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African Unity Pact Actions Thread


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[b]Former Imperium AUP Base[/b]

The 501st and 502nd Airborne Regiments are ordered to begin moving into the heart of the Imperium. With them go several Legion Special Forces Teams with orders to contact former Imperium government officials. Spearheading this effort comes the men and machines of the 12th Armored Cavalry Regiment who were transferred to the Imperium base to begin preparing the Imperium to receive modern equipment and train them properly in the use of it after the recent Levantian campaign.

Off the coast of Africa the Legion Battle Fleet is ordered to redirect itself towards the former Imperium to provide further aid if needed. With the Battle Fleet an entire Legion Civil Action Team is flown in to provide the administrative support for the new protectorate. With the fall of the Imperium comes the rise of Firebase Tinman, which will remain in place after a new government rises up from the ashes of the old.

To: All AUP Member Governments
From: Major General Charles Beckwith
Regarding: Imperium/Levantia Protectorate[/b]

[i]Clearly the first instinct is to rush men and money to the area. However, neither areas are in dire need of a massive commitment of men. In Levantia the civil services and public works organizations are running at nearly 60 percent capacity. With a bit of time and effort the government works of Levantia will be a full capacity with our support. Throw masses of men at the area will only further disrupt the area's recovery.

The Imperium's collapse is very recent. However, Legion's experience tells us the government services are more likely to report to work than not given the proper motivation. Again, hurtling masses of men and machines into the area will only cause widespread disruption and possibly even inspire various rebel groups to rise up.

Let us be smart about this and use our monies carefully. The West African Protectorate success story is a good model for all us to keep in mind. The area is functioning at a high capacity mostly due to the industrious nature of the local citizens. Legion only hopes a native government will soon rise up and reclaim the reins of self-governance.

Legion has the following forces deployed in Levantia:

11th Cavalry Regiment
Engineering Regiment
Civil Action Team

In the Imperium:

502nd Airborne Regiment
501st Airborne Regiment
2 Air Wings
12th Armored Cavalry Regiment
Engineering Regiment
1 Civil Action Team

Off the coast of Africa, Legion has an entire Marine Division that was formerly enroute to the Lunar Republic. It will be held in the area for a week or two in the event some of the natives get feisty.

Right now the important thing to do is to provide funds for a central operating fund to ensure the continuation of government services for both fallen nations. None of our reports show us a serious shortage of food, medical supplies, or drinking water.


Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[u][b]To: Aeon
From: Tanzania Defence Corporation[/b][/u]

We would like to purchase sixty F/A-0 "Brown Widow" Strike Fighters for the Tanzania Peoples Air Force. We will deliver payment as soon as we get a reply.

[b]General Communique to all AUP Members[/b]

We are willing to help in the Imperium by sending monetary aid to the central operating fund for any projects that are needed.

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[b]To: Tanzania Federation
From: Interim King of Atlantis[/b]

According to the orders left by the king, I am putting in a request for my nation to acquire some new radar technology. Would you be able to provide this?

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[b]To: Interim King of Atlantis
From: Tanzania Federation[/b]

We are willing to share this technology, but we need to complete bringing into service in the Tanzania Federation, then we will be sharing with the rest of the AUP. All this will be completed very soon.

[b]General Communique to all AUP Members[/b]

With the Lunar Republic now in the AUP, the Tanzania Federation would like to suggest the construction of a launch loop in Africa with their guidance and support.

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[quote name='Curristan' timestamp='1333810117' post='2949569']
[b]General Communique to all AUP Members[/b]

With the Lunar Republic now in the AUP, the Tanzania Federation would like to suggest the construction of a launch loop in Africa with their guidance and support.
"The Republic would gladly work together with the rest of the AUP to construct a new launch loop. With refined technologies and new manufacturing methods, etcetera, we estimate that the efficiency of such a new loop could be doubled or more, compared to the old one with 6 million tons per year, or approx. 9 tons per 45 seconds."

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"Legion wishes for the African Unity Pact to consider a closer alliance of nations in the form of a strictly defensive pact under the new name of the African Union. At the very best it would be a mutual defense pact of member nations with a supremacy clause within the document. Any objections?"

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"The Principality entered this Pact knowing that its partner-states would be expected to receive the full trust of all other partner-states. We have no reservations about the integrity of each and every one of the members of the AUP and will gladly sign a MDP with Supremacy clause."

"The Principality, in a similar note, has chosen to allow Tanzanian defense forces to utilize present Principality equipment in the Red Sea to its own ends in securing this vital region. This donation of sorts is not a sign that the Principality is now shirking responsibility of the region to Tanzania - it is merely a sign of our profound trust of the Tanzanian drive to protect Africa as a whole. We will do our utmost to reflect this initiative."


Principality forces would withdraw from the islands claimed by the Tanzanian Federation. Tactical, theatre and strategic equipment up to and exceeding including stationary and pseudo-stationary SHORAD stations, Ground Launched Hypersonic Cruise Missiles (GLHCM), HSAM-I, HSAM-II, HSAM-III and S-117 Ground-Based Anti-Ballistic Missile (GBABM)s would be left along with the appropriate liaison, technical support and training personnel in order to ease the transition of the islands to the Tanzanians, reduce the costs of Tanzanian consolidation and further reinforce the strategically paramount region.

The Principality would stress the need for an overlapping defensive/offensive position on the islands, along with the seamless integration of unmanned, remotely operated defenses and weapons with existing Tanzanian and Aeon measures. To this aim, as Aeon personnel departed, a hardened, tripartite line would be created from the islands to the mainland Aeon. This command, control and communication link would consist of underground cable, point-to-point laser as well as fibre-optic lines all hardened against EMP and impossible to tamper or hinder unless enemy forces physically destroy the link. To this aim, a sovereign base to be operated solely by the Tanzanians would be granted on Aeon soil, not as large as the scope of present day COMFOR- pattern AUP bases, but equally important.

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Plans had been made accordingly for the implementation of the base, whose command centre would be set at 17.321580, 33.259376, one hundred and thirty miles north east of Khartoum. The base would be four hundred and sixty miles or so from the Dahlak Archipelago which was far enough to have an air corridor to those islands.

This base which would cover a five square mile area would house an Air Base, Storage Facility and the Administrative/Command and Control Facility. The construction would begin immediately, with the base being named Camp Juliet.

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The nation of Atlantis has no problem signing a MDP Pact with a supremacy clause with the current members of the African Unity Pact. The interim king completely supports this initiative to better the defense and security of Africa.

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Haven's represenative offered his suggestion on the wording of the clause.

Here is the original document
[quote]African Unity Pact

“To better serve the unique character of Africa the nations that sign this agreement concur that the future of Africa is best determined by Africa.

“Signing this pact in no way commits the nations listed to a policy of armed aggression or defense should they not desire it.

“Member nations will provide and agree to the following:

Each member nation will permit a base within their borders.

Each member nation will contribute men or money towards a force that will be responsible for the garrisoning of the bases.

Each member nation will enter into a mutual option defense and optional aggression pact that ties us but does not bind us.

Each member nation signs and agrees that should their government fall it is their expressed wish that the African Union protect their people until a new government organizes itself.

All members are obligated to providing assistance to the African Union Protectorate activities.

All members are obligated to deal in good faith with their African neighbors in terms of diplomacy, trade, and other relations. Do what you wish outside of Africa, but do not cheat your African neighbors. We have to share this continent and it can be extremely small at times.

All members are encouraged participate in a joint research and development center that will promote the transmission of scientific, cultural, and industrial information and the improving of Africa's educational system as a whole. Those who do not participate with helping with the funding and staffing, will not share in the bounty of information.

All members agree that signing this document gives the African Union Pact the authority to address internal issues that may or may not have the possibility of expanding outside of your borders.

The African Union Pact will be guided by a council consisting of one member from each participating nation. The council will elect a leader who will serve at the council's leisure.

The African Union Pact will not seek to address current foreign holdings in Africa, nor will the African Union Pact attempt to dictate governance to a signatory providing said governments are not acting in such a way that is harmful to its population or other nations. Action against a government found acting a manner contrary to the health and safety of others will be voted on.

The territorial protectorate clauses of this pact are binding even after you leave the pact or are dismissed from it.

72 hours notice is required for leaving, majority rules vote for dismissal. Voting on all issues is conducted by a simple majority vote and issues can be brought forward by any member representative at anytime.

All issues not covered within the pact are subject to a simple majority vote after appropriate discussion on the issue has been conducted.[/quote]

Here is the altered document with the proposed changes:

[quote]African Unity Pact

“To better serve the unique character of Africa the nations that sign this agreement concur that the future of Africa is best determined by Africa.

[b]“Signing this pact in no way commits the nations listed to a policy of armed aggression should they not desire it.[/b]

“Member nations will provide and agree to the following:

Each member nation will permit a base within their borders.

Each member nation will contribute men or money towards a force that will be responsible for the garrisoning of the bases.

[b]Each member nation will enter into a mutual defense pact that, in the event one member of the pact is attacked by an outside force, the other members all pledge their full support in defense of that nation.

This defensive pact is to take precedence over any other agreement made outside of the African Union.[/b]

Each member nation will enter into an optional aggression pact that ties us but does not bind us.

Each member nation signs and agrees that should their government fall it is their expressed wish that the African Union protect their people until a new government organizes itself.

All members are obligated to providing assistance to the African Union Protectorate activities.

All members are obligated to deal in good faith with their African neighbors in terms of diplomacy, trade, and other relations. Do what you wish outside of Africa, but do not cheat your African neighbors. We have to share this continent and it can be extremely small at times.

All members are encouraged participate in a joint research and development center that will promote the transmission of scientific, cultural, and industrial information and the improving of Africa's educational system as a whole. Those who do not participate with helping with the funding and staffing, will not share in the bounty of information.

All members agree that signing this document gives the African Union Pact the authority to address internal issues that may or may not have the possibility of expanding outside of your borders.

The African Union Pact will be guided by a council consisting of one member from each participating nation. The council will elect a leader who will serve at the council's leisure.

The African Union Pact will not seek to address current foreign holdings in Africa, nor will the African Union Pact attempt to dictate governance to a signatory providing said governments are not acting in such a way that is harmful to its population or other nations. Action against a government found acting a manner contrary to the health and safety of others will be voted on.

The territorial protectorate clauses of this pact are binding even after you leave the pact or are dismissed from it.

72 hours notice is required for leaving, majority rules vote for dismissal. Voting on all issues is conducted by a simple majority vote and issues can be brought forward by any member representative at anytime.

All issues not covered within the pact are subject to a simple majority vote after appropriate discussion on the issue has been conducted.[/quote](changed sections bolded for clarification)

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