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SSGN Sun Zi Atlantic Ocean









Upon recieving the orders, the Sun Zi began its surfacing operations in the Atlantic.  With information from the satellite surveillance of Venezuela it rapidly compiled targeting lists to hit the key information nodes of the country along with the radar sites and air traffic control towers.  


Unleashing its arsenal of stealthy cruise missile from 800 kilometers off the coast, they would be protected from detection by a combination of advanced stealthy turbofan engines, radar absorbent material, low radar cross section, and terrain countoring guidance flying below radars to their target.  150 would be used to know out the core electromagnetic infrastruction of Venezuela (radars, TV stations, radios, air traffic control stations) followed by thirty which would distribute bomblets across Venezuela's runways to deny them the ability for their air force to take off.  


Skyhawk drones were deployed over the country from GITMO to achieve electromagnetic spctrum domination, jamming radar and radio communications that survived.  Following in, B-9 stealth bombers flying out of the Tianxia Atlantic Territories would hit the air bases with arsenals of 200 small diameter smart bombs each, guiding them onto the planes onto planes on the ground. while F-5 Super Quantums launched from the deck of the Aircraft Carrier Deng Xiaoping to sweep the skies of any aircraft that managed to take off.  


This in turn cleared the way for A-47s launching from the GITMO and the Canal Zone to move in sharing information in swarm formations.  These wolf packs of attack drones were dispatched over the electromagnetic areas that appeared to indicate military unit activity.  They would send information back and forth to one another using their EO/IR and SAR sensors to find and then engage multiple units of the Venezuelan Army pinning them down.


At Sea the two Xia Class Battleships Yuan and Han began shelling Venezuela's offshore islands from 300 kilos with their rail guns, as Tianxia airborne special operations forces out of the Canal Zone were HALO dropped onto the Islands using stealthy transports to evade detection of any surviving sensors and across the first coast line, using evasion tactics and airborne intelligence to evade Venezuelan forces while they scouted the way in and prepared to paint any counter attacking forces for the air force and navy to destroy in the way of the oncoming Marine landings on the Islands and Caracas.


The Deng Xiaoping's Amphibious Taskforce element meanwhile moved into launch position to launch a beyond the horizon raid on the Venezuelan capital and islands.

Dispatch from the Emperor of Tianxia



Revolution cannot succeed without a center of strength.  Those that step outside the center become a threat to the revolution globally.  Therefore, if such actions begin to take route, it is the responsibility of the center to take action to preserve for the glory of the whole Revolution.


With this in mind, the People's Liberation Army has taken action in Venezuela to protect the whole of the Revolution.

Edited by Triyun
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The Democratic-Ubersteinian Republic of Argentina condemns this invasion and recognizes a state of war through the South American Accords. Foreign aggression into South America cannot be allowed.



All military forces are to be on high alert.

The 3rd Infantry Division, 4th Infantry Division, 5th Infantry Division, 7th Infantry Division, and 13th Infantry Division, all have been placed on mobile-defensive alert, given the lack of quick access to Venezuela to fight. These forces and their attached armor have been deemed Task Force 1. The 8th Infantry Division has been ordered to move from Uruguay to the Buenos Aires province. Task Force 1 has moved to the Rio Negro province.


Radio silence has been adopted by all ground forces, relying instead on the special land-line network and infrared-laser communication. The 10th and 11th infantry divisions have been ordered to assign guerrilla warfare tasks to their squads in case communication from high command stops.


The A.A.G. is to start around-the-clock patrols with it's appropriate fixed-wing aircraft, meaning all aircraft except the IA 58 COIN aircraft. The Naval Defense Network is on full alert. Both have orders to use VHF radar as well as the normal systems. The use of passive, bistatic geometry, radar with anti-stealth waveforms has started.


EDIT: I missed a division, sorry.

Edited by Gloval
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In response to the foreign aggression Paraguay putting side their differences the two factions have reunited and are prepared to stand against any invaders. Imperatrix Domino Vasquez however, wishes to let it be known that if the foreign invaders withdraw and pay appropriate compensation to the Venezuela government and people they will not be harmed by Paraguay.




A call to arms was sent out across Paraguay as whilst the Imperatrix wished to avoid any violence she could not afford to not be prepared. Thus all military equipment was activated for use and the armed forces prepared for immediate conflict. All interceptor aircraft were moved to scramble positions at their airbases ready to launch when ordered to. 

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“In support of our allies in Tianxia the Athenian Federation hereby declares a state of war upon Argentina and Paraguay”


While war in South America had been anticipated the actual targets were somewhat of a surprise, Argentina was quite a landmass to cover and Paraguay had the advantages of being surrounded by other states on all sides. However this minor concern would not keep the Hellenic Forces from doing their best. Task Forces 3 and 11 were already in an excellent position, and for that matter in their traditional formations, to strike against the South Americans while further support could be called in from other bases.

The first stage consisted of increased satellite surveillance and U-2 runs over the South American continent.

Acting under supervision of the Hellenic Air Force the battleships HNS Heraklion and HNS Patras would be the vanguard of the Athenian offensive against the Argentinians. From both battleships 200 ER-M-51s would be launched at the Falklands and more specifically facilities of a military nature. Each of these missiles was armed with either a HDRM or kinetic warhead to ensure maximum destruction in the area hit. At the same time the carrier HNS Artemis would launch its fighters to set up a CAP over the naval formations, these F-5s from the Artemis would be reinforced by three squadrons operating from South Georgia to make both the task forces and South Georgia able to take on a counterattack fast.

Another attack against the Argentinians would come in the form of two B-11 squadrons operating from San Bias. At a comfortable distance of 1500km the bombers would deploy 384 ER-M-51s along the Argentinian coastline. These missiles were armed with primarily anti-radiation warheads but 20 of them were also equipped with EMP warheads. The normal anti-radiation missiles would target radar along the coast in general while the ones equipped with EMP targeted the facilities providing power to these. Upon release of the missiles the bombers would head back to their bases while the earlier established CAP ensured protection against any pursuers.

To deal with Paraguay the Hellenic Space Forces could finally see their proper mission being executed. From various silos across the Athenian Federation a total of 30 ICBMs were launched, 5 were armed with EMP warheads while the remaining 25 each had 10 kinetic warheads. The five largest cities in Paraguay would find themselves on the receiving end of the EMPs while the kinetic ICBMs targeted centres of military and government in an effort to deal a crippling blow against both communications and command and control.

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"The peoples of South America are under attack yet again in another endevour of imperialism from Asia. We implore the international community to denounce their actions of aggression and murder of the people of this world. The tenticles of imperialism have reached every corner of the world, it is time the people stand up for them selves in revolution."
                               - An unknown Zulian voice said over every radio signal available in the region, displaying on every Zulian internet website anc television channel.
"The Zulian army is prepared for battle as it was because of the posture posed from Venezuela, oddly enough, these forces would be used in the defense of Bolivarian sovereignty. The men were willing to die, upon joining the Zulian Defense Force, one is required to be indoctrinated with a similar afterlife to that of Valhalla. Ready and willing to die for both Zulia and South America, upon seeing the extremely foreign futuristic enemy, they would not run in fear but instead fight with increased ferocity." - South American war analyst 

"The Free Republic of Zulia joins its South American brothers in denouncing the Tianxian aggression and as such any physical attack on a South American state from Tianxia will be an attack on Zulia."

- Alexis Ruiz, Secretary of War

Orders on engagement (classified): All assets of the Tianxian nation are now considered targets. Destroy anything you see that does not have a South American flag on it. Kill all enemies and take no prisoners unless specifically outlined by your regional commander. Zulia and Merida are to operate on seperate command to make control of the area easier, both will answer to the central command in Zulia but upon loss of communication the regional commanders will be in charge. By all means possible avoid detection and use hit and run psychological tactics.

From: Zulia

To: Bolivarian Venezuela

Subject: Revolutionary forces (classified)


Sir, I wish you luck in the current conflict we find ourselves in. I will, with your permission, be moving guerrilla militay forces into your border. These men will go in unmarked but their tactics will not be like that of Tianxia. 

Classified movements



Defensive Ground forces:



Zulian defensive fighter


The emergency alert systems in Zulia were activated a few hours before war was declared on Tianxian aggressors. This gave the population time to flee to emergency bunkers and collect food. The Zulian Defense Force was set to DEFCON 1, and the reservists activated. The positioning of the tunnel systems in the mountains and forests of Zulia and Merida made an air raid almost completely ineffective, but Zulia did not take chances. All anti air stations were readied, but not activated to avoid HARM missiles and heat detectors. The defenses were set to avoid making it easy for Tianxian forces to detect them. They were ordered to activate as soon as enemy squadrons were found and to fill the air with as much flak and missiles as logistically possible. With the tunnel system completed in both Merida and Zulia, hiding the forces would not prove much of a challenge. The men in the Defense Forcew did not want to lose their home land, this became their reason for fighting the imperialistic Asian forces.  Defensive measures were put into action and passive RADAR tuned in to detect bombing raids. The men were ordered to be extremely defensive of their positions to avoid enemy capture of a region. Hewey cavalry was readied to skirmish with the enemy and never let them feel safe in Zulian territory. 


Air Force:




Most assets of the Air Force were maintained within Zulian borders, the command  was more than prepared to contain its self against a powerful adversary. Dying for Zulia was the best case scenario in their minds. Four squadrons were ordered to patrol at all times for early warning. The only public knowledge of the Zulian Air Force was that it was still in development. This lack of knowledge on total assets in the area was to be used to the advantage of local commanders as long as possible. All other craft would be hidden as most of them were on either dirt or small/cheap air strips. Concealing the air force would be top priority, and rather easy logistically. They would launch as soon as enemy craft were detected by passive RADAR and then destroy as many as them as possible. 


Offensive Ground Forces:



Zulian guerrilla fighter with no markings of nationality 


The Zulian Defense Force could not afford too much in the area of offensive warfare within Bolivarian territory. All offensive assets would be used wisely and conservatively. The men in the region of Zulia on the border with Bolivarian Venezuela were ordered to go over the border and split from groups of 100 to as small as 5 to harass enemy platoons and patrols as well as destroy tanks and RADAR encampments as soon as they were found to have a weak spot. These men did not expect to come back and they fought tooth and nail to the last man and bullet. The bulk of the harassment would be as the enemy settled into encampments while they were working, or just after battle as they were resting. The men were commanded to be ferocious at night. Teams of 5 specifically meant to perform mortar attacks on encampments at night time would sleep in caves or under brush during the day. Every Zulian since the start of the Zulian defense force was trained on the ins and outs of guerrilla warfare, these men were regulars. If a larger group was found they would use skirmish tactics on the enemy, always moving. The men were not given markings to increase the psychological affect of being attacked by an unknown enemy. Tactics were interchanged with every engagement to avoid allowing the enemy to learn.






The man was heard saying "Fuck your war, I'm getting my groceries." 


The population of Zulia has been encouraged to protest all foreign aggressors upon a city or town being taken. In this way they will reach glory in the name of Zulia. They are also encouraged to refuse hospitality and aid to wounded enemy soldiers so as to not help the enemy in its fight against the revolution.








OOC: First war post :D

Edited by TheChairman
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Volunteers willing to fight for the defence of South America would begin arriving in Venezuela, though these were only enough to make an initial force of Five Thousand. However these were unarmed and most wouldn't know how to fire a weapon. Their only aim in being there was to see some excitement plus to fight for a cause.


The Peruvian Government would however begin to close its border crossings in an attempt to prevent any more of its citizens from leaving to join the conflict. Their aim was to prevent an exodus of people who was expected to not have a serious chance of surviving any combat. However people would still try to find a way to get across the Colombia - Venezuela border to volunteer.

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Where the Hellenic Forces had opted to go for an especially aggressive offensive doctrine the one against Zulia would be much more restrained. From bases in the Dominican Republic 50 ER-CVS401s were launched, these missiles were pretty much the Perseus with an extended range. Being actively guided by satellite imaging and drone high altitude drone surveillance these missiles would head for the Zulian land in general where they specifically targeted facilities used in communication such as television stations, air traffic control towers and other facilities of immediate significance to the command and control the Zulians had over their military and population. As the normal Perseus each missile had two additional effectors. Employing their stealthy airframe and an initially sea-skimming flight path they would most likely go undetected until it was too late. To ensure the damage was absolute the missile and its effectors would strike in a linear fashion to effectively turn every missile into three. 

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Hudson Bay Federation Foreign Affairs Dispatch:


Our government is dismayed at the turn of events leading to conflict once again in South America.  The reasons of the conflict is unclear for us at the moment and as to why our Tianxia partners with the Athens Federation to fire the opening salvo once again from the past Colombian conflict.  We refrain from extending judgement; however, the apparent lack of diplomacy disappoints us.  Our ambassador in Beijing will call on Tianxian officials for official clarification on this matter.


Jordan Brady

Minister of Foreign Affairs


The Foreign Affairs office has put travel restrictions to the South American nations at war and a general travel advisory to the rest of continent.




The Ministry of Defense would sent, unofficially, some agents into South America to observe the war first-hand from the ground.  No effort would be made to contact the governments at this time and would fly in commercially.  

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Classified movements



Defensive Ground forces:



Zulian defensive fighter


The emergency alert systems in Zulia were activated a few hours before war was declared on Tianxian aggressors. This gave the population time to flee to emergency bunkers and collect food. The Zulian Defense Force was set to DEFCON 1, and the reservists activated. The positioning of the tunnel systems in the mountains and forests of Zulia and Merida made an air raid almost completely ineffective, but Zulia did not take chances. All anti air stations were readied, but not activated to avoid HARM missiles and heat detectors. The defenses were set to avoid making it easy for Tianxian forces to detect them. They were ordered to activate as soon as enemy squadrons were found and to fill the air with as much flak and missiles as logistically possible. With the tunnel system completed in both Merida and Zulia, hiding the forces would not prove much of a challenge. The men in the Defense Forcew did not want to lose their home land, this became their reason for fighting the imperialistic Asian forces.  Defensive measures were put into action and passive RADAR tuned in to detect bombing raids. The men were ordered to be extremely defensive of their positions to avoid enemy capture of a region. Hewey cavalry was readied to skirmish with the enemy and never let them feel safe in Zulian territory. 


Air Force:




Most assets of the Air Force were maintained within Zulian borders, the command  was more than prepared to contain its self against a powerful adversary. Dying for Zulia was the best case scenario in their minds. Four squadrons were ordered to patrol at all times for early warning. The only public knowledge of the Zulian Air Force was that it was still in development. This lack of knowledge on total assets in the area was to be used to the advantage of local commanders as long as possible. All other craft would be hidden as most of them were on lowly dirt air strips. Concealing the air force would be top priority, and rather easy logistically. They would launch as soon as enemy craft were detected by passive RADAR and then destroy as many as them as possible. 


Unfortunately there wasn't really much of any ability for the Zulian Aircraft to find the Tianxia aircraft that were being engaged.  Nor would there be the capability and freedom to maneuver to redeploy aircraft.  Tianxia units would maintain constant engagement.


The Tianxia electromagnetic spectrum domination enabled them to simply jam up the recievers in the area and Tianxia stealth aircraft were not vulnerable to bistatic detection methods due to their full spectrum stealth capabilities which not only relied on shaping but on radar absorbent materials and emission capturing as well.  Additionally aircraft were super cruisers and high sub sonic as opposed to low performance sub sonic.  This had key implications in that bistatic radar detection methods were only really effective against low subsonic threats, because the time between detection and engagement was much longer.


Tianxia aircraft however were welcoming the engagements of the enemy as they began.  Tianxia aicraft rapidly would engage the four squadrons of enemy fighters before they would have a chance to find the Tianxia units.  They would then be engaged by combination attacks of BVR active radar homing, passive radar homing, and infrared missiles.  The networked Tianxia aircraft would use their combination of advanced AESA radars and electro optical IR scanners to defeat counter measures while electronic and cyber warfare suits would be used to jam up enemy receivers and defeat enemy aircraft's radar and ability to engage in BVR attacks of their own.


Aircraft would not be permitted to redeploy to air strips.  A-47 swarms would easily detect diversified air fields using their EO/IR and Synthetic Aperture Radar sensors, signaling back to base to begin interdiction operations.  Battleships would receive this information and engage the multiple air strips with swarms of VLO cruise missiles.  Aircraft would be engaged by swarms of bomblets over the sites.  Aircraft on the ground along with radar systems would have very low chance of detecting these targets due to terrain contouring low altitude guidance, radar absorbent materials, and virtually no emissions.  Aircraft in the air would have a chance of detecting them, but without modern data links could do very little to find them.  However if they did scan them, information on a radar ping would be transmitted back to the F-5 Super Quantum squadrons in the area which would promptly jam the enemy fighters system and hit it with multiple forms of missile to give a high probable kill.


Following on the attacks by ship borne missiles B-11s would be flown in from the Tianxia atlantic territories.   Eight B-11s flew over the area getting image from the A-47 drone swarm to rapidly acquire Anti-Air units, and unleashed their large groupings of SDB upon the targets maximizing accuracy and surprise while minimizing the ability for FLAK guns to engage them due to the combination of stealth charateristics, high altitude, and speed.  


Following on the Qin Shi Huang Cruiser [i]Kangxi[/i] and two Jade Emperor Class destroyers would immediately begin destroying air defense targets with their rail guns putting out rapid amounts of fire at high accuracy.  


Offensive Ground Forces:



Zulian guerrilla fighter with no markings of nationality 


The Zulian Defense Force could not afford too much in the area of offensive warfare within Bolivarian territory. All offensive assets would be used wisely and conservatively. The men in the region of Zulia on the border with Bolivarian Venezuela were ordered to go over the border and split from groups of 100 to as small as 5 to harass enemy platoons and patrols as well as destroy tanks and RADAR encampments as soon as they were found to have a weak spot. These men did not expect to come back and they fought tooth and nail to the last man and bullet. The bulk of the harassment would be as the enemy settled into encampments while they were working, or just after battle as they were resting. The men were commanded to be ferocious at night. Teams of 5 specifically meant to perform mortar attacks on encampments at night time would sleep in caves or under brush during the day. Every Zulian since the start of the Zulian defense force was trained on the ins and outs of guerrilla warfare, these men were regulars. If a larger group was found they would use skirmish tactics on the enemy, always moving. The men were not given markings to increase the psychological affect of being attacked by an unknown enemy. Tactics were interchanged with every engagement to avoid allowing the enemy to learn.






The man was heard saying "Fuck your war, I'm getting my groceries." 


The population of Zulia has been encouraged to protest all foreign aggressors upon a city or town being taken. In this way they will reach glory in the name of Zulia. They are also encouraged to refuse hospitality and aid to wounded enemy soldiers so as to not help the enemy in its fight against the revolution.








OOC: First war post :D


There were no ground based radar or tanks to engage yet leaving most of the attacks pretty worthless.  On the off chance that they ran into actual special forces teams.  Against this small teams were fighting against suicidal odds.  Tianxia night vision equipment and fire controls were some of the top line in the world.  Nor was jungle warfare unfamiliar to an empire which stretched into South East Asia.  At the beginning of fire fights sophisticated acoustic instruments immediately would triangulate onto teams where they engaged.  There was a reason the PLA had abandoned People's War geurilla doctrine.  Even in Vietnam it was a failure to attack highly trained groups.


By contrast Tianxia network centric warfare would immediately be employed, with special operations teams laying down firing support and even if they were not in a position to engage units, within a few minutes a drone or aircraft would drop a munition onto the enemy, using their sophisticated sensors to do immediate BDA and locate any surviving targets.  This information would be networked to the Tianxia forces on the ground who would engage the targets with their own high degree of lethality.  


Zulia itself would soon become the center of attack as the Deng Xiaoping taskforce unleashed hell on the countries communication infrastructure, using its F-6 fighters to engage and destroy TV stations, radio broadcasts, and the key ministry of defense and government building nodes.  The computer network in both Venezuela and Zulia would come under massive DDOS attacks along with Advanced Persistent Threat cyber attacks on more critical nodes of communications.


Skyhawks would extend their jamming to the small Zulia country as well.  


This combined electronic attack was designed to inflict maximum paralysis and force the enemy to focus on small unit organization and deny them the ability to have the C2 to conduct coordinated operations.

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Hudson Bay Federation Foreign Affairs Dispatch:


Our government is dismayed at the turn of events leading to conflict once again in South America.  The reasons of the conflict is unclear for us at the moment and as to why our Tianxia partners with the Athens Federation to fire the opening salvo once again from the past Colombian conflict.  We refrain from extending judgement; however, the apparent lack of diplomacy disappoints us.  Our ambassador in Beijing will call on Tianxian officials for official clarification on this matter.


Jordan Brady

Minister of Foreign Affairs


The Foreign Affairs office has put travel restrictions to the South American nations at war and a general travel advisory to the rest of continent.




The Ministry of Defense would sent, unofficially, some agents into South America to observe the war first-hand from the ground.  No effort would be made to contact the governments at this time and would fly in commercially.  


A formal response would be made available both to the Hudson Bay and other Tianxian Allies.


Minister Brady,


Thank you for your question.  Let me expand on the logic behind our move.  The Venezuelans have been acting with a particular degree of unjustified spite.  I'm sure your foreign minister has seen the video that is being played on Tianxia TV right now regarding the behaviors of their leader in our attempts to offer them an alliance.  After explaining to them quite academically and calmly why we could provide them with certain aid and not others they proceeded with a violent outburst.


Naturally poor manners is not an excuse, however, given the recent arc of instability and attempts to form ideologies hostile to Tianxia one can never be too careful.  It is better to preempt threats then deal with them later.  It should be noted that the ideology of Bolivarism is inherently hostile towards Tianxia we note this passage in their treatise:


[quote] unified Latin

America presents both the sword and shield needed to spearhead the campaign of
global socialism. This is not to say that, while the socialists of Latin America
fight their battles, both peaceful and violent, they should turn a blind eye to
the remainder of the world. Nay, the goal of Bolivarianism is to further
propagate the socialist agenda internationally, whilst simultaneously spreading

socialism at home.[/quote]


We note that they emphasize a unified Latin America, this is something that would require a future war with Tianxia.  We note that they include violent battles in this.  Such action is tantamount to expressing a will to engage in conflict in the future.  Thus there is no point given the on the record contemptuous words of their leader in thinking they can be trusted to make bargains in good faith.  Instead the only logical thought is that this is a power which is inherently expansionist offensive oriented and the question is whether to fight when military forces of their own are built up or fighting now.  We choose now.


However it is important to note Tianxia forces will not be targeting civilian populations in these operations and thus far have kept the conflict to our most precise weapons.  Where possible we will be using non lethal means to disrupt enemy operations and defeat them instead of offensive.  It is our hope to end this war rather quickly.




Yuan Jia, Emperor of Tianxia

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Public Declaration of Neutrality:

The Government of Selenarctos is disappointed with the recent aggression directed towards the nations of South America. Little to no diplomacy was attempted by Tianxia and Athens before opening fire on outnumbered, outgunned, and outmatched nations without history of aggression against Sovereign Initiate nations. This is unfortunate and a poor contrast to recent initiative actions, to say the least, but the attacks upon civilian targets including the indiscriminate targeting of cities with EMP weapons is deplorable. Selenarctos does at this time declare neutrality in the conflict and will not take up arms for either side.

-President Hygin Romero
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While we appreciate the President of Selenarctos's position we respectfully disagree.  However, Tianxia will be paying for reconstruction of infrastructure destroyed once combat operations have eliminated the political threats eminating from the area.  The arrangement is temporary at best and appropriate aid will be utilized to stave off humanitarian emergencies.

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Isidre was in a private government personnel bunker
somewhere underground in Caracas designed to house military and public officials
for the durations of war. Reports were bombarding the capitol with the
destruction and loss, and the panic that ensued after the airing of the Tianxian
declaration of war. He recorded a speech, designed to be broadcasted throughout
the remaining stations, on radio, television, and the web, that were still
online, as well as to the rest of the globe.

Today, an egregious violation
of sovereignty has been made. What stems from a refusal to station foreign
troops in our land, has now escalated into a full blown conflict with Tianxia
as the aggressor. Even now, the Tianxian weapons of war are making their
assaults not just on the military of Venezuela, but on the people. Targets
chosen by Tianxia have resulted in the indiscriminate killing of hundreds of
civilians. We cannot allow this. We cannot allow innocent lives to be claimed
by a global power, attempting to curb our existence merely for existing in a
different way. It is laughable to assume that Venezuela, a nation dwarfed
immensely by Tianxia, could ever be a threat to their vice grip over the world.
It is not unreasonable to assume that the Tianxian propaganda, almost as
lacking of veracity as the 20th century Soviet system, is already in
full steam demonizing Venezuela for some apparent slight. Once more, I repeat,
it is laughable, to assume that somehow Venezuela is capable of afflicting such
a massively powerful nation.

It is with this in
mind, that we aim to fight. If such a bold, massive nation is afraid of
Venezuela and its ideological powers, then we aim to use that against them. We
aim to stand, when others are unwilling, to defend ourselves, in the name of
our ideology, in the name of our people, in the name of the global society. We
aim to stand, and fight, where others are not capable of. The grasp Tianxia,
and by extent, its lapdog, Athens, have on the world, is despicable.

Today, it is
Venezuela, because we stood up to the imperialist, faux-revolutionary nations
of the world. Today, it is our turn to stand, to fight, to burn, and to die,
heroically and tragically, side by side as a nation united, both in ideals and
military. Tomorrow, whose turn will it be? Tomorrow, which one of you will be
on the receiving end of such death and destruction, merely because some corrupt
and hypocritical government aperture, thousands of miles away from you, deems
that you are no longer following what is “acceptable” in their eyes?

Which of you will be
staring down a gun barrel next? We make a plea to the remaining nations of the
world: To stand up, to fight, and to deal a crushing blow to the hegemony that
dominates every facet of your lives and national policies. If a nation such as
ourselves, so infinitesimally minor, (or apparently not so, since Tianxia
deemed it necessary to attempt to crush us,) is willing to stand up and defy
the evil of corrupt and vile governments that preside over more than half of
the world’s landmass and population, what does that make of those who cower at
their feet, groveling and begging for another bone to be thrown their way?

Nay. Venezuela will
fight. We will stand, and most likely, we will fall. Our efforts will not be in
vain. If we are strong enough to affect Tianxia’s power base, then what does
that say about them? If such a small nation as ours can drastically shake
things up for them, then imagine what a collective of nations defying their
power could do? With this in mind, Venezuela will fight, and continue to fight,
to stand up to the oppression and cruelty of their despicable regime.

We will surely lose,
but when this war is over, Venezuela,
WILL be remembered.



All Venezuelan government nationals in foreign nations are
to be recalled immediately to Caracas. The military has been raised to DEFCON1,
in light of the recent aggression.

The opening salvo of cruise missiles aimed at the
electronic infrastructure of Venezuela slammed into their targets, exploding
and hurling debris everywhere. Many of the sites of the blasts were in cities,
and thus were home to civilians and, as a result, a large number of Venezuelan
citizens were destroyed in the explosions. While having no such defense against
the cruise missiles themselves, not all of the targets had been destroyed by
them.  S300VM SAM systems were within
range of a few locations, and were able to cover the infrastructure, albeit
very poorly due to the large quantities of heavily superior technological
missiles. A little over a third of the one hundred fifty cruise missiles were
unable to fully destroy the infrastructure that linked Venezuelans amongst
themselves and the world, giving them some semblance of communications still.

The second wave of cruise missiles that were aimed at the
runways had even less success eliminating them. The airbases themselves were
scattered amongst the mountainous regions of Venezuela, offering more shelter
than the cities had. Once more, S300VM SAMs were able to help prevent the total
loss of infrastructure. Still though, a large portion of the runways in the
central plains region of Venezuela were reduced to huge craters, piled high on
the outside with rubble. It would take some time before they were operable
again, but the crews at the afflicted bases rushed to clear them as fast as
possible, in the hope that they would get them operational once more before the
war was over.

As the flurry of reports came in assessing the damage as
best as they could, an order was given out to all fighter squadrons to get into
the air as fast as possible to provide air patrols over the coastline and
interior of the nation. Falcon Air Group
, consisting of 10 F-15E Strike Eagle squadrons, 6 fighters a piece,
and 6 F16 bomber squadrons, again with 6 aircraft a piece, were the first ones
to get into the sky due to their close proximity and heightened readiness due
to the previous Zulian dispute. The F16s were ordered to redeploy to a base
further inland, while the F-15Es were ordered on air superiority missions. As the
rest of the fighter squadrons in Venezuela were being mobilized to get into the
air, the Tianxian B9 stealth bombers struck. Many of the squadrons were in the
process of getting into the air when the bombs began to fall; once more
however, the locale of the mountainous airbases offered them a form of
protection from the large clusters of bombs dropping on their heads. Many of
the airbases within the highlands were wiped out, along with much of the
aircraft there. Perhaps by some fortune, many of the aircraft were stationed in
the more mountainous bases, to give them closer proximity to Zulia in the event
of an outbreak of hostilities between them, and the Republic. Many F-16Es were
destroyed on the ground or in the process of taking off, but a great deal were
also able to make it into their air, orders being relayed to them that after
they perform their air superiority missions and engage any enemy aircraft, to
redeploy towards bases further inland.

Orders went out through the army to begin fortifying
Caracas, no doubt first on the enemy’s spots to occupy, and to begin general
fortifications along the interior of the coastline, as much of it was being shelled
by Tianxian battleships. Indiscriminate, the shelling hit many civilian centers
and killed hundreds of scores of civilians, all across the nation’s coastal
settlements. S300VM SAM batteries are being placed within and on the outskirts
of the city, along with artillery positions in preparation of the eventual
attempt to land troops. The positions of the artillery and SAM sites are almost
completely within the mountains, using the natural geography as cover to keep
them hidden and free from enemy fire. Blockades and mines are being laid on the
lines of defense being created slightly inland from the coast to act as deterrence
and to demoralize invading soldiers.

As the Tianxian drones came in, orders were relayed to
begin deploying Stinger B MANPADs to the soldiers, in order to combat them
whenever possible. Further orders went out to make them focus targets as they
were disrupting communications between the government and the army. The army
itself was redeployed to relevant posts throughout the nation wherever it was
expected an attack would occur. The Peruvian refugees were also given a basic
course in warfare, further inland, and assigned to duty in Caracas.


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American Commonwealth State Department Announcement

We are disappointed that the flames of war have once again ignited in South America after such a long period of peace since the Columbia conflict.  It is sad that fighting has overtaken diplomacy but we hope that both sides will endeavor to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict and the American Commonwealth is willing to act as a mediator.  On that note the American Commonwealth declares its neutrality regarding this new war.  A travel ban has been placed on travel to South American nations involved in the fighting and we urge Commonwealth citizens currently there to do what they can to leave.  We do hope both combatants will do their utmost to avoid civilian casualties and request their assistance in helping our citizens escape the conflict zone.


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"What in the world? Argentina went to war without even consulting us first?" Agustin De Juagari roared as he hurled his phone at an already battered wall. It would seem the same wall had been on the receiving end of several such attacks in the past.


"Sir, calm down, I'm sure they are acting on their principles."


"Principles don't save lives. We've invested billions in improving the infrastructure of South America. We've always put diplomacy and negotiation first. We even tried negotiating with the damn Detiendist rebels in our own backyard."


"Sir, we need to act. Argentina was attacked by Athens, meaning we are obligated by treaty to respond," National Security Advisor Del Fina explained.


"Yes, yes, order everyone to prepare for war."


"Anything else? Prepare to consult with the government in Argentina. We'll need their information before we move."


"Sounds wise sir," replied Del Fina.


"Order everyone in Chile on the highest alert status possible."


"Of course sir, but it's the People's Republic of South America now, try not to forget."


"GET OUT of MY @@#$ing office!"


Public Announcement


"War has found its way to South America. We ask that all parties attempt to resolve this diplomatically across from each other in a conference room rather than on the battlefield. We invite all of the belligerents to Santiago for an immediate summit to resolve this without further loss of life."



-Presidente Agustin De Juagari



Chilean Military


The Chilean Air Force, Chilean Navy, and Chilean Army immediate receive orders to defend the People's Republic of South America. The integration of the Bolivian Militia into the Chilean Army had left the nation's force badly divided and much reduced. However, the People's Republic of South America had certain obligations and they would be satisfied. A task force is ordered to begin forming for relocating the necessary units to assist with the defense of Argentina. It would take a bit of time to organize the force and move the logistical units into place to receive it, but once in place it will do what is necessary to satisfy the obligations of the mutual defense pact the two nations hold. 



Private to Otero


"War comes, you've been attacked. Where do you need us?"


-De Juagari

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Isidre was in a private government personnel bunker
somewhere underground in Caracas designed to house military and public officials
for the durations of war. Reports were bombarding the capitol with the
destruction and loss, and the panic that ensued after the airing of the Tianxian
declaration of war. He recorded a speech, designed to be broadcasted throughout
the remaining stations, on radio, television, and the web, that were still
online, as well as to the rest of the globe.

Today, an egregious violation
of sovereignty has been made. What stems from a refusal to station foreign
troops in our land, has now escalated into a full blown conflict with Tianxia
as the aggressor. Even now, the Tianxian weapons of war are making their
assaults not just on the military of Venezuela, but on the people. Targets
chosen by Tianxia have resulted in the indiscriminate killing of hundreds of
civilians. We cannot allow this. We cannot allow innocent lives to be claimed
by a global power, attempting to curb our existence merely for existing in a
different way. It is laughable to assume that Venezuela, a nation dwarfed
immensely by Tianxia, could ever be a threat to their vice grip over the world.
It is not unreasonable to assume that the Tianxian propaganda, almost as
lacking of veracity as the 20th century Soviet system, is already in
full steam demonizing Venezuela for some apparent slight. Once more, I repeat,
it is laughable, to assume that somehow Venezuela is capable of afflicting such
a massively powerful nation.

It is with this in
mind, that we aim to fight. If such a bold, massive nation is afraid of
Venezuela and its ideological powers, then we aim to use that against them. We
aim to stand, when others are unwilling, to defend ourselves, in the name of
our ideology, in the name of our people, in the name of the global society. We
aim to stand, and fight, where others are not capable of. The grasp Tianxia,
and by extent, its lapdog, Athens, have on the world, is despicable.

Today, it is
Venezuela, because we stood up to the imperialist, faux-revolutionary nations
of the world. Today, it is our turn to stand, to fight, to burn, and to die,
heroically and tragically, side by side as a nation united, both in ideals and
military. Tomorrow, whose turn will it be? Tomorrow, which one of you will be
on the receiving end of such death and destruction, merely because some corrupt
and hypocritical government aperture, thousands of miles away from you, deems
that you are no longer following what is “acceptable” in their eyes?

Which of you will be
staring down a gun barrel next? We make a plea to the remaining nations of the
world: To stand up, to fight, and to deal a crushing blow to the hegemony that
dominates every facet of your lives and national policies. If a nation such as
ourselves, so infinitesimally minor, (or apparently not so, since Tianxia
deemed it necessary to attempt to crush us,) is willing to stand up and defy
the evil of corrupt and vile governments that preside over more than half of
the world’s landmass and population, what does that make of those who cower at
their feet, groveling and begging for another bone to be thrown their way?

Nay. Venezuela will
fight. We will stand, and most likely, we will fall. Our efforts will not be in
vain. If we are strong enough to affect Tianxia’s power base, then what does
that say about them? If such a small nation as ours can drastically shake
things up for them, then imagine what a collective of nations defying their
power could do? With this in mind, Venezuela will fight, and continue to fight,
to stand up to the oppression and cruelty of their despicable regime.

We will surely lose,
but when this war is over, Venezuela,
WILL be remembered.



All Venezuelan government nationals in foreign nations are
to be recalled immediately to Caracas. The military has been raised to DEFCON1,
in light of the recent aggression.

The opening salvo of cruise missiles aimed at the
electronic infrastructure of Venezuela slammed into their targets, exploding
and hurling debris everywhere. Many of the sites of the blasts were in cities,
and thus were home to civilians and, as a result, a large number of Venezuelan
citizens were destroyed in the explosions. While having no such defense against
the cruise missiles themselves, not all of the targets had been destroyed by
them.  S300VM SAM systems were within
range of a few locations, and were able to cover the infrastructure, albeit
very poorly due to the large quantities of heavily superior technological
missiles. A little over a third of the one hundred fifty cruise missiles were
unable to fully destroy the infrastructure that linked Venezuelans amongst
themselves and the world, giving them some semblance of communications still.

As the S-300 VM SAMs turned on their radars and raised their mastheads to be able engage the cruise missiles, their emissions were immediately detected by the Tianxia air force's electronic warfare platforms.  Before they could engage the cruise missiles to defend they'd be hit by directed jamming and cyber attacks to break radar lock.  AESA radar energy and high powered microwaves would deliver speed of light directed energy attacks to destroy the fragile phased array radars with electromagnetic energy overloads.  


Following on, the locations would be circuited in to the fleet which would launch cruise missile attacks on the VM SAM sites while letting more of the cruise missile subs weapons through.


The second wave of cruise missiles that were aimed at the
runways had even less success eliminating them. The airbases themselves were
scattered amongst the mountainous regions of Venezuela, offering more shelter
than the cities had. Once more, S300VM SAMs were able to help prevent the total
loss of infrastructure. Still though, a large portion of the runways in the
central plains region of Venezuela were reduced to huge craters, piled high on
the outside with rubble. It would take some time before they were operable
again, but the crews at the afflicted bases rushed to clear them as fast as
possible, in the hope that they would get them operational once more before the
war was over.


The same tactic was repeated over again, with EM/ cyber attack jamming and DEWs used to destroy phased array radars capable of tracking cruise missiles as soon as they went online, and then hitting them with kinetic attacks to finish them off.


As the flurry of reports came in assessing the damage as
best as they could, an order was given out to all fighter squadrons to get into
the air as fast as possible to provide air patrols over the coastline and
interior of the nation. Falcon Air Group
, consisting of 10 F-15E Strike Eagle squadrons, 6 fighters a piece,
and 6 F16 bomber squadrons, again with 6 aircraft a piece, were the first ones
to get into the sky due to their close proximity and heightened readiness due
to the previous Zulian dispute. The F16s were ordered to redeploy to a base
further inland, while the F-15Es were ordered on air superiority missions. As the
rest of the fighter squadrons in Venezuela were being mobilized to get into the
air, the Tianxian B9 stealth bombers struck. Many of the squadrons were in the
process of getting into the air when the bombs began to fall; once more
however, the locale of the mountainous airbases offered them a form of
protection from the large clusters of bombs dropping on their heads. Many of
the airbases within the highlands were wiped out, along with much of the
aircraft there. Perhaps by some fortune, many of the aircraft were stationed in
the more mountainous bases, to give them closer proximity to Zulia in the event
of an outbreak of hostilities between them, and the Republic. Many F-16Es were
destroyed on the ground or in the process of taking off, but a great deal were
also able to make it into their air, orders being relayed to them that after
they perform their air superiority missions and engage any enemy aircraft, to
redeploy towards bases further inland.


F-3 interceptors swarmed in across the battle space hitting the F-16s and F-15s that survived the initial engagement, with volleys of missiles, these were quickly followed on by three B-11 bombers, whose systems were integrated into the rest of the Tianxia sensor network enabling them to fire off their volleys of 46 BVR missiles first, at the same time electronic warfare systems jammed up enemy sensors preventing them from seeing the swarms of missiles coming in or getting early warning detection.  In fact DFRM jamming would be used to confuse adversary pilots making them think missiles were coming in from completely different directions and taking counter productive counter measures and evasive maneuvers.  


Following the missile attacks, F-5s and F-6s would use their stealth to approach F-15 and F-16s by surprise, out numbering them and sporting both more experienced pilots and more manuverable aircraft.  These wolf packs of aircraft would force the F-15s and F-16s into gun matches with the F-15s and F-16s they had not chance of surviving.


Orders went out through the army to begin fortifying
Caracas, no doubt first on the enemy’s spots to occupy, and to begin general
fortifications along the interior of the coastline, as much of it was being shelled
by Tianxian battleships. Indiscriminate, the shelling hit many civilian centers
and killed hundreds of scores of civilians, all across the nation’s coastal
settlements. S300VM SAM batteries are being placed within and on the outskirts
of the city, along with artillery positions in preparation of the eventual
attempt to land troops. The positions of the artillery and SAM sites are almost
completely within the mountains, using the natural geography as cover to keep
them hidden and free from enemy fire. Blockades and mines are being laid on the
lines of defense being created slightly inland from the coast to act as deterrence
and to demoralize invading soldiers.


The shelling was not indiscriminate but rather Tianxia battleship rail guns have extremely low circular error probability in their attacks.  Unlike battleships from WW II, Tianxia ones have sophisticated fire control systems and advanced computers along with satellite guidance to enhance accuracy.  Further special operations were providing on the ground targeting assistance along with swarm drones providing high degrees of aerial reconnaissance.  As a result any argument of mass indiscriminate death was both foolish and counter factual.  Instead the shelling was highly concentrated and accurate hitting within very close proximity very fast to where they were targeting to reduce military forces in the area.


Attempts to deploy mines and use the geography of the mountains were also less effective against Tianxia's modern forces.  Synthetic aperture radar imaging and multi-spectral imaging penetrates vegetation and points out anomalies.  Additionally movement of forces would show up on ground moving target indicator (GMTI) radar on overhead aircraft.  Aircraft, rail guns, and cruise missiles would be diverted onto these targets as they attempted to redeploy artillery, SAMs, and even transport large quantities of mines immediately engaging these targets as they were detected and enacting massive amounts of attrition.  


Mine fields were vulnerable to magnetic anomally detection as they were deployed as well.  Directed energy weapons would be used to rapidly clear out mines as they were detected followed on by noting to have EOD robots support operations when ground forces were deployed.

As the Tianxian drones came in, orders were relayed to
begin deploying Stinger B MANPADs to the soldiers, in order to combat them
whenever possible. Further orders went out to make them focus targets as they
were disrupting communications between the government and the army. The army
itself was redeployed to relevant posts throughout the nation wherever it was
expected an attack would occur. The Peruvian refugees were also given a basic
course in warfare, further inland, and assigned to duty in Caracas.


Manpads would be relatively useless agains the A-47 drone as the drone was equipped with a modern stealthy turbofan system rather than a conventional one.  IR emmisions were reduced to near nothing, and further the HPM self protection device was able to engage and counter these systems immediately.  However the sophisticated electro-optical IR sensor would immediately detect a missile launch and respond by putting a small diameter bomb immediately onto the targets maximizing attrition.


Meanwhile in Tianxia's rear areas at GITMO, with the enemy having oriented all his radars to detect cruise missiles and aircraft, Venezuela was not completely unable to defend against ballistic missiles because of the completely different radar orientation requirements.  SRBM attacks from GITMO streamed over the Carribean and came in releasing their multiple manuverabily independently targeted vehicles, 80 missiles total each carrying 4 of these vehicles.  Each of these vehicles carried large multiple bomblets which would then be released on surviving SAM sites subjecting them to saturation attacks from which they had very little chance of detecting and even less chance of escaping.


On the offshore islands with radars heavily attrited, there would be very little warning as 4 marine expeditionary brigades came in on their over he horizon landing craft.  Forces which would be in a position to counter them would have their locations sent to the battleships by the special forces.  They'd be immediately hit with rail gun bombardment, while overhead drones would jam their communications to call for reinforcements or report they had been compromised leaving the enemy with very little ability to know where the Marines had penetrated.


Once on shore combat engineers and heavy infantry would focus on creating breaks in the enemy lines while armored and mechanized forces along with helicopter gunships would move through the break throughs and envelope enemy units.  Meanwhile artillery would use precision GPS guided shells and land based short range loiter missiles to destroy command and control units and deny enemy armor the ability to mobilize against Tianxia's.

Edited by Triyun
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OOC: I'll respond to the war post when I have a little more free time to do actual thinking. This post is just internal political BS.


An emergency session of the Political Assembly Legislature has been called, via various phone calls to members. All members are to report to the Buenos Aires Palace for a meeting concerning the war. Given that these are just normal politicians, they attend via cars and limousines.


A Curfew has been declared, and Block Wardens have been given their instructions of how to calmly evacuate and maintain order in case of failure of government instruction, power loss, or bombing attacks on non-combatants. Since the civilian bunker network was FAR from complete, the decision was made to convert these into emergency medical facilities in case hospitals were destroyed.


Private to De Juagari:

"Until their forces actual move into Argentina, we have no idea where they will strike. As such, we suggest Chilean forces stay on standby if their goal to aid Argentina. Aid in air superiority would be appreciated, however."

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A salvo of cruise missiles were ordered to be aimed at Guantanamo, numbering 40 missiles. Known military installations and coordinates would be given as targets, and only areas within the base itself to prevent casualties from Mexican nationals.


To counter the jamming of communications frequencies as best as they could, the pilots in the air swapped frequencies back and forth to deliver their message of the crushing losses they were sustaining. Mobile S300VM SAM sites activated throughout regions close in proximity and did their best to fire as much of their arsenals at the fighters and B-11 bombers, priority being given to the bombers, as they could. In areas being afflicted by the drones, SAM sites once again focused their energies on inflicting as many casualties on the overhead drones, as possible.


The F-15Es received garbled messages ordering them to focus on the Tianxian bombers, using infrared homing missiles to combat them. The amount of saturation from missiles in the air was alarming, as the Venezuelans did everything they could to give themselves an edge.


A general order went out throughout the army for units to pull back towards the mountains and to disengage wherever possible, being supported by defensive armor and artillery emplacements. The focus of the units armed with MANPADs were shifted from the drones towards the gunships employed by the Tianxians to knock as many out of the sky as possible as part of their controlled retreat. Areas heavily saturated with drones were ordered to be the focus of helicopter gunships being deployed in large numbers, armed with infrared homing missiles.


The army units that were deployed in the city were given a simple order: return home. They were to return home and to put on civilian clothing, while keeping their rifles and personal sidearms. The plan was to create an insurgency within the cities for the Tianxians to deal with while they were being occupied. Under no circumstances was the military residing allowed formal, military movements. Everything was to be done as quiet as possible.

Edited by Biohazard
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Marscurian Siberian Defense Forces HQ, Marscury:


"Alright, let's get down to planning this raid.  I say we take out the army bases," said Bek Mikhail Marantzbaum.


"Taken care of," said the chief of the air force.


"Air bases?"


"Taken care of."


"Defensive systems?"


"Taken care of."


"Weapons manufacturers?"


"I don't think they have any of those, sir."


"FINE," Bek Marantzbaum yelled out, "IMMA BOMB ME A BIG-ASS BRIDGE!"



The 1st Bomber Squadron took off from Obluchye International Airport on their way to Honolulu for refueling.  After refueling, the planes took a course that took them over the Panama Canal before taking a hard South turn over the entrance of Lake Maracaibo and their target, the General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge.  Destroying this bridge would remove Zulia's ability to move men and equipment from the Northeastern part of the country to the rest, and would cut off the main oil production sites of the country.  The bridge also offered a main place for Zulian troops to defend the mouth of Lake Maracaibo and the city of Maracaibo.


"Ready the drop," said the pilot of the lead plane.


"Roger roger," replied the bombardier.


Five planes, six towers, so to get every target, the lead plane would be loaded with lighter bombs to double the number to hit the first and sixth tower.  When the towers of the bridge were in the cross hairs, the bombardiers let lose the 16 2,000 pound bombs stuffed in the bomb bays of each plane.  When the bombing run was finished, the planes returned to Honolulu stretched to the limit of their ranges, running basically on fumes.


While all this was happening, the navy departed Pearl Harbor for the Caribbean.  The plan was to have Lake Maracaibo securely under Marscurian naval control.  The navy would pass through the Panama Canal, except for the aircraft carriers, which would need to go all the way around the tip of South America, and would regroup into several task forces.  The aerial task force would consist of the five aircraft carriers and seven submarines would remain in the Caribbean Sea, where they will launch aircraft and missiles.  The Maracaibo task force would consist of the nine battleships and eight cruisers who would anchor in the navigation channel just off of Maracaibo city and would attack the city using naval gun fire and missiles.  The lake task force would consist of the six destroyers, seven frigates, and 10 landing ships, which would patrol the lake itself to stop any troop movements between the two parts of the country using small watercraft.  However, it would be weeks before the navy actually reached their designated spots.

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The Republica Highly condems the actions of Tianxia and The Athenian Federation. Any incursion into Imperio Republica airspace or waterspace(up to 200 miles off my coasts) will be seen as an act of war and treated as such.
"It seems the Chinese and Europeans have reared their ugly face of war here in South America. Their despicable actions are once again mostly shrugged off by the world stage as a whole. Attacking a nation that has done nothing to them once again. I'm not even sure they had a casus beli. They have no reason to be in South america, nor do I think even on this earth. I can deal with the latter, the former however, irritates me."
Chancellor Delgado
Republica military would go to DEFCON 1. The Republic's single naval Battle group would take a defensive position off the coast of the Republica patrolling its waters. It's three submarines would begin to make it's way to the Gulf of Mexico. Satellites and Stealth UAV's would be deployed to locate the Tianxian Navy around Venezuela, particularly it's Aircraft carriers. While most of the stationary assets of the Republica's defense grid were still under construction it's mobile assets were ready and waiting for the opportunity to strike down any aircraft or missile unfortunate enough to make it's way over the IR. The Air Force increased patrols over the nation, having nearly five squadrons in the sky at all times. Knowing the Tianxian and Athenian aircraft and missiles penchant for stealth multiple radar wavelengths combined with multistatic radar in addition to IR and OTH detection systems would be implemented to detect threats. The Army stood by on alert, waiting for further orders.
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With the response in hand from the Argentinians, the Chilean Chief Naval Officer is ordered to prepare a naval force to operate in the Pacific by Presidente De Juagari. He orders a Carrier Strike Group consisting of a Fleet carrier, three Guided Missile Cruisers, an Carrier Strike Group of 96 aircraft, and eight destroyers to depart out to sea towards the Pacific side of the Panama Canal. With them are the Marines of the 1st Marine Division and the necessary ship board assets to conduct a coastal landing. Along with the ships and the Marines the two SSGN Submarines are ordered north along with a squadron of attack submarines to act as scouts for the main fleet The units are lumped under the designation CBG 1 and are under the command of Full Admiral Chavez. 


The rest of the fleet is prepared for offensive/defensive operations along the Chilean Coast and Argentina. UAVs, satellites, OTH radars, and SOSUS arrays are brought to full alert. The local military districts are ordered to call up their reserve formations and to dispatch them into defensive locations around high value targets that include important military facilities and infrastructure sites. Air Defense Units, which are normally on duty and alert, are quickly drilled and found as ready for duty as can be managed. The Chilean Air Force has its orders to prepare to begin conducting flights into Argentina to assist with defending their air space and are expected to begin doing so within the next few hours once tankers and ELINT aircraft are sent ahead to provide the necessary support for those operations. 


Offensive operations against enemy satellites are prepared as ground stations start sharing known information about orbiting satellites. Air to Space weapons and surface to space weapons are ordered into the field. Once the information needed is in hand an attack on the Athenian space platforms that can be identified will commence. Of course identifying them will represent a problem as the sheer number of military space satellites in orbit gives the Chilean Space Command quite a few to sift thorough, but with the help of a pair of highly powered super-computers it is expected the data accumulated will be sifted through and the right satellites identified. Private satellite watching groups are contacted to assist with this and for the most part, with the exception of a few tin foil cap wearing types, are happy to assist. Even with this information, it'll take a bit of time to zero in on the exact platforms needing to be destroyed and their orbital habits.




"So what are we supposed to do to help the Argentinians?" asked De Juagari.


"Right now they are asking for help defending their airspace," responded Del Fina.


"Can we help them?" 


"Yes, how badly we'll be hurt helping them is a question we need to answer in advance," replied Del Fina.


"We need to give a reasonable level of support, which can be adjusted as the situation changes. Meaning, let's not throw the entire kitchen at them until we need to," De Juagari ordered.


"Sounds reasonable and prudent. What of Venezuala?" asked Del Fina.


"Our treaty is very specific, we defend them, not support their offensive operations. They started it with the Tianxians, the Athenians responded. We focus on the Athenians for now."


"So what of this fleet you ordered towards the Pacific side of the Panama Canal with a Marine division in tow?"


"That's my own little surprise, you'll see."


"Sir, be careful, those marines will be sitting ducks if they aren't covered properly. A single Fleet Carrier isn't going to amount to much against the slew of flying gizmos the TSI has stuffed in every nook and cranny and that's just the ones we know about."


"We have to think radically and be prepared to act boldly."


"Just don't confuse boldly with stupidly."


The Presidente looked out the window of his Presidential Mansion and watched as a company of paratroopers double timed their way past his line of sight. The normal guards had been quickly replaced with Paratroopers to prevent another attack on the Presidential Mansion, much like the one that had occured in the Arica Campaign. The scars left from that attack still haunted much of Chile and the Presidente. Dozens of hard fighting Paratroopers and Mountain Infantry had been killed and wounded fighting off the rebel attackers. Small memorials of the attack on the Presidente's life still can be seen around the mansion if one knows where to look for the slight difference in color tones where a bullet hole had been patched. The Presidente turned back towards Del Fina and said, "I'm don't think we'll have any problems, I'm just making sure we have what we need to slow down the Athenians if they come out swinging from the Northern Pacific or the Vietnamese should try and get involved."


Del Fina had waited quietly for the Presidente to respond. It had not escaped his attention that the Presidente had taken on quite the somber countenance at the sight of the Chilean Army's 99th Foot (Airborne) Regiment's Alpha Company of the First Battalion running by. The personal pain the Presidente unfairly kept within is something shared by most Chileans. The attack on the Presidente and the resulting bloodshed has scarred them all deeply. Not even the El Tigre gang violence had left Santiago so badly battered. Not a single street in the city had escaped the dreadful embrace of the shocking violence that played out between the Detiende Rebels and the Chilean Government forces that hammered away at each other often at point blank range. "Hopefully it'll end with everyone seeing sense and agreeing to meet in a summit."


"Yes, hopefully," replied the Presidente, though he didn't look very convinced. 

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Since the Imperatrix had made her declaration earlier in the day the defenses of Paraguay had been placed on the highest alert with numerous stationary and mobile ground radar sites activated. Thus when the Hellenic ICBMs neared the border of Paraguay they were swiftly picked up on the radar screens. Detecting the missiles was the easy part and actually engaging them would be much harder. In total a massive volley of three hundred long range surface to air missiles would be fired at the thirty ICBMs however, Paraguay did not possess the needed fire control systems to handle such a volley and over one hundred missiles lost their tracking on the inbound rockets and only twenty of those managed to reacquire in time. Of these two hundred and twenty missiles only a fifty of them would detonate in close enough proximity of the ICBMs to do any noticeable damage and as such only a single EMP warhead missile and four of the kinetic warhead missiles were destroyed their wreckage falling to the earth below. 


In a last ditch defense old fashioned AA flak guns were used to fill the sky with lead and shrapnel this was a complete failure however, as this form of defense had an almost zero chance of even hitting their targets let alone destroying them. Thus the remaining Hellenic missiles were able to get through to strike their targets. 


In the four major cities struck by the EMP weapons which included the capital city the citizens found their lives thrown into chaos as power failures erupted and phones, computers and other electronics died. To the north a civilian airliner attempting to flee the country was unlucky enough to be caught in the strikes and against their best efforts the pilots were unable to keep the plane airborne and it crashed with the loss of everyone on board. All civilian traffic came to a sudden halt and the streets and roads in the cities were filled with panicked and frightened civilians unable to deal with the chaos. 


As for the military targets that were designated for the kinetic missile strikes they would have a high damaging effect on the command and control abilities of the military. The central hub of the military which was housed in a massive complex a fair distance from the capital would not be effected by the EMP strike there, though they would lose all contact with all units in the city, however, two of the kinetic missiles had been chosen to deliberately strike it and when they struck they inflicted massive damage. The main planning and command centre was almost completely ruined with many fatalities inflicted on the people inside meaning that smaller command and control stations would have to take over which had the result of lowering the efficiency and speed of orders being sent out. The other target was the main power station for the complex which meant that power had to be provided by back up generators which were less efficient and had a greater chance of failing under the stress. 


A number of smaller command and control stations were also struck and though there were many of them spread through out the country their much smaller scale meant the missile strikes wiped them out. Only a fortunate few working with in them survived and many of them were wounded. 


In total the command and control ability of the Paraguay military had been damaged and would be operating at a much more limited capacity for the foreseeable future. 

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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The first stage consisted of increased satellite surveillance and U-2 runs over the South American continent.




There was little to nothing the Argentinian air force could do to something going that fast, though with the application of passive radar they certainly knew it was there. Radar operators could do nothing but shrug and accept the fact that the enemy could see them. Even if they COULD have shot down the drone, satellite imagery would have simply made their life hell anyway. The A.A.G. did however, move SAM missiles sites around, and deploy more inflatable decoys. To make matters more confusing, additional S-300 vehicles were brought in from warehouses, where they had been waiting for missiles to be produced; however, they weren't loaded, their missiles tubes empty. But unless the enemy had Superman's ability to see through solid objects, it would be impossible to tell these unloaded sites apart from the normal ones.

Acting under supervision of the Hellenic Air Force the battleships HNS Heraklion and HNS Patras would be the vanguard of the Athenian offensive against the Argentinians. From both battleships 200 ER-M-51s would be launched at the Falklands and more specifically facilities of a military nature. Each of these missiles was armed with either a HDRM or kinetic warhead to ensure maximum destruction in the area hit. At the same time the carrier HNS Artemis would launch its fighters to set up a CAP over the naval formations, these F-5s from the Artemis would be reinforced by three squadrons operating from South Georgia to make both the task forces and South Georgia able to take on a counterattack fast.


The Hellenic Air Force would find that the majority of the A.A.G. was not on its runways, but in the air, with around 240 of its 300 aircraft assigned to the EEZ or Falklands still operational. The main casualty was the 5 squadrons of Interceptador-1 aircraft stationed on the Falklands, which given the lack of bombers detected, had been in their hangars. The rest in the air consisted of 10 squadrons of Interceptador-1, and 10 of L/A-1. These aircraft would do their job, even if it meant their death, and engage the enemy aircraft in a combination of missile and gunfighter tactics, the Interceptadors trying to use their high speed to get in close and personal. The training from the combination naval/air war games which had occupied these pilots beforehand would now be tested.


Many of the missiles would hit, though the majority of the "military facilities" on the Falklands were spread out and hidden in such a way to make such saturation difficult. The large battleship-like turrets guarding the ports were destroyed fairly easily, through the deployment of Chaff and infrared-disrupting beams and smoke would mean it would take more than one missile. When the barrage stopped, the SONAR and radar networks would try to find the enemy ships, and if they were within 500km, shore-based launchers would unleash their deadly BrahMos anti-ship missile payloads.


Finally, in what many deemed a suicide mission, 60 Beriev A-40 aircraft would come in low over the water, and spread across several hundred kilometers, towards the enemy ships, while the interceptors and air-superiority fighters of the A.A.G. fought hard to distract the enemy airforce. When they reached a range of around 11km, they would fire their air-dropped versions of the VA-111 Sckval Torpedo, targeting the battleships specifically with about 180 of them. To try and help the others escape back home for refueling and rearmament, a third of these massive aircraft would attempt to crash into the enemy ships at full speed, their pilots singing the national anthem of Argentina over their radios, broadcasting across all bands, as they gave their lives for their countrymen.


Another attack against the Argentinians would come in the form of two B-11 squadrons operating from San Bias. At a comfortable distance of 1500km the bombers would deploy 384 ER-M-51s along the Argentinian coastline. These missiles were armed with primarily anti-radiation warheads but 20 of them were also equipped with EMP warheads. The normal anti-radiation missiles would target radar along the coast in general while the ones equipped with EMP targeted the facilities providing power to these. Upon release of the missiles the bombers would head back to their bases while the earlier established CAP ensured protection against any pursuers.

These bombers would have no trouble launching their payloads, their missiles striking the VHF unmanned towers with accuracy and ease. The local power grids which powered these towers were also easily shut down, with Block Wardens quickly setting up backup generators and coordinating the non-combatants in the area into what were deemed safer areas. A few would mark these "safe" areas by painting red crosses on the roofs, hoping that their enemy wouldn't attack unarmed targets.


The A.A.G. quickly set out to replace these VHF radar sets, but placed them further inland, with orders to only activate to paint targets detected by the passive systems.




Hey guys, if I make a mistake, just ignore it. I don't enjoy the idea of getting bogged down in OOC just because I'm not well-read on some technology system. I'm a geology major, I know rocks. I'd rather have a smoother RP w/ some inaccuracies than get into a OOC thing w/ rewrites and such.

Edited by Gloval
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The Tianxia Pacific Fleet began moving into position along the Eastern Pacific.  The taskforces lead by three carrier battle groups was careful to control its electromagnetic emissions making active detection methods near impossible to fine.  At the same time Tianxia had begun to surge its rear area for further escalatory operations should they become necessary.  The B-10s had been prepositioned to launch operations across the theatre of operations, and Tianxia had surged into Athens 8 F-5 Squadrons, 4 F-6 Squadrons, and 3 F/B-5 Squadrons along with a large drone infrastructure.  Following behind them would be the GANA units.  With integrated Athenian-Tianxia Plug in Play capabilities they would rapidly be able to reinforce the forces already in place.  


At the Canal Zone Tianxia forces had dug in further, now a second additional Marine Expeditionary Brigade was being rushed into it for further reinforcing the zone even as strategic intelligence suggested large mobilizations across the South American continent, and electromagnetic signal, imagery, and IR activity commensurate with that.


In rear areas Tianxia was preparing to reinforce its space and telecommunications infrastructure.  This included the deployment of its space fleet to provide both on site orbital operations and refueling for satellites who were engaging in changing orbital patterns through each rotation over South America.  In the mean time as per course Tianxia continued its global space track operations for its own side.  


Missile commands across the Empire were being given orders to prepare should an attack occur to launch an immediate counter attack on the command infrastructure of nations across that would be intervening.  In particular Tianxia had put its new conventional FOBS on targets in the Republica.  


Tianxia space borne assets would monitor movements of fleets using a combination of techniques for detection of submarines and surface vessels leaving the shores of the nations, using SAR to monitor both subs and ships through a combination of wave displacement and direct imaging, using laser based systems to monitor subs especially LIDAR, imaging of their wave displacements, multispectrum imaging, bioluminensce night time imaging, IR imaging of thermal signatures, signals intelligence gathering, wide area magnetic anomally detections as well as more specific ones.  Of course none of these techniques on their own was sufficient for the operation, but used in combination, and then combined with the forward deployment of high altitude UAV surveillance and the Athenian and Tianxia OTH systems once units came closer to areas of operation, the result would be a very robust and redundant system.


The combination of tasking across multiple satellite platforms which would be joined by Tianxia's manned and unmanned space fleet would provide the Empire with the capability to monitor approaches of multiple units north.  This information would be forwarded to Athens.  Meanwhile, Tianxia would task its unmanned submarine fleets with the task of moving in and following these units.  Their smaller size and lack of a crew would dramatically increase their stealth capabilities for approach, while Tianxia would also have ASW units lay down SOSUS listening posts across the areas of possible approach and task dragon class attack subs for moving to intercept.  


In the skies Tianxia units would use the combination of the Athenian OTH networks patched into TSI STRATCOM Taipei to monitor the movement of stealthy UAVs from the Republica towards combat operations zones.  Of course there was the weakness that all units would face that OTH cuts out within 500 nmi of a coast line (however, Tianxia and Athenian units had already been adapted to defeat OTH radar imaging wave lengths as well so it wasn't as applicable).  But this would make a surprise approach towards the carrier groups difficult.  


Tianxia's picket force of sky hawks provided a wide area surveillance, which would be backed up by the high altitude air ships from the Carribean bases.  In contrast to units with lots of small radars, single large radars were in face superior at detecting low flying and low radar cross section objects.  Networked together they formed a powerful defense oriented to engage stealthy objects like cruise missiles and UAVs from approaching the carrier battle group far out.  As the UAV approached, multiple units would get returns causing them to focus like a beacon onto the stealthy UAV as it approached.  IR imaging systems would then be turned on to confirm the presence of the missing rogue UAV.  


The Tianxia units would forward the combat information to a B-11 in the area which would move towards long range intercept focusing its powerful radar onto the UAV along with the others.  With the AESAs all closing in to maximum energy concentrations they would form a speed of light very high output directed energy weapon capable of cooking the recon UAV alive before it got close enough to the carrier.  At the same time the massive amount of focused energy would jam up the output of the Republica UAV.


Meanwhile Tianxia Forensics had produced something of interest for the Chileans a coded transmission was sent to be delivered by the Imperial Ambassador to the Chilean President in person.  The report appeared astonishingly comprehensive and highly accurate, taken from multiple intelligence sources include signals intelligence, primary documents captured, and other materials.  In it, it laid out a plot by the Venezuelan regime to be expansionist within South America including coopting the Chilean Regime through a military coup.


Laying out the information on the Chilean President's desk, Ambassador Wang spoke, "As you can see this threat is persistent and your allies backing it is putting us into a spot where they are giving us little choice." he said.  "The Chileans need to make a decision how much is sacrificed for these people.  Our intelligence already indicates there is extremism spreading through South America, and I assure you that the Empire and its allies are quite prepared to meet it.  


For example the Republica's leader has publically stated now that he does not believe that China and Athens should be allowed to exist.  I'm sorry but such rhetoric cannot just simply be ignored.  Nor is it really acceptable.  No one in China or Athens has called for disbandment of the Venezuelan or any other state in this conflict.  That he said he can live with it is of no small comfort, instead it means that he can't possibly hope to prevail at this time.  That does not mean he would not be eager to join into a hostile coalition in the future.


Instead it must be met by some sort of reaction.  Tianxia has had to deal with extremists in regional blocs before, Aeon and the AUP, and Grand Papua in the OU come to mind.  We've had to deal with South American expansionists before in the form of Colombia.  


I can guarentee you that the Emperor is prepared to fight a major war over this and the Athenian Empress will do the same, because both believe that stalling will strengthen the resolve of the extremists.  Chile could intervene now by siding with the Empire and retain some degree of influence in South America, or it could go down with the rest as a martyr.  I do not believe you are an unreasonable man but I also believe that you love South America.


I therefore think that you could come to an understanding with us which both resolves the security dilemma by removing the political leadership in South America which is hostile." he paused awaiting the response.  




A salvo of cruise missiles were ordered to be aimed at Guantanamo, numbering 40 missiles. Known military installations and coordinates would be given as targets, and only areas within the base itself to prevent casualties from Mexican nationals.


Tianxia's high altitude aerial sensors would detect the cruise missiles as they passed over the Carribean using their look down capabilities, radar masts on destroyers would also track them sending updates to the GITMO forces which scrambled up a Skyhawk AWAC and two F-6 fighters.  The F-6 fighters would super cruise in to engage them early while the skyhawk would then link its radar in.  These would give ground based sensors a much larger window of engagement and high degree of accuracy.  S-550 SAMs would fire at long range to engage most of them along side cyber, directed energy, and jamming attacks.  This would be further augmented by the medium range SAMs, and finally close in weapons attritting the missiles down to two.  GPS jamming would be employed to maximize the CEP of the missiles making them less accurate in the final approach.  The result was the destruction of a commissary, and the damage to one of multiple runways.  


To counter the jamming of communications frequencies as best as they could, the pilots in the air swapped frequencies back and forth to deliver their message of the crushing losses they were sustaining. Mobile S300VM SAM sites activated throughout regions close in proximity and did their best to fire as much of their arsenals at the fighters and B-11 bombers, priority being given to the bombers, as they could. In areas being afflicted by the drones, SAM sites once again focused their energies on inflicting as many casualties on the overhead drones, as possible.


Broad spectrum jamming would deny the ability to hop frequencies.  When signals were detected though, the targets would rapidly homed in on and destroyed with appropriate airborne piece of weaponry.  Engaging drones would prove difficult as the masts would have to focus in on fast moving stealthy drones, something difficult due to the mechanics of the ground based radar masts, speed of drones, the use of PESA instead of AESA radars, and a host of other factors.  


Instead they'd merely reveal their locations, and bring down fire onto them, hastening the destruction of the SAM networks as they engaged the Tianxian Air Force.  This would be further augmented as the Tianxia Marine Forces stand off ground based missile forces advanced further in, giving them additional striking power.  


B-11 bombers would use their onboard jammers to defeat missiles as they came in, however, one of the planes managed to finally fall to the plethora of SAMs.  Quickly though the drone swarms overtook the SAMs.


The F-15Es received garbled messages ordering them to focus on the Tianxian bombers, using infrared homing missiles to combat them. The amount of saturation from missiles in the air was alarming, as the Venezuelans did everything they could to give themselves an edge.


F-15Es going up against Tianxia bombers was actually not the best thing to do in the world.  B-11s losed swarms of air to air missiles while they jammed up the F-15s radars to engage them.  Further the F-15s never were able to get to short range with their air to air missiles for the simple reason that the B-11 flew at much faster than the F-15 and the IR missiles the F-15s had were ranges within a few kilometers.  Instead they'd run into Tianxia F-5s which would take special pleasure in chewing them up.


A general order went out throughout the army for units to pull back towards the mountains and to disengage wherever possible, being supported by defensive armor and artillery emplacements. The focus of the units armed with MANPADs were shifted from the drones towards the gunships employed by the Tianxians to knock as many out of the sky as possible as part of their controlled retreat. Areas heavily saturated with drones were ordered to be the focus of helicopter gunships being deployed in large numbers, armed with infrared homing missiles.


Tianxia forces had reduced IR emissions anyways making tracking difficult, however he employment of counter measures and directed energy weapons made such engagements extremely difficult.  Instead they brought on more attacks upon units almost immediately after they attacked Tianxia units a few of the A-47s were lost, but not many.  The Swarm intelligence and speed allowed each unit to protect the others making saturation attacks against them without the employment of serious air superiority crafts very difficult.  Quickly Marine ground based sams and Tianxia air superiority units would swoop in and engage the helicopters while the swarms engage and then return to base switching out units as they ran out of ammunition.


The army units that were deployed in the city were given a simple order: return home. They were to return home and to put on civilian clothing, while keeping their rifles and personal sidearms. The plan was to create an insurgency within the cities for the Tianxians to deal with while they were being occupied. Under no circumstances was the military residing allowed formal, military movements. Everything was to be done as quiet as possible.

Tianxia however had no intention of allowing the military to retreat.  Overhead surveillance enabled it to provide a high degree of tracking and while certainly it did not have the manpower yet to go after them enmasse, many a soldier attempting to flee was hit either by a gunship or drone attack reducing the ability to depart.
With a beach head secure, Tianxia has begun to surge in two mechanized divisions and two light infantry divisions by air lift under a secure corridor.  The employment of stealthy transports would enable them to be difficult for adversaries to have much chance of ambushing as they continued to flow in.  
Meanwhile two groups of Pelican ultra heavy lift ground vehicles would move a additional infantry division to Panama and two more marine expeditionary brigades to the shore areas of Venezuela.
Edited by Triyun
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The remaining forces of the Venezuelan airforce were ordered to disengage from the Tianxian aircraft, and instead to focus their remaining munitions on the drones that were such a nuisance for the ground forces. Missiles with infrared homing guidance systems were used primarily as the F-15Es in the air inflicted as much destruction as possible. The bombers that had been in reserve up until this point were called up from all available airbases with working runways, and ordered to engage Tianxian units landing on the coastline. The largest munitions available were drummed up to ensure the largest possible damage infliction against the ground units being landed.


Units retreating into the mountains were ordered to begin guerrilla tactics and to utilize hit-and-run attacks. The Venezuelans knew the region much better than the Chinese did, and they used it to their advantage wherever and whenever they could. As the Chinese were moving along towards the front, trained army regulars-turned-guerrillas would swarm out from the mountains and hilltops to engage the Tianxians for a few tense minutes before retreating once more, with ambushes and anti-personnel ordnance set up in advance, to inflict the maximum amount of casualties.


As Tianxian forces came closer to the cities, riots ensued. Protesters formed lines to disallow them entry to the cities, while more vengeful citizens, along with the soldiers that had retreated into the cities, threw homemade bombs on the incoming Tianxian soldiers. Whenever possible, the soldiers that had returned to civilian life would attack Tianxian soldiers before dropping their weapons and blending in with the civilians. Very little could be done to figure out which protesters were civilian and military in nature.


In the cities, all armor, having already been deployed nearby due to the previous border dispute with Zulia, were ordered to blockade the entrances with their hulls. Orders were given to inflict as much damage as possible to oncoming armor and troops before orders were given to self-destruct the vehicles, barring entry. Citizens rallied behind the destroyed husks, crying out slogans denouncing the Tianxian invaders.


Another salvo of missiles were prepped, with their aim being key Tianxian military assets on the ground in Venezuela. The missile count numbered 40 once more, as missile stockpiles throughout Venezuela began to dwindle dangerously low. A third salvo was readied, once more aimed at Guantanamo. Twenty missiles were ordered to target key infrastructure.

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