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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1324494760' post='2883400']
Roq... Gee, I don't know why they wouldn't hit Fark. (Assuming that's what you're suggesting.)
Perhaps because they wanted someone else to do the heavy lifting?

"We won't hit Fark, we'll just eliminate an entire other front and let the other people take the brunt of whom is universally regarded as the more military competent / worrisome foe."

Makes perfect rational sense to me that if you're going to $%&@ a bunch of people over who might have the propensity to be upset about it in the future to do it while taking the least amount of damage possible. Substituting one front from the other doesn't matter and makes little difference (Instead of X Y Z !@#$piling Fark, Just U while X Y Z go clean up isle four. Or X Y Z !@#$pile, but you know what, we'll do you all a favor and just hit our allies MDoAP partner and enable X Y Z to hit you instead.) You should be thanking us for it! We told you were going to have to make difficult decisions, and we tried warning you we were going to $%&@ you over, but we told you about it so you should be happy. In fact, you should be thanking us for allowing this to happen because it could be worse (Huh?) Since when did not pre-emptively attacking your allies bloc-mates for little reason become a favor?

Not seeing how changing the names does much except mean a little less damage for one party. (Hint hint, not Fark!)
Equal fast descent out of that upper tier's range either way!

In fact, I view both one in the same and I know I'm not alone in that point of view. No one is fooled, and if they're being quiet, it's because they're literally too blind, incompetent, are allied, hope to be allied or just have no spine and would rather pray for scraps than call !@#$%^&* or are way ahead of me in this post. OR some of their other "Allies," proved to have bigger knives aimed at their backs. They made that decision when you left. I get that it's still somewhat home and you'd like it not to be so, but it is.

We both know what they could have done to prevent it if they genuinely cared, though. In fact, this is just going out on a limb, but I'm [i]willing to bet [/i]if they decided not to do anything rather than opt in on third party OA's to hit allies MDoAP partners or do others bidding so that their friends could burn their direct allies to the ground this whole war might look drastically different. I just have a feeling.

It certainly hasn't happened. Quite the opposite, in fact.
What am I missing here, or are we all going to pretend that's not what happened for political efficacy?
If people are genuinely upset with what their reality is, perhaps they should ask themselves why it is so and what they could do to fix it than living with absolutely deplorable behavior.
Doing otherwise just implies tacit consent.

In before "Do something about it," "Ad-hominem," "X isn't as upset as you that we $%&@ed them over, why are you?"


...But I know some people who should and have every reason to be.

Answered in PM since this isn't about Umbrella.

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[quote name='total perspective vortex' timestamp='1324509280' post='2883558']
Well, although I share your pessimism.

No, you share his asinine pout, and this is the case because you're both in a war you have absolutely no hope of winning.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1324534925' post='2883902']
No, you share his asinine pout, and this is the case because you're both in a war you have absolutely no hope of winning.

Wow Crymson... If anyone is having an asinine pout its your two pages of "You losing, i r winning, no u".

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[quote name='Dragon919' timestamp='1324566127' post='2884065']
Wow Crymson... If anyone is having an asinine pout its your two pages of "You losing, i r winning, no u".

funny thing is he isn't even involved in this conflict :P

so again...Lanna...Gowfanatic...Kytten..and all the rest of you...much love :wub:

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