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I am sorry but this thread and the other one that Merina is involved in is a sham. I have never seen such deplorable behavior in such a short space of time from so many people.


Khamenei, stop being a testicle towards people and saying stupid things and just sit back and observe how the community works before you post, sort of like think before you speak. CNRP is not realistic in any way, shape or form, but it is better than nationstates.


If you don't like it, please leave through the door you came in through, otherwise, just at least make an effort to learn how this community behaves and roleplays before coming out with silly and outrageous posts. It just makes you more of a joke than people already think you are.

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I am sorry but this thread and the other one that Merina is involved in is a sham. I have never seen such deplorable behavior in such a short space of time from so many people.


Khamenei, stop being a testicle towards people and saying stupid things and just sit back and observe how the community works before you post, sort of like think before you speak. CNRP is not realistic in any way, shape or form, but it is better than nationstates.


If you don't like it, please leave through the door you came in through, otherwise, just at least make an effort to learn how this community behaves and roleplays before coming out with silly and outrageous posts. It just makes you more of a joke than people already think you are.


OOC: Pretty sure your the silly one here. Thanks for your opinion but it wasn't needed. Who can take anyone seriously when they include insults in their recommendations? Stupid things? No my statements are realistic, and I'll continue.

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OOC: Pretty sure your the silly one here. Thanks for your opinion but it wasn't needed. Who can take anyone seriously when they include insults in their recommendations? Stupid things? No my statements are realistic, and I'll continue.


Suit yourself man, take it or leave it.

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OOC: Posting this from my mobile at work; as of right now, there should be no more IC action posts made towards South Africa until I have a chance to respond.

There are actions that need to be responded to, and by RP standards, nothing more should be done until I get the opportunity to respond after I get home from work. Just throwing that out there.


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Across the Empire, there would be a swath of thermo
signatures that would appear on countries with early warning satellites.  Conventional FOBS had been activated.  However, they would be appear to be heading
North over the pole.  Instead of
descending the fifty large heavy lift vehicles would carry a sizable payload
over the western hemisphere, flying above missile defense range and then back
over Antarctica.  They would begin
descending in a surprise attack over the South of Madagascar being deorbited
straight down.  It would be virtually impossible to defend against without a mass use of nuclear ASATs, however, the attack was about to get even harder to defend against...

At the same time Tianxia Skyhawk electronic warfare drones
would begin a take down of the Merina over the horizon radar system.  This would combine with a microwave attack on
the circuitry with a tailored data stream cyber attack to short out the system
and create power spikes which would produce false returns. 

With this conventional FOBS pods came down across the
nation.  2000 lbs bombs would be released
against radar stations coming in at Mach 25 to maximize their kinetic effects
against key stations.  Command centers
would be hit by large kinetic penetrators. 
While air fields and TEL bases would be saturated with bomblets.  

Swarming in behind the attack, Tianxia A-47 stealth drones
would deploy in swarms of 6 aircraft each coming across the countryside.  The units would use GMTI indicators and SAR
radars to peer through tree cover to track and engage groups of TEL and SAM
launchers.  Meanwhile their electronic
warfare suites would engage in jamming non-encrypted satellite navigation (you
basically need your own satellite constellation to get around this, which
Merina hasn’t had the opportunity to build). 
This would deny the ability for ballistic missiles or cruise missiles to
be utilized, because they would need to be inertial guided so they would need
to have a fixed position.  Tianxia’s air
force would force the enemy to deploy the enemy missile forces in either a
moving formation where they could not be used, or to predeploy and mass them
onto fixed positions (OOC:  see this http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/07/14/saudi-missile-sites-target-iran-israel/2510157/),
at which point, the missiles would have to both mass and would be easily
detectable, and fire could easily be directed onto the target to destroy most
of the ballistic missiles before they could be launched.

 F/B-5 aircraft would be sent into the sky ready to reign
down fire on targets across the area. 
F-5 Super Quantums meanwhile would sweep the sky ready to engage
fighters as soon as they came up to play with the World’s most experienced air

"We grow weary of this.  Our forces will conduct a escalatory operations the more this goes on."


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The 904th Infantry Brigade was ordered to fold into the command structure of the South African military for the time being.  The Yorktown and Independence battle-groups had rounded the Cape of Good Hope and were proceeding to stations off the coast of Merina.  The 1st Airborne Division was ordered to begin immediate deployments to South Africa along with the 49th and 81st Airlift Wings, the 4th and 32nd Fighter Wings and several E-3 AWACs.  In the meantime the 4th Airborne Division was also alerted for possible deployment while the 1st Marine Division was being assembled at Little Creek and would be heading off within a day or so.  The 75th Ranger Regiment was notably flown in as well along with the 160th Special Operations Air Regiment and the 63rd Special Forces Wing, operating a variety of aircraft ranging from electronic warfare aircraft to airborne gunships. 

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The Ministry of Defense has indeed confirmed the attack but reports the scope of the attack to be slightly exaggerated. The Imperial Armed Forces are still able to retaliate due to our equipment being hardened from EW attacks and the systems multiple redundancies. The Ministry also reports that indeed that a "significant portion of TELS have been destroyed but all silos remain operational and Merina will be launching conventional MIRVs towards Tianxia's French Southern and Atlantic Islands.


The Imperial Airforce reports that some of its fighters have been downed in Southern Merina and has scrambled the Central Air Arm to engage any enemy aircraft over our airspace. The Air Defense Corps is engaging remaining combatants.


" I want to make them pay!" screed the Emperor," Defense Minister Duiroi I want every available missile into the air turning the French Southern Atlantic Islands into a smoldering pile of ash!" 


"Sir we shouldn't risk possibly revealing our silo bases to the enemy until we find an alternate telemetry to target the Islands with. These missile could be our last line of defense!" replied the Defense Minister.


"Contact our remaining allies; we will use their satellites to target Tianxian territory and show that we can project power. I want our most advanced missiles in the air as quickly as possible." goated the Emperor


"Yes sir it will be done." replied Duiroi "Private! Patch me through to our friends and let them know we need a favor." said Duiroi

Then silos from Merina's highlands creaked open and tens of missiles in rapid succession ripped of out of each silo base headed to bombard Tianxian territory.


"This will show them, there no way they can block all of these hyper-speed missiles." huffed the Minister Duiroi. "I want submarine coverage of this." he also stated.


Stealth submarine Winston was parked in visual range of the Island, and the commander linked the video of the Atlantic Islands being impacted by Merinan Missiles. There seemed to be a helicopter attempting to evacuating the island to all of a sudden being struck by an incoming missile. The helicopter was struck on the nose and exploded right off the islands coast.


"We got the bastards!" cheered the Emperor "I want the Southern Fleet to seize that island immediately!" "Minister Duiroi deploy paratroopers and communications specialist to the island so we can access any records they have left on the island." Oh, and order that submarine to sink any ship attempting to leave those waters!"


"Alright gentlemen this was basically the enemy testing our defense capacities. We must consolidate our forces on the island and begin strategic defense. Field Marshall Brunkter, I need you seize those South African bases in the region. I need you to do it now. Our men have just completed wargames and freshly prepared for these situations. Storm his bases and kill every solider and then access take control of his assets for our own use." ordered the Emperor.


The Field Marshall rallied his commanders and ordered them to begin attack on occupied bases and ports. Army and Airforce aircraft conducted bombing runs of South African positions. And the Missile forces in concert with the army's heavy artillery units smashed the defenders static units. Tanks and APCS  supported by thousands of men are pushing slowly into the small pockets of South African resistance.

" I want them crushed! Spare no life for they have forsaken the land of our fathers!" screamed the Emperor "Hail Merina! Hail Merina!" yelled the Emperor.


"The South African are likely to begin their attack after its reported their units are being decimated." I want the ports taken quickly! Has the navy finished mining the coast yet? No?!" the Emperor said confusingly "Get me Admiral Harken immediately I atleast need the ports mined and booby-trapped in case or forces there become overwhelmed."


"Admiral Harken here sir."


"Admiral why hasn't the coastal mining been completed yet? How dare you not execute my orders as you have been told!" the irked Emperor said


"Sir I have trying to oversee the preparations of the fleet, we have few ships to spare for this since you ordered the fleet to keep moving to avoid any orbital strikes from the Tianxians." " My men will enlist the help of fisherman to finish the job quickly." "And oh the paratroopers and communications officers have landed on the French South and Atlantic Islands. Yet have failed so far to recover any data from the ruins."


"Well I guess that good news" the Emperor interrupted.


"Ah yes although we will have no way of analyzing the Tianxians defense protocols because the missile forces completed decimated the island." "My ships could have attacked precise targets on the island and para......" the admiral was interrupted


"MY ships you mean admiral, MY ships could have attacked the island. And No this response was the only way to show these bastards we mean business." "Admiral please make sure the Southern Fleet secures those waters I want more men to reinforce that island in preparation for an invasion of Antarctica." said the Emperor 

"Get me Captain Ouieba please."


"Captain Ouieba of the Spirit of Merina reporting!" patriotically said by the captain.


"Captain believe that South Africa will begin its invasion of Merina within a moments notice due to the army moving in on the Unions shore positions. I need you to hold the Mozambique Channel at ALL cost. The Eastern Air Wing along with the Spirit of Merina's airwing will provide air cover. If they do attack I want all assets to focus on taking out troop ships."


"Yes sir!"


----Emperors Transmission cut off----


"Contact the Interior Ministry order it begin organizing the civilian militias, Make sure the people are heavily armed and properly stocked. We need to hurry and empty our supply depots and begin placing all supplies where the invasions are expected to take place." ordered the Defense Minister


"Exactly why isn't he on Merina fighting this war with us?" asked Minister Duiroi


"Sir the Emperor and his family had reportedly evacuating the island before hostilities began." "However there are conflicting reports that the royal family has been hiding in the Palaces bunkers but seeing as the Tianxians are attempting to jam even our civilian communications network its hard to compile an accurate report." noted the Transport Minister


"And what if we lose communications with WHEREVER he's stationed at!?" goated Minister Duiroi


"Does he think he can hide out while we fight the war, and he comes out when everything is fine?!" "We are damn near surrounded by the worlds most powerful militaries and our Emperor has abandoned us!" "What are we fighting for then?" "I will issue the Emperor an ultimate when his royal decided he would like to bark more bullshit at us again!" screamed the Minister


"Sir you do realize this is treason?" "We are placing you under arrest! Guards arrest this man!" screamed the Transport Minister.


Mr Duiroi attacked the incoming guards, his aides tried to defend him but were subdued by the MOD soldiers in the Mountain Complexes War Room.


"You will regret this, this man doesn't care about you all! He's left us all to die for him and his cursed bloodline!" The former Minister screamed as he and his staff was dragged out of the room and into holding cells.


"Vice Defense Minister Admiral Ley you are now the Defense Minister of Merina. Fight well for our people." said the Minister.

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The Ministry of Defense has indeed confirmed the attack but reports the scope of the attack to be... yadda yadda yadda...


[OOC: Okay, just so you're aware, I already posted earlier that no further posts against my nation are allowed until I have responded to your initial moves. Which you made in what was already a ghost edit you made in your Ministry of Defense thread last night. There is a process on how CNRP wars are fought, and you're breaking that process, and therefore, that entire post, I consider to be non-canon. When I post, then you can post. Got it?]

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[OOC: Alright, Khamenei, since you're new to this, I'm going to give you a heads up, CNRP works, as I told you before, like this, people will make moves against you, then you can write moves against them. That said, you cannot explicitly say that things were destroyed by your attacks, you have to take the casualties yourself, and you must be fair by doling out casualties where they should be doled out. Also, you cannot make unexplained invasions of other peoples' soil, as you need to do prior roleplay for this to happen. Bottom line; your opponent should always have a chance to respond to your attack. You cannot just claim you invaded some island without resistance, etc. etc. People must roleplay out the effects of your attack, you cannot roleplay it for them, [b]UNLESS A GM RULES THAT YOU CAN DO SO.


That being said, there are rules governing how many ships you can have, they are located in the map thread, I am concerned that you are already over-exceeding your stats, and you should adjust your numbers accordingly. If not, we're going to have to take this to the GM's Court, which is located [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/105517-the-gms-court/]here[/url]. This is where you make claims as to what you think is unfair about a players' weaponry, attacks, casualties, etc. etc.


If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me, or query me on IRC if you have it. If you have a problem with my attacks, I personally welcome private inquiries into them, but I don't bend over backwards so people can fuck with me. :awesome:


Beyond that, good luck... but not too much, because I wholly intend to crush Madagascar back into a protectorate. :smug: ]


[Private Dispatch]


To: The Office of Hanobel Hazelwood, Minister of the Exterior

From: Lawrence Tenerife, Foreign Minister of South Africa


Mme. Hazelwood,


We are quite aware of the threat that is posed by the regime that we allowed to settle in Merina, it is quite apparent that that decision was made by ill-judgment and now must be reconciled. We are quite confident of our current position, but any and all assistance that can be rendered to our forces that will hasten the demise of the Merina Empire is quite welcome. Chiefly, an air and naval blockade of Merina at the moment would help contain the threat, and the more ships and elements that can reinforce our forces are quite welcome. Our Army is currently engaging in full mobilization which will culminate in a full South African takeover of Madagascar.


As for your concerns over the science and culture of Madagascar, we are quite aware of your concerns, as we have our own biosphere to preserve in South Africa, and have tended to it with nurturing care. Civilian casualties, we are afraid, are a result of war, but our forces will undertake our operations in such a way to reduce as much harm to civilians and Madagascar's environment. We cannot guarantee a clean campaign, but rest assured that the Academy of Sciences' concerns are noted.


As for your interests in post-war Madagascar, as well as your vessels, we are amenable to Faraway's commercial and scientific interest in Madagascar and will be willing to engage in talks over such matters. We are also happy to announce that your vessels are being outfitted at the Millennium Yard in Durban as we speak, and should be ready for full commissioning within the next fortnight.


Best Regards,


Lawrence Tenerife

Foreign Minister

South African Foreign Service




"Given the response and measures taken that are trying to inhibit, detain, and/or evict us from accessing what is considered sovereign South African territory, and the refusal to adhere to the terms of our ultimatum, South Africa hereby declares a state of conflict now exists between itself and Merina. The South African Interior Ministry, in cooperation with the South African Foreign Service, hereby issues an international arrest warrant for the Merina Family. These attempts to incites an entire country to throw itself on the bayonets and missiles of our sovereign forces that are wishing to free them from a fiery fate, are heinous in nature.


We call upon the people of Merina to stay this madness, and keep yourself and your loved ones safe whilst South Africa and its partners seek to end this conflict with as little bloodshed as possible."


Anton Vorster

Deputy Interior Minister

On behalf of the SA National Security Council and Government




Throughout the hours preceding the Tianxian declaration of war and subsequent bombardment, with time ticking down on the ultimatum both from the South African government, as well as Merina's own ultimatum trying to threaten its isolated forces into submission, a scramble was underway. South African foreign service officials would leave, including the Ambassador, who would snub the request for answering questions, and flee to the SAAS Joint Forces base at Mahajanga. Several thousand South African expatriates and workers would also try to seek refuge at bases throughout the nation, or hunker down in urban areas, afraid to flee, out for fear for their lives. On the mainland, the South African government would be moved out of Cape Town to an undisclosed location as the ALERTCON would rise to its highest possible rating.


Most civilians would be allowed through at the major bases, including Antisiranana and Mahajanga, where armed checkpoints would check identifications against the Foreign Services' biorecognition battery of tests. The smaller bases, including the air bases at Toamasina, Toliara, and Sambava would take in as many people as they could, but would detain citizens until further notice in one of the bases' large fallout shelters. What wasn't quite so noticeable to anyone in Merina, who were disallowed from entering the bases by perimeter fences and barbed wire, was the massive destruction campaign underway. When standard comm lines went down to South Africa, and with backup satellite communications restored, all radar outposts, hosting transmitter and receiver units, along with the airbases, but not including Antisiranana and Mahajanga, would receive a similar, one-line encrypted confirmation word; "SLEDGEHAMMER".


What would result was an orgy of destruction throughout outposts and base command centers, with personnel setting alight thermite destruction charges that would melt away electronics and classified documents. All of these actions would precede South Africa's declaration of war, and would result in all vital and classified electronic systems, document storage units, aside from a single communications station, being fried and paper turned to unusable ash. The single communications system would have two individuals by it all time, ready to set alight a can of thermite to fry the system. Naval patrol aircraft posted in their respective hangers at Toamasina, Toliara, and Sambava would have their weapon systems, engine controls, avionics, and all sensitive communications and electronic systems destroyed in similar fashion. The aircrafts' weaponry would have its guidance chips removed and destroyed, their engine control units melted through with thermite, and the explosives in their warheads fashioned for improvised explosive devices.


Whilst this was going on, base personnel would bust open weapon storage lockers and armories and firearms and weapons issued to whoever could fight. Rifles, pistols, machineguns, grenades, light anti-tank weaponry would be emptied and handed out to security details and base personnel, who would reinforce their well-built concrete barracks, perimeter observation points, and various buildings. To support the defenses of the bases at Toamasina, Toliara, and Sambava, now manually-controlled concealed autocannon turrets, typically meant for anti-aircraft or missile use, would be primed for use against ground forces, and rolling airframe missiles would utilize a simple software switch to ensure a capability to engage ground vehicles.


The bases at Antisiranana and Mahajanga would not be easy targets for Merina to so easily do away with, with Antisiranana being home to over two divisions' worth of combat troops, as well as tens of thousands of South African logistical and support staff. Encompassing the [url=http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa325/VictorDeltaRomeo/Antisiranana_zpsec0ad0c8.png]entire peninsula[/url] north of the city of Antisiranana, the base was, for loss of better words, huge, with multiple aerial facilities, barracks, armories, vehicle laagers, and workshops. Luckily for the South African Navy, only a couple patrol boats were in port at Antisiranana, with most of the fleet out of port. With concealed strongpoints that encompassed the base perimeter, including along the bases' coastline, and a huge arsenal of weaponry, it was not a facility to be so easily overcome. A similar facility existed at [url=http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa325/VictorDeltaRomeo/Mahajanga_zpsaf4f6aef.png]northeast of Mahajanga[/url], with more than a full divisions' worth of combat soldiers ready for battle.


These units would man a series of defensive checkpoints and reinforced bunkers and trenches that covered the entire perimeter, and had fall back positions in case they were hard pressed. Fire support units were already detailed on pre-detailed fire support patterns, and with constant satellite surveillance and small unarmed surveillance drones circling the expansive bases, they were well aware of the forces massing outside of the base. Air defense units would be detailed to suppress attempted attacks on the bases as best as they could, it was well understood that the airspace would be contested. Unfortunately for the Merinans, they could not shut down the power to both of the large bases, as each boasted their own power facilities, nor communications with the outside world, as undersea fiber-optic cables had been laid upon the opening of the bases, and were not public knowledge.


With the declaration of conflict, the Tianxians firing a salvo of their own, and with Merina forces closing in for the attack of the bases, the South African Armed Services would jump into the action with stalwart and grim determination to hold their own. To support Mahajanga and Antisiranana, South Africa's Air Force, with a force of three dozen strategic stealth bombers loitering over Mozambique, would launch a strike of cruise missiles at the massed thousands of Merina forces surrounding the bases. Utilizing a variety of targeting techniques, including target recognition, GPS, and terminal-laser guided modes, the cruise missiles would make the long journey against the massed targets. Fighter aircraft would also scramble from Mahajanga and Antisiranana in an effort to intercept incoming bogies should they attempt to make a run on the bases, with rotations of aircraft inbound from the mainland to help keep the airspace over the bases contested enough to dissuade bombing runs.


They would not be the first armaments to arrive, however, as the bases at Mahajanga and Antisiranana would open up against the massed forces with salvos of rockets and guided munitions from MRLS units stationed across the bases. The vehicles would then quickly pick up stakes and move to another pre-determined position, and any incoming Merina aircraft, and relevant missile weaponry would be engaged by a variety of surface-to-air missiles, attacking at intervals as the weaponry closed in, automatic cannon, and even laser turrets. MRLS and artillery units would be directed to engage in counterbattery fire against Merina's own artillery units once the battle got into full swing, while base defense forces would stand their ground valiantly. Mortar, rifle, machineguns, anti-tank missile, and grenades would be used to engage any units that approached the base perimeter. Combat engineers with trucks, that at first appeared to be quite ambiguous, but mounting VOLCANO mine-dispersal systems would have their tarp covers shucked off, and launched salvos of anti-personnal and anti-tank mines ahead of the advancing forces.


Although the smaller outposts would surely be overrun in any protracted battle, the Merinan forces that would go up against Toamasina, Toliara, and Sambava would have a bit taller of a fight on their hands. With the autocannons and rolling airframe missiles programmed for ground attack, would engage targets once they began to approach. Units would pull in observation posts where they can if the attack became too much, and the heavily-constructed barracks and workshops would prove to be ideal defense points. Explosive traps had been set throughout the bases, with C4 packed into improvised shaped charges, which would be set off by an electrical pulse by a waiting South African nearby, which would direct nails, glass, and pebbles into anyone unfortunate enough to get close to the traps which would be hidden throughout the bases.


Efforts to hold Toamasina would also be aided by stand-off bombardment by elements of the Cape State carrier battlegroup, launching several waves of cruise missiles against targets, aided by the sole remaining communications transmitter. The cruise missiles would deploy combined effects munitions and anti-personnel bomblets against clustered enemy forces, once identified by target recognition software. The Cape State battlegroup would also direct cruise missile attacks against a variety of airfield and naval logistical support stations, aimed at cratering runways, obliterating workshops, setting light fuel bunkers and tanks, and aiming to cripple the ability of Merina's air force to continue in a long-duration fight. Well aware of the potential capabilities of engaging Merina, the battlegroup was well armed with an array of surface vessels, including the modern guided-missile battleship Redoubt, and a submarine screen ready to remove any undersea pests from the groups presence.


South African Navy and Air Force units would also move against Merina's overly-outnumbered attempt to hold the Mozambique Channel against the tide of South African armaments and forces which would move against Madagascar. Having tracked the forces throughout their intrusion into the channel, a combined offensive would begin against Merina's naval force. Two squadrons of stealth strategic bombers would launch (from the safety of Mozambican skies) a total of sixty supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, aiming to strike the carrier-cruiser and her escorts.


Alternatively, three squadrons of Goshawk Stealth Air Superiority fighters would roll in to engage the Merinans' ship aircraft, launching their first salvo of semi-active-radar-homing missiles at almost seventy-five nautical miles, as they moved to close the distance. The aircraft, working in tactical flights of four, were outfitted with a variety of air-to-air missiles, and would contend with any aircraft encounter. These aircraft would also provide overwatch for three dozen Tawny Multirole Aircraft from the Namibia Carrier Battlegroup, as they would approach the battle group and launch salvos of subsonic, sea-skimming missiles that would fly in under the radar to strike at the group. Utilizing advanced targeting software, the missiles would switch to target recognition as they closed the distance, aiming to hit vital areas of the vessels they were detailed against.


As these strikes were ongoing, the South African Air Forces' strategic forces would jump into action with a series of medium-range ballistic missile launches aimed at Merina's army depots, command and control nodes, airbases, and naval facilities. With warheads made up of combined effects munitions, which would essentially employ bomblets to carpet bomb an area, the missiles would cripple runways and maintenance facilities, as well as destroy logistical capacities. Similar ballistic missile launches, utilizing tactical ballistic missiles, would occur to pepper the rear areas of the forces that would be trying to force their way into base at Mahajanga.


With the war now at full-swing, the South African Navy would also pull two of three carrier battlegroups from the Atlantic to join the American Commonwealth's naval forces as they moved around the Cape. With submarine, ASW helicopter, surface ship, and fighter screens covering the approaches to the ships, they would be aware of any attack against them. The coastline of South Africa and inland would be bristling with anti-ship missile launchers and anti-air defense units. Errant patrols of South African Air Force fighters would patrol the Mozambique Channel and provide air cover over the outlying territories, which were well-defended by army and marine units.

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The Republic of Pará sees fit to remind the Soviet Union that Merina is, in fact, a country and not a woman. Were the latter case true, that would shine rather an uncomfortable light on South Africa's invasion ultimatum.


That said, the Republic urges Merina to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and loss, otherwise remaining neutral to the situation.


"A nation is like a fine bottle of wine.. best drunk slowly and with a plate of good cheese."


- The Amazon Confederacy

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Meanwhile in a little corner of Cuba, Hudson Bay Special Operations Command would discreetly activate their assets on the island on a little journey to Madagascar.  The Air Force paved the way for beginning operations with RQ-4 Global Hawk surveillance operations to target the capital of Merina and specifically observe operations at the Emperor's palace and other government facilities.


The 6th Special Operations Squadron comprising of Special Operations Weather, Combat Air Traffic Controllers, and Pararescuemen with their equipment were loaded onto a C-17 with two RQ-9 Reaper UAVs with Hellfire missiles loaded aboard as well.  Three other C-17s were loaded with UH-60Ms and OH-58F and various supplies to support the 720th Aerial Special Operations Regiment.  The fifth, and last C-17 was loaded with the main element of the 5th Special Forces Operational Detachment of just over 100 operators.  It all, the operation would directly involve about 250 people.


The five C-17s would fly non-stop to protectorate East Africa to temporarily set up shop with utmost discretion.



Meanwhile, Federation Intelligence Agency (FIA) agents would begin their HUMINT gathering operations to observe and glean real-time information on the ground around Merina.  These agents would disguised as civilians, tourists, etc. to keep a very low profile and emphasis their temporary stay in the country.  They would attempt to befriend the locals in night scene settings while causally observing Merina force structure and deployments in the capital.  However, with regular communications down in country, their information would be relayed via satellite phone to appropriate people back home.  These calls would be made discreetly once a week, outside of the view of the public, most of the time.  If they were in a public space, they would code their information with a predetermined code that would not tip them off.

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To: Lawrence Tenerife, Foreign Minister of South Africa

From: Hanobel Hazelwood, Minister of the Exterior


Mr Tenerife,


The Faraway realm is pleased to hear that South Africa will try to do its best to protect the island's biosphere. As a person that has conducted military campaigns myself, I do know that sometimes the lives of the soldiers will have priority and that damage will be inevitable, but to minimise the lasting damage has to be the objective for any campaign that seeks to integrate the enemy into the own state.


In regards to any direct involvement, her Majesty is not too keen on dispatching assets. While we acknowledge that action needs to be taken, we regard this affair as an African affair. To violate our own policy of not overstepping our own sphere of interest without clear treaty obligations just even once could permanently weaken the integrity of our policies and the trustworthyness of the Faraway Realm. Unless the Rideau Accords are expanded, to send out assets into the Indian Ocean could trigger negative reactions by the other powers of the region and this cannot be in anyones interest.


Despite this, our, reluctance on the issue of overt support, the Realm is willing to provide F£300 million for the rapid pacification of the island, with possible further financial assistance, if required. Additionally, material and financial assistance with a value of up to F£750 million can be provided to repair the inevitable damage this operation will cause.


We hope you can see the reason behind our position on this matter and wish you good luck, that the strait of Mozambique may not be a warzone for long.


With regards,

Hanobel Hazelwood

Minister of the Exterior of the Faraway Realm

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OOC:  Ayatollah, as you seem to have very little understanding of how conventional ballistic missiles, electronic warfare (Which bw you can't harden against you're thinking EMP), or stealth works, much of your stuff is going to get ret conned in this post.  However, this is why you should play with things without responsible adults showing you how.




[b]Military Dispatch from the Empire of Tianxia[/b]:


Tianxia does not negotiate with fascist bandits.  It destroys them.  There will be no peace, the Empire will wage a campaign to destroy the this regime, its soldiers, and all who follows them.




Tianxia cruise missiles would strike silo locations that were actually ready (they do take time to dig) as soon as the first ones began to show signs of activity to prep for missiles.   Tianxia cruise missiles would hit the target with HDRM munitions to maximize explosive force, using ER-M-51 hypersonic missiles for an initial high impact kinetic effect, to destroy the silo doors.  This would be followed on by sea based yamamoto class LACMs which would have an extremely high degree of accuracy, while overhead drones would provide bda allowing the yamamotos to be adjusted accordingly to continue to render the silos inoperable.  B-9 Bombers would then be tasked with providing a final on site massive ordinance penetrator to destroy the silos entirely.


Most of the ballistic missiles absent satellite guidance were harmless in their attacks against the surrounding islands, falling harmlessly into the sea.  This was because ballistic missiles were not terribly accurate unless they were wither prepositioned and prepared to be fired at a fixed point and not moved (at which point the air force would reign down death onto them) -or- alternatively they had satellite guidance, something that Tianxia had already cut off (OOC:  no you can't harden against this, I'm happy to explain why in PM Query).


Those that were on a trajectory to hit targets were qeued into missile defense systems across the region (OOC:  this is how iron dome works but on theatre scale).  Sea based, air based, and ground based interceptors would work together to defeat the remaining much reduced force till only four of five of the primitive ballistic missiles were hitting their targets.


The submarine which thought it was being stealth by broadcasting video, was actually quite well detectable.  Tianxia JLENS systems would pick it up instantanously.  It would have little chance to escape before ASW submarine helicopters would be tasked to destroy it with a combination of torpedos and depth charges.  As submarines were near coffins once detected it was doubtful it would have a chance in hell of escaping.


In the air as soon as the air force scrambled either fighters or bombers, they would be immediately engaged by Tianxia F-5's air to air missiles.  Taking advantage of their superior altitude and speed, Tianxia aircraft would not allow many of the enemy aircraft to get off the ground before engaging them. F-5s would cycle in and out from nearby air bases and a carrier group to keep four squadrons constantly engaged over the country, while linking their sensors to four over the horizon B-11 bombers carrying 36 Air to Air missiles each which could engage the enemy extremely quickly.  


Seychelle based SAM batteries would provide screening for the fleet, as surface action groups approached towards Madgascar, which would then extend the fleet SAMs over the shores of Northern Madagascar furthering the no-go zone for enemy aircraft.


Two squadrons of F-6s would simultanously paralyze the Merinian IADS system.  The network of aircraft, space based, and drone based sensors would instanteously detect where a radar system for air defenses went online, and EO Sensors would locate sources of missile launches air to air or air to ground.  The F-6 squadrons equipped with with small diameter bombs and harm missiles would rapidly interdict the air defense targets, giving the enemy two stark choices: abandon contesting air defense, or be destroyed.


Tianxia's 5 Indian Ocean deployed Xia class battleships with JLENS cover of surface action groups would begin the process of ending enemy air power in the Indian Ocean and north and south of the country by now using their main battieries of guns to strike runways, aircraft hangers, and command and control facilities.  The rail guns against which there was little defense would have the ammunition to constantly pound the surviving airfields and systematically degrade them till not only they were inoperable but beyond the possibility of repair.


The OTH system which was suffering from ongoing jamming would be engaged now by the Tianxia Jade Emperor class destroyers, 14 in all, using their own rail guns.  The ships would also move to shore using their artillery guns to do precision shelling of positions across the ports of Farafagana, Taolaganaro, Vohemar, and Antahala.  Targets of the highly accurate shelling would be command and control, communications systems, and any remaining local military garrisons.  With the Merinians having deployed large chunks of his ground forces to beseige the South Africans, Tianxia was going to exploit it heavily.


Without OTH radar coverage, Tianxia's amphibious strike groups, would within twenty minutes be landing a MEU onto each of the targeted ports.  The battle hardened Tianxia Amphibious Forces would rapidly move inland, with swarms of A-47 drones providing air cover and jamming enemy communications.  


Tianxia's ground forces would leverage C3 asymmetries to identify enemy units as they tried to communicate and engage them with a combination of off shore naval gunning, satellite precision guided mortars, and air cover.  The MEUs combined arms force of heavy combat vehicles including EFV IIs and MCS MBTs would advance through the main thoroughfares and on important objectives like air fields.  Meanwhile the light infantry would move in very small fast teams, taking advantage of urban cover, only using their organic fire support controllers to engage enemy ambush positions, while then moving in to finish after fire support had destroyed enemy cover.  At the same time this would make it difficult for the enemy to establish a front against the MEUS, and instead would need to put a lot of mass into engaging Tianxia, which would immediately make the enemy army vulnerable to attacks by the air force and navy.

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OOC: Triyun in you guys words "CNRP isn't realistic" So Merina has developed technology which doesn't require satellite usage for ballistic missile launch. No your not going to tell me what technology I have developed. And also you need to re-read what you typed in OOC.

The Royal Family has abdicated and living comfortably somewhere not caring what those fools still have to say.

"Ah the sun feels nice my queen" said the Emperor


"Indeed it does my love" said Empress Marmala


"I sincerely hope those fools attacking that island don't think they're going to find us there!" joked the Emperor


"My love don't you feel bad all the suffering our people will go through?" said the Empress in a sad tone

"They'll be fine, I abdicated but the Prime Minister and military is still going to fight. Those foolish Tianxians and South Africans will be kept busy for years thanks to the resistance. Meanwhile our plastic surgery will mean we will be able to walk around not in hiding and living free. Ha! We got away good didn't we my love?" bragged his highness


"Indeed my love, indeed"



---------This is me exiting RPing as Merina do what ya want now kiddies ----------

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With Tianxia's offensive falling on the eastern side of Madagascar, and the revelation that the Emperor had fled the country, like the coward he was, leaving his followers to be slaughtered in droves, South Africa would press its advantage. With the Merina Fleet sent to the bottom, or on its way there, foolishly sent to try to hold the Mozambican Strait against the full weight of the battle-tested South African Navy and Air Force. With Merina's Air Force also on its heels, having seen its bases across the country reduced to pockmarked cinders by South African and Tianxian bombardment, the South African Air Force and Navy would throw its full weight into reinforcing troops on the island.


Although a number of radar installations had been taken, with a few of the more remote stations still holding out, but by the skin of their teeth, with only the South African bases at Mahajanga and Antisiranana being the only facilities that were fully operational. The Joint Air Force/Navy Bases at Toamasina, Sambava, and Toliara were still holding on, but only Toamasina had been able to keep its air facilities open, as a battalion from the elite 44 Brigade (Airborne), with support from other special forces operators on the base, was fighting tooth and nail to keep the runway open. Propaganda broadcasts began to spread across the island as PsyOps aircraft, with powerful radio transmitters, began operating from South African bases, with a message that had been relayed by Borneo to South Africa's Foreign Service, indicating they had Emperor in custody.


If Merina's armed forces didn't realize yet, they would soon; they were doomed, and the Emperor had not even tried to stay and lead his forces, opting to instead flee the battle, and get caught in Borneo's trap. With Merina's Air Force and Navy on the run, and mostly declawed of its assets, the South African forces at Mahajanga and Antisiranana would press their advantage heavily. Support elements; NLOS box launchers, MRLS launchers, towed and SP artillery rained down fire on the massed Merina forces that were attempting to break through the perimeter, as South African tactical strike bombers would zip in overhead, dropping Firecracker light bombs and laser-guided bombs on the formations. Cluster munitions with flechettes and shrapnel munitions would rain down death and destruction on the infantry, whilst high explosive armaments would be directed against tanks and armored personnel carriers.


Behind the rolling bombardment of death and destruction, at both Mahajanga and Antisiranana, mechanized infantry forces would move forward against the rent and Emperor-less Merina soldiers. The battle-hardened forces, with veteran soldiers and officers from conflicts in Mozambique, Tanzania, and the Central African Protectorate, would move forward in company-sized action elements. Above them, surveillance drones would pick out targets, Rooivalk Attack Helicopters not damaged in the attacks on the base facilities would take to the skies and duos would take up station above battalion-sized elements and support the advance as the South Africans sought to tear open the wound. Elements of a mechanized battalion, supported by a company of up-armored main battle tanks with TUSK equipment would be pushed directly down Highway 4, with heavy air and artillery support, aiming to start the ground offensive on the capital.


To quickly reinforce their tired units at both locations, air bridges began to be established between South Africa and the two major bases, with transport aircraft flying in equipment, supplies, and more troops. The 3rd South African Airborne Division would be flown directly to paradrop at Mahajanga into battle and support the drive, and keep the offensive moving. Elements of South Africa's Naval Auxiliary, their ships already moving under heavy escort northwards, would put the hammer down to deliver the elements of an infantry and armor division to Mahajanga, whilst the South African Marine Corps would land two MEUs at both Mahajanga and Antisiranana.


With Merinan forces crumbling as propaganda that the Emperor had fled, leaving the people to their deaths, would become apparent, the South African Armed Services would be receiving prisoners in droves. Although there was some animosity, the citizens of Merina were generally receptive of the return of the South African forces. To relieve its position at Toamasina, the Cape State Battlegroup would deliver the elements of almost two full MEUs to Toamasina's port, to break the siege on the base there. Elements of 44 Brigade would be relieved by elements of the 24th Marine Regiment after about forty-eight hours of near continual combat, and would be given a chance to rest for about eight hours before being assigned a new mission.


To break the siege at the badly-embattled South African base at Toliara, elements of three Marine Regiments would be landed, with support for the landing and the base coming from two full carrier battlegroups. The newly-commissioned battleship Stronghold would be detailed with provide naval gunfire support with its' railguns, which would begin pulverizing Merinan forces besieging the shrinking perimeter of the military facility there. Marines would move ashore under prodigious air support and naval gunfire, engaging any Merinan forces that sought to show themselves, as reconnaissance drones identified targets from overhead.


Attempts to make contact with a number of radar facilities by units of the Naval Commandos, flown in by heavy assault helicopters, would yield a number of grisly results however. At some locations, South African personnel would be found executed after trying to surrender, their quarters and facilities ransacked. Despite all this however, efforts to destroy sensitive equipment had been successful, and none had seemed to survive to fall into Merinan hands, and the Commandos would establish clandestine reconnaissance outposts in nearby locations, as South African forces poured into Merina to resecure the protectorate and the seat of governance.

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Tianxia MEUs would continue to hold the bridge heads, as special operations commands along with air power was used to secure ballistic missile forces and destroy missile factories across the country.  The Empire would be happy to allow the South Africans to expend large numbers of ground forces retaking the country.  Instead, it would focus on creating expanded beach heads for division size formations from the army to come in and reinforce, while using special operations and air power in the heavy guerilla infested territories.  

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