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Rise of The Republic

Tibus Heth

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[size="5"][b]Rise of The Republic[/b][/size]

Immigrants from across the world, driven from their lands by the cold northern winds and tyrannical hand of their leaders, have settled. They have trudged the snows, forests and vast plains of central north america, to found a Republic of their own making. Pamphlets declaring the new Weimar Republic were littered in the streets of the Capital, Jita. Tanks and soldiers parade down Konigsstahl Avenue, all displaying the pride of the citizens of this new Republic.

The Weimar Republic formally announces it's existence to the world, and seeks both friends and economic trade from all nations. :awesome:[/center]

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[b]Somewhere in the West of France, not public[/b]

Dalian just accompanied the army, as they marched northward to meet the Regency council, when news from America came. Quickly she read over the few lines, before handing them to Général Bernadette next to her. "I have to say, I cannot be brought to trust this. We already got our hands full with one German Reich, we don't need others creeping around. Tell Madame Panettone to keep an eye on this. Though we have an ocean between us, who knows if this Republic may not find the same end as it's historical predecessor of that name." The Général nodded. "As you wish, your Highness."

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The Military Council of Emmeria has decided not to immediately offer recognition, but instead is using forces in the region to gain intelligence on what is happening to the native inhabitants of the region. Should our findings not be favorable in the case of the Midwestern people we shall commence action to rectify such a foreign state being declared on our borders.

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Vatican Portia watches this new German Styled reich rise up and their declaration of existance with a smile. "It has been a long time coming since we have seen such a beautiful reich, and I welcome these new people with a smile on my face. May they find themselves a beautiful future." Portia goes on to say, "And if The Wiemar Republic shall require any assistance, they shall feel free to ask the Holy Order, and we will help them out as much as we can."

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Commonwealth troops stationed in the area of the newly proclaimed Weimar Republic were ordered to remain alert but not to take any action. Deployed since the collapse of the Midwest Republic, there hadn't been any indication of the creation of a unified government other than local systems, especially one with such Germanic roots. Until the situation was sorted out they would go about their daily missions of rebuilding and keeping the peace.

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