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And the South Shall Rise Again!

Captain Enema

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[b]Mississippi-Arkansas Region[/b]

A distinguished gentlemen, adorned in a white suit with a full head of vigorous white hair and a white beard, steps behind a podium. He taps the microphone and softly says, "Testing, Testing.."

"Suh, I say, Suh, we can hears you Suh," is the reply from his dark skinned colleague.

"Jethro, I do thank you kindly, and I suspect that now might be as good as time as any to get started. First, I'd like to kindly invite all the members of the local Vicksburg Times and the WKBC Radio Station to help themselves to the lemonade and other refreshments we have set up right over thar," Colonel Nathan Bedford Forrest Raines says politely. He waits patiently in the wilting summer head of Vicksburg without comment. He's used to it, he's spent his life working in it, and he'll die in it if he has his way. There is no other place he wants to be than down south of the Mason-Dixon line. Those fast talking Yankees up north could keep their modern ways and agitations, he's content to watching life go by at a slower pace. Following the customs of the South, he waits until the reporters, dignitaries, and so forth have helped themselves to a refreshment. It's impolite to do business first in the South, you do business after you've had a chance to wipe the sweat from your brow and have a drink or four.

"Gentlemen, I welcome you here today. There is an old saying, the South shall rise again! Well ain't that a thing, but really, I say really, who the hell wants that? I might be a redneck, but I'm an educated redneck with a PhD from Ol' Miss to prove it. I know the course of human history, I know the plight of our negro brothers, I know the taint of the history that follows the South like a bad smell. The South shall not rise again, but what shall rise is The Southern United States of America. By the grace of God and Mexico we give thanks for the future prosperity of SUSA. Let's not forget our friends from Greenland, I am lead to understand they played a modest role in our security and freedom as well.

Shortly, the Congress of the Southern United States of America will meet and begin the onerous political process of electing itself to office. I'm sure half the ballots will be rigged, just goes to show you can never trust a Republican, they are still railing away for reconstruction, but we will prevail. This will be nation of promise for all it's citizens. We will all know a future of prosperity based on human rights, civil treatment of our fellow man, and a love for a god."

With all that being said, Colonel Raines politely walks off the stage and begins to mingle with the reporters to shake hands and answer questions.

[b]OOC Declaration: My nation will be utilizing technology from 1945 and down. All engagements against my nation will need to be termed with the appropriate technological adjustments. I will not be upgrading my level of technology to suit your fancy.[/b]

OOC: Ps, Voodoo.... per your request, Ty gave me permission ingame to go ahead with this.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Although quite a distance away, the Principality welcomes a state that seeks to undo past indecencies in the name of progress forwards as a society, and as human beings. It is often the case that when one dwells on the crimes of the past, the present and future suffer for it. So long as the SUSA continue on the path they have created for themselves, we are sure that the South will indeed rise again.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1341285781' post='3002100']
Greater Quebec Republic recognizes this new state in North America. We hope that we might have beneficial relations between the Great White Hopes of North America.

"The only Great White Hope we have is our Great White Fleet, which is available for diplomatic and economic visitation to your fine nation should you permit it. Though, let it be known, we would have chosen the Great Black Fleet, but the color just looks awful on a warship."

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[quote][b]From His Majesty The King of Ireland[/b]


I recognize the Southern United States of America as an independent and sovereign nation. I hope for your long lasting existence and the prosperity of your people... And hopefully they can prevent further stupidity in North America.

[b]King Anthony O'Reilly [/b][/quote]

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1341285654' post='3002096']
Although quite a distance away, the Principality welcomes a state that seeks to undo past indecencies in the name of progress forwards as a society, and as human beings. It is often the case that when one dwells on the crimes of the past, the present and future suffer for it. So long as the SUSA continue on the path they have created for themselves, we are sure that the South will indeed rise again.

"We seek to undo no indecencies of the past, yet we seek not to create more or perpetuate old ones either. We are as we are and we will be what we choose to be, all citizens of the Southern United States of America have certain inalienable rights that can not be trespassed against. That's no play on words either, a citizen of the Southern United States is a man or woman who has registered properly at the local post office at the age of 18 for military service and pays their taxes as a good citizens should. The sad history of racial politics of the South is forcefully being both ignored and rejected by our legislature. Ignored in the sense we will not tolerate it's perpetuation, or at least I won't, and neither will we abide by it's existence in this new nation under which god blesses all of his children equally."

-President Nathan Bedford Forrest Raines

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In Edean, discussion of North American affairs was oddly somewhat lacking. However, someone on one of the public radio systems just had to make a comment - although whether it was done out of seriousness or as comic relief for the ongoing war was unknown to those in the international community. Given the age of those responsible, we're thinking it was the latter.

"What a backwards nation!" declared the sound of a young Vesari, who sounded like he was going over the top to be pompous in his voice.

"Now, there's no reason to go there Keefe! The southern section of North America has made great strides since it's days of slavery and the leader of this nation has even gone out of his way on multiple occasions to show his desire to put that past behind them, to progress the southern portion of North America into an age of inclusion and diversity!" Responded back an argumentative, but self-righteous Oniru - who was the friend of the Vesari (Keefe). "They've made great progress and we should be happy that more people on this world are embracing democracy as a step towards anarchism!"

"No! Not that Lucretius! The flag... it's backwards." Keefe replied.

"What? Oh. That... Well I think you mean upside down Keefe." Replied the Oniru, who was apparently named Lucretius. "It is indeed upside down though - you can tell by looking at the stars - wait a minute..."

Lucretius paused, leaving the viewers to imagine the rabbit straightening his glasses to get a clearer image of the flag on screen, then... in the most serious stern voice the prepubescent rabbit could muster, "I knew it. That's the DEVIL'S star!"

"Indoodly deedly! And if you flip the flag colors, you get... The flag of the NETHERLANDS. Which sounds like a really dark evil place - like it's in hell or something." Replied Keefe matter-of-factly.

"And a permutation of that is the Russian flag of long ago!" Declared Lucretius in astoundement.

"Oh my God! That's right... I think. What's a permutation?" Keefe seemed somewhat confused, "Next week, tune in as we find out how the soviet-communist south raised hell! Plus, interviews with Screwtape as he tries to convince me to steal my mothers' cookies that she baked for smelly old people!"

Edited by Zarfef
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Greenland confirms that control of the Mississippi-Arkansas region has been turned over to this new state in collaboration with Mexico. We recognize the Southern United States of America and wish it well. Greenland looks forward to beginning relations with the SUSA.

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ooc: sorry lost track of this thread for a bit.

IC: "The Southern United States of America thanks Greenland and the American Commonwealth for it's recognition. We also will remind everyone at this time that our diplomatic instrument in the form of the Great White Fleet is available for visiting your fine nations."

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"It has been far too long since the world was privileged with the grace of a southern gentleman. We welcome this new nation to the world and wish them health and prosperity." - Michael Atrevier, Councilor Superior of Avalon.

Edited by iamthey
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