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The GM's Court


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Evangeline, my only statement of where my troops were is a mention that they were far enough to need binoculars to make any of you out. The way I wrote it should have indicated somewhere on the horizon, not close enough to be caught by a stupid patrol. You assumed my movements, when I in no way said that they were yet close enough to be spotted by patrols, though I did go out of my way to mention that they were doing their damnedest not to be spotted. I never assumed you were so incompetent as to leave your ass flapping in the wind, so don't assume I'm so incompetent as to brush up against 150,000 troops with 48 in the rear force without a spyroll to make sure I hit something vital.


Tidybowl, as I have repeatedly stated, I have give in me. I have given. I'm just trying to get a damned nation here, and Eva's being a bitch. All this is is returning the favor.


Just an interesting point. If you can see them with binoculars, she has the opportunity to see you with hers.

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Given I'm patrolling the whole state, due to martial law and having troops there apart from those in Madison, there isn't really much of an argument.


On the other side, don't claim to be the victim of the great anti-Mara coalition. From the moment Voodoo vanished you made a ridiculous claim, which we, as established powers cut to a more reasonable size. Now we offered you land at the conference, but you seemingly don't value outr offer, else you wouldn't challenge the order as it was agreed upon. After all, according to the borders established ICly, you are rebelling in my country, not in yours. And in case you did not notice, I may be the one person you are fighting the most, but at least for this rebellion you are pretty much the sole IC entity thinking it is legitimate action in North America, so do you really want to kid anyone into believing this would help you gain a country?


What the fuck are you even on about? My people at the meeting agreed to you all's terms - repeatedly; they asked for a post or two for better terms but gave up on it and accepted what they were given - but your people insist that mine have any involvement in the Madison movement. They don't.


As repeatedly stated ICly and roleplayed as well, the two are separate entities, the Madison of which would vanish if you'd just get off your damned high horse. I have NEVER claimed it was a legitimate action, the whole movement. Thanks for stuffing words in my mouth.

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Evangeline, my only statement of where my troops were is a mention that they were far enough to need binoculars to make any of you out. The way I wrote it should have indicated somewhere on the horizon, not close enough to be caught by a stupid patrol. You assumed my movements, when I in no way said that they were yet close enough to be spotted by patrols, though I did go out of my way to mention that they were doing their damnedest not to be spotted. I never assumed you were so incompetent as to leave your ass flapping in the wind, so don't assume I'm so incompetent as to brush up against 150,000 troops with 48 in the rear force without a spyroll to make sure I hit something vital.


Tidybowl, as I have repeatedly stated, I have give in me. I have given. I'm just trying to get a damned nation here, and Eva's being a bitch. All this is is returning the favor.



Well I'm glad you have give in you.


Eva agreed to use a map, I'm hoping you agree to use a map as well.


As for the 48 troops.. I dunno.. maybe I'm just not clever enough to be able to make the sort of determination here but to me none of the writing posted really is clear enough for me to really get a handle on it.


and... I really don't feel like reading it over and over and talking to either of you till I do.


It seems as if every decision made gets nothing but bellyaching from both of you, more insults shot between both of you, and more of my time used. 


Yes I get it, I did agree to be the "GM". I even wanted to, but no where in the job description did I see anything about being a Playground monitor. 


So.. with that being said..


I'd like  to see a map.. if you two can figure out this movement of 48 men in a meaningful way, I'm half of the mind to speak to my fellow GM dudes about the three following options


1) A 50/50 dice roll to see if they get hit with artillery

2) Limited wipe of that specific action

3) Hidden GM super Secret surprise slap o' Doom.



Now look, I want you two look at the obvious here.. I don't believe in enforcing "rules" per-say as most of the CNRP rules seem sort of vague to me anyway. Someone claims one and another guy can give an example of 10 different times it has been done different. 


But I want you both to look at this so far..


1) all spy rolls for this rp must have a prep post.. the spy roll.. the follow up post.

2) I really would like you both to start using a map, I'll provide it. 

3) I think all posts from the next one made on that thread forward needs a time stamp, next post should be stamped at 12.00 noon and so forth.. moving forward minute by minute as the rp unfolds.



So what is happening here Mara/Eva? You two are being so argumentative that it is no longer within my bother to make a ruling. I'm now merely suggesting ways to move your rp forward in the most kindergartenish way possible. 


Now if you two agree to point 2 and 3 above, I hope you do.. I'll find the map I'd like you both to use. 


All future posts on this thread that include insults or any other commentary will simply be ignored no matter what request is included in them.


EITHER You both comport yourself with a certain amount of dignity, or you both get ignored.


TBF to Eva, she's been doing better on this than you Mara even if she has been looking a bit like the victim from time to time. So please both of you if you want to have a conversation.. Do it in private or on IRC. Keep it off the GM thread. 


All future requests should be made in the form of an argument with cited examples of evidence to support your argument. I know you Mara are a victim of the American Public school system and this may well be difficult for you. In short, this means you use the quote tags to Quote the problem, you then provide a specific link, and then you logically and calmly make your case without insulting anyone, using bad language, and free of any major logical fallacies.



You both got it?




NOW Get your damn drama off the GM court thread.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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And the fact that I was in public school matters... why? TBM, if you're going to take the time to tell us not to insult/belittle/degrade/wtf else have you, don't you turn around and do the same damn thing to us. You're supposed to be a GM. I know perfectly well how to use quotations. I was taking college English in my sophomore year of high school, for Christ's sake. I've been writing position papers, problem/solution papers, expository essays on the likelihood of Martian life and God knows what else since I was fourteen.


I also literally don't know why we need time stamps on it. We're not to the point of needing them, and we're also not going to get there.


Otherwise, I like the first two bits.

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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So you aren't willing to cooperate with Time stamps to ensure no one is fast forwarding the rp to rapid deploy or develop items they don't currently have? This will go a long ways in preventing more claims of cheating or modding or whatever. So noted.


We are getting closer to a resolution though, particularly with the map. 



All future claims in the GM court by you or Eva will need to follow the following format.


1) You will provide proof of how you approached the other person and attempted to resolve the problem. 


2) Should discussions into this fail you will then quote the disputed text.


3) You will then provide a link to disputed text.


4) You will then provide a compelling evidence based argument with links to relavent sources of information. Do not make a illogical fallacies.


5) The other party will then repeat the process to establish their arguments.


6) I  personally will weigh the argument on how it satisfies the following questions, how, where, when, what, and who.. As some of the posts in this rp have been very vague I do advise that people be very specific in their posts and use as much information as possible in a very clear and concise manner. Subterfuge will get you no where...


Should party A or party B use insults, foul language, or make personal attacks on the other party, their post will be ignored as part of the deliberations.


 I encourage you to instead speak civilly to each other in private without needing to involve the GM staff in this matter.


At this time if there are any problems please follow the above to getting them resolved. 

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Two spyrolls, first roll is comprehensive signals intelligence mapping via passive detection methods from space borne assets, drones, and listening posts in the area.


Second roll following on, high definition SAR and IMINT satellite mapping of coastal zones and signals intelligence created areas of interest.  






*Dances the robot*

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Two spyrolls, first roll is comprehensive signals intelligence mapping via passive detection methods from space borne assets, drones, and listening posts in the area.


Second roll following on, high definition SAR and IMINT satellite mapping of coastal zones and signals intelligence created areas of interest.  






*Dances the robot*



1-90 Success

91-100 Failure


74    6


Two Successes.

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Yes but should that not be actually if I'm successful or not.  I'm pretty sure I'm the one who made that rule in the first place, and while your required to RP failures, you RP it after the fact not prior where you can't really write much positive or negative.

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Look.. every action whether you have a high potential of success is still an action and actions have consequences. You are attempting to phish someone's password infomation of their computers, that has consequences. So please provide the rp in advance for spy rolls.


That's if you want me to do the roll.


I'm sure you could hit up cent or shammy, I won't speak for them on how the feel about this, but I do know if people want me to do spy rolls they can do rp before and then absolutely will do rp after if they expect me to do any spy roll for them ever again.




Actions have consequences and consequences are sometimes out of our hands.


Though with what you are proposing, you'd have to have Colonel Klink in your ranks to get caught, none the less, if you want a spy roll, please provide the necessary rp with the identities of those who you are Phishing.

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Successful spy roles are not automatic determiners of winning a roll. To me they mean if you are role playing intelligently and you have a successful spy roll, you'll be fine. RPing after the fact only allows people to avoid the consequences of a failed roll.


I've yet to see anyone other than Eva demand a failed spy roll be rped. I'm sure there are more, that's the only one that comes to mind.


Again, perhaps shammy and cent feel differently, I know how I feel and if anyone wants a roll from me they'll need to provide the rp beforehand and after.

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