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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#FFA500"][b][size="5"]NAJAMBIAN NEWS FORUMS[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center]

[font="Book Antiqua"][center]***CLASSIFIED***[/center]

Anti-Dictatorship Demonstrators gather in Lagos to protest a Dictatorship over Najambia. They hold posters Criticizing Tafadzwa and making fun of her ruling over the people. Approximately 25,132 Protestors gathered around to express their opinions of Tafadzwa and her Supreme Leadership of Najambian Peoples. They yell out things such as "Where is my voice in this?", "Death to Dictators!", and "Let Democracy Run into the veins of Tafadzwa!". They greatly under-estimated the loyalty the militia that ran Najambia gave to Tafadzwa. Tafadzwa ordered the army to kill all the protestors and let the ones who survived to appreciate their lives in the dictatorship that was spared on that day. 89 tanks came in from all directions and 14,000 soldiers ran into Lagos and begin mowing down, running over, and killing all the protestors in the area who demonstrated their hate for Tafadzwa. This put fear into the people and turned them from criticizing their leader. Word got around, and Tafadzwa printed a news paper demonstrating her power and encouraging the people to turn in their loyalty to her. Word never got out the protestors were killed or even harmed! Tafadzwa announced the Government had talked to the protestors but many were hateful and the protests ended peacefully without anyone getting hurt and dismissed the rumors of her killing the protestors.

Members of the Najambian Military have also been [b]required[/b] to swear an Oath of Loyalty to their Supreme Leader, Tafadzwa. The Oath of Loyalty entitles that all soldiers lives belong to the Supreme Leader when they sign up to enlist in the Najambian Army. Their lives are now part of the Royal Army and under The Supreme Leader's Authority. All soldiers who refuse to sign the Oath of Loyalty are to be jailed for 2 months and released back into the public under military surveillance for 1 year.

[center]***END CLASSIFICATION***[/center]

A protest was held today near the Capital Palace in Lagos. Many protesters gathered around to demonstrate their disliking for The Government that were not instating an education program to only school the smarter children of Najambia. Tafadzwa has agreed to only send the intelligent children into public schooling. The people of Najambia have given a helpful hint to Tafadzwa and it was a smart move. Children who wish to participate in Public Schooling will now have to take a test and get at least 80% of the questions right to qualify for Government Funded Schooling. Any child who wishes to participate in the school and cannot pass the test will pay a fee of $580 annually to educate their kids in Public Schooling. Tafadzwa thanks the people for helping her figure out the Education System and encourages the people to swear their loyalty to their leader.[/font]

Edited by Rotavele
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#FFA500"][b][size="5"]NAJAMBIAN NEWS: Rebels Executed[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center]

[font="Book Antiqua"]


Tafadzwa began targeting Pro-Christian Organizations, labeling them as terrorists. She waits until the day of worship, and executed bombing plans on several Christian Churches, the attenders were mostly killed. Most notably, The First African Protestant Church was breached and targeted by 700 PRN Soldiers, who extracted the preacher and other deacons. The Preacher was taken back to PRN Military Ops HQ, where he was beaten and later killed. Tafadzwa spared the children attending the church. The soldiers killed the parents infront of the children in hopes to turn the children away from Christianity. The First African Protestant Church was a church made up of 1107 attenders. The attenders were mostly of un-wealthy descent. Approximately 987 bodies were accounted for, the rest were considered young enough to be turned against Christianity. Those casualties who were not dead, were shot again.

[center][i][b]***END CLASSIFICATION***[/b][/i][/center]

Today Tafadzwa's supreme intellect proved to be successful once again. She personally discovered several Terrorist Organizations who wished to cause harm to the population of Najambia. The Organizations were plotting to bomb the capital building and several large civilian districts in order to force the people there to conform to their Christian religion and follow their Theocratic Leadership. The PRN Military successfully went in and arrested many of these offenders. No one seemed to resist and no one was harmed in these operations. The Supreme Leader has deemed that the offenders would be given large prison sentances for attempting to harm her people. Tafadzwa plans to further pursure these Christian Terrorism Organizations in order to further protect the people of Najambia.

In other news, A 2 minute moment of silence will be given during all public schooling morning duties. In order for the children of Najambia to think about all their supreme leader does for them on the daily. They will spend this time rejoicing in their Great Leader and praising her for all the great things she has provided for them.

All Bow before Tafadzwa![/font]

Edited by Rotavele
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#FFA500"][b][size="5"]NAJAMBIAN NEWS: Christianity Declared Illegal[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center]

[font="Book Antiqua"]


Tafadzwa continues her personal vendetta against the Christian Religion by Bombing, and executing many Protestants and Catholics in Lagos and around Najambia. As she continues on, her personal cabinent suggested with illegallizing the Christian Religion to give all Christians a fair warning to change their minds on their Religious Ideaologies. Several pieces of Propaganda had been put out on the streets about how wrong the Christian Religion has been and how they are wrong in today's society. Many Pro-Islamic pieces have been put on the street as-well. Christian Churches continue to be pursued through Najambia. As of this news statement, 19,412 Citizens have been killed due to their Religious Choices. Tafadzwa continues her immoral deeds to exterminate the Christian Religion from Najambia. Despite her best efforts, Rumours spread of underground Christian Church Groups who practice at home amongst each other. Some churchs are held in abandoned buildings, but despite that, Tafadzwa's Secret Police eventually find and execute or imprison the offenders.

[center][i][b]***END CLASSIFICATION***[/b][/i][/center]

Najambia has recently been the target of massive attacks by Christian Radicals who heavily insult and criticize the Supreme Leader. Tafadzwa said the nation does not have the funding to Pursue Christian Radicals and all Worship by Protestants and Catholics are turning into establishment of Anti-Islamic groups who radically attempt to take down the current Islamic Supreme Leader. Tafadzwa has personally recieved many pieces of hate threats by these Christian groups and so has other members of the cabinent. The Islamic Religion is currently the primary religion of Najambia and it doesnt seem to change soon. The Christians have constantly judged the other religions for too long. Surveys and secret services have infilitrated and discovered many if not all of the churchs in Najambia have affiliation or are personally involved in these Christian Hate Organizations. The nation cannot afford to pursue these rebels in a respective manner. Najambia hereby declares that The Christian Religion is considered illegal.

All churches have atleast 2 weeks to close their doors and renovate. Any Christians who wish to Radically pursue their religion will be pursued and imprisoned. We do not wish to harm anyone in this ordeal but we will defend the Islamic Faith from the Christians who wish to radically pursue, intimidate and threaten the people of Najambia. Christian Paraphanalia is legal to sell in shops and stores around the nation, but the practice of worship is strictly banned. Jail times will be instated, and in some cases a life time sentance will be instated. When the person(s) can prove they are no longer affiliated with Christianity is when they will be released from the Najambian Authorities.[/font]

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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#FFA500"][b][size="5"]*CLASSIFIED TO WITHIN THE NATION*

NAJAMBIAN NEWS: Military Parade[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center]

[font="Book Antiqua"]

In order to show Dominance over her people, Tafadzwa ordered a military parade around Lagos today, publicly broadcasted in Najambia. Many soldiers marched upon the fields. The main point of interest was the vast amount of missiles and heavy weapons Tafadzwa possesses. An air show was also conducted to show the superior Najambian Military. The most interesting fact would be that one of the brigades marching was not one dressed in PRN Attire. No, they had black hoods on. Few people recognized that the marching brigade was Yaza Hajin. Word spread quickly in the town of Lagos. Fear was put upon all people of Najambia. Some radical groups begin to attempt to contact Yaza Hajin in order to gain admission and a merger into the superior Radical Islamic Group. The people of Najambia were now fully away of what the government has come to. Tafadzwa openly admitted to being affiliated and became a "Triumvirate" of the Yaza Hajin alongside Al Dei. The third Triumvirate is unknown at this time. Fear spreads quickly and Tafadzwa definitely has the oppressive regime shes always dreamed of.

PRN Soldiers marching in a Stadium.

The Yaza Hajin Brigade Marching through streets, spreading their words of wisdom[/center]

Edited by Rotavele
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"While the Athenian Federation opposes religious extremism in all forms the banning of an entire religion based upon the actions of a few is unacceptable. Effective immediately any and all international contact will be broken off and trade with Najambia is banned until freedom of religion is guaranteed again."

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"It is.. sad to see the differences in freedoms of other nations. We would suggest for the good of the people the persecution of Christians be stopped and religious freedom secured. Until such a time has come we too shall close our borders to trade with Najambia. Any Christians fleeing south will be welcomed unless proven to be terrorists with sufficient evidence as determined by the courts."

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Somewhere in Germany...[/i]

"Director Frontino." Even after more than a year, the Overwatch Officer who served as his personal butler still insisted on calling him by his old title. "Yes, Officer?"

"There is a new nation who has settled in the old Commonwealth." Frontino's eyes opened slowly. The bloodshot-eyes swung around to look at the hooded face of the Overwatch Officer. "It is not my land to rule any more, Officer. I have no business there."

The Officer still stood there. "They have created a Muslim militant arm. It is connected to one thought wiped out years ago, during the British-Ottoman war."

Frontino stopped sipping his coffee. "I see." he mumbled, the cup inches from his mouth. "In time, Officer. In time, they will pay."

"Yes Director."

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[quote][i][b][size="6"][center]From The Desk
[u]The President of The Republic of Texas[/u][/center][/size][/b][/i]


The Republic of Texas will be taking the same precautions that Athens has taken. We do not condone the banning of any religion, particularly one that has not had a violent past in that part of the world for hundreds of years which seems a little odd that they pick now to attack Muslims? This is obviously government funded genocide and I hope that those in the region take care of this problem so that the Christians and non-Muslims no longer have to suffer there.

As of now, all civilian, military, aid, and any existing trade with Najambia are hereby halted. Any Christians in the country wishing to seek political asylum will be welcomed to Texas after going through immigration since Najambia is now under the Texas Roster of Rogue/Unstable Nations.
The Republic of Texas condemns Najambia for genocide, prosecution of an innocent religious organization, and for destabilizing the area in which they reside by committing these acts of government funded terrorism.

[i]Benjamin Gates[/i]
[b]President of The Republic of Texas[/b][/quote]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[size="6"][color="#0000FF"][center][u]Public announcement from the Lord President of Gallifrey[/u][/center][/color][/size]

[center][b]"The Democratic Republic of Gallifrey will not recognize an extremist nation and now officially puts a trade and immigration ban on the nation of Najambia, If there are any refugees Christian or not D.R.O.G will happily accept them as citizens until this crisis ends." [/b][/center]

[right][i]-John Smith[/i][/right]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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The People's Republic of Africa condemns the extremist powers within Najambia and withdraws diplomatic recognition of this nation until it has put into place a stable, civilian government.


The PRA borders with Najambia have been closed and under increased surveillance

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1325725197' post='2892847']

[size="6"][color="#0000FF"][center][u]Public announcement from the Lord President of Gallifrey[/u][/center][/color][/size]

[center][b]"The Democratic Republic of Gallifrey will not recognize an extremist nation and now officially puts a trade and immigration ban on the nation of Najambia, If there are any refugees Christian or not D.R.O.G will happily accept them as citizens until this crisis ends." [/b][/center]

[right][i]-John Smith[/i][/right]

[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1325754742' post='2893240']
The People's Republic of Africa condemns the extremist powers within Najambia and withdraws diplomatic recognition of this nation until it has put into place a stable, civilian government.


The PRA borders with Najambia have been closed and under increased surveillance

"We are saddened by the PRA and Gallifrey's ignorance towards the issues. The PRN government is no way affiliated with Yaza Hajin and by the way it looks, The Yaza Hajin has already announced they are in your nations aswell."

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1325590980' post='2891413']
"While the Athenian Federation opposes religious extremism in all forms the banning of an entire religion based upon the actions of a few is unacceptable. Effective immediately any and all international contact will be broken off and trade with Najambia is banned until freedom of religion is guaranteed again."

[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1325726038' post='2892860']
Open message to the Yaza Hajin:

Disband or be destroyed.

Kind Regards,
Jose Narino

[quote name='Lord Zephyr' timestamp='1325653567' post='2891999']
"It is.. sad to see the differences in freedoms of other nations. We would suggest for the good of the people the persecution of Christians be stopped and religious freedom secured. Until such a time has come we too shall close our borders to trade with Najambia. Any Christians fleeing south will be welcomed unless proven to be terrorists with sufficient evidence as determined by the courts."

"We thank Athens and these other nations for actually reading and watching the news broadcasts to see that Najambia and the Yaza Hajin are two very different things."

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1325760886' post='2893262']
"We thank Athens and these other nations for actually reading and watching the news broadcasts to see that Najambia and the Yaza Hajin are two very different things."
To whom it may concern,

On the contrary, the offer extends to Tafadzwa who has herself admitted to being a part of Yaza Hajin. She has 24 hours to denounce the Yaza Hajin and commit to the complete and utter disarmament of the terrorist group.

We do not tolerate terrorists of any shape or form and the fact they they move freely through your nation makes us unsympathetic to any and all threats you receive.

Yours Sincerely,
Jose Narino

OOC: Not IRL 24 hours, just until I post next after any response.

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"I do detest that you have made such an erroneous statement. Gallifrey has no form of anti Christian or anti anything terrorism in its borders. Time Lords do not waste their time with petty arguments and our internal security unit ends such things swiftly. So whoever you got that statement from needs to be fired Gallifrey is a free thinking nation infact 60% of our citizens are Christian." -John Smith

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1325765986' post='2893286']
To whom it may concern,

On the contrary, the offer extends to Tafadzwa who has herself admitted to being a part of Yaza Hajin. She has 24 hours to denounce the Yaza Hajin and commit to the complete and utter disarmament of the terrorist group.

We do not tolerate terrorists of any shape or form and the fact they they move freely through your nation makes us unsympathetic to any and all threats you receive.

Yours Sincerely,
Jose Narino

OOC: Not IRL 24 hours, just until I post next after any response.

OOC: She admitted to being in Yaza Hajin in classified posting. Not publicly.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1325811345' post='2893599']
OOC: She admitted to being in Yaza Hajin in classified posting. Not publicly.
OOC: No. You basically opened yourself with [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=107894&view=findpost&p=2891349"]these words[/url]:

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1325574680' post='2891349']
In order to show Dominance over her people, Tafadzwa ordered a military parade around Lagos today, [b]publicly broadcasted[/b]..... Tafadzwa [b]openly admitted[/b] to being affiliated and became a "Triumvirate" of the Yaza Hajin alongside Al Dei.[/quote]

Now, if you would please respond to my [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=108087"]Ultimatum to Tafadzwa[/url].

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King Simon is saddened to know that Chrstians are being persecuted for being Christians. This isn't the first time that thos has happened, but the king and a large majority of his people are Christian. All possible diplomacy and trade has been withdrawn. Any Chrsitians who wish to flee Najamba are more than welcome to come into the Solar Kingdom. They will be welcomed with open arms and without the threat of persecution.

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[quote name='Joel James' timestamp='1325847471' post='2894001']
King Simon is saddened to know that Chrstians are being persecuted for being Christians. This isn't the first time that thos has happened, but the king and a large majority of his people are Christian. All possible diplomacy and trade has been withdrawn. Any Chrsitians who wish to flee Najamba are more than welcome to come into the Solar Kingdom. They will be welcomed with open arms and without the threat of persecution.

"[i]Christians have, for thousands of years, persecuted those who were not Christian. They are simpily getting what was coming to them.[/i]" - Goði of the Temple of Odin in Copenhagen.

Edited by Aggressivenutmeg
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The Supreme Pontiff of the Confederation of Κυκλοι wishes to condemn in the harshest terms the evil of the Najambian regime. Being a small nation, and indisposed towards active Kuklosian military intervention in foreign lands, the Confederation nevertheless pledges material support to any nation, especially African nations, who take steps to exterminate the cancerous evil which now festers at the heart of that continent.

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[quote name='Aggressivenutmeg' timestamp='1325849313' post='2894014']
"[i]Christians have, for thousands of years, persecuted those who were not Christian. They are simpily getting what was coming to them.[/i]" - Goði of the Temple of Odin in Copenhagen.

"And every country has had a system of capital punishment or torture in the past, do you not realize how idiotic it is to hold a group of people responsible for actions that happened centuries ago?"

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[quote name='Aggressivenutmeg' timestamp='1325849313' post='2894014']
"[i]Christians have, for thousands of years, persecuted those who were not Christian. They are simpily getting what was coming to them.[/i]" - Goði of the Temple of Odin in Copenhagen.

OOC: I would like to point out that Early Christians were tortured and mauled by lions and soldiers for believing in Jesus. When did Christians ever persecute anyone else? Even if this was true, that is like saying all Germans are Nazis, all Muslims are terrorists and all whites are racists.

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[quote name='Joel James' timestamp='1325883265' post='2894272']
OOC: I would like to point out that Early Christians were tortured and mauled by lions and soldiers for believing in Jesus. When did Christians ever persecute anyone else? Even if this was true, that is like saying all Germans are Nazis, all Muslims are terrorists and all whites are racists.

OOC: That was an in character comment, I am fully aware of how the early christians were persecuted by the romans. But if you think that Christians never persecute anyone else then you clearly haven't heard of the crusades or the inquisition to name a few.

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[quote name='Aggressivenutmeg' timestamp='1325884690' post='2894282']
OOC: That was an in character comment, I am fully aware of how the early christians were persecuted by the romans. But if you think that Christians never persecute anyone else then you clearly haven't heard of the crusades or the inquisition to name a few.

You must keep in mind that everyone who went on the Crusades weren't for just Christian reasons. The idea was to liberate the Holy Land.

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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#FFA500"][b][size="5"]NAJAMBIAN NEWS FORUMS[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center]


The world seems to be focusing on Najambia and with the threats of invasion greatening Tafadzwa communicates through private military channels to disperce and force all Yaza Hajin into hiding. Christians that had been killed in the recent church bombings were put in Yaza Hajin uniforms and a broadcasted to show that Najambia is fighting the Yaza Hajin. In Military News, Soldiers come closer to the border targeting Grand Papua soldiers that are showing an Ultimatum to Najambia. The Act to arrest and executed Christians was repealed, but they are still rounded up and executed by gunshot to the head.

[center][i][b]***End Classified***[/b][/i][/center]


The Yaza Hajin have been persecuted for being radical Islamist in the Najambian Nation. We do not condemn Islamic Practices but civilians wont be harassed by terrorism. We have been killing numerous amounts of Yaza Hajin Agents. The Act to illegalize Christianity has been repealed to further enact freedom throughout the people. We have never and will not allow Yaza Hajin to operate in Najambia as well as we do not endorse the act as government officials. They are Terrorists and will be treated as such. We ask Grand Papua to back off or they're troops will be considered as "Threats To Freedom" and will be asked to leave face to face. Failure to comply will result in forced movement.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Joel James' timestamp='1325885795' post='2894288']
The idea was to liberate the Holy Land.

OoC: Yea liberate it from Muslims for Christianity.

IC: While we look at this press release as progress, the PRA asks that the Najambian government allow a multi-national group of observers into their country to observe and validate progress within Najambia with its actions against Yaza Hajin as well as on the issue of human rights.

Edit: Spelling

Edited by Axolotlia
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