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A Rather Undignified Ending


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"The idea that South America has claim to islands off the coast of Africa is absurd. The de-Canadianization of the islands will proceed as planned and a policy of phased self-rule will be put into place in coordination with local powers. Make your play, discussion is over."


Legion goes to full war footing as men and machines are set into motion. The 2nd Legion Corp is put on notice of deployment. Orders are cut to redirect the entire Legion Fleet north to add the weight of their firepower to the situation if needed. From Legion the three Air Strike Wings touch down at Firebase Opie just long enough to refuel, rearm, and get their intelligence packages updated. Once prepared the Legion Strike Fighters take to the air in rotating shifts. This brings the total available firepower to 108 Strike Fighters in the immediate vicinity.

At Firebase Opie the Legion ASBM Units are put on alert and made ready to engage the South American Carriers. 36 ponderous looking Legion ASBM lauching platforms begin to emit a series of honks, beeps, and other loud noises as the raise the tips of their deadly weapons towards the sky. As this occurs another 3 full Strike Wings are put into the air in Legion and sent on their way to Firebase Opie to bring the base up to full strength. Another three are put on warning for full deployment direct on the contested islands.

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OOC: Short fun fact, technically i sent forces long before you did, in [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109595&view=findpost&p=2935184"]this[/url] here post. Bluh.

"If that is how you wish for things to be, then I suppose Legion having claims to a lunar city is absurd, as well. We shall hence de-Legionise Lunar city three and send the people living there back to your lands. Have a nice day."

The carrier group began to patrol the region, though staying out of national waters or even EEZs, while the transports containing the ground forces began their journey back to the mainland. No need to unnecessarily endanger them.
In the meantime, those who had already settled in on Moonbase Dengali were notified that they may have to give their calm lives up soon, and should prepare by packing their belongings.

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The four Cyrantian armies, wounded physically and in spirit after their brutish beach-storming, were surprised to find themselves completely surrounded by foreign soldiers. Despite their dug-in positions in the town of Cannon Beach as well as the coast itself, they knew they were in for a rough time should their opponents engage. A bit of reconnaissance work also showed that a dash for anywhere else would be fruitless. All directions had been heavily surrounded and defended, and with their number of dead and wounded, no vehicles, and such a large remaining force to move, it would be impossible to try for a quick getaway. So the many men were ordered to dig in even further and prepare for what seemed to be the inevitable.

The soldiers were even further surprised when the forces surrounding them backed off, save for a division hardly a fraction of their size. Commanding officers were approached and apologized to, and the situation was explained. Canada had collapsed and willed its south-western territories to the Californian Republic, a treaty partner of the Great Horde. In an effort to keep the Cyrantian army from overtaking Oregon, their military had rushed in and contained them, unknowing of the invaders. When they had discovered the invaders' connection to Tianxia, they backed off, but "requested" them to leave. There was a slight issue, however, that needed to be resolved. There was no way for such a leaving to occur because of the lack of a navy or any means to bring the soldiers home. Facing the potential entrapment of hundreds of thousands of men in foreign territory, Cyrantian high command came up with a rather unconventional idea. The Grand Chancellor of the State, Sergei Aleksandrov, sent a message to the Medical Board of the Korian Migrant Fleet. The crucial nature of the situation kept his contact short and to the point.

[quote][b]Transmission to the Korian Migrant Fleet[/b]

Korian Medical Board, I am Sergei Aleksandrov, the leader of the Chancellery of Cyrantia. I am faced with an urgent situation and I must request your aid. Currently, some two hundred and fifty thousand Cyrantian soldiers are trapped off the coast of Cannon Beach, Oregon. The men have no method of returning home, and I fear leaving them in the foreign territory newly acquired by the Californian Republic for much longer will bring grave consequences. They must be brought back to the Chancellery as soon as possible, and I implore you to be their carrier. Please reply back at your very earliest opportunity.

-S. Aleksandrov[/quote]

As for the summit being held over Canada, consultations with allies would determine attendance at the summit at a later date. For the time being, the return of the nation's troops was its sole concern.

Edited by Domingo the Honored
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[b]To: Sergei Aleksandrov, Grand Chancellor of Cyrantia
From: Admiral Emil Kharzin, Representative of the Korian Medical Board[/b]


Your letter comes a welcoming surprise to the Korian People. The transportation of your soldiers will be no problem, but you must excuse the vast distance that currently separates the Fleet from the Pacific Northwest. I will alert my navigators to begin preparations to steam the Fleet at full speed towards the Panama Canal and then up the Pacific Coast of North America to retrieve your army. Upon meeting your generals on the coast and accomplishing their safe return, we will then negotiate the price of transport and if the Korian people could possibly engage in extended trade with the People of Cyrantia.

These are of course all issues to be negotiated at a later time. Please be patient and I can assure you that your men will be safely returned home to their loved ones, the Korian People will see to it, come storm or calm.

Keelah se'lai,

Emil Kharzin[/i]

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The commander of the 93rd Airborne Division, General Anthony Quintin, arrived in Cannon Beach to talk about the situation facing the Cyrantian army there. Most of the 93rd was a few miles south in Garbaldi, so they decide to jump in a couple Blackhawk helicopter and head to Cannon Beach with a aerial convoy. The flight consisted of about two dozen helicopter, mainly serving to establish a MASH at Cannon Beach. The helicopter carrying the General Quintin landed at the north end of the beach. Overhead, UH-60 Blackhawks were landing by medical personnel and a pair of Chinook helicopters hovered to drop a MASH tent set at Cannon Beach. The helicopter doors opened and General Quintin and his aides stepped out, walked towards the Cyrantian headquarters and salute the commanders. He then spoke.

"Greetings, I'm General Anthony Quintin of the 93rd Airborne Division that is operating here on the Oregon Coast. It has been brought to my attention that you have no ships to depart Oregon from. We can assist you if necessary to get you home if you like. However, since Cannon Beach is a horrible place to reembark on any ocean-going ships, I suggest that your forces be moved south to nearby Tillamook or north to Astoria with their deep-water port there. At Tillamook, we're building a temporary prefabricated harbors that will be shipped up from Drogheda to assist in your departure. We can help transport your men to either of these locations.

The waters off the coast of Oregon are highly dangerous and we'll have our coast guard vessels on standby at the mouth of the Columbia River to pilot in ships to help you in your journey home. Please, take your time to recover from your hard-fought battle here. We offer our assistance in medical personnel and any supplies you need.

I admit, Cannon Beach wouldn't be the place to invade in Oregon, but you guys have pure guts, I give you that. Lastly, since your allied with Tianxia, is there anyone here that can represent your nation in a diplomatic capacity? We ask because our State Department would like to set up formal relations between us."

[b]Private Movements of Californian Forces; Not Announced Unless Otherwise Noted[/b]

In Eureka, California, the Coast Guard station was alerted to move personnel to the mouth of the Columbia River. Several of their helicopters, a cutter and several fast response boast, serving as pliot boats would be deploying to Astoria, Oregon.

Overnight, the 12th Mountain Division that was with the 93rd at Garbaldi, Oregon moved north into Washington towards Port Angeles to secure the Olympic Peninsula via Highway 101. The first elements would arrive their in the next 24 hours.

Military checkpoints spanned the entire length of Interstate 5 every 50 miles to prioritize traffic moving through the corridor to allow Californian governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations access north. Portland was fully secured and engineers were sent to the Port of Portland and Portland International Airport to assess Canadian assets there and repair what was needed. They would later fly along the Columbia River to assess the dams along it's length up to the confluence of the Snake River.

Meanwhile, in Seattle, the 92nd Airborne Division was relived by the 6th Armored Division to head north to Bellingham and set up operations along California's new northern border. Routine flights by fighter aircraft, AWACS and armed Blackhawk helicopter would begin between Blaine along the 49th parallel towards Highway 97 near Okanogan.

In Spokane, the first vehicles and troops of the 13th Mountain Division arrived to set up shop near Spokane International Airport. Planes from Redding would arrive with more supplies and helicopters to outfit them for border patrol. Engineers that were a part of the 13th Mountain would assess dams and infrastructure in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho would begin. They would also enter British Columbia by helicopter to inspect the Columbia River to it's headwaters and report back to commanders in Spokane. It would be advertised to interested nations that this would occur.

Boise, Idaho was relatively simple to secure due to it's short distance from California. The 7th Infantry Division would remain in Boise and maintain control of Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon. They would begin sending company sized detachments to other small nearby towns, either by helicopter or armored convoy of Humvees. The accompanying 2nd Armored Division would move north into Montana to help the 94th Airborne establish order in the protectorate region.

In Colorado, with Denver in Californian hands. Elements of the 4th Armored Division moved to Colorado Springs and Cheyenne Mountain. They would check up on the site and assess it's operational status at a later date. Parts of the 7th Infantry Division continued east from Denver towards the new border with Texas. Another group would move northeast into the Great Plains to set up along the Californian-CAU border by helicopter, support vehicles would arrive behind them.

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The most senior present officer of the Cyrantian Expedition, Colonel Ivan Malakhov, received General Quintin and his entourage in the officers' mobile field base. His armies were in poor shape - their supplies were coming in at a trickle, and they had few medically-trained men to take care of the approximately 35,000 wounded. The Korians were still quite a ways away with the safety they offered, so an offer of help from what he presumed to be his new opponents was a welcome turn of events.

"General, my troops need to make the shortest trip possible on foot given their state, so a movement to Tillamook would be the most advisable. We have made arrangements to have the majority of my force brought back to Cyrantia by a third party, but if we were given ships to carry the dead and all casualties besides the gravely wounded, we would appreciate it immensely. As for diplomacy, I am the highest-ranking officer of our military present, so I can represent the nation in any discussions. What did you have in mind?"

Orders were given to have the able-bodied to begin their short trek to Tillamook. Casualties and medically-trained Cyrantian troops were brought to the location via Californian vehicles, which outran the rest of the army. Once at their destination, the gravely wounded were treated for their injuries to await the arrival of the Korians. The corpses of the 5,000 killed and the less badly wounded who could survive the trip were loaded onto ships with the Cyrantian medical personnel to go back to the nation. There the dead would be given military burials and the others would be treated for their injuries. Those left in the Californian Republic, which included the able-bodied and severely injured, would have to wait for the arrival of the Korians to return home. Their conditions would improve, however, under the care of their hosts, and the situation as a whole could become far less grave.

Following the move, the Korian Medical Board was advised of the new location of the pick-up, though it was only slightly south of the original.

Edited by Domingo the Honored
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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1331229409' post='2935517']
"We request you lift the blockade for Lunar forces to take control of the island and move former Canadian personnel, weaponry, et cetera off the island."

"Apologies, but due to the sensitive nature of Ascension Island and its usage during the Afro-Canadian War, we cannot give the former Canadian Government satisfaction in knowing its last wishes were respected."

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1331396803' post='2936404']
"Apologies, but due to the sensitive nature of Ascension Island and its usage during the Afro-Canadian War, we cannot give the former Canadian Government satisfaction in knowing its last wishes were respected."
"Unlike Canada, we usually have little to no interest in disturbing African affairs. However, the island is just as important to the Republic, if not more so, as it is to you. Again, we kindly request you to leave, regardless of whatever Canada's last wishes were."

Edited by Lynneth
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The various troops that advanced into New Brunswick or landed in Prince Edward Island would be welcome with crowds of cheering, and what looked like, relieved citizenry of towns and cities they advanced through. There was no resistance to what was tantamount to an annexation by Greater New England of these two provinces of Canada, with troops landing at Charlottetown Airport by direct flights of helicopters and aircraft. Officers of the Armed Services of Greater New England acted as liaisons with Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers and local police forces to ensure that law and order was kept as delegates from the Greater New England State Department and the Office of the President met with groups of parliamentary leaders from both provinces to ensure a "clean" transfer of sovereignty over to the Greater New England. Police forces were allowed to keep their firearms, while former Canadian military units stationed in the region were asked to muster to their respective barracks and bases to turn over firearms and would be honorably discharged, with the option of being able to be recruited back into the ASGNE at a later date.

The only problems facing the troops in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island were the mountains of Canadian military gear that had to be documented and put into storage, or disposed of before the black market got ahold of it. Given the issues of organized crime being an ever constant threat and an ongoing battle that the government of the GNE had to fight, particularly in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, the safe documentation and storage of weaponry was paramount and put at a high priority. There would be a number of cases of individuals in the ASGNE General Quartermaster's Corps being detained for trying to haul off gear, not because they were agents of organized crime, but just to make extra profit on their weekly salaries. On that note, most of the casualties incurred on the forces that advanced into New Brunswick and PEI were the result of traffic accidents, accidental shootings, or just general mishaps, and looting was kept to a minimum, with the troops keeping their discipline well and very few cases of ASGNE-involved looting were reported.

Quebec, however, was proving to be a totally different story than New Brunswick and PEI, as soon as the New Englanders crossed the border near Montreal, given the high number of separatists that saw the coming of the Confederation as tantamount to having new overlords. It wasn't that far from the truth; given the fact that Greater New England was now to oversee Quebec as a military-officiated protectorate, although the civilian government had a large amount of power. Despite calls from the civilian government to not resist the advance of ASGNE forces, there were several instances where skirmishes and firefights between Quebecois Separatists and troops from the ASGNE, including improvised explosive devices, car bombs, as well as ambushes of convoys utilizing infantry weaponry, including some "requisitioned" handheld anti-tank weaponry.

A full scale gunbattle would developed at Trudeau International Airport in Montreal between Quebecois Separatists and two reinforced companies of 1st Battalion, 55th Ranger Regiment out of Fort Church before the Rangers' heavy support was due to arrive in the city. The Rangers were assaulted by the Separatists at multiple places along the airport perimeter and the closed terminal, and were subjected to mortar and light machinegun fire, which they returned with light support weaponry that they too possessed. An estimated two hundred Separatists were able to assemble to assault the terminal and were beaten back over the course of three hours before support from the 4th Infantry Division plowed through a succession of roadblocks to reach the battle-weary Rangers. A few helicopters and aircraft on the tarmac had been damaged by gunfire or light mortar weaponry, with two helicopters set ablaze and completely written off, most flight crews had taken cover and helped defend the terminal when the attack had come, and minimal casualties were reported.

Montreal and Quebec City would prove to be the most volatile centers of dissent, and moreover hard to control, with the "Timberwolves" of the 4th Infantry fighting running gun battles with separatists for the better part of the first forty-eight hours in the city. The Old Ironsides of the 1st Armored would find a similar situation in Quebec City, where their mechanized infantry were forced to hold off an angry mob that attempted to storm the Chateau Frontenac, where officials of the Quebecois government and Greater New England government were meeting to look over plans for the protection of Quebec by Greater New England. Convoys from the 1st Armored would be attacked, and the division would call in reinforcements from the strategic reserve units, centered around a mechanized infantry task force from the 15th "Yankee" Infantry Division, which would begin counterinsurgency operations among the narrow streets and lane of the historic city.

Meanwhile, units from the New England Expeditionary Force, despite roadblocks and ambushes from Quebec Separatists would cross into Ontario, leaving units from the 2nd Marine Division to assist with counterinsurgency operations around Montreal, the leathernecks setting up their headquarters at Montreal/Saint Hubert. They would begin a street-by-street sweep-and-clear operation to draw out insurgents and bring them to battle, hoping that the ongoing negotiations with the Quebecois Government would provide some alleviation to the ongoing crisis that produced nearly two hundred casualties over the first forty-eight hours of the operation to establish a protectorate over Quebec.

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General Quintin nodded, "Well, Colonel. We realize that your nation is part of the Horde. Our nation's State Department has offered a basic diplomatic treaty to officiate our relations due to our MDoAP with the Horde, or simply an extension of the treaty we currently have with the Horde to you. Besides that, Tillamook it is then, Colonial. We'll keep bring in supplies and medicine at the Tillamook airport until the Korian fleet arrives."

The large prefabricated harbors for Tillamook arrived by sea just some hours before. Californian Army Engineers surrounded the pieces like ants to couple them together in the face of the rough Pacific Ocean, although it would take them several days to make them ready for anyone to use them. In the meantime, civilian ships of luxury liner size steamed north to Tillamook. The killed and wounded were escorted to the ships by helicopter and small boats due to the lack of seaport facilities at Tillamook at the moment. There would be Californian medical personnel on board as well as the ships would steam to Cyrantia.

Large convoy of trucks from Redding navigated the Coast Range highways to Tillamook to deliver supplies on a 24/7 basis. At the same time, the Californian Air Force transformed the small Tillamook airport into the busiest airport in Western North America at the moment. C-130 cargo planes were landing and taking off with supplies like clock work every 30 minutes. Members of the 93rd Airborne started to distribute tents, water and food to the remaining Cyrantian force in Oregon.

The severely wounded were driven to Tillamook County Hospital and given whatever medical help could be done with the combined help of Cyrantian and Californian medical personnel. Depending the severity of the conditions, the Californians would seek to send some of the more serious conditioned to better facilities in Portland for emergency purposes.

Edited by Tanis777
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Operation: [i]Cold Meal[/i][/b]

The Two C-130s filled with the First Airborn division flew high above the Atlantic. The sun did not dare to break the horizon as the icy ocean stirred below them. Officer Rankly stood from his lonely bench seat in the air craft and started putting on his gear, "Any minutes now guy - saddle up." The paratroopers quickly started putting on their oxygen masks and strapping their thick jackets over themselves. They waited in single file line behind one another as the large main doors opened up to reveal the frozen early morning. The moon came into perfect view just as the signal light changed from red to green. Officer Rankly jumped first, the rest of his men following close behind. They fell for what felt like five minutes and then simultaneously pulled their shoots. The other C-130 had dropped it's "load" as well.

Being the first to jump out, Officer Rankly was the first to hit the soft snow with a muffled thud as well. The men detached their white parachutes as Rankly quietly radioed in. He got at an angle that the wind wasn't blowing in his face and began to speak, "Longhorn this is Astro. Do you copy?" there was a few moments of silence then a sudden reply, "Yeah Astro, we're all good." Rankly put away his radio and checked his watch which was set to the same time as the other officer's.

The soldiers took out their weapons, silenced M-16s with red dot sights. As they took off their oxygen masks they quickly put on their modified night vision goggles which would protect their faces from the antarctic cold. They slowly threaded the snow in two small formations. They could see "Longhorn" about an acre away, heading towards the same destination as them - the tiny Canadian military outpost on the island. It had three medium sized buildings and a two small barracks. A few lights shimmered around the outpost as a young Canadian soldier sat outside with his rifle leaning against the building while he stayed cuddled inside his warm body armor and modified winter clothing.

The soldiers could probably get pretty close without being noticed since it was night and they were all dressed in snow-white camouflage. But the two officers didn't want to take any chances. The island had been essentially shut off from the world. Either their radio had stopped functioning or they were on some odd frequency since the air force couldn't contact them through any channel they tried. The Joint Chiefs of Staff had advised the president to send a small team to come to the soldiers in the night and give them the bad news instead of sending an unarmed diplomatic helicopter since someone else may have taken control of the island. The difficult part was not getting anyone on either side hurt.

The closer they got the more in a crouched position they put themselves in to avoid detection. The young soldier on watch duty was peacefully sleeping as Squad-Astro silently entered the snow covered outpost. Squad-Longhorn waited about 150 meters out of the outpost providing sniper support and having men ready to provide cover fire or reinforce Astro if the worst would happen. Five men, including Officer Rankly, surrounded the Canadian and had their barrels pointed at him. The rest of Rankly's squad was in position watch their rear and flanks. Before Rankly could walk up to the sleeping man one of his men stepped on a brittle patch of snow which made a surprisingly loud crunch.

The boy awoke to the fearful sight of five barrels aimed at his chest. "Bwaah!" he yelled loudly. "No son, calm down. We wai-" one of the soldiers shot the Canadian in the arm because it looked like he was going to reach for his rifle. The bullet sickly smacked into his flesh as he let out tremendous yell for his size. The two barracks lit up with light as the the shadows of men appeared in the snow outside. Gear was being put on and rifles were being grabbed as one of the doors were kicked open. "Longhorn I think we're about to go hot" said Rankly back Longhorn. "Copy that" said the officer on the other side. Five snipers quickly took their rifles off safety as they aimed down at the men pouring out the barracks.

"Drop your weapons!" roared a French Canadian as the Texans took cover behind a small masoned building. They had drug the young soldier behind with them. Fire erupted from the Canadian side just as the last paratrooper took cover but Rankly didn't want it to go this path. "CEASE FIRE CEASE FIRE" he yelled desperately. "OFFICER JOESPH RANKLY OF THE TEXAS FIRST AIRBORN. CEASE FIRE CEASE FIRE!" After an additional five seconds of the Canadians showing they had fire power superiority the same thickly accented Canadian yelled, "Officer Dion of the Canadian Army. Show yourself Officer Rankly!" Rankly boldly handed his rifle to one of his men and cleverly kept his side arm on him. He slowly walked out with his hands up. "Je suis originaire de Texas monsieur!" Rankly yelled over the wind. A few of the Canadians lowered their guard as the Frenchmen stepped a little closer, his weapon still in hand, "What the hell are you doing here?" Rankly then yelled back louder as the wind picked up, "Maybe we could discuss this somewhere else?"

Officer Dion handed his rifle to one of his soldiers and walked past his men and Rankly, entering the now bullet covered building to Rankly's right. Rankly followed and closed the heavy door behind them. "Mind explaining why you've invaded my island Officer Rankly?" Dion poured coffee in two different cups and handed one to Rankly as they both took a seat at a messhall table. "So I'm guessing you haven't heard.." Rankly gulped his coffee and then explained, "The Canadian government has either fragmented or ceded its land to several other nations... You are standing on Texas soil sir." Dion seemed really distressed but said nothing as he stared down into the black of his coffee.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1331398711' post='2936427']
"Unlike Canada, we usually have little to no interest in disturbing African affairs. However, the island is just as important to the Republic, if not more so, as it is to you. Again, we kindly request you to leave, regardless of whatever Canada's last wishes were."

The Empire backs the Lunar Republic in its claims.

Edited by Triyun
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"Really now? The Aeonic Fleet was in the middle of operations to remove the Canadians from the islands. The johnny come lately loonies had every opportunity to involve themselves earlier when their own Brolly neighbors where embarking on wars of aggression. Except they didn't, they stood idly by while Legion stared eyeball to eyeball with a Brolly fleet until they decided to turn around when the rest of Africa said hell no.

Given the location of the island Legion will support a joint occupation, but the loonies need to learn to ask nicely and use that little thing called diplomacy.

If they can't, all the posturing in the world on your part isn't going to do the loonies any good, as the loonies are going to be the first target to get wiped the hell out if they choose to launch a war of aggression over something they have no real claim to.

Legion supports and will be advocating a full nuclear retaliation by Africa directed right at the Lunar Republic should the loonies decide to play rough so to speak. If they want to start a pointless war over an island they haven't lifted a finger to secure, they can burn in nuclear hell for it."

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A week after the Fleet had pushed into the Pacific Ocean from the Canal Zone, the Korians approached the pick up point near Tillamook. Across the horizon the great flotilla assembled their ships and the mass of Korians came onto the decks to see the large Cyrantian camps sprawled over the countryside. To prepare to move the large army, six ships had been completely cleared of all civilians so as to fit all the soldiers without the need for the decontamination process which would take several days to clear the entire army. The Medical Board wanted to waste no time in getting the fatigued Cyrantians back to Asia and the Board was sure that the Cyrantians only desired to return home as fast as possible.

Dropping anchor off the coast, Admiral Emil Kharzin, the Representative of the Medical Board, took a boat to the shore and asked to meet the leader of the Cyrantian Army to begin loading the troops onto the empty ships so that they could embark towards Asia as soon as possible.

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Colonel Ivan Malakhov, who was still the most senior officer among the Cyrantians present, had been staring down the horizon for the Korians for days. Seeing their massive ships brought a smile to his face, and as some of his soldiers joined him to watch the approach, their morale gained a serious boost. Even with the generous care of the Californians many of the soldiers were very homesick and depressive. The appearance of their means home immediately brought hope to even the men who had the worst attitudes among the force.

Under the same precedent as with the meeting with the Californians previously, Malakhov was the officer sent out to meet the Admiral of the Korian Fleet when he came to shore. Though he didn't recognize the Admiral as a superior military officer, the Colonel saluted in respect and gratitude, and asked Kharzin what he needed done.

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To begin the escort, the five ships designated for transportation: Sense, Arkaviri, Serenity, Refuge, and Polaris would be brought into the small harbor of Tillamook. One by one the Cyrantians would be directed onto the large ships that once housed thousands of Korians for their journey across the world. A small crew was stationed to care for each ship on the voyage to Asia and their East Russian brothers and sisters were greeted with warm handshakes and smiles, though the Cyrantians probably couldn't see the smiles, as they were barely visible on the other side of the Korians' visors. The ships were large, but in carrying so many people, living conditions for the next few days would be cramped. Korians lived in small quarters, a family the size of three got their own cabin with beds, closets, and a specialized washroom to clean their fragile bodies and the Cyrantians would be more crowded than this, with most of their days needing to be spend on the deck of the ship rather in the cramped under quarters.

However, the guests would be treated to a wide array of foods that were mainly fish and algae based. Korian chefs had long since learned to prepare some of the most elaborate dishes with harvests from the sea and the imports the Fleet received from the Enclaves established in Greenland. In addition, the Cyrantians had the option of seeing the other ships in the Fleet to introduce themselves to other Korians besides those crewing the five ships and the commanding officers, but to do so, would take a process of decontamination to prepare the body so as not to infect the other ships with diseases possibly picked up on land. There was a reason after all that the Medical Board still used such a name even after Soldiers Fever had been left behind.

With this all put forward, Kharzin shook Malenkov's hand and led him to the ship. "I can only assume, Colonel, that your men will be on their best behavior for this journey westward. We run a very disciplined community and given the fragile nature of my people, the need for strong discipline is an imperative. Though I am sure that my concerns will not be an issue and I hope that we can make the journey as quickly as possible to get your men back home to their loved ones. After we conclude the journey, the Medical Board has asked that your government come aboard the Quorra to work out our payment." Having finished, Kharzin pointed at the Serenity. "That said, Colonel, your Neptune's chariot awaits. But if you have any questions from yourself or your men, I'd be happy to answer them."

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Malakhov walked with the Admiral, looking at the ships that would be their savior with a smile.

"Admiral Kharzin, my men shall not cause you any difficulty during this voyage, I assure you. They are human beings, and something may be accidentally knocked over and broken here and there, but they aren't untrained or surly. They will be the very image of model ship passengers. Besides, given their conditions on the trip to Oregon, they'll be happy to have anything that isn't a dimly lit and overstuffed cargo hold. As for your payment, the Grand Chancellor of the State will be coming aboard to discuss the matter with you as soon as he sees we are safe. I haven't any questions for you, but before we go, may I ask if you have anything on your mind to inquire from me?"

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"Not at all, Colonel," said Kharzin gesturing to the ship. If you would please step aboard we can be back in Cyrantia in under two weeks.

Ushering the Colonel aboard the five ships began to pull away from the harbor and after joining back up with the Fleet a course was set due west. The horizon of the Pacific stretched in front of the great flotilla and the Korians turned their backs on the volatile North America and faced toward the great masses of land constituting Eurasia and Africa. It was almost like returning home, but it wouldn't be long until the Atlantic Ocean called the Migrants to her waters once again.

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The Korian vessels arriving at Port of Tillamook would be tugged into the tight harbor by Californian tug boats. Beyond that, the 93rd Airborne Division would just observe the departure of the Cyrantian personnel from Oregon. Engineers would check on the condition of the temporary docks to make certain they would hold up. The Californian State Department would announce later about development of a battlefield memorial at Cannon Beach.

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