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African Unity Pact Actions Thread


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[b]Private to the Imperium[/b]

For now gather your forces at the Imperium AUP base. Once there we will integrate your unit with ours into a full armored division. We have several weeks to train and prepare, which will have long term implications for future cooperation even if the operation is called off.

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It had taken some heavy work and one uppity officer had been "replaced" by order of the Empress herself but the neccessary forces had been gathered and sent to the Imperium AUP base. Assembled Legion forces would watch as a total of seventy two battle tanks, one hundred IFV's and small numbers of three vehicle recon vehicles pulled up. It would be clear to the Legion commander and his or her forces that technologicaly Legion had a massive advantage but the Imperium troops made up for this lack with a furious zeal to succeed. Along with the ground forces another twelve gunships had been found to join the others and even better something heavier had been found fueled and now armed at a nearby airbase. A fully loaded B-52 bomber was on the tarmac ready to launch and provide some serious firepower if needed.

[b]Private to Legion[/b]

"It has taken some work and time but we now have a full sized Imperium ground force ready to support your own forces on operation. We also managed to gather some more close air support in the form of gunships and best of all even located a now fully loaded and armed B-52 heavy bomber that will be on standby in case any troops find that they need some serious firepower. Our forces now stand ready to follow your on site commanders orders."

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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King Mandella would like to inquire about the Legion's and The Imperium's plans for Levantia. Considering that it used to be the Arctican Protectorate, the most sensible thing would be to return it to the governance of the nation of Arctica.

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[b]Imperium AUP Base[/b]

Major General Ian Hardcastle quietly examines the last of the arriving Legionnaires as they assemble with their Imperium counterparts. The disparity in equipment is something he notices immediately. Rather than whine about it he puts in a call to the Legion Central Command and makes a few simple requests. Within hours the plan is approved and the Strategic Floating Reserve at Firebase Opie is ordred south. Hardcastle then issues the following orders to his Imperium charges, "Prepare to receive a shipment of new equipment."

The second of Legion's floating reserves consists of the following:

108 Main Battle Tanks
114 Infantry Fighting Vehicles
36 SPAAGs (self-propelled air-artillery units.. artillery and missile)
12 SPAGs
414 Support Vehicles of various types.
12 Attack Helicopters
16 Transport Helicopters

With the equipment comes a support battalion of trainers, technicians, and logistics experts that will be placed under the direct command of the Imperium Commanding officers for the duration of the mission. During that time they will prepare the Imperium specialists for the difficult task of caring for the equipment once the battalion has departed. Ongoing support will be provided at the AUP base in the form of a Legion Technical Extension that will take a full-time interest in ensuring that the Imperium can keep their equipment up-to-date and in good working condition so that the Imperium can operate on parity with it's brother African Unity Pact nations.

(information on the equipment can be found on the Israeli Defense Force Wiki page. I use the latest IDF equipment without bothering with all the technoblather)

It is important to note that the Legion's vehicles mount a variety of sensors and counter-measures. All of the larger vehicles are equipped with laser emission sensors. Further, nearly all of the vehicles are equipped with an active-countermeasures system to ward off missile attacks. It's not a perfect system, but it's highly useful in short-stopping RPG attacks and so forth up to 60 percent of the time.

While all this goes on the Legion's Airborne Regiments finish arriving. The two regiments begin training immediately. It's rough training that includes extensive overland marches, ambushes, urban warfare, and other skills. There is an emphasis on house clearing in crowded urban situations as that particular skill set isn't something most Legionnaires train in extensively unless their job classification calls for it. As this goes the Legion Special Forces Direct Action Teams begin quietly inserting themselves into Levantia.

[b]To Atlantis, Public[/b]

"If you have to ask that question you just don't know Legion that well at all. The course of action to be taken here will be in the best interest of the Levantian people. What Legion really hopes for is the Levantian people show some sign of life and take control of their destinies. Should that not happen, the next steps are obvious. What role Artica plays in this post-collapses is entirely up to them. Whether or not they regain control of the protectorate or not is of very little interest to Legion at this time as there are far more important things to consider."

-Empress Sufyan

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[b]To Legion and the Public[/b]
I am sorry that I have to ask, I do trust you Empress. I already knew that you are going to help the Levantians, but I just wanted to know what exactly you are going to do. I am sorry if that offended you.

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In light of recent events regarding the destruction of the International Space Elevator - the Principality [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109724&view=findpost&p=2938461"]has made it perfectly clear[/url] that it will not participate in any international efforts that may hinder its own military capability now or in the future. Be that as it may, the Principality is committed to being a responsible member of the African community - we recognize the sizable disparity between the Principality's and other allied nations' standing military forces.

Due to the nature of the African Unity Pact, and its all-inclusive nature, the Principality would like to request the legally recognized territorial waters and EEZs of every member of the AUP. Our mission, should you all choose to accept it, is begin pan-African naval patrols of all AUP member states' naval territories in a bid to prevent such naval attacks like the one that brought down the Elevator. We will devote a sizable portion of our fleets to the endeavor, and will also work together with other like-minded states to protect our waters and territories together.


On a similar note, the recent war with Canada has shown the world that if provoked, Africa is more than willing and just as able to move significant amounts of forces and firepower to any trouble spots that may rise up. We propose that the Union works together to build added infrastructure to allow an even greater amount of men and firepower to be delivered through multiple vectors to any place within our collective territories. Rail, both surface and subterranean, exclusive air corridors for super-heavy transports - whatever is needed in order to ensure our futures in the world we live in.


On a final note, the Principality is building additional infrastructure in our western provinces for a policy we will be enacting shortly. The Principality will recognize the bonds of brotherhood all members of the African Unity Pact share with one another. Should the above initiative be engaged by Pact members, the Principality will comply with the following:

-At all times, all civilian citizens of any AUP member are to be considered honorary citizens of the Principality of Aeon, and shall be given all rights, freedoms and benefits an Aeon citizen may have.

-During war, the above citizens will be permitted to take shelter in Aeon nuclear shelters and other hardened positions designated as civilian safe zones for as long as deemed needed

-The Principality will ensure that secured channels through which concerned citizens seeking shelter may pass will be guaranteed at all times during this period of conflict.

OOC: Basically, if you can get your civvies to my territories in time, i'll let em take cover in my shelters. Obviously it will be controlled/screened so no ones lol spais will be able to get through.

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"Legion's rail centers are already fairly well integrated with our Aeonic neighbors through commerce. As for the EEZ, our situation is tricky considering the narrowness of the Red Sea. Legion already allows maritime defense operations within our Red Sea providing those ships are on escort duty to all nations who utilize the Suez Canal. We are open to allowing joint patrols with the African Unity Pact at large as well providing these patrols are not hindering the flow of commerce which is vital to Legion's interests."

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"The Tanzania Federation is for pan-African naval patrols as this as stated will help bolster our security. We can provide vessels for this purpose on a strict rotary basis. Our EEZ is also complicated due to the Tianxia presence on the outlying islands and Zanzibar, although we maintain a fifteen mile out from shore territorial waters."

"Also, we have a proposal from the Athenian Federation to construct launch loops in Africa to replace the Space Elevator, as long as we provide resources for the launch loops. What is the consensus on this?"

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"Legion finds no long term benefit for a launch loop in the name of African Unity. If Athens wishes to share the technology they can join the AUP and utilize our technology sharing mechanism. Given that the launch loop technology isn't particularly classified or anything I'm pretty sure we could organize some sort of African Unity Pact Space Organization in the name of SCIENCE.

Legion already has a substantial moonbase that is actively producing a variety of agricultural products for Lunar Republic consumption at a very very very nice profit.

If you really want a launch loop, why not build one yourself? Legion would be willing to underwrite part of the building cost for a discount on launch fees."

[b]Imperium AUP Base and Border[/b]

The Legion Special Forces teams quietly begin settling into their assigned positions and start making contact with the Civil Action Team units in the area. Intelligence is exchanged as the units begin coordinating their movements and actions around the schedules of their assigned targets.

While they wait the men take up side-employment as laborers to better mix in with ebb and flow of humanity. Given there is a civil war raging within Levantia isn't all that hard to pick up work that requires a strong body and capacity for perseverance. The Religious Indoctrination training the Legionnaires all endured is put to good use as the men begin attending Sunday masses of the more radical churches and identifying other rebel threats that either needed to be minimized or eliminated completely.

On the AUP base the men of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment make their way to the border with their Imperium charges in tow for an extended period of exercises and good hard field training in mobile armored warfare. Concepts like centers of mass and other breakthrough tactics are explored as the Legion/Imperium Division puts itself through the hoops of becoming familiarized with their equipment and the differences of their respective military organizations.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[b]Imperium/Levantia Border[/b]

The Imperium military forces were well trained and motivated but had no combat experience which would be visable through the fact that all of the Imperium's soldiers would clearly be following the by the book approach with little to no sign of reacting to sudden changes on the fly. The only unit that didn't show this was the 1st Shock Trooper Company which was the Imperium's finest troops and had been used in dealing with the recent internal trouble and as they carried out exercises with their Legion allies they were the only ones showing any real combat ability.

During the journey the Imperium soldiers would be working hard at getting themselves familiar with the new more advanced technology that the Legion had supplied. In most cases a lot of the technology was like their own just with more of a clear edge though a number of the Imperium's battle tactics would need to be modified and in some cases the equipment would only be combat worthy with the help of the Legion technicians. Still by the time the combined force reached the border the Imperium would be ready to fight alongside their Legion brothers and sisters.

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[b]Imperium/Levantia Border[/b]
The Legion/Imperium Division is still in the midst of their shaking down period. Integration between foreign military groups is never easy under the best of circumstance. Issues involving language, customs, and ingrained cultural habits can create all manner of issues. Despite these hurdles the efficiency rating of the units theoretical mission accomplishment had progressively been improving over the last week. It is expected to rise even further in the coming weeks as the division drills and trains along the border in preparation for it's upcoming mission.

Mission planners stationed at the Imperium AUP base take notice of this rising level of adeptness and start adjusting their planning accordingly. Rather than leaving the division as a reserve they decide to use the two Airborne Regiments, three Legion Naval Regiments, and Legion Special Forces Units as containment units to herd the rebel forces and keep them from escaping. The Legion/Imperium Armored Division will be the unit tasked with smashing the rebellion's armed strength once containment has been achieved. A certain amount of assistance from the Imperium Air Force will be required in the form of aircraft and basing for a Legion Air Strike Regiment, but not much more than that will be required to make the plan theoretically effective.

Legion Special Forces Direct Action Teams continue their work inside of Levantia. They go to work, they watch, they gather intelligence, and they prepare themselves to assault their targets. These aren't targets chosen for political value. That's not a concern to Legion. These are the sort of people who funded, supported, and carried out terrorism in the name of their lunatic fundamentalist view of Christianity. Along the coast the Legion Force Recon units have made a relieving discovery.

As they closed in on the suspected location of the Vicadalian refugees they found copious quantities of badly printed Vicadalian porn, bizarre Vicadalian religious tracts insisting that ball torture was the only way to speak to god, and numerous home videos of small Vicadalian children being beaten badly by their own parents. They also found no Vicadalians, which comes as something of a relief to the Force Recon members who are more than just a little put off by the whole ball torture thing. With their mission accomplished they return to base to take on more supplies and get new orders.

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Military listening posts and SOSUS lines near Lamu Naval Complex would be treated with an extreme amount of noise, as the Militant Naval Command of the Principality of Aeon began deploying the fleets earmarked for the first wave of Pan-African EEZ and Territorial Waters patrols.

Submarine Hunter-Killer group Epsilon had been redeployed to the waters of the Lamu Archipelago for a brief part in this very special occasion. Carefully passing near, but not over Arctican or Zanzibar's waters, the group had reached the outskirts of Aeon waters without incident. They had arrived as stealthily as possible, but every woman aboard the submarines knew they were being listened to. Listened for. Once in place, they would immediately rev their propellers to their maximums, while broadcasting an insane amount of electronic signals for any submarine captain that actually wanted to live, they roared back and forth in a zig zag pattern in the waters. Over the commotion the submarine group would deliberately make, a number of fleets would leave the Complex. The hope of this feint was to simply mask the sheer magnitude of shipping that was departing.

The patrol would be heading down towards the Cape of Good Hope, eventually patrolling from East Africa all the way to the limits of the disputed Canary Island waters. From there, they would head back stopping in the waters of Legion. There, a smaller contingent of vessels would pass by Firebase Vulva and enter the Red Sea, stopping at the ends of Aeon territorial waters before leaving again. This cycle would be rinsed and repeated regularly, with vessels spaced reasonably apart to prevent a sizeable portion of ships from being destroyed in a first strike, while still maintaining their networked warfare systems in proximity to ensure safety.

[i][b]Fleets taking part in first wave: 1st Fleet of the Aviatrix, 3rd Fleet of the Exterminatrix, 1st Fleet of the Executrix.[/b][/i]

Similarly, submarine Hunter-Killer group Zeta had been redeployed from the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea, off the coast of Firebase Vulva. A similar racket would be made, as the ships of the second wave would depart. This fleet would exit the mouth of the Red Sea, heading to the Canary Islands in a similar manner. Again, once back in Legion waters, a small contingent would be sent to Aeon waters within the Red Sea, would turn about and rejoin the main force and then repeat.

[i][b]Fleets taking part in the second wave: 3rd Fleet of the Aviatrix, 1st Fleet of the Exterminatrix, 2nd Fleet of the Executrix.[/b][/i]

All vessels would be instructed to be on full combat alert status - with special care to anticipate asymmetric threats upon the vessels of Free Africa. Patrols would stop regularly in designated allied ports, and would be instructed to expect allied vessels to join in the patrols.

All other vessels of the Aeon Armada would be instructed to patrol from either Lamu Naval Complex or Firebase Vulva to the Aeon Antarctic holdings, the Southern Ocean, South Atlantic and Mid Atlantic, taking care to respect internationally recognized boundaries and private waters during the trip both ways.


The Principality would submit a rather meek formal disapproval of Tanzania's new friends, but would abstain in the vote to allow Athens to construct a Launch Loop on the remains of the Space Elevator. Instead of voting against this Athenian incursion, the Principality would submit a move to declare the destroyed grounds of the Space Elevator as hallowed grounds - a memorial not unlike the Great Nuclear Scar of Addis Ababa. It would be a reminder of what is at stake, and what had brought free African states together in the hopes of a secure, united, peaceful continent.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Legion's suggestion for the EEZ patrols is going to be the construction of a fleet of dedicated Coastal Patrol Vessels. These vessels will be equipped with a modern suite of sonar and radar arrays and will have a small on-board arsenal for dealing with criminal activities.

We suggest 60 vessels, which will be divided into five squadrons of 12 vessels. These will be operated out of the various AUP bases on the East coast of Africa. Funding for the vessels will be bankrolled initially by Legion but given the strained nature of Legion's financial resources we do hope that additional funds will be provided by the Eastern African nations these ships will be working to protect. The Legion AUP Base of Bosaso will anchor the Northern most point with the Southern base being the Artican AUP base.


It is hoped that a base can be found between those two points to allow replenishment and a shortening of lines of supply. Assisting these patrol ships will be dedicated air patrols for the supporting of Maritime Security missions flown out of AUP or National bases. It is Legion's further suggestion that the heavy metal of national navies be consolidated in such a way that it keeps our fighting power intact and less prone to being defeated in detail on the high seas. These patrol ships are more than capable enough of sniffing out most smugglers, pirates, and rogue submarines.

Periodic patrols of light naval vessels ought to be included in this as well on a random basis to keep hostile threats guessing at what could possibly happen next as well.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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The Atlantis navy is too small to patrol anything more than the national border. However, if the Legion is seeking funds for an African project like this, all they have to do is ask and the country will provide some. On the matter of the launch loop, Atlantis would vote against having Athens build the launch loop on the site of the forme space elevator for two reasons. First, the remains of the Space Elevator should be preserved as a memorial, to show the despicable things some people will try and do. Second, we are looking to unify continental Africa. Athens already has holdings in Egypt and protectorate towards the north. We shouldn't invite more. If we wanted the launch loop so bad, we could just build it ourselves.

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The PRA currently uses its own navy as well as smaller patrol boats (Super Dvora Mk III) to patrol its waters, but would be willing to integrate the defense of AUP coastlines into a larger network of co-defense and support.

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Unfortunally the Imperium has no naval vessels in service and we rely on our small coastguard ships to protect and watch our own waterways however, plans are underway to refit a number of C-130 Hercules aircraft with detection equipment and light armaments to patrol out at further distances and once we have a number of them built we can use them to patrol other members waterways to.

Imperium would be okay with allowing Athens to build a launch loop if the other members wish it though we would not have any use for one for a very long time. As for the remains of the Space Elevator we in the Imperium agree to it being left as a memorial though we would first like to send in a team to search through what is left to search for anything that might help locate or identify the terrorists who carried out the attack.

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Legion already stated it's position regarding the launch loop; a launch loop would not serve to increase African Unity, therefore, our vote is no. Our naval commitment at this time in nonexistent due to our ongoing effort in Levantia. Once completed, Legion will be detailing its smaller warships to support AUP Naval Patrols.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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King Mandella votes against a launch loop for two reasons. First, no one needs it. Second, we are Africans. We need to keep our pride. We can't have a foreign nation building something like a launch loop on our land and expect the world to see us as a respectable group anymore.

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OOC: TBM leaving.


So for the next week or so I say we pretend nothing's happened so far to give TBM time to chill out for a bit. Right now i've compiled a list of bases we'll need to man in order to make up for the loss of Legion's forces. Anyone doing anything jointly with TBM should just take the reigns in their own hands (here's looking at Kingswell and anyone else that wants to RP the protection of Levantia) or ask for help here.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1328545505' post='2915475']
Firebase Opie, formerly known as Firebase Sherrif, is put under the common command structure of the African Union pact.

The following forces are placed in Firebase Opie:

2 Support and Services Brigades
1 Engineering Regiment
1 Light Infantry Regiment
1 Mechanized Infantry Regiment
1 Airborne Infantry Regiment

The base is 50 percent staffed by Legion forces at all times. This leaves ample room for additional forces as needed.


[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1329911302' post='2925531']
AUP Base Bosaso is given it's own series of tidal generation plants for independent power production along with access to the regions wind farm produced power. The base's fall out shelter system for aerial and nuclear attacks are under construction. The massive runway required to land the Aeonic supply aircraft is under construction.

AUP OTH bases for Legion are being opened up as well. They are simply being incorporated and piggy backed into the current chain of defensive positions that exist up and down Legion's coast.

AUP Base Andy is well underway. Using the similar construction pattern of using prefabricated modules and earth moving equipment the base's residential quarters are being quickly installed in underground positions. Typical depths are 10 to 15 feet under the earth depending on the local bedrock layers. The runways and helicopter ports are well underway as well. The base is also given a permanent Combat Engineering Regiment, Air Assault Regiment, and Support and Services Division for forward operations.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1330232554' post='2928411']
[b]Firebase Andy[/b]

The base is now 75 percent complete. Living quarters, water purification, power production, air defense systems, a security zone, and several runways with hangars and revetments are close to completion. The full time Legion presence has been fully deployed with a floating reserve of a full armored division ready and waiting at the docks for deployment.

[b]Bosaso AUP Base[/b]

Bosaso AUP Base is near 50 percent completion. Extensive work is needed in finishing the runways needed for the larger proposed Aeonic transports. Likewise, a purpose built harbor will be needed for fleet units that will be positioned there as part of the AUP presence.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1330846491' post='2933053']
[b]Firebase Bosaso[/b]

Is now 75 percent complete, it currently houses a brigade of Legionnaires who have been formed into the 901st Brigade. The 901st consists of engineers, logistics experts, technicians, and other personnel needed to keep the base running at full trim.

[b]Fire Base Opie[/b]

Is now 100 percent complete. There is housing, basing, and supplies for the deployment of nearly 100,000 men for a duration of 30 days. A heavy armored division is afloat on Legion RORO ships and are currently being prepared for operations in Levantia should it be considered needed.


[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1331453282' post='2936749']
[b]Status Report: West African Protectorate, Tribal Autonomous Zone, Levantia, Aremor, Canary Islands[/b]

[i]West Africa[/i]

Local efforts have produced a local administrator for the protectorate. Mr. Nahs Nevar, an able bodied and highly intelligent native of West Africa, comes an exemplary curriculum vitae and has a solid background in public administration. Mr. Nevar will be supported and will be directing a team of Legion and West African administrators under the newly created Autonomous West African Province. As Legion has provided the bulk of the funding for these efforts, the West Africans are being given a parliamentary representation in Legion's Parliament for the time being.

It is felt that the political exposure will provide a more studious breed of West African statesmen that will provide foundation for the West Africans to create their own political institutions in the future. Of course the measure is considered contingent upon local desires, should they create a local government that wishes to pursue other options, these moves will be encouraged and supported.

At this time Firebase Opie stands at 10,500 active duty Legionnaires, which are needed for the supporting the ongoing mission in the Canary Islands.


The Legion Civil Action team in place continues to work with the local population. Not much to report as our Athenian counterparts seem intent on just garrisoning the place and forgetting it exists.

Total Legion Forces: 1500 men

[i]Tribal Autonomous Zone[/i]

Everything is moving along smoothly. The 250 man Legion medical and educational detachment in the area is keeping a low profile. Legion Special Forces detachments are quietly keeping a close eye on the local tribes to ensure that tribal warfare doesn't get too out of hand. For the most part the area is sparsely populated anyway and the tribesmen seem well capable of taking care of themselves.

total Legion forces- 450


The Civil war seems to have stalled, but the question of the Vicidalian refugees still remains a pressing issue. Legion will be reaching out to the Lunar Republic once tensions ease over the Canaries and discussing the future of the Refugees. Preparations are being made to send in a larger force to begin stabilization operations. Legion Civil Action Team members have identified 147 leaders of the rebel movement and are preparing direct action responses for them.

Total Legion Forces: Legion Battle Fleet, 4 Legion Naval Infantry Regimental Combat Teams, 144 Legion Strike Fighters, and a 1 Legion Civil Action Team.

34,000 men

[i]Canary Islands[/i]

The islands are sparsely populated. Most of the Canadian equipment has been dismantled in place. The ex-Canadian military members have either been relocated to Firebase Opie for internment or already sent home. Given the low population densities of the islands the idea of turning them both into wildlife preserves has been raised. This will be discussed further if needed, but for now it seems like this will be the most likely course of action.

Total Legion Forces: 1200 men


[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1331865969' post='2938709'][b]Fire Base Andy[/b]

The Legion Strategic Reserve consisting of the vehicles and equipment needed to man an Armored Cavalry Regiment is ordered to sea. Specifically their orders are to make full speed to the Imperium and to offload the vehicles at the Imperium AUP Base. The motive for this move is currently unannounced, but privately the logic is to ensure sufficient forces in place to deal with all manner of local issues, primarily those involving Levantia.

[b]West Africa[/b]

The West African Division begins its first evolution of field training exercises. West Africans have assumed full responsibility for the payment of their civil works and other government services. Further, they have completed local elections and have nominated their representative to Legion's Parliament.

[b]Fire Base Opie[/b]

Legion Forces are drawn down to the level of 6500 strong with the receding of the Lunar Republic's threats of aggression.


Local projects are on-going, nothing of significance has arisen.

Try not to do anything drastic, since i'm operating on the hope that he'll come back once he's mulled over things for a bit.

Edited by Executive Minister
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With the AUP naval patrols in full swing, African battlefleets would travel African waters inhindered and unimpededed indefinitely. It was a glorious sight to see such a pan-African military force arrayed in such a manner. Vessels from the People's Republic of Africa and Tanzania shone in the African sun, while Atlantean submarines patrolled with other allied vessels. Even the Imperium's maritime patrol craft took part in the defense initiative - highlighting the fact that no matter the state of condition of an AUP member state, all parties were willing and able to defend allied assets in their time of need.


Progress on Ascension Island had progressed smoothly. Lunar Republic as well as Principality engineers began honeycombing the depopulated island, turning the entire grounds into a formidable military complex set atop a network of deep tunnels, shafts and bunkers. These facilities would be located deep underground, with the least sensitive points being placed at depths nearly 300 meters underground. Reinforced overpressure shafts and gigantic spring mechanisms would ensure the fortress island would remain operational under almost all cirumstances - needing a direct hit with a nuclear penetrator to have a chance of routing Aeon and Republic forces on the island. Massive 3D-M units would be created in the bowels of the complex, shielded by multiple layers of false bunkers and reinforced concrete and steel conductive slabs. Space was left for an exotic defense still in progress.

The terrain of Ascension would prove helpful in both expediting comparatively minor construction of sheltered infrastructure, and outright enabling otherwise unfeasible depths of more important facilities. Where combat engineering divisions could not penetrate deeply, the mountains themselves could add hundreds of effective meters of depth to subterrainean facilities. A 20 megaton warhead was capable of creating a 500m crater in relatively loose ground, and a tungsten penetrator would dig into roughly 30 meters of solid granite. The most sensitive facilities on Ascension Island would be buried beneath Green Mountain (860 m), Weather Post (610 m), Red Hill, Devil's Ashpit and Red Hill (500 m+).

Submarine facilities would link with the underground network, providing an additional means of escape should the enemy field a concerted effort to penetrate Ascension, or a means of resupply should Ascension be cut off by the unwary. These structures would also provide a hidden refueling, maintenance and re-armament zone for Aeon and other AUP member state's submarine forces.

A sizeable portion of ballistic (theatre and strategic) missiles were being shipped daily. Both on surface mobile TEL vehicles and purpose built silos, Ascension was being equipped to fire munitions at a wide variety of targets - land threats in the distance, enemy seafaring vessels, satellites - preparations were being made to ensure that Ascension would not fall easily to the enemy. Elevators leading to subterranean armament storage facilities would be tasked with feeding the magazines and launchers of Ascension to ensure a steady rate of fire even under the most grueling rates of attrition imaginable.

African Unity Pact members would be allowed to tour the site's construction under the umbrella the Aeon and Republic space force created - a satellite exclusion zone of sorts to ensure unallied states would not be privy to the massive armament and development present. Once Ascension Island was at 20% operational capacity interms of infrastructure and offensive/defensive capability, a 100 nmi EEZ would be declared around the island to the world. AUP pan-African patrols would be encouraged to include Ascension Island as a point of interest along the way.


Following the AUP initiative of mutual technological development, the Principality has undergone similar provisions as the industrious Tanzanian military. Directed Infrared and Electro-optical countermeasures would be outfitted on everything from vehicles to warships. The small size of the Tanzanian Nemesis system proved to be scaleable, allowing for the same performance along a wide variety of platforms.

The Tanzanian Nulka would also be integrated to the Aeon shipborne Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures package. The concept behind an active radar decoy would intrigue Aeon engineering, driving them to develop multiplatform projects designed to complement traditional passive chaff and active jamming.

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1) Will resume the Levantia RP shortly.

2) A serious effort needs to be made in the coming month to address two key issues within the AUP between more active members and less active members in terms of Economy. I don't mind doing this rp but realistically it's killing my Economy. So if you guys are busy in real life.. it's only fair you pay the bill for smaller nations like mine who are propping up all corners of Africa without me having to beg for it.

3) A big ooc effort on our part needs to be made in attracting newer rpers to Africa. The AUP is a perfect mechanism for inducting future rpers into CNRP. Plenty of small wars and so forth to blood them and decent enough people to not roll them for giggles.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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