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Rugen is German!


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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1327071519' post='2903572']
Croatia supports it's neighbours in ending the existence of any colonies of outside countries in Europe.[/quote]

King Simon states that The Solar Kingdom will stay neutral in this conflict, but points out that it is hypocritical for the Croatian government to condemn foreign colonies in Europe when they themselves have a colony in Africa.

OOC: Just stating what I see. I ain't trying to piss anyone off.

Edited by Joel James
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[quote name='Joel James' timestamp='1327092905' post='2903777']
King Simon states that The Solar Kingdom will stay neutral in this conflict, but points out that it is hypocritical for the Croatian government to condemn foreign colonies in Europe when they themselves have a colony in Africa.

[b]OOC:[/b] Just stating what I see. I ain't trying to piss anyone off.
Croatia confirms having received this note of protest and will adress it once it thinks that an answer bears any relevancy.

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1327095238' post='2903813']
Croatia confirms having received this note of protest and will adress it once it thinks that an answer bears any relevancy.

King Simon would like to say that he only said this to point out facts. He is in no way protesting Croatia's actions, and sees Croatia as one of its unofficial friends.

Edited by Joel James
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"As much as you want Rugen, you're more likely to get better results by using polite diplomacy first rather than waving a shotgun around. Surely you don't want to waste lives over an issue that could've been solved with words."

-President Natas

Edited by HHAYD
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"We understand the sentiment the Germans are operating under given this very sentiment has swept through America in recent months. To that end we ask Canada to cede this territory over to Germany so as to avoid needless bloodshed. Furthermore, we find it hypocritical for the vast majority of American states to defame European colonies or nation on one end and then coalesce in neutrality to a Canadian colony in Europe on the other hand. We're awaiting these same bold American powers who spoke so vehemently against Colonialism not even months ago to stick to your guns; lest you be viewed as hypocrites in the eyes of the world."

- King Enrique Bourbon I

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[quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1327102988' post='2903913']
"We understand the sentiment the Germans are operating under given this very sentiment has swept through America in recent months. To that end we ask Canada to cede this territory over to Germany so as to avoid needless bloodshed. Furthermore, we find it hypocritical for the vast majority of American states to defame European colonies or nation on one end and then coalesce in neutrality to a Canadian colony in Europe on the other hand. We're awaiting these same bold American powers who spoke so vehemently against Colonialism not even months ago to stick to your guns; lest you be viewed as hypocrites in the eyes of the world."

- King Enrique Bourbon I

"'Lastly, while some of you are stuck in the archaic 20th century mind of thinking with protectionism and non-sense about America for Americans. New Spain is continuing to strive for the future by making headway with other like-minded powers. To put it simple, Globalism is here and it's here to stay. So it would serve many of you a great deal of good to accept that and live accordingly; not threaten New Spain, Athens, Tianxia, France, Kuklos, California, or any other power with it's roots from another land with these underlying threats of violence.'
[b]The Words of New Spain's Ignacio de Soto at [i]The American Forum.[/i][/b]

Isn't it funny how some of us seem to change our minds when the tables turn? I hope that the Canadians go by principal and do the best they can to peacefully end this, but I will certainly not blame them if the Germans escalate this to [i]war[/i]. I hope that the Germans make wise decisions, however it is obvious that it will not be the Canadians that start a war over this land that they rightfully received and have treated well - it will be the decision of the Germans to either go with the Canadians in peace talks or start a war which they will have the blood of both sides on their hands."

[i]Benjamin Gates[/i]
[b]President of The Republic of Texas[/b]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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"Our opinions have not changed in the slightest as I have no problem with colonial acts in themself nor am I really concerned over the ownership of Rugen should it lay in Germanic, Canadian, Chinese, or African hands...it makes no difference to me. However I have cause for concern with needless conflicts that have the potential to spill over to disrupt our own affairs in the Americas. Hence why I will echo my calls for Canada to cede this land over to Germany. As it is clear that the refusal of it will result in nothing less then war that will spill over to both Europe & America proper. The ball is firmly in Canada's court to progress it to violence or substitute it for peace by choosing to honor the demands or refuse them...it's simple enough from my eyes."

-King Enrique Bourbon I

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[quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1327123905' post='2904072']
"Our opinions have not changed in the slightest as I have no problem with colonial acts in themself nor am I really concerned over the ownership of Rugen should it lay in Germanic, Canadian, Chinese, or African hands...it makes no difference to me. However I have cause for concern with needless conflicts that have the potential to spill over to disrupt our own affairs in the Americas. Hence why I will echo my calls for Canada to cede this land over to Germany. As it is clear that the refusal of it will result in nothing less then war that will spill over to both Europe & America proper. The ball is firmly in Canada's court to progress it to violence or substitute it for peace by choosing to honor the demands or refuse them...it's simple enough from my eyes."

-King Enrique Bourbon I

"The Germans created the ultimatum so they took the first step of aggression. If the Canadians ask for an opportunity to talk and make peace, it will be up to the Germans to cause an unneeded war or be civilized. For example, if New Spain wanted to annex El Paso, the Republic of Texas would not simply give it away - that would be on the verge of insanity. Just as New Spain would not give up a Mexican city if Texas demanded one. The Germans still have not completely explained their reasoning behind threatening the National Security of several nations for a plot of land which has been under the peaceful control of Canada and Greenland for years."

[i]Matt Damon[/i]
[b]Secretary of State of Texas[/b]

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[quote][b]**Diplomatic Dispatch from the Reich Ministry of Foreign Affairs**[/b]

We would like to remind Canada that twenty four hours remain to return Rugen to the Greater German Reich.

Reich Ministry of Foreign Affairs[/quote]

Edited by Malatose
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"The Kingdom of Prussia neither supports nor condemns this ultimatum, but we would recommend that the Rügen question be answered by a local referendum, seeing as we have yet to see any evidence of dissent against the Canadian government on the island. We also urge the German government to reconsider their stance on this issue, as we believe that our neighbors would be doing Rügen's residents no favors by spilling blood under the guise of unrequested liberation. Prussia would encourage a productive dialogue between Germany and Canada, and we hereby offer to mediate such talks in Königsberg, should both parties be in agreement."

-King Alaric I

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The Republic of California, as an ally of Canada, seeks to see a diplomatic solution to the future of Rugen instead of declaring for a small peninsula that would result in thousand of civilian casualties, German casualties no less. While the viewpoint in America has changed for some nations to prevent colonialism, some do support it here. Fighting over small spits of land is pitiful when other options do exist to come to a more peaceful resolution to the manner. We hope wiser head prevail on both sides. This is our official position until later updates by the Canadian government appears.

Office of the Department of State
Californian Republic

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With orders from High Command in New Ottawa, the Canadian forces on Rugen began to pack their supplies and prepared to withdraw from the island. Both the neutral nations of Prussia and Slavorussia would be notified of Canada’s request to withdraw the military forces through their nations to Canada, so as to avoid further conflict in Europe. Only a relatively small ground force presence was maintained on Rugen, so the troops and supplies would be airlifted from the island with relative ease.

Beyond privately thanking each of its allies for their assistance, Canada would not issue a statement other than a confirmation that Canadian military assets were withdrawing from Rugen. The utterly barbaric manner in which Germany had issued an ultimatum under the threat of armed conflict would alone serve as a reminder to the rest of the world to Germany’s complete disregard for human life.

As the military was withdrawing, Mayor-General Malatose Klaus, head civilian of the Rugen Territory, issued the following statement from the capital city:

“After speaking with New Ottawa, it is with great sadness that I make the following announcement to the world. Seeking to prevent bloodshed on our homeland, after talking with Canada we have agreed that the land will be turned over to the Visari regime. Whatever our people consider ourselves, we are almost all in the agreement that the Visari-regime is a gross abomination of a German state that we would be proud to support. We have no illusion of Visari’s disregard for human life and his speech highlights our fears. We do not and have never wanted to be under his rule and any such attempt to say so is nothing but deceit in order to impose near fascism on yet more land in Europe.

Compare this with Canada; throughout Canada’s period of administration, we have maintained almost complete sovereignty in addition to aid for the advancement of our people. We will not take part in the Europe-for-European debate, however we will declare that the Canadian rule of self-rule and freedom is infinitely better than what is to befall Rugen under this European regime.

Noting these factors, the people of Rugen, with overwhelming assent, have agreed to avoid the shackles of living under Visari and will be relocating to Prince Edward Island, Regina, and Kelowna, in Canada. The Prince Edward Island government has graciously allowed us to share their island so long as our homeland is occupied. We hope that one day we will be able to return to our ancestral homeland as a free and proud people, as we have lived until now.”

Before his speech was even finished the mass migration was soon under way. All sea-worthy civilian vessels on the island would be used for the journey as even already the vast majority of civilians were packing their belongings and preparing to embark. Scandinavia and Sweden would be notified of the influx of civilian traffic through the Kattegut, at which point the Rugen people would rendezvous with waiting Canadian vessels for the voyage to Canada. A very small percentage of citizens, numbering in the hundreds, would stay behind, mostly those that were pro-Visari. But by and large, both Martencist and otherwise, the people of Rugen would be leaving their homeland for the New World.

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As Reichskanzler of the Greater Germanic Nation, I thank Canada for making such a wise decision. By making this decision, Canada has shown to be a nation of common sense, and a nation who who follow the will of it's citizens. - Reichskanzler Michael Visari

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