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Times of Trouble - OOC topic

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Alright, Madames et Monsieurs, this is the topic for an RP soon to start. It'll be a French civil war, fought in France on the Isles timescale (Greenwich Mean Time?), meaning you get to RP pre-napoleonic stuff. I'm open for people to ask here or on IRC to be included, should they be interested.

The basic rules:

1. No direct intervention from the outside. You can send a comment, but outside intervention will be answered by me with the full force of France. Exemptions need to be planned with me prior to it happening.

2. Whoever wants to participate, gets supporters and troops, as well as supplies assigned by me. It will be based on what you are in this RP and what you do.

3. Character death rules are like always, but please keep in mind that there are rather many situations in a Civil War that can be considered dangerous.

4. You need to ask me for approval, prior to RPing.

5. Please think of the timeline you are RPing in.

6. There is a predefined set of outcomes. This means, what will happen is within limits, but actions won't necessarily be meaningless.

7. you may be radical, if in the right faction, but after this France should still have inhabitants, as well as arable lands and houses.

The factions:

[*][b]The Regency Council[/b]

Not so much a faction, but just all the different groups of people interested in the status quo. They are still looking for the next King of France, given Charles Louis had no surviving male descentents. This faction will get most equipment in the beginning, these people are most likely to survive, but please be moderate with them.

[*][b]The Valentinists[/b]

The Communards have risen again. They are in favour of a republic, given a male heir will be hard to find and now is the chance to overcome the reactionaries. They are a mixture of liberals and left-wing radicals. They are starting in Paris. The leadership of these people is in Sarah's hands.

[*][b]The Dalianists[/b]

Once the communists rise, so do the Dalianists. With their own wicked vision of France, inspired by Dalian de Vicidalias speeches and partly by Amazon mysticism, they created a program of a new France that will stand united against its foes, inside and outside, and hold its ground if attacked. Expect them to be rather harsh, authoritarian and extremist. This faction will get the least troops, they are most likely to be hanged if losing and together with the Valentinists, you are more likely to die here.

Surprises may spring up along the way. I hope some people may find their time. Otherwise, you are free to join in later. France's future now can be influenced by you.


Sarah Tintagyl
Razgriz 2K9


Kingdom of France: 200,000
Commune de Paris: 140,000
Action monochrome: 120,000


-Charles Louis of France has a stroke, as he hears that the Atlantic Confederacy fell. His own country, full of tensions is headed by a regency council, that proclaims to find a new King.

-The regency council deposes Dalian, who moves South.

-Communists start a revolution, as the power vacuum becomes apparant. Simone Valentin is shot for betraying the Commune, which seizes the capital.

-The regency council moves to Orléans.

-In the South rises the action monochrome, to stamp out what they perceive as remnants of old France, to create a new France.

[b]This post will be updated every now and then to reflect changes.[/b]

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1335895565' post='2961681']
Sounds interesting, I'd rp Valentinists.
[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335896389' post='2961683']
I shall fight for Sarah! :awesome:
If Sarah takes you, I approve.

Though, your characters should have French citizenship.

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After talking to Martens and Eva about this, in addition to the Valentinists, I will be RPing the rise of Friedrich Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, the son of Karl Martin and the disputed ruler of Burgundy, Normandy, the Netherlands, and Prussia. This will also start to reflect with my story in the 'Last Musketeer'.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1335918419' post='2961908']
Sooo tempted...ah, what the heck, I'll throw in my hat with the Dalianists, just to be the odd man out here.
beat me to it.... i will be subtles second in command if its cool with you.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1335918419' post='2961908']
Sooo tempted...ah, what the heck, I'll throw in my hat with the Dalianists, just to be the odd man out here.

[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1335927132' post='2962023']
beat me to it.... i will be subtles second in command if its cool with you.
Approved, if Subtle is ok with you as second in command.

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as I read topics and as I get asked on IRC and as I don't want to explain all this once stuff happens.

Around the year 1700 two greater wars, the War of Spanish Succession (1701-1704) and the Great Nordic War (1700-1721), began. It is not the time of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) or of the Seven Years War (1756-1763). It is also not the time of the Revolutionary and Coalition Wars (1789-1814) and surely not the Wild West or the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). Why do I say this?

Because I see things popping up that are not within the timeframe. So, as a general advise:


[*]Pikes are almost obsolete. France got rid of them 1703 for example. They can be useful, but bayonets have pretty much replaced them.
[*]Bows can be of use too, but they need far more training. That's the reason they went out of use. Because other than that a musketeer needs a training of weeks to months, versus a training of an archer lasting for years to decades, the bow with a few times the muskets effective range and firing rate, not to forget the rather acceptable accuracy, is a better weapon.
[*]Flintlock muskets are the normal weapon.
[*]Rockets like the Congreve are Napoleonic weapons. There are no military rockets in Europe that are of great use.
[*]Light infantry like Jäger, Green Jackets and Chasseurs are an appearance of post-Seven Years War.
[*]Frederikian Line Tactics are also quit modern for this setting. Not even to talk about Ordre mixte.
[*]Rifles are expensive weapons, used by hunters and even there, mostly by nobles. Not by infantry. They are hard to reload too, with maybe 2 shots a minute, at best, due to the rifling that makes it harder to ram the bullet down the barrel.
[*]Cannon knows exactly three types of ammunition. Solid shot, Grape shot/Canister shot and Chain shot. Explosive shell are used by mortars and howitzers (which are not like modern howitzers), the first explosive shells for cannons were for the Paixhans guns (19th century).
[*]Cannon founding has evolved quite considerably in that time. So please, for goodness sake do not use a Napoleon 12 pounder gun and use the stats for your assumption of the performance of a normal 12 pounder at 1700. The American Civil War (1861-1865) artillery is obviosly no good basis for the performance of a Keller gun.
[*]Revolvers are a technical speciality that I see not used by your everyday soldier, nor by your everyday criminal or civilian. Maybe some really reach merchant or noble can afford one of these early designs, that could often be faulty and rather delicate.
[*]Multi-barrel handguns are prone to malfunction, added to the normal arguments of expensiveness and hard to manufacture. Artillery that is multi-barreled is not too modern, but hardly manufactured.
[*]Repeaters not covered already are out of time.
[*]Breech-loading is something that is even less likely, given the only somewhat successful breech-loaders were either expensive as hell guns for royalty or they were artillery. Otherwise, there is only the failed, because uneconomic, delicate and hard to manufacture Ferguson rifle (1770s though) and the Dreyse Zündnadelgewehr, which is out of technical reach (19th century).
[*]Mortars are inaccurate (not as if the other guns were as accurate as today) pieces of artillery, used primarly against stationary targets, but either used on land, or from a bomb vessel. And bomb vessels are build to withstand the recoil of the heavy mortar. Most other ships not so much.


From what I gathered, so we have less strangeties appearing in the old times. Thanks.

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Sarah, I'll be waiting for more Commune actions, meanwhile I'll just set up the Dalianists and Regency supporters and just be assuming you're still setting up yourself in the meantime, which you can RP out once you have the time. The troops need to be trained anyway before fighting. I hope that is alright with you.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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