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The End-Times

Zoot Zoot

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A lone SSBN on patrol in the Pacific ocean received orders that would ignite a conflict that would engulf North and South America.


Fourteen cities would be targeted:








San Antionio


San Vincente





Peurto Monte


A total of Fourteen 20 megaton nuclear weapons would be fired, each set for a high altitude air detonation to avoid radiation contamination.


In the Florida panhandle a close group of missile silos would fire a further four nuclear SLBM's of 20 megatons each.


Two targetted at Cayo Fragoso and Two Targetted at Isla de Juventud, all four were 20 megaton weapons.


Gulf of Mexico/border between the CMA and the PSSA


J-STARs and UAVs ranging from high altitude global hawks to unit operated mini-UAVs provided imaging intelligence to give forward assaulting unit information on enemy locations and order of battle giving them an edge against the defending units. Armored cavalry and mechanized reconnaissance companies were ordered to begin advancing. Rear line Self Propelled Artillery batteries fired air burst shells against infantry units while armored companies would be engaged by armor penetrating shells. Main battle tanks would lead assaults, they would move in zig zag patterns during their advance while activating their ECM pods jamming any anti-armor missile systems. This system of attack would be seen all across the front line along the Mississippi. They had to capture a bridge to secure a crossing.


Mechanized recon companies of CV90's and Stryker vehicles assaulted areas where imaging intelligence did not find armor vehicles. Like with the M1A3 Abrams MBTs, the Scimitars used ECM pods to prevent missile lock ons. Enemy infantry was further suppressed by rear line air burst mortar batteries. Warrior ATVs moved to take the high ground and insert sniper-firing teams. Field Armies Bravo and Charlie, all began making their way in division strength across the border, two hundred and fifty thousand soldiers moved at a lightening pace with heavy armour and mechanized infantry units leading the way.


The Air regiment of each corps was sending forward its Apache Longbow attack helicopters to support ground operations.


Twelve AWACs flying along the battlefields outer territory used their sensors to map the battlefield and enemy forces in the area. Orders were rapidly dispatched to the Air Force to begin an all out air assault against the CMA and the Hudson bay Federation. The AWACs began jamming enemy communications and sensors as the first assault began.


The first five squadrons of B-2 Bombers approaching Mississippi would be the opening volley of the air campaign against the enemy forces in Louisiana and Arkansas. The stealth bombers operating well beyond the range of detection within the PSSA unleashed AGM-158 JASSMs. The stealth missiles would target the nearest active airbase, hopefully removing it from action. This would be repeated as a further five waves of B-2s would enter the battlespace, alongside the rest of the  combat air force. The B-2s would then be directed to return to Alabama and Tenneesee for rearming and refueling.


As the next Ten squadrons of F-22s flew over the battlespace below radar. The stealth fighters would use their AESA to transmit signals of enemy aircraft and ground forces in the battle space. They would use their electro optical infrared sensors to attempt and find fighters. This would be supplemented by mobile OTH and multi-static radars In Mississippi  which were capable of finding the general location of aircraft allowing the F-22s to make more precise search. These targets if found would be engaged by IR missiles, the electro optical IR sensors designed specifically to defeat IR countermeasures thus increasing the kill rate.


Twelve Squadrons of F-35's moved across the border, with four EA18's escorting each squadron. The EA18's would use their on board jamming equipment supplemented by ECM pods to jam enemy radar and transmit false positions confusing enemy air defenses while transmitting false locations back. The EA18's would also pick up on enemy radar signals of the Enemy Air Defense network’s SAM launchers and ground based radar. A pair of HARMs were launched at each of these locations. Targeting information was also given to ground based cruise missile launchers operating with the main thrust of the land invasion along the river. BGM-109G cruise missiles were launched against these sites as well while the growlers were suppressing enemy missile defenses.


F-35's would fire stand off air to ground munitions on enemy runway seeking to crater the runways and fill the runways further hampering the ability to scramble air force units. EA18's and f-35'S would then use their remaining weapons, air to air missiles to assist in air superiority for the duration of the assault.


Three squadron of B-1Rs were equipped with LRAAMs and fired off the weapons in rapid volleys from Imperial controlled air space against enemy air units that the F-22s had lock-ons.


Two B-1R squadrons were also brought into the Gulf of Mexico.


Each plane launched off volleys of sixteen cruise missiles. The missiles targeted naval facilities across Texas to significantly degrade the capability to of the CMA Navy.


A sixth B-1R squadron launched air to ground cruise missiles against areas which SATINT indicated were enemy fuel and ammo locations. Four A-10 squadrons and four F-15 Silent Eagle Squadrons moved in against forward enemy artillery and armor companies. Each A-10 squadron was escorted by an F-15SE which provided jamming against radar guided defenses with its basic ECM suite, while the A-10s released copious amounts of flares to defeat enemy IR lock ons and illuminate targets. Special priority was given to knocking out obvious enemy command and control vehicles.


Info was relayed to the 1st CVBG, which brought the wrath of the Navy against HBF forces stationed in central Mexico.


Orders came from the DoD to dispatch hunter killer submarines to seek and destroy all enemy warships, with particular attention to be paid when it came to enemy submarines in the Gulf. Hunter killer subs set out for ASW operations using highly sensitive equipment such as low frequency spread-spectrum electromagnetic surface wave devices and magnetic anomaly detection. The fleets frigates and destroyers assisted in ASW operations by deploying Lynx ASW helicopters which began sweeps of the fleets area of operations performing airborne low frequency sonar checks. Any detected submarines were to be exposed to the wrath of the helicopters torpedo weaponry, as well as sending the information to nearby submarines and sending them to attack the PSSA ships.


In the Mid Atlantic, the task force which was returning from the South Atlantic was ordered to change course and move south again to find and destroy the Chilean fleet by any means necessary.


Central Mexico


Using information gleaned from the troops stationed in central Mexico the 1st CVBG deployed six squadrons of F-35's, these sixty fighters flew below the radar and engaged the Hudson Bay Federation ground forces, staying well out of weapons range anti air before returning to the carriers to rearm. They would be joined by the F-X sixthe generation air superiority aircraft which would dominate the skies against any HBF aerial defence. Its speed and enhanced stealth would be its great defence from SAM's.


Using the targeting data being provided by SATOPS, the fleets Arsenal Ships and Ticonderoga Class Missile cruisers began firing RGM/UGM-109B's and hypersonic cruise missiles at the Hudson Bay Federation radar facilities in central Mexico. The total number of missiles were over a thousand missiles, pretty much half and half between cruise missiles and hypersonic cruise missiles. The fleet itself had expended less than half of its total armament.


Army Group Alpha, a force of 125,000 men received their orders at the same time everyone else did and the followed them to the letter. Using their access to the Combined Federation Forces in Latin America Command and Control network, soldiers were worked in the C+C bases began accessing the network and disrupting it, whilst this was going on, PSSA forces began turning on their counterparts from the other nations in the task force with the exception of the American Commonwealth who would be ignored unless they began shooting at the PSSA forces.


Using overwhelming numerical superiority and superior equipment/hardware, they began an aggressive war against the CFFLA in central Mexico with specific orders to target the Command and Control structure in place to disrupt and confuse the enemies efforts at a concentrated, organized defence.




The rest of the PSSA was placed on high alert and the population was ordered into fallout shelters. The Government was relocated to a series of bunkers. Army Groups Delta and Echo were ordered to the northern border and placed on a defensive posture with extreme focus on ballistic missile defence and air defence when the time came to pay for what they had done that day.


Cyber Assault

OOC http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/105517-the-gms-court/?p=3134813




NETOPS, a dedicated force of thousands would began a cyber assault across the military networks of the Hudson Bay Federation to disrupt operations. Massive DDoS attacks combined would be the first wave of assault on the HBF military networks. Hackers would then assault the military networks and attempt to plant malware and virus's that would overheat the hardware in the HBF networks and cause them to perform actions that would damage it due to being beyond the normal use of the hardware.  This attack would effectively shut down all HBF communications networks and cause massive damage to the communications infrastructure and its hardware.


They would also begin exploiting and abusing legacy software left on the networks from their construction to disrupt Command and Control networks which would play havoc with troop deployments. With the enemy communications network shut down, the hackers would release a series of aggressive worms into the network and let them run riot for when or if communications were restored. If they were restored, the worms would activate and begin making life very hard for HBF military commanders and their forces.


The 150,000 man NetOps force was spread out across many underground facilities and tasked to defend up to 15,000 networks and well over 7,000,000 Government and Military Computers. The network defences include sensors, software and signatures to detect and detain malicious code. When a cyber event occurs, the system will grade it based on magnitude, scope, apparent intended target. Once it has identified the magnitude, scope and apparent intended target it will be able to isolate whether or not it is an attack by a group, a program, or even a sovereign entity. If it is a program, it will attempt to sniff the packets and look at the code of the virus. If it is a human it will to look at the packet flow to see what commands, instructions, and protocols are being used in the breach, this however is just the role of the Strategic Cyber Defense Division.


The Strategic Cyber Offense Division's objective is to take the online battle to the enemy in the aftermath of a cyber attack. Moreover in a time of war, the Offense Division will activity attack military command and control networks of the OPFOR to cause disruption in their lines.


The Strategic Cyber Tracking Division's objective is to work with both the Offensive and Defensive Divisions to trace attacks to their point of origin. In times of war, on top of the tracing duties, this division will actively seek out and track radio signals and other transmissions from the OPFOR to track enemy positions and use the data to rapidly deploy Forces to the area. All equipment used by NETOPs was manufactured within the PSSA to avoid hardware loopholes that can be exploited by foreign nations.



No declaration of war was made. Just the attack.

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Terrorism, especially nuclear terrorism, is the worst crime in existence. It destabilizes entire states and even the entire world, it leads to millions of death and can never be excused. It is said that with great power comes great responsibility and it is this basic truth that compels the Athenian Federation to act to preserve stability. Effective immediately the Athenian Federation declares a state of war upon the PSSA. Furthermore we offer all aid possible to those affected by these cowardly attacks. It is moments like these that the world must stand together against evil.




Throughout the Athenian Federation AlertCon Alpha was declared as the already mobilized military machine rushed into action. All forces were ordered to move to dispersed positions to counter the effects of nuclear weapons while Task Force 99 and the Hellenic Air Force Special Weapons Division were ordered to prepare for a second strike against the PSSA should they opt to engage the Athenian state with nuclear force. San Bias was to be heavily fortified and civilian staff evacuated while non-essential military staff was to move to the nuclear bunkers built under every Athenian base. The government of the Atlantic Free State and in general civilians were evacuated from New Orleans to the Athenian mainland for their own safety while the Atlantic Fleet was to begin tracking PSSA ships while remaining hidden themselves. Finally the Hellenic Air Force would prepare bombers and silos for a conventional strike against the PSSA. Private messages were sent to all affected nations offering military support more privately and opting to host a military command structure on the Athenian mainland which would most likely be save from nuclear attack. Of course to be sure the relevant members of government were moved to the Imperial War Cabinet.

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Hudson Bay military communications was a tiered network structure that had only a few external gateways to the what was the "global internetwork" that were constantly monitored to limit disruptive traffic.  The DDoS attack against the Hudson Bay military network would be noticed by the Defense Information Systems Agency personnel at the various external gateway monitoring stations that tracked in real-time data traffic and shutdown the link to the " external internet".  Various non-critical computer systems would experience slow loading times and disrupt some daily functions at various bases throughout the Federation; however, the downtime would be encompass several hours on those networks.  Critical networks, networks that needed to be disrupted by the PSSA to be even close to effective, escaped unscathed and continued on with normal operations to conducting the counter-offensive operations happening in Mexico and the Southern Midwest. 


Federation satellite tracking stations in Federation held bases would begin targeting known PSSA communication satellites to begin operations to severely disrupt their coordinated offensive in Mexico.  These trajectories would be submitted to the American Commonwealth and Chile to begin the war against effective communications.  The Kennedy Space Center and other known space launch facilities of the PSSA would be actively targeted to destroy space capability infrastructure, infrastructure that couldn't be rebuilt quickly.  The Federation would attempt to do this by shooting ASAT missiles at the satellites at it's base in the Pacific Ocean while PSSA ground space facilities would be targeted by Federation B-2s with F-22 escort from Cuba to ensure their destruction.




The level of distrust between the Federation and PSSA at higher level tier government communication traffic was not a surprise, but still a surprise that an attack would occur.  As the potential conflict between the Confederation of MidAmerica and PSSA grew, so did the contingency plans for an offensive as that war would have dragged the Federation into the fray.  While the PSSA gleaned intelligence about Federation forces in Mexico, the Federation did the same thing back as well.  Working together had its setbacks for both sides, since nothing was too secret for physical concealment; however,  weaknesses existed.  Northeastern Mexico Peacekeeping Operations Region where the PSSA forces were tasked to oversee was jointly patrolled by a contingent of 45,000 Federation troops.  Most were housed in Monterrey, Mexico with the main operating base built there.


Command and Control structures in the region being used by the Federation were to be disrupted or taken over by PSSA forces as they turned on Federation forces; however, the damage to the network would maintained to be isolated to that region only, while they attempted to gain access to networks, it would be hard with needing the CAC and PIN to access such networks. Classified information buildings were already heavily defended and personnel proceeded to destroy classified communication equipment and other classified information was cross-shredded into sawdust particles, burnt, smashed into small bits, fired upon, exploded and/or magnetically wiped as per Federation instructions on destroying classified information before falling into enemy hands based on the scale of threat and timing before falling into enemy hands.  PSSA forces would not be surprised to see some buildings demolition to the ground with C-4, if such structures were close to being taken over.


Federation ground forces would sustain moderate losses of nearly 2,000 as the six squadrons of F-35s flew into northeastern Mexico; however, the "surprise attack" by the PSSA would easily fool ground radar, it would be picked up by loitering E-5 AWACS flying over Mexico.  Flying low to the ground would make sure the jig was up for PSSA action in Mexico and an attack was underway.  This information would be relayed to patrolling F-22 and F-15SE air superiority fighters flying in CAP formation.  PSSA didn't realize that the Federation never left DEFCON 2 status since the escalation between MidAmerica and PSSA.  The six squadrons of F-35s would be met by an eventual eight squadrons of mixed F-22s and F-15SEs, to readily disrupt their ground attack mission, although not to prevent the incoming attack.  Since the F-35s were equipped for a ground attack mission without significant air support would be caught into a losing aerial fray, not escaping easily back to their carrier group to sustain their losses against more maneuverable planes.  The Federation aircraft would not even bother to fight the F-Xs to make sure PSSA ground attack capabilities were to suffer greatly.


At the same time, Federation air assets begin their long-awaiting contingency plan against the PSSA for the initial defense of Mexico and MidAmerica.  Information gleaned by RC-240 aircraft had been monitoring in Arkansas PSSA radar usage and SIGINT gathered in Cuba to form an effective battle plan against a seemingly bigger force, but their weakness laid in their eventual isolation from being supplied from the outside world.  All know PSSA Mexican Ground Command and Control centers, ammunition facilities, communication facilities, radar facilities, solider housing, and vehicle maintenance facilities would be struck at immediately with cruise missiles, A-10s, B-2s and F-15Es with significant support by F-22s, AWACS and E-10 J-ABMCS. EJ-130s would eventually on patrol to jam PSSA radio traffic to hamper offensive operations.  There would be zero recourse for this betrayal.  


Embattled Federation forces around Monterrey would be coordinating with the E-10s to maintain proper close air support, enhance the battles pace picture and continue to deny PSSA forces with the same capabilities.    While the PSSA may have a navy, their capabilities would limited as their un-stealthy aerial assets would be targeted to reduce the effectiveness of whatever support advantage they would begin to think to offer.  The 1st CVBG would simply degraded down to shooting missiles at Federation assets, that was the objective as the the mission lied in isolating the 125,000 strong PSSA force in Central Mexico, cutting them off from resupply.  It was to show that having a naval fleet clearly wasn't enough to support operations of 125,000.  While losing static ground radar sites were a loss, the aerial radar picture was much better for the unfolding battle for Mexico unfolded.  PSSA hypersonic cruise missiles couldn't be countered; however, the Tomahawks launched from the 1st CVBG was more effective, seeing anti-air sites take aim at the sub-sonic missile with a 30% success rate; however, the losses sustained on static ground radar sites could not be overcome.


The Federation Northerneastern Peacekeeping force in Monterrey with roughly 45,000 would begin to hunker down for a protracted urban warfare setting against PSSA forces as Hudson Bay Federation forces from other sectors rushed in from the south and west to contain PSSA forces in the area, and losses were expected to be heavy for the Monterrey forces.  In the meantime, the Federation chiefs of staff authorized an additional 125,000 from Canadian prairie bases into western Mexico and Texas for the defensive and counter-offensive operations going on, with nearly 60,000 already ready to depart in less than 12 hours, although the time to move them, was a different story.  While PSSA had the number, they clearly underestimated the assets they needed to fight a protracted ground war in Mexico.


Mississippi River Region

OOC: Yes, I've counted the bridges across the Mississippi.



Even this attack would mostly be blunted right off the bat due to the heightened state of alert in the region already.  What would be a surprise on any other day there was not so much Federation assets watching PSSA airspace and the Mississippi River border than even the slightest move to the river and cross it would be deemed an attack.  There were only a handful of bridges that crossed the Mississippi River that would allow such an offensive to happen, without them, such an offensive would be impossible to succeed.  In this, the Hudson Bay-MidAmerica contingency plan regarding a PSSA attack was drawn up shortly after the second PSSA "exercise".  All these bridges were to be targeted for demolition, except for one to funnel PSSA ground forces into a predetermined "killbox".  It was determined that the Interstate 20 bridge at Vickburg would be the bridge to lure PSSA forces across.


Bridges targeted for demolition with C4, cruise missiles, artillery and/or bombs.

  • Interstate 10 and US 190 at Baton Rouge and to Lafayette/Krotz Springs
  • US 90 and associated bridges at Morgan City, Louisiana
  • Louisiana Hwy 10 at New Roads, Louisiana and Melville
  • Louisiana Hwy 1 at Simmesport
  • US 84 at Natchez, MS
  • US 82 near Greenville, MS
  • US 49 near West Helena, Arkansas
  • Memphis, TN bridges
  • Interstate 155 near Caruthersville, Missouri

As PSSA forces attempted to cross all these bridges, it would be in vain however.  PSSA commanders would look in utter horror as their forces bottlenecked themselves on these chokepoints as MidAmerican and Federation troops observing the bridges took to action, demolishing them into fine rubble.  PSSA forces that managed to cross over would fine themselves in an isolated world, cutoff from their forces, either to sustain heavier losses or surrender.  The demolition of bridges around Memphis was tricky, Federation force observers called on MidAmerican artillery to hamper PSSA force advancement as Federation Air Force and a squadron of A-10s, a couple sqadrons B-2s launched a combination of JDAMS and cruise missiles on the bridges and the main roads throughout the Memphis metropolitan area to make the city impassible for PSSA armor forces.  As for Vicksburg, Federation air launched cruise missiles from B-2s lauched a volley into the city to reduce armor mobility through the city to retard the PSSA advancement across the I-20 bridge.   Without effective control of the bridges, the PSSA offensive of 250,000 was significantly reduced to a more manageable stream of men to kill.  Federation tanks hid along the Interstate 20 route to begin the turkey shoot that was occurring.


Federation AWACs were quite aware of PSSA surveillance of the MidAmerican border; however, it was Federation doctrine to deny PSSA that information in the event of a war.  J-STARS and AWACS platforms would be initially targeted as the ground war begun by Federation F-22s, using active radar homing missiles or anti-radiation missiles on those platforms.  RSC-240s flights earlier gleaned information on PSSA radar sites and made software upgrades to target air defense radar sites to make the PSSA Patriot anti-air defense system ineffective.  This would pave the way for long-range bomber flights from Joint Base Minot by B-2s into PSSA territory on their air bases there, escorted by F-22s.


Like the F-35s in Mexico, flying low to the ground exposed them horribly to the radar of Federation E-5 AWACS, which would make for easy pickings by Federation F-22s and F-15SEs and MidAmerican aircraft.  Ground attack missions of any sort that flew into CMA airspace would be met fiercely by air superiority fighters, making their mission to be quite ineffective when the PSSA didn't even attempt to come close to dominant the air space they were trying to operate in.   While the Federation airfield in Louisiana would be deemed ineffective in the opening volley of the war, the Federation would commit up to 35 squadrons from various Federation bases to various CMA bases and southern Federation bases to bring the balance of the air war up to par with the operation at hand.


As for the ground war, the Federation would advise MidAmerican forces to pull back along the Red River while trying to keep the enemy around Interstate 20 engaged in the fight into the CMA. 

Edited by Tanis777
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Ooc- using the numbers listed 1 to 15 by melech and matching it to the list provided by Zoot and accounting for spelling errors, I've determined San Vincente and Peurto Monte aren't even in the CNRP Chile. None the less, the song shall go on for San Antionio Chile


San Antionio


San Antionio Chile went to bed the night before as it always did, at a horridly early hour of the morning after a long night of revelry. They had much to celebrate as Presidente De Juagari had flown up in person to announce a major renovation of the port that serviced much of the region's economy. The twenty megaton detonation gutted the city center and slaughtered one hundred thousand innocent souls as Presidente De Juagari watched the explosion and the wave of fire until it consumed him.


Warning had been given but transcripts that would be printed in the morning paper reveal the following conversation between National Security Advisor Carlos Del Fina and De Juagari just prior to the detonation.


Del Fina: Sir, you have to allow your security to evacuate you by helicopter.

De Juagari: No, this is as good as way to die as any.

Del Fina: Sir...

De Juagari: Make me two promises.

Del Fina: Yes?

De Juagari: Do not retaliate mindlessly against the Confederate civilian population.

Del Fina: Of course, what do you take me for, an Englishman?

De Juagari: You do like your scones.

Del Fina: The second promise sir?

De Juagari: Keep an eye on my sister and nephew.

Del Fina: I'll take them in as my own.

De Juagari: Thank you Carlos, I'm going to hang up and watch, god bless you and god bless Chile.




De Juagari's security team refused to leave their Presidente  and stayed with him right to the bitter end. Most had served with him through the Arica Rebellion and more than a few had bled and suffered in the viscous street fighting that took place when the rebels attempted to attack the Presidential Mansion. With nary a word they filed out onto the balcony and the Presidente and his men stood in silence and they didn't  wait too long for the nuclear explosion cut their lives so cruelly short.


Chilean Missile Command


The following message is released by internet, radio, and television by the Chilean government.


“The citizens Atlanta have twenty four hours to evacuate. Their city has been selected for destruction. I repeat, in twenty four hours the city of Atlanta will be destroyed in a nuclear attack in retaliation for the unprovoked and senseless destruction of San Antonio Chile. The destruction can be averted by the immediate capturing and surrendering of the government of the Confederate States of America.”


With that said and done the Chilean Missile Command is given orders to begin identifying certain high value targets. Further, messages are dispatched immediately to Peru, South Africa, the Imperia, Hudson Bay, Faraway, and Athens requesting intelligence support and expressing a willingness to share intelligence as well. The nation's strategic defense system having already had quite the workout was put on full alert and the reserve units ordered into the field to prepare to fill any gaps in the system due to the destruction of San Antinio.


Chilean First Fleet, South Atlantic


The First Fleet and the massive bases that support the First Fleet are fortunately untouched. The pride of the Chilean Navy, already on high alert, maneuvers into its component task forces and moves into concentric rings to provide the best possible missile defense. The task forces stay under the umbrella of Chile's Strategic Defense System while preparing to receive guests from the Confederacy. While intelligence is scant on their exact location, it doesn't take much of a genius to imagine the Confederacy may well be coming to pay a visit.


To ensure this does happen, a message is immediately dispatched to both South Africa and the Imerpia requesting they provide intelligence support and ASBM fire only. The message specifies they should seek to ensure none of the Confederate ships survive a trip back north but to allow them to pass more or less unhindered so that the Chilean Navy might show them that honorable foes target military targets and not unsuspecting civilians.


Intelligence being such a priority two squadrons of corvettes, fourteen in total are sent to the north on a course that is expected to allow them to intercept the Confederate ships as they travel South. Given that even at flank speed the Confederates are going to need a fair bit of time to come into missile range, long range stealth bombers are sent out to use low profile drones to get a further accurate fix on the Confederate Naval Task Force. Along with the aircraft and corvettes the Chilean navy sends out a scout line of submarines stationed 50 kilometers apart to cover 500 kilometers total at a slow pace to provide the third trip wire of intelligence. The fourth tripwire is Chile's SOSUS network that is brought to full alert, though it only covers Chilean waters.


The ships remaining behind are the bulk of Chile's fighting strength. Two fleet carriers, two reinforcing Sea Control Carriers, five battleships (arsenal ships), 7 guided missile cruisers, 15 destroyers, and 20 frigates in dispersed task forces with all of them conducting ship and airborne ASW duties to provide warning of possible submarine attacks while they waited for the Confederates to show up. With them are nearly 1/3rd of the Chilean Air Forces that is present in the southern most holding of Chile. With them are two dozen ASBM batteries ready and waiting for targeting data. With them are two full wings of long range bombers armed with hypersonic ASM missiles who are also waiting for information as they cruise high in the skies whilst being constantly resupplied by tanker. Whatever the Confederates have in mind, Chile plans on dancing to its own tune.


Chilean Space Command


the Chilean Space Command is ordered to provide satellite coverage of the South and Mid-Atlantic. Should satellites fall prey to the enemy, high speed launches are authorized to re-establish Chile's presence in space. Further intelligence collecting runs would begin occurring in the Confederacy proper in the near future.


Chilean Population Centers


The order to evacuate comes as no surprise to the civilian population of Chile. They respond politely and in good order as they quickly grab their bug out bags and start to leave their homes in the city.


Chilean Army and Air Force


Needing little prompting, both forces come to an immediate state of high alert.


Retaliatory strike


In the faint hope of taking out the attacking submarine whose presence is given away by the act of firing fifteen nuclear missiles, six ASBM are fired at it in return. It is considered a fairly drastic action, but a necessary one to ensure no more nuclear devices are fired from it.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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The Commonwealth military had been at DEFCON 3 since the start of hostilities and monitoring of the PSSA had been heightened.  Even then, the scale and content of the attack was alarming.  President Bronson was returning home from his recent foreign diplomacy journey and coordinated the Commonwealth's response from on board his executive aircraft which contained all of the necessary communications and networking equipment.  The military was ordered to DEFCON 1 alert status and await orders to be given shortly.  Air and missile defense units were ordered to full readiness while the DoD's cyberwarfare command readied itself for any possible infiltrations of the military network.  In the meantime the president made a public announcement.



"Today is a sad and tragic day in the history of our world.  In the middle of peace negotiations the PSSA has seen fit to initiate the largest war in the western hemisphere in recent history.  Not only that but they have also seen fit to use nuclear first strikes to accomplish their goals.  The American Commonwealth allowed the CSA, now the PSSA, to exist in order to allow our American brethren to full-fill their goals of self determination and to promote unity and stability across the continent.  It is sad to see that our hopes have been betrayed.  The American Commonwealth cannot stand idly by while the PSSA embarks on a campaign of nuclear conquest.  It should be henceforth known that a state of war is now recognized between our countries.  A sad day indeed for all American nations.  I will reiterate the Commonwealth's policy on the usage of weapons of mass destruction, that our country shall never conduct a first strike  but we reserve the right to retaliate against the use of such weapons against ourselves.  I would also like to extend my sincerest condolences to those effected by these unprovoked attacks and offer the support of the American Commonwealth to heal and rebuild when this is all over.  That being said, the American Commonwealth military will now take all measures necessary to bring this criminal government to justice.  I will also reiterate that while I understand the desire for vengeance and retaliation, any retaliatory attacks against the PSSA that results in the harm of Commonwealth troops will be considered an attack on the Commonwealth proper.  I urge the nations involved to carefully consider the actions they will soon take".




The increased alert status resulted in an emergency scramble and surge of fighter aircraft and AWACs assets to protect Commonwealth airspace, with AWACs aircraft hanging back further away from the border.  Meanwhile on the ground a strike mission was being prepared and was soon on the way.  48 EF-21s, 60 F-35s and 60 F-15SEs were all loaded out with SEAD packages.  The Commonwealth had several long range Talos SAM batteries near the border with their radars off like most of the Commonwealth air defense network, the only radars operating being the powerful general air surveillance radars who were feeding the information to the rest of the network.  Shortly before the strike force was about to take off the battery commanders received new orders.  Eliminate enemy AWACs and radar station presence along the Commonwealth-PSSA border. 


The MIM-180 Talos was intended to be a long range SAM and ballistic missile defense system, yet this was an order that could be easily complied with.  The AESA radars that provided the Talos missiles with guidance were operating in receiver mode, pinpointing the positions of PSSA AWACs and radar sites through their radar emissions.  Upon receiving their orders the battery commanders let loose with their missiles operating on its backup radiation seeker.  The beauty of it was that the AWACs and radars targeted wouldn't even know they were being targeted until it was too late.  Any AWACs or radar site within 600km of the border would quickly find itself under attack. 


Shortly after the initial assault on the PSSA's early warning assets the strike force would begin its low level penetration into PSSA airspace to target remaining radars and enemy SAM units while fighters near the border could provide air cover if required.  The force moved in under heavy full spectrum jamming while several decoy EF-21s would use DRFM jamming to paint false targets on enemy radar screens and make it appear as if there were more aircraft then were actually there providing non-existent targets for the enemy to shoot at.  The strike force itself was spread out and would use the terrain to avoid enemy ground based radars.  Any enemy SAM radars that were on would soon be targeted by AGM-88F HARM missiles.  The choices available to the operators were to keep the radar on and insure their destruction or to shut down their radars and risk probable destruction as the new HARMs would memorize the radar's location and used a millimeter wave radar seeker to track the enemy radar anyway. 


The degradation of the enemy's air defenses would also coincide with a massive air superiority campaign as F-22s crossed the border to engage enemy fighters.  Initially going over the F-22s would maintain their stealth by datalinking with the E-3 Sentries over-viewing the battle with their much more powerful AESA radars and use cooperative engagement capabilities to attack enemy fighters without giving themselves away. 


Not long after the beginning of the air battle was the final phase of the operation conducted.  With enemy air defenses degraded and an aerial battle taking place along the border the Commonwealth strategic missile forces went into action targeting enemy air bases.  Using Pershing IV tactical ballistic missiles with conventional and kinetic strike warheads as well as Gryphon ground launched cruise missiles, each base had critical infrastructure targeted.  Hardened targets like fuel and munitions storage or hardened hangers were hit with kinetic warheads.  Cruise missiles would target runways, hangers, traffic control and taxiways to render them inoperable.  Each base was targeted with a dozen TBMs and four dozen cruise missiles. 




At sea the Commonwealth Navy was ordered to prepare for combat action, any ships still in port were quickly replenished and sortied as soon as possible.  All carrier battle-groups were at sea and prepared to conduct operations with four carriers in the Atlantic and one in the Caribbean. 


In the Atlantic the Bronson, Commonwealth, Morgan and Forrestal carrier battle groups were ordered to link up with Faraway naval forces and proceed to engage PSSA naval forces in the Atlantic.  Unfortunately for them, the Atlantic Ocean was the Commonwealth's front yard.  With the massive and effective surveillance system in place very little went unnoticed, especially now as the Commonwealth military coordinated surveillance efforts with Athenian forces.  The PSSA carriers were located and the four battle groups were ordered to intercept and engage them.  The carrier groups proceeded and spread out some but remained close enough to provide mutual support and maintained strict EMCON to prevent their positions being given away..  An alpha strike was launched composed of eight squadrons of F/A-18H Superhornets carrying the new Typhon anti-ship missile along with two squadrons of F-24s providing fighter escort. 


While the Superhornets weren't really stealthy they didn't need to be, as they released their weapons well out of radar range of the enemy fleet approaching from multiple directions.  Once released the missiles, all 384 of them, speed off to their targets at Mach 3, dropping down to mere meters above the surface of the ocean, making detection by enemy radars much more difficult.  The missiles would be fed guidance from sources monitoring the enemy fleet, allowing the missiles to remain hidden longer.  Once they were 100 km away they activated their tri mode radar/infrared/radiation guidance systems.  The missiles themselves networked with each other providing each other with targeting information and data.  Several missiles were provided with an electronic warfare suite instead of a conventional warhead and would use DRFM jamming to provide the enemy with dozens of extra targets. 


In the Caribbean the George Washington CVBG was ordered to remain near Jamaica under the protective cover of its fighters, SAMs and ASW aircraft.  A defensive posture was to be maintained until carriers could be made available from the Atlantic.  Even so something had to be done in order to alleviate some pressure off Hudson Bay and Texan forces.  Two NSS-1 satellites were re-tasked to provide coverage over the gulf of Mexico.  Locating the enemy carrier, they activated their X-band radars and provided real time targeting information for the trio of Sea Lance anti-ship ballistic missiles launched off of mobile launchers in Eastern Virginia.   Another trio was prepared to launch if the first was unsuccessful.  While the destruction of the enemy carrier was the goal, at the very least this would disrupt the carriers air operations hopefully providing allied troops with some breathing space. 




On the ground along the Commonwealth-PSSA border, armored and mechanized units were deployed to staging areas once the alert was upped.  With the usage of nuclear weapons by the PSSA, nuclear defense protocols were put into effect with all troops at level 3 MOPP protection, full protection worn with masks at the ready.  This also meant that units were dispersed as much as practical, preferably down to the battalion level, at the brigade level at most, to prevent large casualties from a nuclear strike.  With the air offensive currently underway the ground offensive stepped off with the 1st Armored Cavalry Division spearheading the offensive along the east coast along I-95 with the goal of seizing the Carolinas.  They would be followed on by four armored divisions and six mechanized infantry divisions.  A total of nearly 200,000 men and over 2800 tanks.  A similarly sized force would proceed south through Kentucky to seize Nashville and Memphis.  I Mountain Corps, composed of three Mountain divisions, would proceed south along the Appalachian mountains and to provide additional support to either offensive if required.


With allied troops outnumbered on the Louisiana front the decision was made to provide spare units as reinforcements.  The 3rd Cavalry Division was airlifted to Dallas, Texas along with two light infantry divisions taking a little longer than it should have due to the fact that PSSA airspace was given a wide berth by the transports even though they were provided fighter escort.  In the meantime all units held in reserve would be ordered to disperse from their bases and await eventual orders to move to the front.

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The Paráense military had already been on high alert, given the ultimatum issued to Paraguay and the preparations undertaken for military action in the event that the Paraguayan government failed to abide by the stipulations put before it. Therefore, when the reports came in of the Confederacy's aggressive actions-- to say nothing of the detected launching of several nukes over South America, which threw Pará into an immediate frenzy of activity-- the nation was able to galvanise quite quickly to prepare for the possibility that war would once again engulf the continent.


With vital locations such as airstrips, launch silos, and other similar sensitive military sites still under heavy security from the Paraguayan situation, and the army on standby for deployment, it was judged that Pará was fairly prepared in the event of a ground invasion-- however, that did not seem to be a threat, as the Republic was very clearly not a target of the Confederacy's psychopathic outburst of violence. It became all too evident, however, that Chile was, for one reason or another, very much in the Confederacy's crosshairs; the news of the unprovoked nuclear strikes against their neighbour hit many Paráense citizens hard, and it was not expected by those citizens that Pará would stand by to see the continent be the butt of a tantrum on the part of a North American nation. Were the armed forces capable, in a vacuum, of taking on the Confederacy's military head-on with any expectation of success? There could be no doubt that to claim such would have been madness. But the Confederacy was being piled on by its own neighbours, to say nothing of the inevitable Chilean retaliation, and with this in mind, Premier Vieira suspected Pará could participate in some capacity in the removal of another lunatic regime from the face of the Earth-- it was, after all, the duty of the Republic as a South American nation to do its part in seeing that any country that threatened the peace of the continent was repaid in kind.


Therefore, the premier ordered Admiral Kaneda to direct the fleet previously deployed in the Atlantic not far from the coast of northern Pará up towards Cayo Fragoso, where Chile had stationed a naval base that would almost certainly have fallen under Confederate cross hairs. The fleet, totalling two Nimitz-class carriers, two Citadel-class arsenal ships, four Virginia-class attack submarines, and four Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines, as well as several Duke-class anti-submarine frigates and Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers, set off on a fairly straightforward route for the Chilean base at Cayo Fragoso, to lend aid to the Chilean navy where necessary.


It had not been confirmed at that point that Cayo Fragoso had been the subject of nuclear retaliation from the Confederacy, but there could have been no confirmation more definitive than the first-hand sight of the wreckage of the base, completely incinerated. Not a pleasant prospect, but the admiral sent back immediate word on the discovery of the burnt out husk of the base to the premier, who promptly enjoined Kaneda to direct the fleet further up to a base known to be located in the immediate proximity, owned by the Hudson Bay Federation. If the Confederates had seen fit to target Cayo Fragoso, then it was wholly possible, perhaps even probable, that the Federation's base had fallen under similar cross hairs. Sailing up the Cuban coast for the Federation base, the Paráense fleet eventually found the base, along with a lone Commonwealth carrier group stationed in the vicinity in the Caribbean. Kaneda hailed the Commonwealth fleet, requesting permission to join up with the carrier group to help keep the Confederate navy out of the Caribbean.




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In Fort Kingsmill, the day started like every normal day, construction teams trying to build the remaining facilities, the air crews maintainng the first aircraft that were delivered to the air field and dozens of sailors scrubbing the decks of the ships. A scene that vanished in a moments notice, as the alarm sounded, the Ballistic Missile Defense had failed to defeat both incoming missiles, destroying only one and without a single person realising what was about to hit them, the whole basis went down in a miniature of the sun. Thousands turned into fine ash immediatly, buildings were flattened, equipment was pulverized, trees and bushes vanished. Whoever survived this would find little help, for neither medicine nor medical personal was present any longer.


Céline hadn't been Queen for long. She had not yet been crowned even. Most day-to-day tasks were still handled by the Lord Protector, while Céline received lessons from Wiltord on how to be a well-mannered noble and how to lead a country. Still, altough it seemed Liselotte kept her away from most political matters, preferring to "not let someone unprepared handle politics again", the young Queen was drawn to the politics of the state, taking great interest in what was going on and formulating plans in her head. And while she first was mostly rejected, due to lack of knowledge, Wiltord seemed surprised (as well as somewhat unpleased), when recently her plans did get acknowledged as sound, though not outstanding still. But she had proven a capable student and Céline took great pride in that.

But even the court chaplain could not always be around. "Madame Wiltord has left for Sudbury this morning, your Majesty. She will not be returning till tomorrow evening, as there are issues with the local population and their superstitions, it seems.", de Pétèvéllier had told her in the mornng and thus, today was one day off, from the harsh lessons. Céline slowly had found a pace in her new life, though she still had a certain fear of her tutor. People at Rideau Hall seemed friendly and eager to understand and help her find ways to solve issues, the few commoners in the streets seemed surprised, but their eyes seemed joyful. But Liselotte Wiltord was neither understanding, nor was she joyful. At times it felt, as if only her royal title saved Céline from getting struck by Wiltord, when problems occured. That and the fact that she seemingly always found it easy to understand.

As the weather was not too bad, Céline decided to go on a stroll with her personal maid and assistant. She enjoyed it to walk the grounds surrounding the palace, watching the animals, the squirrels and birds, the flowers and trees, the clouds in the sky and the lush green gras on the ground. It seemed a peaceful and refreshing activity, watching nature and the various creations it harboured. Sadly, most of the time, her lessons were from dusk till dawn, leaving little to no room for the young Queen to enjoy her own palace grounds. But also today, she would not be able to enjoy it.

As Céline walked down the stairs to the Entrance hall, she could not help but notice the commotion that was before her. Soldiers in green uniform argued with domestic employees, Lady Dorothy Alcott seemed enraged, as she was held back by Florence de Pétèvéllier.

"Madame Wiltord is currently not present.", she heard Florence reply.

"Well, then I want to see my sister... or the Queen. But these are urgent matters!"

"Well, let's calm down. If you wish, I can relay a message to your sister. I do not currently know where in Rideau Hall she is to be found."

"Lady Alcott is currently visiting Madame de Dunois, inquiring something related to our industry. One could send for her though.", one Maid interjected.

Florence sighed. "As you can see, sadly it cannot be helped."

Dorothy however was neither convinced to just return home, nor to hand her message to Florence. "I will not let myself get obstructed by you, Madame. I am not in the service of the Court Chaplain, I am in the service of the Realm and either you let me pass to seek out the Queen or I will..."

As it all seemed to escalate, Céline decided to make her presence known. "What is the meaning of this assembly in my entrance hall? What is it you need to tell me, Lady Alcott?" Florence stepped back, looking down in defeat. Dorothy however looked no more happy than ever, for her message was a sole two lines. "The Confederates levelled Fort Kingsmill with a thermonuclear missile. Your Majesty, the Realm is at war."

Immediatly, the War Council, an improvised meeting in the State Dining Room of Rideau Hall was assembled and Céline ordered a general mobilisation of the forces. Faraway was not directly bordering the confederates, but it was not too far away. Easily the war could be fought on Faraway ground, if the matter was not handled carefully. Under all circumstances, to contain the enemy advances had priority, afterwards came the advances on the enemy. To this end, Céline had all reserves mobilised and all forces available made ready.
Emergency orders were given to Norfolk, to commission the 4 remaining aircraft carriers as HMS Faraway (CV-3), HMS Sleepy Hollow (CV-4), HMS Villier (CV-5) and HMS Iowa (CV-6). Training was minimal, airwings were 12 aircraft per carrier, but it was still better than nothing. The Royal Faraway Navy was a sad sight, underequipped and with a good portion of the fleet sunk. Not even an Admiral was present to lead the fleet, as the sole person of that rank, Admiral alexander, was in charge of the Home Fleet, while Admiral Andersson most likely died in Fort Kingsmill. The Fleet units operating in Norfolk were thus ordered to simply integrate themselves into the Commonwealth Navy.


To: American Commonwealth, Department of Defense
From: The Royal War Council of Faraway
As our forces took a great hit by the Confederate attack on Fort Kingsmill, we are sad to have to report that our naval units in Norfolk are gravely unprepared for actions. We would thus request that the Commonwealth Navy accept a temporary integration of our assets into their fleet. Faraway naval forces shall be headed by Captain Marian Carl, commanding officer of the HMS Villier (CV-5). She has been tasked with following commands given by your naval command, though we expect in return, that the units are handled with care and that supplies be made available, especially for the carriers. Currently, fleet carriers are underequipped in terms of aircraft, but the crew should be able to operate the ships and conduct take-off and landing procedures. Thus, until such a time that the war industry has procurred more STOBAR aircraft, should you have such aircraft yourself, they are welcome to operate from these carriers.
Similarly, we are sending the Villier Army, counting 30,000 to your assistance, should you be able to equip them with modern full-automatic carbines. In general, automatic carbines would be appreciated and the Faraway Crown is more than willing to refund the costs caused.
Adéle Valmy
Minister of War

The message would be sent by underground telegraph line to the Faraway border at Kingston, Ontario, from where it would be handed as a written note to the Commonwealth military.
The High Seas Fleet would be tasked with following the Commonwealth fleet in the Atlantic, until Commonwealth command issued orders. However, as soon as the first Superhornets were taking off, 24 Tawny fighter aircraft in service with the fleet were prepared for operations and as the last Commonwealth aircraft were in the air, the first Faraway ones left the ramp, Carl having ordered the aircraft to merely fly a few circles, before heading towards the enemy carriers, to engage any possible counterattack.
The Home Fleet meanwhile, was sent out into the Gulf of Saint-Lawrence, to guard it from enemy attack.
In the South, the Villier Army, under the command of Major General Albershaw, was sent to Columbus, to report to the Commonwealth Army, for orders, while the bulk of Faraway forces, in the form of two armies (Lake St. Clair Army and Niagara Army) dug themselves in along the Ohio River. another two armies were readied for deployment South, while the reserve armed itself. Under the command of Lady Hanobel Hazelwood, it was hoped that any attack over the Ohio River could be repelled, while the Army prepared to strike at the enemy. To this end, for once the 4 local units of the CAESAR II were loaded with extented range high-explosive ammunition and ordered by Lady Hanobel to lay waste to the towns of Tiptonville, Union City and Martin with one salvo of 16 shots fired from Urbandale, before changing position to avoid enemy air attack. Instead, the position would be taken up by MUV-40 anti-air tanks, hid in bushes. The attack was nt considered essential, but at least it helped raise some morale in Faraway, that one was able to get shots at the enemy.

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Will be responding to MGL in this post, then Evangaline, the dC before returning to Tanis. They will all be separate posts simply for clarity.

I do respectfully request that no more posts are made by those who have already posted, until all my replies are up. This is to simply prevent a backlog and writers fatigue.



AC/PSSA border


The increased alert status resulted in an emergency scramble and surge of fighter aircraft and AWACs assets to protect Commonwealth airspace, with AWACs aircraft hanging back further away from the border.  Meanwhile on the ground a strike mission was being prepared and was soon on the way.  48 EF-21s, 60 F-35s and 60 F-15SEs were all loaded out with SEAD packages.  The Commonwealth had several long range Talos SAM batteries near the border with their radars off like most of the Commonwealth air defense network, the only radars operating being the powerful general air surveillance radars who were feeding the information to the rest of the network.  Shortly before the strike force was about to take off the battery commanders received new orders.  Eliminate enemy AWACs and radar station presence along the Commonwealth-PSSA border.


Both Army Groups, Delta and Echo respectively had been previously deployed to the northern border just before the outbreak of hostilities. On a defensive posture, they had prepared extensive field defences for anti air and ballistic missile defence. PSSA radars in the region were picking up the high radiation from the AC AWAC's and aerial surveillance craft and using this information, would begin to fire volys of S-400 long range anti air missiles against them to try and blind the Commonwealths eyes in the skies.


The AC aerial strike package was detected, but only intermittently on the radar making it difficult for operators to track them effectively, but with a large portion of the air force tied up to the west, only a few squadrons were available for deployment to meet the suspected attack head on. Four squadrons of F-15se's, two F35 squadrons, 1 EA-18 squadron and two B-1Br lancer squadron were scrambled armed with a long to medium range anti air load out. It wouldn't take long once the aircraft were in the air to localize the strike group and they would begin engaging the Commonwealth strike group as they came into range of their own targets and unfortunately, from what it looked like on the ground, most of their package was delivered. But none the less, whilst the F-35's and the EA-18's desperately used their ECM suites to jam the enemy missiles, break IR lock on's with flares and keep the defense force safe, it would only be a matter of time before the Commonwealths own anti air batteries added their missiles to the fray along with the S-400's and the PSSA fighters.


The MIM-180 Talos was intended to be a long range SAM and ballistic missile defense system, yet this was an order that could be easily complied with.  The AESA radars that provided the Talos missiles with guidance were operating in receiver mode, pinpointing the positions of PSSA AWACs and radar sites through their radar emissions.  Upon receiving their orders the battery commanders let loose with their missiles operating on its backup radiation seeker.  The beauty of it was that the AWACs and radars targeted wouldn't even know they were being targeted until it was too late.  Any AWACs or radar site within 600km of the border would quickly find itself under attack.


The combination of the airborne SEAD operations and the ground based SEAD operations would have the missile defence forces pushed to their limits. The mixture of THADD batteries, MIM-104 patriot batteries, S-400's and Type 95 SPAAA for close up provided a quad tier of defence which proved to be highly effective with less than half of the enemies attack breaching the defences, but every missile that did strike home destroyed its target, causing disruption to the area coverage. These holes would be plugged by mobile radar vehicles and AWAC's to maintain coverage for as long as possible.


However, the battles taking place in the air along the border would soon prove to be to much to handle as air superiority could not be achieved. The Commonwealths endless waves of F-22's slowly wore down the small aerial defence force until it was forced to withdraw. The ground based air defences would fair much better though.


Aswell as OTH radar stations, Synthetic Apature RADAR stations established to compliment SAR satellites that were in orbit over the PSSA  to assist in its multilayered detection networks.  Mobile RADAR networks would be established through the use of vehicle mounted AESA emitters to ensure the static radar network, if disabled in the war war, will only be down for a limited time before the mobile network is re-established. It would also allows for radar to be present where the geography does not permit 100% static radar coverage. Furthermore, infrared, thermographic and optical sensors  established in key locations of the RADAR network where the probability of holes is highest would give the ground defences the greatest chance of turning this battle into a war of attrition against Commonwealth air forces.


Several air bases in the border regions were struck and three were knocked out of usefulness after their fuel and ammo storage facilities got destroyed.


On the ground, the two army groups, with the exception of those manning the air defences and such, would begin aggressive action against commonwealth ground forces using overwhelming numerical force, artillery and MLRS attacks to fight back.


The spearhead on the I-95 would be met by armoured and Apache gunship forces of the Echo army group. BGM 109 Gryphon Tomahawk Cruise Missile Launcher batteries would be used and fired volley after volley of cruise missiles against the ground forces with the aim of causing the maximum damage to the invading forces.


B-2 bombers on station in Georgia would begin using standoff JDAMM's against the enemy forces but the ground offensive was massive and spread out. All PSSA forces along the northern border would be ordered to retreat to the state line of South Carolina in an orderly fashion and regroup for a counter attack.

Another squadron of B-2's were launched this time with the sad mission of saturation bombing of a nuclear kind. Each bomber fired a 20 megaton nuclear missile along the border with the American Commonwealth.  The I-95, I-85, I-74, I-81 (on the warriors path state park), and Springfield Tennessee to destroy as many Commonwealth forces as possible and irradiate their gear. All were set for high altitude air bursts for maximum effect and coverage. This would hopefully either halt or disrupt the enemy attack for long enough to give the PSSA forces a chance to regroup and launch a counter attack.


The ground attack however had caused casualties along the entire front line at close to three thousand men and close to forty aircraft.


Atlantic Theatre (OOC This section will respond to dC, Evangaline and MGL's naval operations against me in the mid atlantic)


The 1st CVBG was tied up in the Gulf of Mexico, the 2nd CVBG and the 3rd and 4th DF's were in the South Atlantic heading with the full intention to obliterate Chile's fleet.


This still left a mighty advantage to the PSSA Naval assets.


The 3rd CVBG, the 1st ATF, the 2nd ATF and the 1st and 2nd Destroyer Flotillas presented a united front against the combined fleets of the American Commonwealth, Faraway and Para. Comprised of:

Three Nimitz Class carriers

Three Arsenal Ships

Four Type 26 Global Combat Ships

Twenty Five Ticonderoga Class Cruiser

Twenty Five Zumwalt Destroyers

Fourteen Virginia Class SSN's

Five America Class Amphibious Assault Ships

Six San Antonio Class Landing Ships


This fleet was off the coast of Florida out to sea, well within range of land based anti ship firepower.


Working in direct co-operation with the OTH radar network, the PSSA's main long range defences came in the form of its anti ship ballistic missiles. Mounted on TEL's, the ASBM's were deployed in platoon strength along coastline kept hidden using the natural foliage and camouflage nets. Whilst it would be obvious they would not remain hidden, DoD would have the locations of the ASBM Brigade's platoons continually shifting to prevent any sort of observational pattern occurring which would make them easier to target. To compliment the ASBM's and the OTH radar, specialized satellites in orbit would assist the ASBM's targeting computers and guidance systems. Electro-Optical satellites, a SAR satellite and three NOSS satellites. In addition to the extremely long range coastal defence, Gryphon Transporter Erector Launcher's had taken up positions in specially designated, fortified locations along the coastline. These launchers would fire the Tomahawk Anti Ship Missiles at incoming enemy shipping.


Combat air patrols placed 180nm out from the fleet comprised of several mixed squadrons of F-35's and F-X's and supported by the E2D Hawkeye AWAC's easily detected the super hornets and they would race to engage them in the outer air battle. They would engage using no mercy and seek to destroy the strike group. once their ammunition was expended, they would return to the Fleet to re-arm and re-fuel, just in time for the second LORCAP to take up station to defend against further attacks.


The super hornet assault's missiles, when in range of the outer missile defences would be tracked and destroyed with ease by the plethora of screen ships and missile defences.


The response would be a furious barrage of long range tomahawk anti ship missiles, hypersonic anti ship cruise missiles, hypersonic missiles with kinetic kill packages designed to strike a ships waterline and breach the armour. Well over fifteen hundred missiles of mixed purpose and speed all using progammed flight paths to attack the enemy task force, which included the puny Faraway fleet from a series of different directions and heights for maximum coverage. The missiles were primarily targeted at the fleet carriers of both nations, although there was pretty wide spread targetting of the other ships as well.


From land bases in Florida and Georgia hundreds of ASBM's were fired eastwards passing the Athenian islands by quite some distance before they entered their terminal phases. These missiles were armed with a mix of kinetic kill warheads and high explosive warheads. All of the three hundred ASBM's were targeted at the Fleet carriers and other capital ships in the task force.


Two squadrons of B-2's in Florida would also join the attack and begin firing TASM's from their rotary launchers when they got on the edge of their range against Faraway warships before breaking off to return home. It was hoped that the massed confusion from the other incoming assaults would further conceal the B-2's from harm.


The Commonwealth and Paranese fleet taking shelter in Jamaica had also been detected by the 1st CVBG's submarine operations in the Caribbean on their long range towed array sonar (passive). A decision was made for a strike package to be made up. Three of the virginia class attack submarines on ASW operations near central Mexico to launch a full attack of Harpoon sea skimming anti ship missiles. These missiles had been designed to fly at just above the ocean surface and then "pop up" when it was too late and attack their targets. In addition to this, a contingent of ASBM's on the Gulf side of Florida and in Alabama would fire a large group of missiles similar to that seen in the Atlantic against the fleet carriers and the Arsenal ships. A final wave of missiles was launched from the 1st CVBG  and the submarines comprised of hypersonic anti ship cruise missiles. These would target the screen ships to eliminate the missile shield. All missiles would attack from varied altitudes and directions for maximum effect.

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With the nuclear attack on a South American nation from the CSA the IR mobilized it's assets in response. Satellites would move into position to search for the CSA's nuclear silo's and submarines. The Navy's focus would be shifted north to locate the CSA's Navy. If they found it they would relay it's location to the mainland which would fire ASBM's at it. After which they have orders to engage what remains. The missile defense grid prepared for the worst, and the civilian population prepared for nuclear attack. Chancellor Delgado and the rest of the important administration would be moved to safe locations in nuclear bunkers until the crisis was over. The Republica's own nuclear weapons were readied should the need arise.


An offer would be sent to nations being assaulted by the CSA from the Republica. The Republica wanted to send troops and other military equipment to fight against the terrorists on land. An array of different troops were readied. Ranging from special forces to artillery squads they were prepared to move out to nations who would accept the Republica's offer.

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The following message would be sent to the Court of the Realm of Faraway:


To: Céline Viktoria Scarlet, Queen of Faraway


Your Most Noble Majesty,


In light of recent events I, Charles Deane, King of Ayr, would like to offer my services to the Realm of Faraway in her righteous war against the tyrannical and self-serving PSSA. I shall raise a brigade of 8000 men and women to march to war alongside our Faraway friends against this careless and reckless foe of all civilized North American nations. All I request is the appropriate weapons to do so. I await your response.


Yours Sincerely,


Charles Deane,

King of Ayr and Regent to Charlotte Deane, Baroness of Ayr

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A message would be sent back via the Royal Faraway Army Messenger Corps, utilising DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft to quickly and discreetly deliver the message in the very form the Queen had written it, on paper.

To the honourable Charles Deane,
Gladly we will accept your assistence in this matter, as the southern scourge is our all problem. Please send your troops to Windsor Arsenal, where they shall be equipped by the Faraway Armed Forces. As we do not know what you yet need and what you need yourself, we can simply offer to equip these troops as we would equip Faraway troops. In case of uniforms, we would however add a badge to distinguish your soldiers from ours.
Once equipped, we would hope you would take up position in the South, to assist the Villier Army. While we understand the burden this may be on the Brigade, we offer you nothing less than an equal place at the front lines.


A message would be sent to Windsor Arsenal, to take care of the Ayr Brigade, as well as to ready equipment for 8,000 soldiers and officers. It was not known whether one would deal with somewhat trained troops simply lacking heavy weaponry, or a voluntary brigade of loyal peasants, but better too much equipment would be readied, than too little.

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Due to my RL, I cannot RP this war to the degree that it deserves, to that end, I wish to retcon the entire war and go back to the timeline before war broke out. This saves everyone having to RP nuclear damages for a war that never really got off the ground floor.


I will also be handing back my territory to MGL in my CSA news thread in a "collapse" of Government of sorts. There will be no anarchy, no wars in the streets, and definitely no missing submarines loaded with nukes.


Sorry to all involved.

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I-95 South/Commonwealth-PSSA Border

Lietenant Harry Greely was the commander of 1st Platoon, Alpha Co, 1st Squadron/158th Armored Cavalry Regiment, designated by the call sign Wolf Pack, which had the honor of leading Commonwealth troops across the border and into the PSSA.  His M1A3 was the lead tank and was the first to cross the border, most of the battalion not too far behind him.  The pre-mission brief conducted by the squadron commander said that there was the possibility of nukes being used which was why the brigade's battalions were spaced out further apart than usual.  Still, he put the looming specter of nuclear warfare to the back of his mind as he had to focus what was in front of him.  The tank's NBC system was operating and he was definitely much safer inside the tank, another reason why ACAV units were chosen to lead the advance being almost entirely protected by armored vehicles by nature.


"All vehicles watch your sectors and your spacing" he said as they proceeded down I-95 in a wedge formation.  He received a message over the Battlenet from Regimental intelligence on the locations of enemy forces not too far down the way.  "All vehicles be advised, enemy forces five klicks to our south".  Traveling further down the road they encountered the enemy waiting for them.  "Contacts identified!  Enemy armor and mechanized infantry at twelve o' clock.  All Wolf Pack elements clear to engage" he said over the net as the tank gunners lined up targets.  Both sides shot at each other about the same time.  Three PSSA tanks were hit, two killed, while two Commonwealth tanks were damaged.  Just as they were about to fire again enemy helicopters appeared wiping out the tank platoon to the right..  "Enemy choppers at One o' clock!" warned the lieutenant as he called for help on the net.  "Alpha 6, this is Wolf Pack 6 actual, requesting immediate air support against enemy attack helicopters and armor directly in front of my position". 


Two F-35s came in from the northeast and engaged the enemy helicopters with cannons and missiles swatting them out of the sky and turned back north on afterburner being chased by enemy MANPAD missiles.  Two more F-35s released JDAMs from a safe altitude that impacted the enemy with great effect.  Not too long after this artillery support was getting into the action with the M109A8s beginning to lay down fire on the enemy positions.  The massive airbattle raging along the border had radar operators occupied with directing fighters against surviving enemy aircraft and so nobody noticed the PSSA B-2s that launched their weapons.  One of the F-35 pilots had just released his last JDAM and was about to RTB when he saw the lone low flying missile fly past bellow him.  It didn't take much to realize what that probably was and his stomach dropped as he sent a warning back to his airborne controller and reefed his fighter around to try shoot it down before it reached its target.


Wolf Pack 6 was beginning to break through the enemy as additional artillery support and the rest of the company pounded away at the enemy.  So far the lieutenant hadn't lost any men and the fight was going well until he received another message from Regimental HQ.  He turned cold as he heard the warning broadcast over the net.  "All units be advised, probable enemy nuclear weapon launched.  All forward units are t-", the broadcast was interrupted as all of the optical systems flashed white and died.  The lieutenants tank suddenly lurched forward as the nuclear blast exploded further behind the lead elements.  The crew was tossed about some and finally stopped.  The NBC alarms were flashing and they all knew that the worst had just happened. 



Mid-Atlantic Ocean

In the mid-Atlantic the four carrier battlegroups were in for the fight of their lives with enemy ASBMs and anti-ship missiles speeding inbound.  The Commonwealth's limited space tracking assets in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, complemented by additional allied information, had painted enough of a picture to identify PSSA satellites.  Specifically, the ones that would provide midcourse updates and target tracking for the enemy ASBMs.  Ground and air based ASAT assets immediately engaged the enemy tracking satellites shooting them down and rendering the ASBMs unable to accurately update their guidance and missing the fleets.  Any possible threats were targeted by electronic warfare aircraft that jammed the uplink between the ASBMs and their guidance signals.  That left the enemy ASMs.

Intel assets monitoring the enemy fleet confirmed a massive missile launch and the battlegroups were put on alert.  AWACs aircraft were positioned further out from the fleet and all available fighters were ordered to intercept.  Fighters managed to engage the enemy missiles about 400 km from the fleet and began knocking them out of the sky.  This was a task that the F-24s were designed with in mind as they launched their new hypersonic air to air missiles at the inbound ASMs.  Their accuracy suffered somewhat as the attack profiles weren't ideal from head on or side angles but the Skybows were maneuverable and most hit since the enemy missiles maintained a steady course and weren't really capable of evading.  Over 1/3 of the enemy missiles were knocked out of the sky before they entered the battle groups SAM envelopes.  The ships fired SM-6 missiles at extreme range, targeting enemy missiles via cooperative engagement with the AWACs aircraft.

Admiral John Buchanan was the commander of the Morgan Carrier Battlegroup and was witnessing the battle play out aboard the Morgan's CIC.  He was glad that the fighters had done such a good job but it still wasn't over yet as enemy missiles had still managed to leak through.  There was some solace in the fact that the enemy ASMs were a mix of subsonic and hypersonic missiles as it would provide a fairly large time gap between the two.  On the other hand the hypersonic missiles were gonna be harder to intercept than the Tomahawks.  "Inbound vampires leaking through the outer screen" reported one operator to the groups Tactical Action Officer.  "Acknowledged.  All ships are to activate radars and engage inbound vampires at will" the TAO declared to all the ships in the group.  The main screen was lit up with SAMs being launched from the four Carrier groups, which were close enough to provide overlapping coverage but far enough apart to avoid being a single target.

The Admiral watched the screen as the SAMs and ASMs made contact and disappeared from the screen.  The count dropped to 200 then 150 then 100 and finally reduced to 20 inbound hypersonic ship missiles.  Six targeted the Bronson battle group, four targeted the Forrestal battle group and ten were inbound for the Morgan battle group, much to the Admirals dismay.  Despite being somewhat rattled Buchanan kept his cool as the missiles swept in closer and closer.  At this range ESSMs were being launched and the ships began to initiate massive amounts of jamming and countermeasures.  This succeeded in confusing half the missiles in bound on the Morgan battle group leaving five left.  Three were shot down by last second ESSM launches and the remaining two got through, both targeting the Morgan.  At this range CIWS was almost useless as the time just wasn't there for them to engage the threats.  Nonetheless, one SeaRAM missile was loosed and killed the enemy missile just 700 m away from the ship.  The remaining missile hit the carrier on the starboard side.  The kinetic energy warhead easily penetrated the side of the ship, and then promptly exited the other and tumbled into the ocean, wrecking several crew quarters but inflicting no casualties and surprising the carriers damage control parties.

With the initial attack over and what appeared to have been a miracle taking place, Admiral Buchanan contacted the other battle groups for a status report.  Three missiles got through the Forrestal battle group, damaging destroyer, a cruiser and scoring a hit  on the Forrestal, inflicting moderate damage and interrupting flight operations.  The Bronson battle group shot down half the missiles and lost a frigate with all hands as its captain positioned itself between the carrier and three enemy missiles.  A casualty report from Faraway naval forces were also requested as the battlegroups collected survivors and withdrew to the northwest.  The second wave of subsonic tomahawk missiles completely missed Commonwealth naval forces as the communications satellites necessary to provide course updates were eliminated and they found an empty ocean where the ships were by the time they arrived.  All in all it wasn't too bad to Buchanan until he received word of what had just occurred on the Commonwealth-PSSA border.



I-95 South/Commonwealth-PSSA Border


Lieutenant Greely was still in shock from what had transpired but quickly recomposed himself even as the gravity of what had happened dawned on him.  "LT, was that really what I think it was?" asked the loader, a kid who had just recently turned 19 and spoke with a measure of fear and disbelief in his voice.  "I'm afraid so Craig.  Martin, how are the optics?" he asked the gunner.  "Most are fried LT, but we still have visuals through the periscopes and backup manual gun sites.  I can see enemy forces in the distance retreating and out of range" reported the gunner.  "Understood, hang tight while I see if I can contact anyone.  Maintain watch, shoot anything that isn't ours if it gets too close" he ordered.  "All Wolfpack elements this is Wolfpack 6 actual report" he said through the radio.  "Any Wolfpack elements still functioning report".  The lieutenant went numb at the prospect of loosing his entire command when the responses came through.  "Wolfpack 6 actual this is Wolfpack 2 reporting"  "Wolfpack 6 Actual, Wolfpack 4 reporting"  "Wolfpack 8 reporting in".  Greely breathed a sigh of relief as his troops, though battered, were alive and well.  "All Wolfpack elements, stand fast while I attempt to initiate contact with command. 


After five minute of trying he received a response.  "Wolfpack 6 actual, this is Alpha 6 actual, report status".  The lieutenant breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the voice of the company commander.  "Alpha 6 actual, all Wolfpack elements intact but we require decontamination and repair".  "Understood" replied the captain.  "Wolfpack is to proceed to point Lima at gridsquare Pappa Charlie 43".  "Acknowledged, Wolfpack is oscar mike" replied the lieutenant.  "All Wolfpack elements be advised, we are oscar mike to the alternate rally point Lima".  The platoon began to withdraw and encountered other Commonwealth forces doing the same.  They saw the remnants of the giant plume where the nuke had hit several kilometers behind them and avoided it, passing by scores of destroyed vehicles and the wreckage of an F-35 that had obviously just recently crashed. 


Arriving at the rally point they were greeted by decontamination teams that were alert and on hand in case what had just happened happened.  It didn't take too long as the vehicles were washed down with decontamination foam and were cleared to proceed.  The NBC system sealed the tank and recycled the oxygen, enabling the tank to operate in a contaminated environment for up to three days.  Even though it had only probably been operating for less than an hour there was definitely a difference when the lieutenant came out of the tank and breathed in fresh air.  The crew disembarked and were examined by medical personnel who only had to treat some minor cuts and bruises.  After making sure his men were taken care of he took off to see if he could find out what was going on and found his company commander.


"Captain" he said as he snapped into a salute which was hurriedly and sloppily returned as the captain was in the middle of a frenzy activity.  "Ah, Lieutenant Greely, just who I wanted to see.  Look, I know you've been through a lot but I need to you to take command of the company for me".  "No problem sir but may I ask why?" inquired the lieutenant feeling like he knew the answer but not wanting it to be true.  "Well apparently the nuke landed right on top of the battalion command element as it was traveling south" replied the captain somberly.  Apparently I'm also next in command thanks to seniority and the fact that my XO is dead means I need a replacement and you're it".  "Yes sir" he said as he felt his insides wrench knowing he'd never see some of his friends again. 


"So whats the situation" asked the lieutenant fearing the worst.  "Well I hate to say this considering that nukes have been used things actually aren't as bad as they could have been.  Forward elements along the main routes of advance were hit but we had all just stepped off so they didn't get too many.  For us they got about half of first and most of second battalion.  Alpha company was lucky that it was as far up as it was, not to mention you were kicking some ass before this shit went down.  Its kind of the same along the line.  From what I'm seeing we've lost about 6000 troops overall.  I received orders not too long ago.  Upcoming operations will involve retaliation against enemy military forces via tactical nuclear warheads.  We're sparing their cities.  Prepare to lead Alpha company into battle within the next 24 hours lieutenant".  "Yes sir" said the lieutenant as he promptly saluted and turned to leave.  "Lieutenant! Wait!"  shouted the captain before he left.  Greely turned to see the captain reading a message that had just come in over the Battlenet.  "Looks like its over already" said the captain as he showed the lieutenant a communique conveying the collapse of PSSA forces.  "Be prepared to move immediately" he ordered as Greely ran to inform the company.




The surrender of the PSSA came as a surprise to the Commonwealth but a good one this time.  Retaliatory attacks against PSSA ground and naval forces were ordered to hold as Commonwealth troops began to move quickly across the border to secure PSSA territory.  A special forces contingent was ordered to seize the PSSA capitol and ranking government officials before they could escape resulting in the capture of the president and most senior officials.  They were detained and held in high security lockup pending trial for initiating a war of aggression and war crimes.  Officials from all participating allied countries were invited to discuss the charges and trial.


Likewise all military forces were interred for the time being to be processed and investigated.  Enemy weapons, vehicles and aircraft were confiscated and secured and enemy naval vessels were ordered to be interred under escort at Norfolk and the New York Naval Shipyard.  Minimal custodial crews were kept on board for the time being but under guard by Commonwealth security personnel while the rest were detained in nearby facilities.  Nuclear weapons and facilities had a priority to be secured and were done so by special forces units.


The goal now was to secure the PSSA as quickly as possible, primarily to maintain order and to prevent the proliferation of any potentially unsettling weapons but also to prevent opportunistic actions by other nations.  Major airports and airbases as well as major ports along the east and gulf coast were rapidly secured by airborne, airmobile and marine units.  With the seas clear the 1st Marine Division was ordered to land at Savannah and Charleston and to converge on the Russian Base on Edisto Island, maintaining blocking positions along the Savannah Highway.  Movements were non-threatening in nature and the Russian base was informed that Commonwealth troops were there primarily to ensure no retaliatory attacks were made by rogue PSSA forces against them.  In the meantime a diplomatic message was sent to the Russian government inviting them to discuss the base and resolve any issues amicably.  In the meantime Commonwealth troops would promote friendly relations with Russians they came into contact with while firmly preventing them from expanding further.


Messages were sent to involved nations to privately discuss matters of importance with the ending of the war, inviting them to Washington D.C. if they wished.  Topics to be discussed were primarily the matter of war damages and reparations as well as what to do with senior government officials of the PSSA that had been captured and the matter of pending charges.  In the meantime reconstruction and decontamination efforts were begun to cleanup areas effected by the usage of nuclear weapons along the border. 


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Secretary of State Mark Collins would take a flight to Washington D.C. along with members of his security detail and other aides to talk with the American Commonwealth and other nations in North America. Meanwhile, Chief Travis would extend a helping hand to the American Commonwealth and offer to send in 50,000 soldiers into the former PSSA as peace troops and an additional 4,500 specialists to assist in radioactive cleanup in the American Commonwealth.

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The Faraway High Seas Fleet in the Atlantic was quite a bit less lucky. While the battlecruisers did have some ability to counter threats, the corvettes were clearly not up to par and the carriers were more or less dependent on the protection provided by the Veronique-class battlecruisers, of which only two were present. While the main salvo was taken care of by the Commonwealth forces, the Faraway fleet would start engaging enemy missiles with Aster 30 (used by the cruisers) and Aster 15 (used by corvettes and carriers) missiles. Still, the crews had little experience on how to fend off the enemy, with especially the carriers being completely useless. The missile barrage hit three of the four carriers, hitting vital spots at the HMS Iowa and HMS Villier, sinking both, while blasting away part of HMS Sleepy Hollow's superstructure. Immediatly, the crew on HMS Sleepy Hollow would begin with fighting the fire caused, while both tried to use as many of their helicopters to get the sailors of the sinking carriers rescued.




The American Commonwealth would be informed that Lady Hanobel Hazelwood, Minister of the Exterior and Commander of the Ohio front would be sent to the talks in Washington D.C.

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Commonwealth naval forces would assist the remaining Faraway vessels with search and rescue and damage control and escort them back to Norfolk for medical treatment and repairs. 




All the invited delegates, upon arriving in Washington D.C., were escorted to the White House.  Considering the events of just days ago the city was still in a heightened state of alert with the Capitol Division out in force and fighters forming a protective umbrella over the city.  The delegates were received with formality with the marine band playing each nation's anthem as their representatives arrived.  They were led to the conference room where snacks and refreshments were available and asked to be seated by the waiting President Bronson.


"Representatives, shall we begin?  We are here because several days ago the government of the PSSA saw fit to initiate a massive war of aggression against several nations.  Our nations.  Two of the nations here have borne the brunt of the usage of a weapon that should never have been used by sane men.  Now that government has collapsed, its armies have surrendered after refusing to fight a war for these madmen who are currently in our custody.  It is now up to us to administer justice.  Current charges include crimes against peace, initiating a war of aggression and potentially warcrimes through the usage of nuclear weapons against civilians.  The latter will be heavily influenced by the decision of the people of Chile who have borne the brunt of such barbaric attacks" he said nodding to the Chilean representative.


"We shall also discuss the issue of war damages and reparations.  I'd like to extend my personal offer of assistance with cleanup and rebuilding in Chile.  All involved nations have suffered losses of some kind.  The assets of the PSSA government have been seized and placed under guard by Commonwealth forces, including money, valuables and military equipment and it is from these that we shall re-compensate some of our losses.  What are your thoughts on this matter?" he asked the assembled representatives.

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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Mark would enjoy a Coke while he waited for the other representatives to enter the room. Washington was a beautiful city and the White House was a historic building he'd never been able to visit before. "I think what has happened is a perfect example of why we need some type of council for nations home to North America, or maybe even the Western Hemisphere. The Confederation of MidAmerica was luckily not attacked using nuclear weapons, however I feel for our friends in South America and for you and your people, President Bronson. What has happened, though very tragic, has brought us together and I think we should take advantage of this awful event and bring something good out of it."


Secretary of State Collins would take a sip of his Coke, which he was really enjoying, and continue. "In addition, Chief Travis sends his condolences to all of you and has authorized me to offer the assistance of 50,000 National Guardsmen for peace-keeping and humanitarian purposes. Our ports are also open to any naval traffic that needs a safe place to dock and repair." Mark would then drink more of his Coke until he began to wonder if the other representatives would judge him if he'd go pick up another.

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Lady Hanobel Hazelwood had already attented the last conference, but this time, she would have less useless company, she thought. Also, this time, there would not be annoying upstart regimes, spike water and soy lemonade. She listened to the people present, but for now, she enjoyed the tea she had brought with her, as she knew better than to trust into conference catering.

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Major General Benito Juarez of the Chilean Marines took a quiet seat at the table. His mandate is clear, observe, comment as needed, and to under no circumstances get drunk and start a fight. His irritation with the entire affair is quite a step down from the frothing white hot rage due to the loss of two family members in the nuclear attack on Chile. White hot rage is a difficult emotion to sustain, but reaping a harvest of vengeance quite the other. While the Chilean government has no formal demands for Confederate lands, there several other demands they wish discussed. Including, but not limited the immediate arrest of the Confederate government to carry out the writ of summary execution handed down by Chile's High Court earlier this morning. 


Never before in Chile's history had such a blank cheque payable in human lives been issued, but there is always a first time for everything. As his opinion was requested by the Atlantic representative, the Major General decides it is best if he started the discussion with a brief statement. "Chile will be handling the affected city internally with the assistance of other South American nations. We do require the immediate arrest and deportation of the PSSA's high government to Chile."

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"High ranking officials of the PSSA government, including their president, have been apprehended and are currently being detained by the Commonwealth military.  We understand the Chilean people's desire for immediate justice and we will not impede their quest for it.  The Provost Marshal General shall see to it that your extradition quest is in order and comply with it as soon as possible".

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