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Military Generals Discussion


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Update from the game:


Military Generals, which is currently being tested in Cyber Nation Tournament Edition, will be implemented into Cyber Nations Standard Edition over the coming week. The costs and XP requirements will be adjusted higher to reflect the non-reset nature of Standard Edition.



This will be interesting. How do you think this can add to CNRP?

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No one has actively RP'd using generals in warfare posts, thus this newest change in CN is moot for CNRP.


I always RP my military leaders. I simply call them Field Marshals instead of generals, but every time I go to war there is always a FM involved in the organization and implementation unless its only a naval situation in which case I don't bother with an Admiral too often. 

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I don't think the point of these would be generals, just good generals.  

This would require people to actually differentiate in your tactics according to what people you use.


Say, if I have a good general, how will my tactics become better than what I already use for regular generals, given I won't become a tactical genius out of the blue. And at the end of the day, it'll be still me writing that post, the same person that RPs also all my less awesome generals.


No one has actively RP'd using generals in warfare posts, thus this newest change in CN is moot for CNRP.


I do use military leaders. From the war against Lynneth, which was commanded by the (now) Vicidalian hero Maréchal Godefroy Timoléon de Mollier and Major Adéle Valmy to Operation Maize Field, which saw Lady Dorothy Alcott (command over the Northern Army and supreme command), Lady Hanobel Hazelwood (command over the St. Clair Army) and Major General Albershaw (commander of the Madison siege and the one Mara tried to kill), I do use them. Makes things less boring.

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I won't become a tactical genius out of the blue. And at the end of the day, it'll be still me writing that post, the same person that RPs also all my less awesome generals.


This is the key argument. Generals aren't useful for CNRP in the long run. The only way I can see them being useful is if we derive a formula based on the general's stats, technology, etc, and then make a formula for "effectiveness of tactics", no matter how good or bad the writer is. Given that we already have the tech formula, the submarine formula, the soldier formula, etc., we don't need another possibly more complex formula.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You seemed more like a ProChina guy than Taiwan to me but I suppose I misjudged you. Congrats, we're in the same boat on that one.

You also are proChina?


I am pro china, the Republic of China!

I already said so in the past: I like the five-coloured flag more. Though, i guess Tianxia would be like the Dozen-coloured flag...

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Five color flag is an official one of Tianxia.  I'm using this one for my avatar because the Taiwanese "embassy" warmed my heart while the Chinese embassy kept me waiting out in the heat then lied to my face about cyber security.  

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You also are proChina?


I already said so in the past: I like the five-coloured flag more. Though, i guess Tianxia would be like the Dozen-coloured flag...


The Republic of China is the official name of the of the Taiwanese nation.The People's Republic of China is the semi-authoritarian, semi-communist, oligarchical country to the west.   

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