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Maelstrom Vortex

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Alexis was curious at what she was seeing. "Hmm, these aliens seem to be like what people describe in the myths about Dragons and Elves. Perhaps they have visited our planet before a long time ago."

"Either way we need to make sure that they won't try to take this world from us humans, and if they do we need to find a way to stop them. Meanwhile I don't think we should get any closer or else something bad will probably happen."

Renard continued, "Come on Nathan, where is your sense of adventure?"

"There is a difference between going on an adventure and protecting those you swore to protect. If anything happened to you guys Jesse will kill me."

Alexis tried to convince him. "Yea well if there is anything you should know it is that I can be a lot more scary than Jesse. We will move closer, I want to also try to meet them if possible."

Nathan, "Oh boy."

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1324765928' post='2885835']
The Lunar Republic would detect a new radar installation to their far south based on periodic radio emissions. They'd also pick things that were flying now down near the south axial pole if their radar extended that far. They had signatures similar to known aircraft, but software would be confused about the identification.

In the meantime, back at the lab..

Caiphus took a few more shots at the encouragement of the humans, gradually increasing his proficiency with the awkward grip of the slug-throwers with the practice. He got the impression he would like these creatures once he was able to talk to them. His stomach growled again. He glanced to the major and scratched his head in thought. He pointed at his muzzle and made a snapping motion with his teeth away from the direction of the major.
The detection of the radar installation would lead to an accelerated launch schedule for the zeppelin. As luck had it, it was almost ready, anyways, and thus was launched around an hour after the first signals had been detected. The vessel ascended to a height of around 8 kilometers, full with sensors and other equipment as well as a few defensive measures and, as last resort measure, an extendable missile rack with 4 missiles.

Meanwhile, in the camp, one of the scientists came over just as Caiphus had expressed his hunger to the major.
"Major Lark, I and my colleagues believe to have cracked their language as far as we were able to."
"Well, alright," responded the military man. "I think he's hungry. Ask him."
"Very well."
The scientist produced a holopad, typing something down. It was crudely translated, and would likely result in something like 'hungry is you?'. But, for the time it took them, rather impressive.
He showed the alien the text, and pointed to the keyboard underneath, in their signs.

[quote name='jesbro' timestamp='1324769095' post='2885866']
Alexis was curious at what she was seeing. "Hmm, these aliens seem to be like what people describe in the myths about Dragons and Elves. Perhaps they have visited our planet before a long time ago."

"Either way we need to make sure that they won't try to take this world from us humans, and if they do we need to find a way to stop them. Meanwhile I don't think we should get any closer or else something bad will probably happen."

Renard continued, "Come on Nathan, where is your sense of adventure?"

"There is a difference between going on an adventure and protecting those you swore to protect. If anything happened to you guys Jesse will kill me."

Alexis tried to convince him. "Yea well if there is anything you should know it is that I can be a lot more scary than Jesse. We will move closer, I want to also try to meet them if possible."

Nathan, "Oh boy."
With the Zeppelin getting up, the sensor range of the research outpost was extended immensely, similar to what an AWACS would be capable of achieving, if not greater.
This, of course aided in the detection of this aircraft just barely skirting the usual radius of detection the research base was capable of. And these people's persistence didn't make the leadership happy.
They were sent another message.

"We are aware of your persistent attempt to evade our detection.
The next message will be in form of a rocket-propelled cigar-shaped object carrying a considerable amount of high explosives. You may want to turn around.
Last of warnings."

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1324801833' post='2886112']
"We are aware of your persistent attempt to evade our detection.
The next message will be in form of a rocket-propelled cigar-shaped object carrying a considerable amount of high explosives. You may want to turn around.
Last of warnings."

Nathan was getting pissed at this point. "Renard, are we in their territory currently?!"

"No. We got out of it more than 10 minutes ago. They should have no reason to threaten us like that since we are not technically in their territory anymore. As for defences we are equipped with high explosive anti-air missiles for defense and we are a lot more maneuverable than their blimp so threatening us would be a very bad idea for them."

"That is what I thought." He sends a message to the Lunar zeppelin.

[quote]"Really, from my position you are not ready to be making threats against us. We are not in your territory anymore and firing at us will only get you killed. We could probably dodge your missiles while it looks like you wouldn't be able to dodge ours. We were given permission to come here by Julius Thrawn, I'm sure you are familiar with that name because he is a very high ranking official in Canada. We are here to investigate what was making that huge energy signature we saw and you are not going to stop us. So you can either leave us alone and let us do our own buisness or we can shoot at each other in which case you will probably die. Your choice." [/quote]

Alexis was a little nervous, "Are you sure that was the best choice of words."

"Maybe not but it is the truth. If they really want to stay alive they will do the smart thing and leave us alone. Move us in closer to the alien camp Renard."

"Yes sir."

This is close to what the jet would look like.

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[quote name='jesbro' timestamp='1324848004' post='2886293']
"Really, from my position you are not ready to be making threats against us. We are not in your territory anymore and firing at us will only get you killed. We could probably dodge your missiles while it looks like you wouldn't be able to dodge ours. We were given permission to come here by Julius Thrawn, I'm sure you are familiar with that name because he is a very high ranking official in Canada. We are here to investigate what was making that huge energy signature we saw and you are not going to stop us. So you can either leave us alone and let us do our own buisness or we can shoot at each other in which case you will probably die. Your choice."[/quote]
"This is an issue to be solved by a nation with dozens and hundreds of specialists at their call, not a ragtag group of Canadians or wherever you are from. Julius Thrawn does not matter here. He has no idea what's going on, and neither do you. You are infringing on Royaume de la Lumiére's Antarctic Preserve by evading our airspace.
And should it come to blows: The Zeppelin is unmanned. It has four advanced anti-air missiles with active&passive radar, IR and electro optical focal plane arrays with shape-recognition that would blow your minds out. Once fired, only an advanced stealth aircraft could hope to dodge one of these, let alone the four the Zeppelin is carrying.
We only risk losing equipment worth some million dollars. We've another two Zeppelins in storage. You risk losing your lives. Turn around."

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1324879788' post='2886494']
"This is an issue to be solved by a nation with dozens and hundreds of specialists at their call, not a ragtag group of Canadians or wherever you are from. Julius Thrawn does not matter here. He has no idea what's going on, and neither do you. You are infringing on Royaume de la Lumiére's Antarctic Preserve by evading our airspace.
And should it come to blows: The Zeppelin is unmanned. It has four advanced anti-air missiles with active&passive radar, IR and electro optical focal plane arrays with shape-recognition that would blow your minds out. Once fired, only an advanced stealth aircraft could hope to dodge one of these, let alone the four the Zeppelin is carrying.
We only risk losing equipment worth some million dollars. We've another two Zeppelins in storage. You risk losing your lives. Turn around."

Now Renard was getting a bit nervous at this point, "Uhh... Nathan?!"

"Continue our course towards the aliens and the energy flux. We need to find out what these Lunar !@#$%*es are up to. We need to find out why these elves and dragons came to Earth. We need to find out what they want with our world, and we are not going to let these !@#$@#$ Lunar scientists get in our way. Could the energy flux disable any missiles they launch at us?"

Renard answered, "Heck it could disable the entire !@#$@#$ plane for all we know! Are you sure you want to go through with this?!"

"The Lunar forces want us to stay away from this area for a reason and I suggest we find out why. Jesse's grandfather told us stories about elves and dragons before and this could be proof that those stories were real. We need to do this. Get us as close to the dragon/elf base as you can."

"You got it Nathan."

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[b][In the research base.][/b]

"Sir, they're not responding and not turning around."
"Seriously? These guys must have a death wish. A passenger plane like that is going to be lit up on a missile's detection algorithms like a christmas tree."
"Not our funeral, Sir."
"Right you are. Ante up. Fire at will."
"Yes, Sir."


The information was relayed, targetting systems took the distant plane into their view. Lock-on was achieved, and the first of four missiles was launched. Three seconds later, the second. Another four seconds, and the third missile was en route. The last was fired after another five seconds, spreading the missiles over a total of 12 seconds and some dozen kilometers as they made their supersonic way towards the offending airplane.
Even at the limit of the missile's range, with mach 4+, they would need less than four minutes to bridge the distance, whereas passenger jets generally weren't built for speeds over the speed of sound.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1324801833' post='2886112']
Meanwhile, in the camp, one of the scientists came over just as Caiphus had expressed his hunger to the major.
"Major Lark, I and my colleagues believe to have cracked their language as far as we were able to."
"Well, alright," responded the military man. "I think he's hungry. Ask him."
"Very well."
The scientist produced a holopad, typing something down. It was crudely translated, and would likely result in something like 'hungry is you?'. But, for the time it took them, rather impressive.
He showed the alien the text, and pointed to the keyboard underneath, in their signs.

Caiphus was delighted. He looked at the hologram and was amazed he seemed to be invited to use it. He typed carefully into it albeit somewhat clumsily. It translated back into English in such a way that would probably give away the bad translation and partly a typo caused by the layout which wasn't natural to him with 6 digits on his hand... "Yes, Hungrys is I. Meat? Blood? Ravenous..."

Back at the growing city of sled riding hulls on the ice... the fusion reactor had not only begun to power the radar station, but was now hooking into laboratories, chemical labs, and fuel labs now in the process of re-synthesizing the fuel for their aircraft and the combustive propellants for their weapons] based on their new environment. After a few tests of their guns, they realized their old propellants weren't working as normal.

The Medical bays began to fill up.. the difference in isotopes from one dimension to another was causing a spike of cancers among most of the populations and a never before encountered disease which was being labeled "rift sickness" which occurred in some individuals as unstable molecules began to break down insider their bodies causing poisoning in some cases and even organ failures. As if the challenging conditions were not hard enough already.

It was a good thing the air battle was still taking place quite a bit away from the refugee camp.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1324892390' post='2886558']
Caiphus was delighted. He looked at the hologram and was amazed he seemed to be invited to use it. He typed carefully into it albeit somewhat clumsily. It translated back into English in such a way that would probably give away the bad translation and partly a typo caused by the layout which wasn't natural to him with 6 digits on his hand... "Yes, Hungrys is I. Meat? Blood? Ravenous..."[/quote]
Several of the men looked at each other. "Look like he wants fresh meat. Red?"
"Probably. Do we have anything like that?"
"I don't think so. Let's see if he's fine with Bacon."
"The meat of Kings," claimed one of the soldiers, already going to the food supplies and getting a package of bacon out. A few moments later, it was on a plate, with knife and fork, presented to the alien.
At the same time, he had brought some on a second plate, just to show him how they ate food, though having to take his helmet off for the duration. "Oooh !@#$, it's cold as all hell. Stupid cold."
Regardless, the soldier ate his bacon, hoping that the lizard was somewhat civilised in that regard.

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Caiphus sniffed the bacon and his mouth watered, a sure sign they had selected well. He used his talon tips to peal the slices off and ate them slowly. He didn't understand the concept of the knife really in regards to eating food. Instead, he would think it was a tool for industrial purposes that had been gifted to him, so he carefully put it in a pocket of his medical robe. He was somewhat civilized by human definitions of the term.. they knew how to enjoy their food when they had the time and opportunity to do so. Caiphus would tap into the holographic interface, "Thank you. This is good. You may call me Caiphus." He saw the human's reaction to the temperatures, "It is a shame you do not like the cold. This must be a rough environment for you." He continued to type.. the typos were mostly vanishing after a few missed strokes due to the awkward and atypical nature of the interface. "Will we have a way to speak soon?"

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"4 missiles incoming, eta in less than 4 minutes. Nathan I might be able to dodge them but this will be a little risky. If this data about the energy fluctuation over the alien base is correct than it will disable any electronics such as the targeting systems on those missiles but probably the plane as well. In other words this will turn into a bumpy ride." He steers the plane into the energy flux. "This had better work. Everyone prepare for a crash landing."

Alexis called for Nathan, "When we crash we will probably be surrounded by the aliens. If they say to drop the weapons you will do so but if they do turn out to be hostile you are to open fire. We came here in peace but these Lunar Research !@#$%^&* have pissed me off. That zeppelin is heading to the dragon base for a reason and we need to find out why. If they plan on attacking the base than we need to stop them."

"Lets worry about the missiles first. Either way Renard is one of the best pilots in the world, he used to be the best pilot in the Angevin Air Force before he focused more on building technology. If anyone can dodge those missiles I know he can, as for his plan to disable them... well lets just hope he can crash land as good as he can fly. We came here in peace but these Lunar Republic idiots threatened and attacked us. They are planning something and if they are willing to attack us to make sure we don't know about it than it can't be good.I already sent a message back to Daniele at the Canadian island base so she knows what is going on. Lets just hope she can stop them if we can't."

[b]Canadian Base, South Sandwich Islands. Daniele was listening to the message. [/b]

[quote]Mayday mayday mayday. This is Canadian Research Flight 4021 over the alien base and we need immediate assistance... We are under attack by Lunar Republic forces. We were not in their territory so they had no right to threaten and attack us. We did not attack them and yet they decide to attack us even though we were never in their territory so this is technically at act of... [/quote]

[b](cuts off when they enter the energy flux)[/b]

Meanwhile Daniele was still angry. "Dammit Nathan I told you to try to keep away from Lunar territory, but if they never entered their territory like their tracker here says than the Lunar Republic forces just committed an act of war. So that is what he was about to say." She then calls Julius Thrawn, "Hey Julius, we have a problem here."

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1324930309' post='2886710']
Caiphus sniffed the bacon and his mouth watered, a sure sign they had selected well. He used his talon tips to peal the slices off and ate them slowly. He didn't understand the concept of the knife really in regards to eating food. Instead, he would think it was a tool for industrial purposes that had been gifted to him, so he carefully put it in a pocket of his medical robe. He was somewhat civilized by human definitions of the term.. they knew how to enjoy their food when they had the time and opportunity to do so. Caiphus would tap into the holographic interface, "Thank you. This is good. You may call me Caiphus." He saw the human's reaction to the temperatures, "It is a shame you do not like the cold. This must be a rough environment for you." He continued to type.. the typos were mostly vanishing after a few missed strokes due to the awkward and atypical nature of the interface. "Will we have a way to speak soon?"
"Alright, his name's... Caiphus, apparently. Good that we got this learning software installed, makes recognising new structures and words easier," commented the scientist. Meanwhile, Lark types a response in.
'We're used to much warmer climates. Fifteen degrees celsius or warmer, but that won't tell you much, I think. As for talking, I have no idea. Maybe. Until then, holoscreen-translation. Need anything else?'

In the meantime, the soldier who had eaten bacon had put his helmet back on and left for the warmth of an AFV, his ears nearly frozen off if one exaggerated.
Then, the sky darkened somewhat. Several men looked upwards. "Oh, hey, they must be repositioning Icarus. Wonder why."

[quote name='jesbro' timestamp='1324937678' post='2886772']
[b][Several minutes earlier][/b]

"Target seems neutralised, Sir. They entered an anomaly and are probably dead regardless of our attack. While I presume that the hardened guiding systems of our missiles are capable of withstanding the anomaly, we haven't tested them on anything like that previously."
"Well, just in case, notify the higher-ups."
"Yes, Sir."

[b][A minute earlier][/b]

"What is it?"
"High command authorised Icarus for removal of the offending parties in case of survival."
"Yes, Sir. They are transmitting the temporary codes right now, and I am to tell you to 'go wild'."
"Amazing." The commander went to the intercom for the station.
"Ladies, Gentlemen. Christmas is here early. We just got control of Icarus to get rid of a few terrorists. Let's give them a show they'll never, ever forget!"


High above, in a semistable polar orbit floated an ingenious, but rarely-used construction of Ceylonese origin.

Its original use was to warm a certain area, kilometers large, with simple redirection of sunlight. There was a rather nasty secondary use, however.

And the Gentlemen of Delta Squad would soon find out just what it meant to infringe on what the Lunar Republic deemed as their responsibility.

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They couldn’t see the ground or anything else from where the plane was but they knew they were in the anomaly caused by the aliens. Renard knew what had to be done. “You guys need to get out of here. I don’t know if this thing will stop those missiles but we can’t risk it. You guys need to get out of here. The Lunar forces are planning something, and you guys need to stop them. I mean why else would they attack us unless they were hiding something. You guys need to find out what it is and get word back to Daniele.”

“And what about you. We won’t leave you behind.”

“You are going to have to. I will do what I must to make sure that you guys live. Go now, find out what the Lunar forces are hiding. GO NOW!!!”

Alexis and Nathan were in their gear and jettisoned into the abyss not knowing what awaited them in the vortex. Anyone watching that area on radar would soon see the plane exiting the anomaly still flying ready for whatever fate awaited it.

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[quote name='jesbro' timestamp='1324967383' post='2887094']
Alexis and Nathan were in their gear and jettisoned into the abyss not knowing what awaited them in the vortex. Anyone watching that area on radar would soon see the plane exiting the anomaly still flying ready for whatever fate awaited it.
The plane, by now likely out of control possibly still going at high speeds, would eventually be reached by one of the surviving missiles - two had cmoe too close to the anomaly and detonated prematurely - which would then trigger its payload at close range. If the plane was still capable of flight after that, the second (and last working) missile arrived seconds later to finish it off, likely ripping a wing off and downing the craft.
Considering the speeds this happened, the plane was likely to be a great distance away from the anomaly by the time it hit the ground.

"Satellites confirm two hits, Sir. Two premature detonations."
"Anything left of the plane?"
"Yes, Sir. It connected with the ground a few klicks away from the anomaly. It's unlikely anyone survived that."
"We still haven't used Icarus..."
"The plane did land on a frozen mountain, according to my maps. There's only a few meters of ice before granite."
"Why, that's most excellent. Gentlemen, let's test Icarus on a live subject."


Many hundreds of kilometers above, Icarus repositioned itself slightly for the new coordinates. Its 'focus' was extended, and the gargantuan mirrors readjusted slightly. The power of the sun was focused and redirected.

The beam of pure light would be visible for dozens, probably hundreds of kilometers. And whatever it hit - being aimed directly at the downed plane - would be no more soon enough.

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At the refugee camp, the crash the beam of light were clearly visible. The refugees were uncertain what to think of it. It appeared not to be a natural event. They continued to build up the number of shelters as more fled through the rifts. Strange occurrences or not, this world was safer than their own and they had no way back.

A small exploration party began to trek towards the beam from the sky to see what it was doing.

Back at the Lunar Republic labs Caiphus made his response, "Not right now. Getting here was a challenge. I think I shall go rest in the accommodations you have provided. Thank you for your hospitality. Based on what we have seen of your species broadcasts, we were expecting worse. [i]The Doctor [/i]will be pleased to know you are not as violent as thought." Caiphus waved as his eating companion departed. Then he noticed the sudden increase in darkness and began wondering how the humans were exerting such great control over their environment here.

If an inquiry were input into the device as to who "The Doctor" was, it would indicate a civilian ruler sworn to oath to protect, serve, and troubleshoot social issues in the Dragon Empire. Based on the history provided with the small childrens' book used to constitute the database, the current Doctor has been in power over 100 earth years.

ooc: As a matter of point, anyone entering an actual rift will end up in a world with a fairly advanced civilization about to be smashed by a mars size planetoid. They would be imprisoned immediately and experience the unpleasantness of some parts of their body spontaneously breaking down under unfamiliar physics, although they would feel like they lost weight as if that would be any compensation.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1325026627' post='2887528']
A small exploration party began to trek towards the beam from the sky to see what it was doing.[/quote]
Icarus continued its work for several minutes, the beam - tens of meters wide - completely incinerating and melting the airplane and melting the ice in a radius of dozens of meters around it. It was most than evident that this was a non-natural phenomenon once the party came upon it, and that the inhabitants of this world had somehow managed to create something in the planet's orbit capable of doing this.

[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1325026627' post='2887528']
Back at the Lunar Republic labs Caiphus made his response, "Not right now. Getting here was a challenge. I think I shall go rest in the accommodations you have provided. Thank you for your hospitality. Based on what we have seen of your species broadcasts, we were expecting worse. [i]The Doctor [/i]will be pleased to know you are not as violent as thought." Caiphus waved as his eating companion departed. Then he noticed the sudden increase in darkness and began wondering how the humans were exerting such great control over their environment here.

If an inquiry were input into the device as to who "The Doctor" was, it would indicate a civilian ruler sworn to oath to protect, serve, and troubleshoot social issues in the Dragon Empire. Based on the history provided with the small childrens' book used to constitute the database, the current Doctor has been in power over 100 earth years.[/quote]
Upon mentioning of this 'Doctor', the scientist indeed asked a little about him, thus receiving the answer about it being a civilian ruler.
The major, upon seeing Caiphus somewhat irritated at the sudden darkness, told the alien in a few words about Icarus: A satellite with kilometer-sized inflatable mirrors, capable not only of redirecting sunlight to warm the cold climate, but also focus it, and unleash a hellish beam of immense power - exactly what was visible on the horizon, quite far away.
"Far as I know, there's been an incursion by some terrorists trying to get to your base camp. Icarus was likely used to get rid of those !@#$%^&*." wrote Lark.

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Back at the Canadian base Daniele was going berserk at this point. "TERRORISTS!!! That is what those !@#$@#$ !@#$%*es are calling them! All they were doing was investigating the aliens and why they were here but those $%&@ers have to make up some !@#$@#$ lie about them being terrorists. Fortunately I have already told Julius about our situation and he is starting the search for answers. These murderers will soon face the consequences for their actions, and they better pray that we are as "merciful" as they claim to be. The thing about scientists is that they are smart when it comes to technology but they are stupid !@#$@#$ idiots when it comes to everything else. Has there been any word from Alexis or Nathan? Their plan was to jump into the vortex so they wouldn't be spotted on radar."

"Nothing yet but we will keep trying."

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[quote name='jesbro' timestamp='1325100144' post='2888098']
Back at the Canadian base Daniele was going berserk at this point. "TERRORISTS!!! That is what those !@#$@#$ !@#$%*es are calling them! All they were doing was investigating the aliens and why they were here but those $%&@ers have to make up some !@#$@#$ lie about them being terrorists. Fortunately I have already told Julius about our situation and he is starting the search for answers. These murderers will soon face the consequences for their actions, and they better pray that we are as "merciful" as they claim to be. The thing about scientists is that they are smart when it comes to technology but they are stupid !@#$@#$ idiots when it comes to everything else. Has there been any word from Alexis or Nathan? Their plan was to jump into the vortex so they wouldn't be spotted on radar."

"Nothing yet but we will keep trying."
OOC: And how in the hells does Danielle know what the major told the alien in a face to face conversation? Or what the internal military description for the airplane and its crew was? Tone the metagaming down a bit, please. No mind-reading.

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ooc: As master of this thread the post by Jesbro that takes into account the actions taking place in a remote location from his crew are to be disregarded. Jesbro, your characters may only post about what they have access to in regard to their situation and immediate environment. Please attempt to avoid the eye-of-god effect in your rp. Otherwise, I appreciate your contributions. Thank you.

At the base....

Caiphus took in the explanation with a nod. He thought to himself..[i]"They are so kind, yet still.. it is apparent they are as violent as portrayed. We're going to have a challenging time on this world."[/i]

"Terrorists are attempting to get to our encampment and you shot them down? You have our gratitude. Why are they attempting to terrorize us? What have we done to them? We are experiencing sufficient terror from our world ending." Caiphus would type back, letting them know for the first time their reasoning for their appearance near the southern poles.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1325107160' post='2888176']
At the base....

Caiphus took in the explanation with a nod. He thought to himself..[i]"They are so kind, yet still.. it is apparent they are as violent as portrayed. We're going to have a challenging time on this world."[/i]

"Terrorists are attempting to get to our encampment and you shot them down? You have our gratitude. Why are they attempting to terrorize us? What have we done to them? We are experiencing sufficient terror from our world ending." Caiphus would type back, letting them know for the first time their reasoning for their appearance near the southern poles.
"People fear the unknown. Some hide away from it, try to ignore it. Others go the exact opposite direction and try to do something against the fear. This results in two possible paths - exploring it. And destroying it. These terrorists have chosen the latter path, while we, and our superiors, wish to explore this unknown to learn more and dispel all needs for fear."
The major's response was rather philosophical, but one that was true. Humans fear the unknown.
Then, the scientist chimed in. "Excuse me, you said your world was ending? Could you tell us more about that? If you do not mind, that is."

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Caiphus nodded, "A planetoid the size of the 4th body in your system is on a trajectory that will impact our planet which is roughly the size of this one. The planet was flung into our heliosphere during a galactic collision which is occurring in our dimension. This spurred us to engage emergency protocols to rift as many individuals as able to the most compatible planet across the dimensions we could observe. Space travel is not very plausible in our dimension because gravity is weaker there.. which means galaxies and stars are not as tightly tethered.. and distances are great. The only means we have really of getting off our world to another in sufficient time in a habitable zone is.. *garble garble garble technobable garble*." Caiphus had gone into a region of dialogue the interpreter was not yet sufficiently able to properly interpret as the words are highly complex. The result was an interpretation into random symbols that somewhat resembled complex calculus. Caiphus snorted as he realized the results were abnormal from its normal outputs to his humanoid couter-parts. The device soon chimed, "Please wait, analyzing."

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1325108728' post='2888189']
Caiphus nodded, "A planetoid the size of the 4th body in your system is on a trajectory that will impact our planet which is roughly the size of this one. The planet was flung into our heliosphere during a galactic collision which is occurring in our dimension. This spurred us to engage emergency protocols to rift as many individuals as able to the most compatible planet across the dimensions we could observe. Space travel is not very plausible in our dimension because gravity is weaker there.. which means galaxies and stars are not as tightly tethered.. and distances are great. The only means we have really of getting off our world to another in sufficient time in a habitable zone is.. *garble garble garble technobable garble*." Caiphus had gone into a region of dialogue the interpreter was not yet sufficiently able to properly interpret as the words are highly complex. The result was an interpretation into random symbols that somewhat resembled complex calculus. Caiphus snorted as he realized the results were abnormal from its normal outputs to his humanoid couter-parts. The device soon chimed, "Please wait, analyzing."
"Planetoid, huh? Well, damn." Lark looked to the scientist. "Won't something like that happen in a few billion years?"
The man nodded. "Andromeda Galaxy will merge with the Milky Way, yes. But it's in the very far future."
Lark turned back to Caiphus. "Well, now we just gotta wait for the software to eventually catch up with the garbled stuff you talked about. Anyways, 'till that happens, want a radio or something to call home? Your guys might like to know about those terrorists."
He motioned to one of the AFVs, this particular one outfit for a 'command' role, thus having additionall antennas and the like for superior communication.

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He nodded, he got on the radio and looked at the numbers. He used the interpreter to convert the numerals into his characters and set the right frequency. He began to hiss, snarl, and growl into the radio, "This human camp is friendly. They've offered a great deal of assistance and hospitality to me. Be aware, there are possible human terrorists who are afraid of our existence heading south to attempt to destroy our camp. The crash you may have seen and the light from the sky are markers of their position. I suggest sending a recon team in the accompaniment of "Storm Wing". I know their equipment is not refit yet, but we must ensure they do not reach our homes. Do you have anything I need to relay to the humans?"

A voice crackled back and it was the Commander of the Combined Forces. As it did, Caiphus would key the conversation into the holographic interface so the humans could keep up, "This is Furyion. Relay our thanks to the humans that you have met. Could you get a name for their tribe.. group.. whatever? It's kind of murky having to refer to them as humans as a group when it is apparent they are not all of one mind. Also, if they want to help.. we're having a major food shortage we've some who are starving and rations are tight. The Doctor has lapsed into a long hibernation because we simply cannot provide him sufficient sustenance to keep him awake. Conditions are bad and getting worse, though we've a supply coming through the rifts it's not sufficient to keep up with the demand and that supply ends in 3 days. Storm wing's equipment can at least get off the ground.. though they're nowhere near previous performance measures. We'll scramble them to bomb the site of the downed terrorist craft. The encampment is also expanding as we find more food sources. You may notice your trip back to our domains shorter. Thank the humans again for the warning."

## At the site of the downed jetliner ##

If there were any survivors of the combination of craft and Icarus.. they would see 4 wedge shaped objects appear in the distance traveling at roughly 400 KM/h in a line abreast formation. They were sleek, stealthy, flying wings. They held no heraldry.. and they didn't appear to be a design suiting any of the known nations of the Earth. They would line up with the wreck. As they flew over, they would cluster bomb the entire site with anti-personnel munitions that had been retooled for this world's chemistry and would work as normal and expected for cluster munitions.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1325188855' post='2888666']
A voice crackled back and it was the Commander of the Combined Forces. As it did, Caiphus would key the conversation into the holographic interface so the humans could keep up, "This is Furyion. Relay our thanks to the humans that you have met. Could you get a name for their tribe.. group.. whatever? It's kind of murky having to refer to them as humans as a group when it is apparent they are not all of one mind. Also, if they want to help.. we're having a major food shortage we've some who are starving and rations are tight. The Doctor has lapsed into a long hibernation because we simply cannot provide him sufficient sustenance to keep him awake. Conditions are bad and getting worse, though we've a supply coming through the rifts it's not sufficient to keep up with the demand and that supply ends in 3 days. Storm wing's equipment can at least get off the ground.. though they're nowhere near previous performance measures. We'll scramble them to bomb the site of the downed terrorist craft. The encampment is also expanding as we find more food sources. You may notice your trip back to our domains shorter. Thank the humans again for the warning."[/quote]
"Alright... Thanks were noted, no problem. Tribe, uh. We're not a tribe, but a nation of tens of millions of people."
A few commands on the holographic interface of Lark's personal holoPC would result in a [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/Lynneth_del_Serpentas/AE/CNRP/Mappings/Lynn_29_12_11.png"]world map[/url] being shown. "We're the Lunar Republic." He pointed at South America and a few other locations the Republic owned. "We're down here," he said, pointing out Antarctica.
"We don't know exactly where the terrorists are from, but they seem to have contacts in Canada." Point. "That will probably be investigated soon enough. As for food... We'd need information about your diet. The Republic had a considerable surplus last I checked, and we might be able to ferry some down here for you."

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Caiphus acted as a relay, repeating the message back to his commander and explained that Lunar Republic was a fairly sizable nation. Furyion replied and Caiphus typed for the humans, "Lunar Republic? Named after your moon? Nice name. Glad to have met your nation first. Your kindness shall not be forgotten by our peoples. Our diet primarily consists of red meat, but we also can eat vegetation.. though we don't digest it as well. The subjects however, may be able to eat vegitation without an issue, they particularly like sugar laden foods. We've brought through some livestock, but it's not going to be enough and it really isn't taking well to this environment even in sheltered conditions. It's a pretty desperate situation."

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"Alright, I'll ask the bookworms to relay that info to the mainland. I'm pretty sure we can get some in vitro meats for you guys and veggies for your, uh, subjects? On that note, does that mean you practise slavery? That's sort of frowned upon in this world. The practise was abolished quite a while ago. You may want to consider either keeping this secret, or slowly making reforms..."

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