in order to guarantee safety and rule of law for the sake of citizens and visitors alike. 
The city has attracted many national and international construction firms as living space is an important issue in Rhodesia Nyasaland. The strict rules and regulation regarding environment and respect for native tribes who still live by their ancient cultural standards have prevented the construction firms from fully expanding the town. However, this is exactly what the Government of Rhodesia Nyasaland is working for: a country that respects its environment and therefor its people.
Edited by Ian Smith
Posted (edited)
Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Rhodesia Nyasaland, Hendrik Verwoerd (Afrikaner Nasionale Party)
Q: "Mr Prime Minister, are you a racist?"
A: "Yes, i am. I believe in one race: the human race. Next question?"
Q: "I mean.. do you believe in differences between whites and blacks?"
A: "Let me rephrase this question for you ok? Mr Prime Minister: Do you believe that Rhodesians should be divided and compiled into categories according to skin color? The answer is: No. I do not believe in such horrendous racial segregation and racial profiling policies as you have implied in your questions. I am the Prime Minister of Rhodesia Nyasaland and i represent not only the people who support me and voted for me, but also the Rhodesian Nation and its people as a whole. Irrespective of color."
Q: "But the fact is that in the recent census released by the government, people are divided into categories according to race."
A: "As you probably don't know, here in Rhodesia Nyasaland there are many cultures, people and tribes of extremely different historical and cultural backgrounds. Many of the members of the aforementioned tribes have decided to live by their cultural values and it is the duty of the Rhodesian Government to protect and defend their choices. This is the reason why we have created special off-limits zone where human activities such as hunting, building and agriculture are forbidden by the law, in order to guarantee the tribes a peaceful and most serene environment. We don't force natives who have lived on this land for thousands of years to live by our 'western standards', we don't force them to drive cars, drink alcohol or wear businessman suits - this is the reason why we believe it is our duty to ensure their existance is not endangered by industrial or agricultural activities, or poachers. Thefor, we must know who lives where, and what their cultural and historical background is. I am sure that you assume all people who happen to be 'black' are part of one big blob of undistinguishable societies and ethnicities and this makes you not only a racist, but an ignorant person aswell. We must know what our people lifestyles is in order to protect them. People are proud of their culture here, whatever the culture is."
Q: "So.. those "tribes" are not as evolved as white Rhodesians to take part to the modern lifestyle of the country. Is that what you are saying?"
A: "Why do you keep talking about 'blacks' and 'whites'? And what do you mean with "those tribes"? They are human beings just like you, just like me. They have decided to live by their own standards, they lived here before the British and the Afrikaners settled in this land 150 years ago and if they want to live by their ancient cultural standards who are we to tell them what values they should embrace or reject? Nobody said they cannot come to Livingstone and drive a car or play cricket, why are you changing and twisting my words just to discredit me and make me look like a white supremacist despot? I say people have the right to live according to their cultural values, according to the concept of good neighborliness."
Q: "But-"
A: "I'm sorry, but this is not the kind of interview i have agreed upon. If you want to ask me questions about Rhodesia and its society, please keep your racist attitude and prejudicial questions to yourself. You are insulting the people of Rhodesia Nyasaland and i cannot accept that. And as Prime Minister of a democratic country i respect your job, i respect your right to have your beliefs and your opinions, but i am not going to continue with this interview."
Q: "Mr Prime Minister i'm sorry if i-"
A: "Goodbye and have a nice day."
Edited by Ian Smith
Posted (edited)

"Prime Minister Robles would like to commend Rhodesia-Nyaasland for being a shining example of Equality in the world. We'd also like to donate 5 million Bolivars to the Foreign Affairs department of Rhodesia strictly for preservation of Tribal lands."


The Government of Rhodesia-Nyasaland sends the most heartfelt gratitude to the Bolivian government for the kind words and the donation. Minister of Social Assistance Joshua Nkomo and Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Hendrik Hertzog guarantee that the money will be spent for the preservation and the protection of native settlements here in Rhodesia.

The Office of the Prime Minister

Edited by Ian Smith
Posted (edited)
Minister of Health, Albert John Lutuli (Independent-Not affiliated)
Q: "Mr Lutuli, do you think blacks receive adequate healthcare here in Rhodesia? Do you think whites care enough about the well being of the black people?"
A: [burst into laughter] "Oh God.. well, i believe you want me to say that we 'blacks', as you labelled us, have to ask the 'white man' to take care of us because we are incapable of doing so. You are impliying that we are incapable of looking at our needs ourself without asking the fearsom 'white man' to use his wizardry and cure our diseases. 
Seriously, Prime Minister Verwoerd told me about your extremely bigoted views but i didn't know they were THAT bigoted to assume that all Rhodesians who happen to be indigenous have to rely on welfare and social assistance, paid by white men, in order to survive. Do you know how 'blacks'.. oh how i hate that word .. get medicines and receive healthcare? They go to the doctor. Kinda amazing, uh?"
Q: "I'm sorry Mr Lutuli.. let me rephrase the question-"
A: "Yes, i'd be glad if you rephrased it."
Q: "Is there equality in income and standards of living between 'indigenous Rhodesians' and 'anglo-british Rhodesians'?"
A: "We believe in a system of private initiative, free market and freedom of enterprise are fundamental values of our society.. i believe you should ask this question to the Minister of Economy but regardless, i can tell you that merit and initiative are supported and promoted as it represents one person's success in life. People invest money in certain activities and they are rewarded most of the times with profit to buy the things they need, or anything else they wish to buy. This is the most basic concept of capitalism and Rhodesia Nyasaland is infact a capitalist country. However i would like to remind you i am the Minister of Health.
Q: "Thank you for your time Mr Lutuli."
A: "Anytime."
Edited by Ian Smith

"The sudden increase of publication attempting to insist on the equality within Rhodesia Nyasaland is telling enough, the Athenian Federation will await the results of the investigation launched by the Office of the Exarch to determine the validity of these statements"

-Ariel David, Magistrate of African Affairs


"The sudden increase of publication attempting to insist on the equality within Rhodesia Nyasaland is telling enough, the Athenian Federation will await the results of the investigation launched by the Office of the Exarch to determine the validity of these statements"

-Ariel David, Magistrate of African Affairs


Our intent is to let the world know about the social and cultural achievements of Rhodesia Nyasaland in post-apartheid South Africa. We just want everyone out there to know what Rhodesia Nyasaland really is and help us to progress and enhance the democratic process we are currently undergoing. We trust in the impartiality of the investigations led by the Office of the Excarch and we assure that all the given insights are genuinely neutral and really portray our country for what it is: a land of equality, freedom and prosperity. Neverthless, we will continue in our efforts to open our society to the rest of the world and let them know a little more about our country.

State President Ian Smith


Posted (edited)
State President of the Federal Republic of Rhodesia-Nyasaland, Ian Smith
Q: "Good evening Mr State President, or should i call you Staatspresident?"
A: "Good evening. Actually, both words identify me as the Head of State of Rhodesia Nyasaland."
Q: "I see, can you please tell me a little about yourself? Where do you come from and how did you become Rhodesia Nyasaland's State President?"
A: "Thank you for the question. I was born in Livingstone in the former British commonwealth state known as Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. I served in the British Royal Airforce for 10 years as pilot of an interceptor fighter jet. My ancestors were british settlers who moved here in first decade of the 20th century and my family mostly relied on farming and trade, for this particular reason i'd rather identify myself as a farmer. I am married to a beautiful woman and i have one son.
I've been farming until the day before my decision to issue the Unilateral Declaration of Independence on the 22nd of September, that's when i became the State President and Protector of Rhodesia. I am the Protector of Rhodesia and therefor i am the State President. 
The unfortunate experience of apartheid and racial segregations and the nuclear blasts in Transvaal have led me to take the chance when we Rhodesians decided it was time for us to become sovereign and independent, and after a few days of talks with the government of the Union of South Africa, many countries in the world including the Union of South Africa have recognized us. It was a choice determined by Rhodesian pride and the very concept of self-determination of peoples"
Q: "Can you please tell me more about your view, your dream, and the very soul of Rhodesia Nyasaland?"
A: "I want the Rhodesian people to stand up and take decisions togheter, irrespective of ideas and color. This is my dream and all our efforts are headed this way. We have achieved a lot since our independence, you can verify that by walking around the streets of Livingstone, or Victoria, Blantyre and the rural areas. People of different cultures and ethnicities living togheter, side by side, helping togheter and working for the prosperity and the happiness of Rhodesia.
The soul of Rhodesia resides is the unity of its people, the mutual respect between individuals who put aside their cultural differences in order to be part of a dream. The dream of a peaceful multicultural society. I am proud of Rhodesia, but to say i am the biggest player is an insult to all the Rhodesians who make this possible, day by day, improving the living conditions of our people and giving hope to strife for a better future."
Q: "Mr Smith, what is your opinion on apartheid?"
A: "I firmily oppose, reject and condemn any form of racial segregation. I live so close to people with different cultures and mindsets that it would be impossible for me to be a racist in this country and i am saying this as a pragmatic person. Do you think i could live on and overwatch this country if i was a racist? We believe in democracy, freedom of speech and equal opportunities and everything we do, is aimed at the enhancements of the aforementioned values. Freedom, equality and prosperity to everyone.
Q: "Thank you Mr State President"
A: "Thank you, goodbye."
Edited by Ian Smith

These responses sound forced and disingenuous. In less than a decade not only have the laws of Southern Africa been changed but the minds and thought processes of millions of people who lived during apartheid have completely changed. Such an immediate turnaround is impossible. The situation there is too perfect to be true. –Deputy PM Kropotkin

Posted (edited)

These responses sound forced and disingenuous. In less than a decade not only have the laws of Southern Africa been changed but the minds and thought processes of millions of people who lived during apartheid have completely changed. Such an immediate turnaround is impossible. The situation there is too perfect to be true. –Deputy PM Kropotkin

The Government of Rhodesia Nyasaland invites Deputy Prime Minister Kropotkin to visit our country and personally verify the veridicity of the aforementioned interviews and insights. Apartheid, according to our archives, was repelled and abolished permanently by popular referendum on January 31, 2007 in the former Republic of Transvaal. The process was long and not as quick and immediate as you believe. There is nothing that prevents foreigners from visiting our country, we are actually trying to open our society as much as we can in order to promote, and give voice, to our achievements here in post-apartheid South Africa. We are saddened to see there are people prone to quick verdicts and prejudicial statements without actually taking the time to verify the situation and see it with their own eyes.

We would also like to point to the fact that for decades the rest of the world has criticized South Africa for its racial segregation policies, the ones we have successfully opposed and abolished, but fail to recognize the efforts by South Africans to turn the tide and leave our past behind. We demand a little bit of respect. The statement by the Russian government implies that the people of Rhodesia, both indigenous and anglo-british individuals, are uncapable of governing their country and live up to civilized standards of mutual respect and cooperation. You imply that racism is in the DNA of Ndele, Shona, Malawians, Zambians, Zimbabweans, British, Afrikaners, Boers and English.. and once again, we invite you to visit our beautiful country. We will gladly prove you wrong.

Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs


EXCERPT FROM "THE HISTORY OF TRANSVAAL (VOLUME I) -  "Referdendum Crisis & Boer Staat Intervention"

"JAN.31, 2007 - OFFICIAL RESULTS FROM NATIONAL REFERENDUM REGARDING APARTHEID - Out of a total civilian population of 1,289, there were a total of 186 qualified voters able to participate. The results are as follows: YES votes = 42 (34.50%); NO votes = 70 (62.50%); DID NOT VOTE = 74
The referendum motion is therefore in accordance with Transvaal Nasionaalverkiesing Law to be declared DEFEATED by a vote margin of 62.50%."
Edited by Ian Smith

These responses sound forced and disingenuous. In less than a decade not only have the laws of Southern Africa been changed but the minds and thought processes of millions of people who lived during apartheid have completely changed. Such an immediate turnaround is impossible. The situation there is too perfect to be true. –Deputy PM Kropotkin

Prime Minister Robles would like to point out that no man is born hating another man because of his skin color. Hate must be taught. We believe the statements of Rhodesia to be sincere as this close knit community is fervently expressing equality. It is entirely possible for such a group of people to exist and discrediting their statements as falsities does little but express the rather close-mindedness of Russian Prime Minister Deputy Kropotkin.
Posted (edited)

These responses sound forced and disingenuous. In less than a decade not only have the laws of Southern Africa been changed but the minds and thought processes of millions of people who lived during apartheid have completely changed. Such an immediate turnaround is impossible. The situation there is too perfect to be true. Deputy PM Kropotkin

Selenarctos reminds Russia that it has been over 20 years since the dissolution of Transvaal (20 months by Proctincia Standard Time), and the intermediary state of South Africa was not particularly segregated either. Edited by iKrolm
Posted (edited)

Prime Minister Robles would like to point out that no man is born hating another man because of his skin color. Hate must be taught. We believe the statements of Rhodesia to be sincere as this close knit community is fervently expressing equality. It is entirely possible for such a group of people to exist and discrediting their statements as falsities does little but express the rather close-mindedness of Russian Prime Minister Deputy Kropotkin.



Selenarctos reminds Russia that it has been over 20 years since the dissolution of Transvaal (20 months by Proctincia Standard Time), and the intermediary state of South Africa was not particularly segregated either.


And we would like to remind the world that Ideals are not changed overnight. It takes more than one generation to breed out racism. In the west former slaves were treated like second class citizens for over a century after they gained their freedom and it took women decades to receive the same recognition in society that men receive. You expect me to believe that the social and political elite in South Africa have completely changed their minds in the 20 months (according to you) since the Transvaal’s collapse? I’m not closed-minded sir, I am a realist. I see the world as it is, not though rose tinted glasses.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
Posted (edited)

And we would like to remind the world that Ideals are not changed overnight. It takes more than one generation to breed out racism. In the west former slaves were treated like second class citizens for over a century after they gained their freedom and it took women decades to receive the same recognition in society that men receive. You expect me to believe that the social and political elite in South Africa have completely changed their minds in the 20 months (according to you) since the Transvaal’s collapse? I’m not closed-minded sir, I am a realist. I see the world as it is, not though rose tinted glasses.

The social and political elite of Transvaal is not related with the society of Rhodesia Nyasaland. We are not former Transvaaler bureaucrats and we were never involved in racial segregation policies. While most of our institutions are infact based on those of the Republic of Transvaal, none of apartheid and racial segregation policies have been implemented in Rhodesia Nyasaland today.

The statement "It takes more than one generation to breed out" assumes that all the people of Rhodesia (formerly a protectorate, and an independent Republic between 2009 and 2010) have supported apartheid and racial segregation. This statement is completely far from the reality of facts.

Apartheid has been enforced on Rhodesia, until it was repelled by popular referendum in 2007 (Standard Terran Calendar). Elections in Transvaal were not as free as up to liberal-democratic standards and our efforts today are aimed at the creation of a multicultural and democratic society. It isn't a fast and easy task, i agree. However, let us look back at the history of Europe and Russia for example.. the history of Planet Bob tells us that wars have ravaged the two continents of Europe and Asia, to the point of nuclear holocaust. Just like South Africa. If you think ideals don't change overnight.. then we must assume European and Asian mindsets have not changed either. 

Edited by Ian Smith
Posted (edited)

War is a fact of life it is unavoidable. Your boisterous comments aside, there is no evidence of a society changing social norms in less than one generation. I believe that there are people in your country that want to do away with the old order. Do I believe you’ve already completed the transition or that people live in perfect harmony as your government ministers say? Absolutely not.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty

"War is an extension of politics, a tool of diplomacy, but we should consider it an ultima ratio. We would hope that while one can acknowledge war as a sad part of this world, people do not fall for a fatalism that war is entirely inevitable. We encourage peaceful dialogue and coexistence, within states as well as between states."

-Nakamichi Minoru, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Dai-Tōhoku

Posted (edited)

War is a fact of life it is unavoidable. Your boisterous comments aside, there is no evidence of a society changing social norms in less than one generation. I believe that there are people in your country that want to do away with the old order. Do I believe you’ve already completed the transition or that people live in perfect harmony as your government ministers say? Absolutely not.

 We don't ask you to believe us. We invite your diplomats to visit our country and judge by personal experience. There is no other way to judge Rhodesia Nyasaland. Your assumptions are not backed by facts, this is why they are merely slanderous. We offer you to visit our country and see if things have changed for the better, or for the worse. Unless.. you have no interest in actually learning more about our country, and that would basically turn this debate into a useless exchange of arguments. We will not be offended if you don't visit us, but we will be pleased if you do.

Edited by Ian Smith

To: Rhodesia Nyasaland government
From: Office of the President
Subj: State Visit

To whom it may concern,

The Paraguayan people believe strongly in the foundation of democracy and equality for all regardless of race or nationality. I ask that you please accept Secretary of State Clelestina Scavo and allow her to make an official state visit to your country to help maintain mutual understanding and cooperation between our two countries.


Jose Gomez
President of Paraguay


To: Rhodesia Nyasaland government
From: Office of the President
Subj: State Visit

To whom it may concern,

The Paraguayan people believe strongly in the foundation of democracy and equality for all regardless of race or nationality. I ask that you please accept Secretary of State Clelestina Scavo and allow her to make an official state visit to your country to help maintain mutual understanding and cooperation between our two countries.


Jose Gomez
President of Paraguay

To: Rhodesia Nyasaland government
From: Office of the Prime Minister; U.R.B.
Subject: State Visit
We in United Bolivia are of like mind with our allies in Paraguay, please accept Omar Gonzalez-Rodrigues for a visit of your country as we believe that through visiting and recognizing Rhodesia, together we can move forward hand in hand with equality as our union.

Prime Minister Robles
Posted (edited)
"If you venture in the wilderness without the supervision of a local guide,
the local authorities will decline any responsibility. Welcome to Rhodesia Nyasaland"
Rhodesia Nyasaland's environmental policies are aimed at the conservation and the most strict protection of wildlife and the natural ecosystem, limiting human activities and enforcing a strict ban on hunting safaris and war against poaching.
Due to recent increase in the aforementioned illegal activities, the Ministry of Water and Environmental Affairs formed a special police force known as Rhodesia Nyasaland Wildlife Conservation Police with specific anti poaching tasks and educational activities to teach children to respect nature, environment and wildlife. Rivers and other water sources are costantly monitored by technicians of the aforementioned Ministry to ensure the quality and the purity of water
Wildlife guards often follow rhinos to protect them from illegal hunters, creating true unique emotional bonds between humans and wild animals. Wildlife guards are carefully selected by merit, ability and knowledge of the the rhodesian ecosystem and animal behaviors.
Safaris are organized by local travel agencies who decline all responsibilities for people who decided to venture alone in the wild without the supervision of an expert local guide. Prices are affordable and many rhodesians and foreigners alike usually gather up on weekends and live the amazing safari experience in the wild environments of Rhodesia.


"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the Lion sleeps tonight.."

Edited by Ian Smith
  • 2 weeks later...

"Following nearly 6 months of investigations the Exarch's Committee on Rhodesia-Nyasaland has completed its report which will be published in full within the week. The Committee must conclude that while evidence of direct apartheid is minimal the white population has been artificially increased by an immigration policy negatively affecting black applicants. By these initiatives to increase the percentage of white people inside Rhodesia-Nyasaland the government is guilty of implicit ethnic cleansing. The Committee also concludes that to restore balance to the state the government must implement quotas to restore balance and afterwards to maintain it"

Posted (edited)

"Following nearly 6 months of investigations the Exarch's Committee on Rhodesia-Nyasaland has completed its report which will be published in full within the week. The Committee must conclude that while evidence of direct apartheid is minimal the white population has been artificially increased by an immigration policy negatively affecting black applicants. By these initiatives to increase the percentage of white people inside Rhodesia-Nyasaland the government is guilty of implicit ethnic cleansing. The Committee also concludes that to restore balance to the state the government must implement quotas to restore balance and afterwards to maintain it"

The Federal Republic of Rhodesia Nyasaland was established on September 22, 2013. Today is October 25, 2013. The investigations started on October 11, 2013. Therefore, the investigation took 11 days to come to a completely manipulated conclusion of which we would like to read the results in detail. There is no such thing as apartheid, not even "minimal" and there is no such thing as "artificially increased white population".

We want to know in detail what these "artificially increased white population policies" consist of and when, how and by who were carried our in Rhodesia Nyasaland, because none of the aforementioned policies have EVER TAKEN PLACE in the Federal Republic of Rhodesia Nyasaland.

We invite you to prove it and we appeal the international community to send neutral observers who actually observe. 

OOC: Where is the investigation RP? Nevermind, it's pointless to debate.

Edited by Ian Smith

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