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Tournament of the Kings


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A missive was sent out to the nations of the world from the Imperial Court of the Tianxian Celestial Empire. Bearing the Imperial Seal it was to be delivered to each nation's head of state by the Tianxia Ambassador personally. It read:


O' Rulers from Lands Far Away, Here the Voice and Behold the Splendor of the Just and Virtuous Celestial Court,

The Children of Heaven, the Emperor and Empress, rulers of this most harmonious realm have put out the call to rulers around the globe or their champion to come participate in a contest of skill in the Imperial Tournament of Kings in Dengfeng. They shall be the personal guests of the Imperial Court. This contest of Martial Skill shall be held on Mount Song, the home of both the training grounds of the Imperial Knights and Martial Arts.

The winner of this contest shall prove their worthiness and be rewarded greatly, with both the favor of heaven as a ruler, and a prize from the Imperial Treasury. Those who have the mettle are invited to come and prove their worth in this most auspicious of contests.


Wei Hai, Imperial Grand Vizier and Keeper of the Imperial Seal[/quote]

In the wake of the missive, elaborate preparations were made in the mountain town of Dengfeng. The Empire would put on the games to great fan fare, renovating restaurants and hotels, bringing in master chefs and craftsman to prominently display the cultural power of the Empire. Stocks of fine wines, spirits, and teas were brought in from the furthest corners of the Empire, and silk clothes were prepared for guests. Austrian Orchestras from Ehestadt were brought in alongside traditional Chinese ones from the finest concert halls of Shanghai and Beijing. The Empire would display its cultural primacy for this grand event.

In the tower of the Imperial Knights headquarters, Jia stood overlooking the preparations in the town below. Even now the smells of the great feasts being prepared for the opening ceremonies wafted up. He smiled. It had been some time since the Empire had displayed its high cultural side. Many had forgotten the need to display cultural greatness, at times even the Emperor himself. It felt good to unwind.

He looked down at the stadium below, being prepared. It stood outside the great Shaolin Temple. He turned to Theresia smiling proud of himself. "I suppose these displays of cultural superiority are pretty standard for the Austrians, how is your old court liking the celebrations?" he asked her. "I've been thinking of entering this tournament myself even." he said proudly.

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Despite not being a ruling monarch, the Igumen of Cathari has accepted the challenge submitted by the Imperial Court of Tianxian Celestial Empire. Here is my effort at completing the challenge:




The Igumen of the Free Land of Cathari

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"I think all that is missing is a grand ball," Theresia said smiling as she walked into the room. Going all out herself, the Empress wore a long dress of fine Chinese silks embroidered with intricate designs of flowers colored green and red. "Though my bigger concern is that only locals and subjects of the empire come to compete. This is supposed to be a world wide event and yet, Wei has said he's only received promises from local warlords and chieftains. I will be quite upset if we've spent all this money and only get to see the same fighters from last year."

Walking up next to him, she looked down onto the field with a nod. "Everything's coming together though and I do feel that those in Ehestadt appreciate this more, Western style, mixed with the Eastern feeling." Saying this, the Empress alluded to the recent disorder which had arose in Ehestadt after the remarks of the German Reich. For years since the collapse of the Austrian Empire, a bit of bad-blood surfaced between the True Germans and True Austrians. The recent revocation of dual-citizenship to the Austrian exiles in Ehestadt came at a cost of imperial stability, however, the festival, bringing back High European Culture helped assuage the feelings building in the city-state.

"Well you can enter yourself, I'll be happy to watch from the side," she smiled, "I've had quite enough adventure and warrior-making for awhile."

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Prime Minister George Best examines the documents and promptly launches on a prolonged shouting match with his Minister of Foreign Affairs before he rants something about hell freezing over before Ireland participates in a savage bloodsport. Up on the Legion MOOB the opposite occurs as Denard, Dellion, and a few others round up the strongest, youngest, and most agile of the lot and join him on a shuttle towards the event with a desire to party like there is no tomorrow in all of their eyes. The moon is fun and all, but damn, sometimes a good muslim boy needs to slip his leash now and then and swill enough Johnny Walker Red Label to drown a shark (don't worry about the shark, it is good scotch, it'll be a happy drowning shark).

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Even though they were located in the far off frozen interior of Greenland the inhabitants of Murdertopia were not uneducated about world events, well okay most of them were but the more intelligent ones were not and when news came to the ears of Issac Brandon of this wonderful tournament he knew he had to send some of his guys out to take part. So it was that he went out with Brutus and some of his other bodyguards and recruited a number of contestants to represent them there. Some of these he recruited through force and others bribery and some volunteered so it was that he had fifteen various men and women all ready to take part, unfortunately Murdertopia had no way to get them to Tianxia but a quick call to Quebec and they were flown out to Asia.

Arriving by plane the fifteen men and women would quickly disembark from the flying metal contraption and sort of gather together as one group no doubt drawing the attention of anyone who saw them. After all in this day and age you probably would not expect to see men and women wearing leather rags and chains wrapped about their bodies with piercings of bone and metal in ears, noses and other places. The group was lead by a one Braxon Carr by the virtue of him being about the only one with enough smarts to actually lead and it would be by following his shouted orders that the small group of barbarians would make their way to Dengfeng whilst avoiding trouble.

Arriving at the town center the group would take in the culture presented to them and see nothing but food for the contestants the superiority of it passing right over their simple minds. With little idea on what to do after arriving the group stood together and waited for the other contestants to arrive.

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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"Germany's loss is Tianxia's gain." he said smiling to his wife. "Countries that shut themselves down and become xenophobic are always the ones that fall behind. Its what happened to us in the 18th and 19th Century. If Europe goes that way today, it will happen to them and Ehestadt along with the rest of the Empire will continue to grow."

The Emperor pouted at Theresia's mention that she would not be entering the contest, he had hoped to have a contest to see which one of them would make it the furthest in the fights. "Awww." he said with light hearted disappointment. "and here I was hoping to prove I wasn't just a house wife." he said to her with a wink.

He sat down looking out onto the horizon below, "Though, I am sure we will have plenty of attendees even if some aren't the highest kings. The world's gotten soft Theresia." he said sighing, "I know that I've said it before, but I will say it again. People are too comfortable living in hermitage, we need to teach them how to live again and embrace the arc of history. You cannot just put human progress on pause, you know?"

As the Imperial Family discussed events, guests would start to arrive in the city. Hotels around the city would have suites prepared for the dignitaries and competitors in the sporting event. After arriving they would be told of the festival beginning in the town center which promised to have not just food, but martial arts displays from Chinese wushu, to Japanese battojutsu, to Mongolian Horseback Archery. Various Chinese martial arts movie stars would also be attending the event alongside Imperial Dignitaries.

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[b]Dispatch from the Office of the Megale Autokrateira[/b][/center]

[center]Due to the ongoing situation in the world the Athenian Federation will be unable to attend this event.[/quote][/center]

Edited by Centurius
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"Well that kind of hermitism is what I wanted to talk to you about," said the Empress as she sat down on a chair next to the window, overlooking the tournament field. "With the war in South America taking up most of Mexico's resources, it is rather inconceivable that they can govern both American continents. With the G.A.N.A. positioned in Alaska, it would be easy to assert the empire's claims to aid the Mexican government to administer the rogue regions across the north. There are various countries, not hostile by any means, but that in the future, could pose a threat if left to themselves. If it would be possible, I would like to see the Knights lead a vanguard assault against some of the states, pry them open, see what's inside, see how they bleed. Then let governance take over from that point."

Then she laughed and patted the windowsill, "And I don't want you fighting, because you're getting older, Jia. God forbid you end up like Henri IV of France and get killed at one of your own ceremonies. Can't you for once, sit in the stands with me and just enjoy yourself?" Standing up, she walked over to him and patted him on the cheek, "Do me that favor, don't go running off and I know that's ironic coming from me, but Cecilia and Leopold are getting older now, they need their father in one piece."

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"I daresay, I hope you do not choose to enter [i]too[/i] many of the ceremonies," said Caroline of Bernadotte, as she curled up against Aden al-Timur, and looked out the window of the corporate jet. "You've earned your champion status already for the Empire, you had already earned that back in my realm."

Aden al-Timur smiled to himself, as he felt the shift of his wife next to him, they were both curled up underneath a blanket in the dim lights of the passenger cabin, no others were there, he liked these moments, although it meant that they were also out of the presence of their three children. Aden had been slowly making the transition from warrior to father and statesman, it was a journey that he had undertaken of his own accord. He remembered his father's words at one time after their first child, Gustavus, was born, that he could not and should not leave his children fatherless like he had been for so long. Having not known his father until almost his teenage years, and only after his mother had died tragically, Aden took his father's words to heart because of his own experiences, but despite that, he would still continue to serve Tianxia's Royal Throne as the Shah of the Western Empire in military capacities on multiple occasions.

After a few moments of silence, where Caroline would finally look at him, to coerce an answer out of him, he would smile down at her, "I will limit my activities in these games, my love, the arts of warmaking have always been a younger mans' game." As she snuggled back against him again, he would add wistfully, "Gustavus will soon be old enough to take my place at these ceremonies, anyways."

"You, will let him, choose his own path, just like your father did for you," responded Caroline, in a firm tone, but one that was with a warm smile that lit her tanned cheeks and sun-bleached blonde hair.

"He is the first born, he is the successor to the throne, he is responsible for the Western Empire and will be the vanguard of it," replied Aden, looking at her. "In some way, shape or form, he has to known and learn the arts of war."

"But we will not force it upon him, he already admires you for the stories of glory that are told in the great hall. But, do take care to remember what your father gave you, he gave you the freedom to choose what you wanted to do without hindrance. It is probably why you are sitting next to me now, as my husband, is it conceivable that you and I would have built this lives for ourselves without you having the ability to choose your own path?" asked Caroline, as her blue eyes stared upon into his.

He looked at her for a moment, then smiled, "No, it is conceivable that we would not, and I will not force anything upon my son, he will learn in time where he wants to go, and that goes for the rest of our children as well."

"I'm sure he'll want to take his father's place as Champion of the Western Empire by his own volition, even though he's already been beaten to it."

"By who?"

"Me, of course."

"And when, daresay, did you take the title of Champion?"

Caroline gave him a smirk, and slid her head into his shoulder, "That night, in the Palace Garden, when we crossed swords."

"That doesn't count, you cheated."

"An enemy will use whatever his or her advantages may be to get the upper hand, my love, I don't see what I did as cheating," replied Caroline, with a muffled laugh.

Aden rolled his eyes and smiled as he looked out the window, and he said aloud, "I think this will be my last tournament, the blade will sing again, but I do not think it will sing by the doing of my own hand." He looked over to one of the corners, where their gear for the tournament lay, and the Scimitar of Timur lay on the seat across the aisle from him. He looked down at Caroline, who appeared to be smiling into his shoulder, and knew that his decision, was certainly the right one. The jet would bank northeast, and continue its journey across the vast territory of Central Tianxia, heading for Songshan.

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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Jia frowned at the suggestion, he may have been pushing into the late 40s and starting to grey but the Emperor still liked to consider himself one of the better warriors in the Empire, making up for losing a step or two with experience and skill. His shoulder had been going bad, but he was still fighting practice sparring sessions at the Imperial Guard gym three times a week and would get extremely upset if he thought someone was letting him win. He took her hand as it touched his cheek sighing, "Fine." he said. "But only because I don't want to embarrass the young." he added.

He motioned for her to sit next to him, "As for North America, its an intriguing idea. Who were you thinking about sending, and against which states?" Jia sked as he looked at a faded map from the 19th century which hung on the other side of the room.

OOC: Please RP arrivals so I can start the ceremonies :P

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This was not something Captain Alejandra Valverde could possibly forgive herself for passing up.

She'd figured that though the invitation was to global heads of states, Isabel wouldn't be too keen on it--pre-occupied as she was with the affairs of her country, and frowning upon this kind of 'inelegant sport' (Alex scoffed; her aunt sure as hell wouldn't've have thought of it that way just a few years ago). But as for herself, this wasn't something Alex could let herself skip in good conscience. A contest of martial skill between the most powerful men and women in the world? [i]$%&@ yeah, count me in![/i] It was like Christmas had come early. Except without the drunkenness, exaggerated profanity, and inebriated, half-coordinated violence that, y'know, normally came with Christmas. [i]Though,[/i] she mused with a wry smirk distorting her squarish features as the plane that bore her to the Empire passed over the vast ocean that separated South America from the domain of Tianxia. [i]That depends entirely on just how much alcohol they'll have there waiting for me.[/i] After all, how inconsiderate would it be for the Empire to let her go the whole span of the contest sober? It would be like denying a sick patient his medicine, or having Scooby Doo solve a case only to deny him his Scooby Snacks. Or, now that she thought of it, like denying an alcoholic their alcohol. That seemed rather a more apt analogy.

The [size=4]Paráense marine glanced away from the small window that offered a humble portal into the world of cloud-streaked skies and azure oceans without--turned her attentions to the other things that occupied her contemplations, which was absolutely nothing. The tiny little jet was devoid of any life but for the pilot and its sole passenger, the captain, and as for herself, Alex was saved from immense, overwhelming boredom only by anticipation for the glorious tournament that awaited her at her destination. That, and the Walkman, clutched in her long, inked fingers, and the headphones, snaking up from the device to implant themselves firmly in either ear, where they sat comfortably blasting their array of furious sonic violence directly into her eardrums at unhealthily loud volumes. After all, as a wise philosopher of ancient times had (probably, at some point) said unto his students from his deathbed just before he passed into blissful nirvana and at last escaped the endless cycle of reincarnation and suffering, music ain't no good to listen to unless there's at least a fifty per cent chance that you're going to drive yourself deaf listening to it.[/size]

[size=4]Hell, wasn't like she really needed anything but that. 'Company'? 'Company' would just irritate the $%&@ outta her all the way to the tournament--after all, she was headed there to test her 'martial skill' (which she figured meant something along the lines of 'ability to beat the !@#$ out of people'), not her patience and ability to deal with other living things, which was a vastly less useful skill. [/size]Izzie had suggested (more than a little sardonically, though that as usual had gone right over Alex's head) that she bring a book to occupy her mind on the long journey, which had elicited from Alex only a hearty laugh and verbal concerns that her aunt may've been going senile a bit early. She'd pondered bringing along some of the First Company's files and whatnot and do some logistical work on the way, before realising how moronic a suggestion that was. Suggesting that Captain Alex Valverde try her hand at logistics was like proposing to an alligator that it have a go at tennis...in that both would end invariably in an angry, vicious beast of murder losing its temper and going on a bloody, gore-ridden rampage. Yeah, she'd stick with the music and the promise of glory and combat to come, thanks.

Not that glory and combat to come weren't takin' their sweet $%&@in' time. [i]How long have I been on this goddamn flying tub anyway?[/i] she scowled, well aware that it had been some hours but none too content to let too much time pass without finding something to be pissed off about. Logic, that much-maligned little voice in the back of her head that so often sought to kill her fun, whispered that it would be only another hour, perhaps two, before she would find herself embroiled amidst the violence she so apprehensively anticipated...but everything else told her that another hour was still too long to wait.

Edited by dotCom
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"I'll make you a promise, Jia," said Theresia, crossing the room towards the door, "If the tournament does not turn out the way you hoped, then maybe you can jump in for one of the imperial champions who arrived. However, I don't want you running off to play hero with anyone, otherwise I have to watch this entire thing from my box, alone, and that would only make me upset. I know you wouldn't want that hanging over you for the next month."

With a laugh Theresia left the room for a moment, before pushing her head back into look at the Emperor. "As to your other question, I am just not at the liberty to tell anyone right now. Not you, not Angelika, not anyone, the orders to my companies of Amazons are all right here," she chuckled and tapped on her temple. "I don't know who might be listening in the walls, who might have ears, the grounds keepers, palace guards, the spirits. That said, I will meet you in the Imperial Box and we'll see who comes up to dominate the field."

She shut the door and left Jia in the study as she clapped her hands free of dust. "But it won't be what you're expecting." The Empress said, to no one in particular.

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Jia smiled, "And they say women can't wield power." he said to her as she headed out the door. He laughed at her comment about it being in her head. [i]Oh lord.[/i] he thought to himself wondering what he had just agreed to.

He stayed in the room looking at the sword of tengri which laid displayed before him, he thought back to his last adventure. He was feeling restless, hoping the winds of history would not pass him by. Yet at the same time he knew that there were rising feelings of a renewed traditional right by many who had forgotten the trials which China had gone through in decades past. Their traditional enemy Japan was pacified, with many even becoming moderately supportive of the regime. Mongolia, South East Asia, and Korea had been fully integrated, and the Western Provinces... were brought off. People had become comfortable.

The Emperor felt there were some who had thought they outgrew the Empire's ideology. But Jia knew better. He knew that China's traditional tendency to look inward meant the entire Empire would have to. And that had always lead to disaster. He sighed. He hoped this event would appease the conservatives.

Getting up from his seat he grabbed the blade, thinking what it represented as he headed out the door.

Chin Buque sat in his scholarly robes in the booth reserved for officials of the Imperial Court. He had been a subject of much fanfare since arriving. Many believed he could be the new Prime Minister. It had been months earlier that he was a professor of Confucianism at Peking University, writing about the need to return to the Great Tradition before the Emperor's Chief of Staff Qi had offered him a position in Court. Confucianism demanded that he accept it. But he was not happy, the Emperor he felt had strayed too much from the traditional path.

China was strong again, it should lead the Imperial Federation, and it should be proudly advancing its culture. Rather than become a leader of the World the West forged, it was time for a new order based around Eastern Order and Harmony. He looked to see the foreign empress make her way to the Imperial Box to cheers of some of the citizenry. It filled him with dread, her Amazonian Order was perhaps the greatest foe to traditional culture.

He sighed, he looked to see two of his ideological students, Colonel Fang, and the young Khan Chou Ruye were talking off to the side. He frowned, he could tell by the looks on their face that they were filled with scowls. He knew some of his students had taken his lessons too far, to hate, and he worried for the future of his harmonious society.

Jia entered into the stadium, heading into the Imperial Box meeting Theresia there. The crowd stood in applause as the two rose.

"Citizens fo the Empire." Jia said, "Thank you for coming to this most auspicious of occasions." the Emperor said shouting into the stadium. "Today is a glorious event for our esteemed Empire. It is a display of the Middle Kingdom's ability to bring people together from throughout the civilized world to enjoy sports. But it is also a demonstration of our martial prowess." he said.

"Now join me in welcoming our champions, as they compete here under heaven for the glory and favor!" he cried out, applauding. Stepping back from the microphone as the gates for the Athletes to enter the stadium opened, Jia looked back behind him. He saw Theresia behind him, but then the seat next to her was empty, he whispered to her, "Where's Leopold?" he asked.

OOC: Please RP entering the stadium Olympic opening ceremonies style.

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Clutching a large flag of the Chancellery of Cyrantia, which he draped around his back, the Vice Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of the Grand Chancellor of the State, Viktor Antonov, entered the Tianxian stadium. The Cyrantian champion was an accomplished race-car driver, climber, fighter, and in general was a jack-of-all-trades when it came to things that could involve debilitating injury, and often represented his home country in them. His relation to a high-ranking official had landed him a cushy, if meaningless, government position with a quite overblown title, though his duties politically had only ever included representing the Chancellery at discussions with the old nation of Yoitsu (considered a "highly dangerous" task). He now found himself entering the Tianxian arena at Dengfeng in front of thousands of Chinese, alone to face whatever challenges awaited him. With immense pride, he smiled and waved to the crowd, marching to the center of the stadium for the commencement of the Tournament. It was just his sort of affair.

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Following Theresia, as the Empress walked out onto the Imperial Box, an older man in a suit and bow-tie bowed his head to the Emperor with a grin. Charles Fugger, the new Prime Minister, recently jumped from a post in representing the roles of Ehestadt and other European exiles throughout the Empire to becoming, perhaps, one of the nation's most powerful figures. His White Party, a party favored by the Empress, had dominated the recent election and had set itself against the conservative elements in the new parliament. For many Asians, however, Fugger's ascension to power reminded them a great deal of the Jesuit advisors who once held court with the Emperor. Now it seemed like yet another age of liberal policy was to wash over the lands from the Hindu Kush to Hawaii and beyond.

"I don't believe we have had the pleasure of speaking at length, Highness," said the Prime Minister as he extended his wrinkled hand. "I hope to change that though in the coming months."

"One of many things that will be changing across the empire, Herr Fugger." Said Theresia as she sat down and looked to her left. "Ah," she frowned and looked up at the clear sky over the tournament grounds. "It would appear that your son, Jia, has decided to see the tournament from a more personal perspective and I really do stress, he is your son."

Fugger chuckled as he sat next to the Empress and wiped his lips on a handkerchief, "The young Prince may surprise all of us."

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Jia nodded to the newly elected Prime Minister. He would miss his best friend Wei holding the job, but he respected the decision of the former Prime Minister to retire. There needed to be a new generation of thinking. He hoped the new governing coalition would keep the Empire moving on the right path, and had been relieved that the legitimists had not pulled out a victory, which Jia believed would've meant disaster for the Empire.

The Emperor tried to hide the pride he felt at his wife's comment. In truth though he was eager to see what the Prince had learned over the years. Jia had insisted Leopold follow a very rigorous martial training regime, supervised by his top knight, Ryu. However, the boy was known to be rebellious and according to Ryu that had kept him from making the kind of progress that the master warrior really felt ought to have been made.

"See you say that now. But I'm sure if he actually wins, you're going to claim he got that all from you." the Emperor said to Theresia. He then smiled lightly at her holding her hand. "Don't worry these aren't blood matches, I'm sure it will be good for him to learn a bit of humility. Better he learn humility here then when he gets a commission."

Leopold entered into the stadium with his red armor, with the insignia of the Imperial House. It looked new, compared the the armor of other knights, having recently been granted to him at the end of his apprenticeship only a week before. His medium length golden brown hair fluttered in the wind as his youthful face beheld the cheering stadium.

The young prince was grinning widely till he looked up at the Imperial Box seeing his mother staring back at him with disapproval, he gulped. He knew he would probably get in trouble before the end of this, but he was eager to get to show his prowess. Besides he had been practicing his sword play a lot, maybe he could win this and then what would she be able to say? Nothing thats what.

The Cyrantians passed next. Their champion appeared to Jia to be able enough, and the Emperor hoped for a good match.

As the rest of the nations followed through, the parade continued for about forty more minutes before finally coming to an end. Most of the participants had come from Asia, this was something that was expected. Afterall the Emperor maintained that Asian nations knew how to have a lot more fun than some of the others, particularly the Africans and only one from the Northeast Americans. He turned to Theresia, "Well I guess we have ourselves some matches. Shall we go greet the contestants?" he asked.

In the room where the contestants would be drawing numbers, Leopold noticed the familiar figure of Aden, one of his father's Khans. He was a formidable warrior fighting alongside both his parents and his aunt at times. Most of the others he did not recognize. He wandered towards the board as they readied to put up the names of the matches, looking on nervously.

OOC: People can still join.

Edited by Triyun
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Aden al-Timur would enter the stadium after the Cyrantian, with Caroline observing from a private box, along with some other Timurid courtiers, he had dressed in full battle regalia, the worn nature of the gear was a mark of battles past. He would salute the crowd as he walked out, smiling at the Khanness, who seemed to be looking on with some worry on her face, but he could clearly see her head nod slightly. His shield, which was strapped across his back, would be painted with the insignia of the Timurids, the symbol of the Western Empire, and as he saluted the crowd with a wave, his left hand would steady itself on the pommel of his sword.

The thoughts of what he and Caroline had spoken about on the flight to Songshan were preoccupying his mind though, in all truthfulness, and as he turned to bow to the Emperor and Empress, he still felt twinges of pain he had from past wounds. The wounds he had accrued fighting in the service of Caroline in Sweden, fighting alongside his cousin and the Empress who now observed them, and serving the Imperial Throne since his return to these lands. He still had a slight limp in his step, and both his left arm and leg would grow arthritic with the weather from time to time, even at a young age. He could only hope that the beautiful weather that had greeted them there would stay throughout the tournament, this would be his last time as a Champion of the Western Empire, it was a duty he had to pass on, and he knew it.


After the opening ceremonies, he would join the host of other fighters in the drawing room, where the contestants would draw numbers for their allotments, he would be joined shortly thereafter by Caroline, wearing a simple dress that belied the riches of the Western Empire, it was part of the Timurids' connection with their past, simplicity was desirable to over elegance. It directly connected them to the humble nature of the tribal culture that still was prevalent amidst the Western Empire. She would gently stroke the handkerchief that she had presented to him when they had fought for the Imperial Throne in the war against the mages and Daimyos, the piece of linen faded and spotted with blood, but it seemed to fit the rest of his battle regalia.

"Well, you certainly still cut a dashing figure," said Caroline, with a smirk as she gently pulled on the handkerchief. She lowered her voice, "You still don't seem to be as spry as you used to be."

"Time, love, has taken its toll," said Aden, with a small grin on his face.

"Indeed it has, but even when you put your sword up, and stay your shield upon the wall, you'll still be the dashing soldier I always knew," she responded softly, with a sad smile, looking around when the Imperial Couple entered the drawing room.

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[color=rgb(34,34,34)][font='Helvetica Neue',Arial,Verdana,sans-serif][size=4]
To say the grandeur of it all was overwhelming to Alex would have been a massive understatement.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=rgb(34,34,34)][font='Helvetica Neue',Arial,Verdana,sans-serif][size=4]
As an officer who led only the most Spartan and austere of lifestyles--for what other sort of lifestyle was appropriate of an officer?--to be thrust into the pomp and circumstance of Imperial Tianxia was almost intimidating. Certainly she was taken aback by the sheer volume of spectators who had turned out to watch the violence unfold. [I]That'll be one hell of a distraction,[/I] the captain mused simply as she glanced about the vast breadth of the arena, lined all around with more people than the entire goddamn population of [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Pará (by her own estimations, of course). Well, for all the showiness and the irksome fanfare of the whole thing, the Chinese knew how to get riled up for a glorious orgy of violence, she'd give 'em that. [I]Jackasses back home woulda sat there applauding politely after each arrival. Or decried this 'inelegant sport'.[/I] Man, it still made her chuckle. 'Inelegant sport'. As though there was supposed to be any elegance to this sort of thing in the first place. She had a damn good policy on what kind of people 'elegance' was for, a policy people, for whatever reason, got their panties all in a twist over whenever she expressed it aloud. Something to do with homophobia or intolerance or some !@#$ like that. Hell if Alex knew. She tried to occupy her memory with more important things than the !@#$%*ing of others.[/font][/color][/size][/font][/color]
[color=rgb(34,34,34)][font='Helvetica Neue',Arial,Verdana,sans-serif][size=4]
Which was proven when, about half a second later, she stopped thinking completely about people's !@#$%*ing and about the relationship between elegance and the sexual orientation of people who thought too much about it, in favour of taking note of the other combatants entering the arena. A motley, varied assortment, to be sure, from just about every damn corner of the map from Brasil (she noted first and foremost with pride) to a bunch of other places that Alex'd be damned if she could identify. She recognised the Cyrantian flag, draped over one of the fighters like some kinda cloak, and then she greatly impressed herself by identifying (probably correctly) the Timurid emblem adorning the weathered shield of what looked to be an equally weathered fighter. Everyone else, however, coulda been from the $%&@in' moon for all Alex could tell or give a damn. All they had in common was that they'd apparently all decided to raid the wardrobe of some hero outta some fantasy video game or some !@#$. One dude was even over there decked out in gleaming blood red armour and his hair all flutterin' in the wind like he'd just stepped out of Dungeons and Dragons. In other words, amidst the throng of mostly Asiatic combatants adorned in the finest and most decorative of battle armour, the 6'6 behemoth Brazilian, decked out in drastically simpler attire, stood out like a sore thumb. This did not escape her attention. Alex ran a large hand through the bristles of her hair, and decided, not unexpectedly, that she didn't give a !@#$. After all, what mattered was not how showy their armour was, or how fluttery their hair was. What mattered was their martial skill--and martial skill was the devotion of Alex's life and profession.[/size][/font][/color]

Alex began to suspect she'd be forced to endure there for an eternity surrounded by other living things, a torment even the vindictive captain of the First Company Marines wouldn't have wished upon her worst enemy. But she persevered, and the pay off came at last when the combatants were ushered from the arena and into a little private room... where Alex felt even more constricted and suffocated by the fighters, packed like sardines into the small space. Didn't help that apparently half the combatants had decided to invite their wives or their kids or whatever into the room with them, which didn't make it any easier for Alex to comfortably fit her own considerable bulk into the all too limited space. She scowled as the lot of them set about to babbling amongst themselves about all assorted inanities and !@#$%^&*, before shouldering her way up through the group towards the centre, where lay a small board. Where, if Alex's understanding of the situation proved to be trustworthy (which happened...sometimes...), lots would be drawn and thusly the matches would be made. The captain's brow furrowed. She glanced around the room, trying to figure out which fighters she hoped to be slated against and which fighters would provide only disappointment, before she grew bored with this distraction and looked back to the board to await the results.

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"No," said Theresia as she slowly got from her seat as the parade ended. "He deliberately disobeyed me, no member of the Imperial House would take part in the games. For one it makes the audience think that if Leopold wins, he won solely on the count that no one would dare hit a member of our family; furthermore," she added in her customary 'matter-of-fact' way, "God forbid if he does lose and looses to one of our vassals or a nation with whom we aren't on good terms. Then it shows weakness. Better in my mind to keep people in the dark to our abilities, until we are able to showcase them indefinitely, not in the field of recreation. Heaven help us if he gives Cecilia the same ideas."

"You're being a bit dramatic, don't you think, Highness?" said Nika as she rose alongside Theresia. "After all, how many times have we held tournaments between our Sisters?"

"Between our sisters, precisely, and no one can question the power of the Amazons."

Nika shrugged as Theresia walked off with her other ladies-in-waiting towards the drawing room. With a chuckle, the Shieldmaiden looked at the Emperor, "One of those days, eh? I remember when I disobeyed my parents, they threw me out of the house."

Entering the drawing room, Theresia, Jia, and their courtiers looked upon the contestants. She smiled warmly, before casting a glare at her son then turned to the Emperor. "I have nothing to say but good luck to these warriors who fight for both their honor and the pleasure of the court and audience. But if you have something to add, Majesty?"

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Leopold gulped as he saw his mother's icy stare, he felt his stomach turn. He knew he was taking a risk when he came here but he also felt that the had to show his parents that he was becoming his own man. He had seen enough fights that he was confident in his ability to handle a sword, and hopefully his mom would see that.

As the Empress finished speaking, Jia spoke, "I wanted to thank all of you for coming. I know that you are sent here because you are the best your nations have to offer. This tournament is a chance for all to see your skill. I encourage you all to do your best and put on a good show." he said, glancing over at the prince for a moment. The Emperor giving him a look that told the prince he would be receiving no special treatment.

He turned whispering to the Empress, "You know I still could probably take all these guys." Jia said half jokingly, apparently still holding out last minute hope he'd be allowed to fight. Though he knew the chances were slim.

"Now, what are your names and whom do you fight for?" the Emperor said.

As they conversed, the Khan Chou Ruye stepped forward behind the Prince. Leopold looked, recognizing the man as one of the leaders of a larger horde, the Kara Khitai. The group had been famous for their fierceness in battle, acting as shock troops in the latter days of the Cochin campaign. But he had always velt their leaders had come off as hostile.

He felt himself brushed aside as the Khan looked down in disgust at the Prince. "Hey." Leopold said. The man shot him back a glare looking at him coldly. The Prince already in trouble was not eager to create a scene so close to his parents.

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"Great emperor," Mikhail said bowing, "I am Mikhail Marantzbaum, Bek of the Marscurian Siberian Armed Forces. I come to represent our Khagan, the army, and myself as Bek!"

"Great emperor," Yussel said bowing, "I am Yussel Yoselewitz, colonel in the mooseriders. I come to represent the Guard, the Duma, and the people of Marscurian Siberia!"

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"Quiet bunch these are," Theresia blinked for a moment as she tuned out the Marscurians from her ears, something she picked up on after spending long years in the East. "Well, if that will be all, we will be returning to the box to watch the tournament take place. As my husband said, I wish all of you the best in this trial of combat and my hopes are that you will please the crowd." She shot Leopold another biting glare before turning around and leaving the circle.

Before all her ladies followed, however, Nika smiled and patted the young Prince on the shoulder. "Hang in there kid, you'll be fine. Your mother just likes to blow off steam."

"Nika! With me, now!" the Empress called from beyond the room and the Shieldmaiden rolled her eyes again.

"Like I said, hang in there."

Leaving the room, the Empress and her entourage traveled back up to the Imperial Box as they sat down waiting for the tournament to begin. As they did, Theresia sighed and leaned her head back against the chair and looked down at the field. She felt bad, being mad at him before he walked onto the field, where his nerves would be tested. But where did a mother's discipline end and a son take off on his own path. What would she do when Cecilia would come of age and asked to enter into the Sisterhood with the trials and risks associated with the Amazons. Her children were growing up and she was not ready for such a change.

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