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Just a little fyi:

Once my term as GM is up (not that I had to do [i]anything[/i], lucky me), I will not again accept being nominated as GM for as long as I'm back on map duty. For the time being, I'll keep 'working' if it can be called that. Though I don't want to encourage you people. It's not been this peaceful in a long while and I like it.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1345327565' post='3023265']

Comprehensive imaging of land LOCs into the Northern Imperium (note I've been blockading the sea lanes for several days.
What's LOCs? Please refrain from using abbreviations or short forms like that.

1-10: Fail
11-100: Success

One fail, one success.

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Uh... how does a low tech nation like Mara have lasers that overcome atmospheric attenuation and natural energy dissipation to start [i]destroying[/i] orbital satellites. For the record I'm pretty sure even I shouldn't have that capability.

[quote]switch our THEL and MIRACL lasers over to defense mode here – they were over-engineered for precisely the [b]purpose of destroying satellites and incoming SSMs.[/b]” She said, grating out the words as her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides. “Activate NIMROD; bring the !@#$%^&* crashing to their cyber-knees.”[/quote]

Last I checked there is no combat operational system with this capability in existence, hell for that matter as far as I'm aware there is no combat operational laser system in existence period, and as she's at present tech it seems like it'd be a stretch to get a minorly effective close in support system. Going full balls against big targets seems extremely excessive.


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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1345569307' post='3024088']
Uh... how does a low tech nation like Mara have lasers that overcome atmospheric attenuation and natural energy dissipation to start [i]destroying[/i] orbital satellites. For the record I'm pretty sure even I shouldn't have that capability.

Last I checked there is no combat operational system with this capability in existence, hell for that matter as far as I'm aware there is no combat operational laser system in existence period, and as she's at present tech it seems like it'd be a stretch to get a minorly effective close in support system. Going full balls against big targets seems extremely excessive.

Making satkillers like that, firing from ground-level, would be [i]barely[/i] in my capabilities, if even at all, and even then it's far easier to just fire kinetic kill missiles or something to take the sats down.
But yes, the technology would not be in Mara's Grasp, let alone mine or yours, Triyun. It's BS and subject to a wipe.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1345615506' post='3024251']
Tianxia's advanced next generation air cavalry squadron would then move in under cover from F-5s to provide gunship support over the capital, using optical camouflage and acoustic reduction
May I ask what "optical camouflage" is supposed to mean? Furthermore, isn't the entire post basically a godmode in the sense of doing something in one scope which wouldn't be possible?

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Really dark paint very late at night. If your referring to penetrating air defenses which is the only thing I think you could be, perhaps you can point to the post where Fizzy switched to having a formal army when he's said he's had all volunteers and was extremely low tech and I'd point out he's on a coastline where I moved them in, the Caspian is well within the scope of where Tianxia normally operates and I operated with a fully stealthy assault force, the only possible exceptions are the gunships which just moved in to a coastal city not deep into his territory.

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No I did not, I launched raids against militia with the most battle hardened army in CN RPs elite spec ops, he's welcome to counter attack, its no different move than any other advance, in fact most advances in the thread are a lot more than a few buildings.

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[s]However, you RP'd specifically taking something, something of possible strategic importance, without him having the opportunity to oppose you [i]before [/i]you took it. How is that NOT godmoding? Please, tell me. i would love to see how you spin that.

yes, I realize IC he really has little hope of doing such, but that is not the point.[/s]

EDIT: Gah, your little 'note' from the Emperor certainly implies that, anyway. Propaganda is a bit confusing unless it is clearly marked as such. <_<

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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I'll let you guys figure it out on your own unless you really want a GM to do something about it. But please figure it out in IRC or in the OOC, if possible.
Your initial question would've been better for that of the Tech Help thread, Kankou, not this one.

[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1345582405' post='3024135']
Edit: Post modified to reflect new data.

The lasers have been removed. Post no longer wiped, I hope.
It's only ever been the bit with the laser that was wiped, not the whole damn post. That would be a waste.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1345630757' post='3024281']
[s]However, you RP'd specifically taking something, something of possible strategic importance, without him having the opportunity to oppose you [i]before [/i]you took it. How is that NOT godmoding? Please, tell me. i would love to see how you spin that.

yes, I realize IC he really has little hope of doing such, but that is not the point.[/s]

EDIT: Gah, your little 'note' from the Emperor certainly implies that, anyway. Propaganda is a bit confusing unless it is clearly marked as such. <_<

There is nothing that states that one group of buildings defended by the same force is entitled to special OOC protections that another is not. Had I advanced the same amount, taken different buildings of similar construction, you wouldn't be complaining if they were less strategic. Markus's posts had seen significant advances into Dagestan far more than mine Subtle. You did not object till now. That is hypocrisy on your part. Not god modding on mine.

As for my note its not propaganda and you shouldn't be complaining about how someone phrase what they say in a statement. Nobody is under obligation to write dialogue their dialogue for someone else. Furthermore its not propaganda. Learn what propaganda actually means. This was something entirely else. It was a coercive threat.

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Triyun, don't get so indignant...he's free to oppose your landing despite what your emperor says, and that's that. Unless you really want to say you actually took it without him having a chance to respond first. ANY part of his territory would be the same, and I would be arguing on your behalf if someone tried to freely take something of yours without opposition from you. It's not simply an advance, it's actually capturing and controlling territory.

And that's all I have to say on the subject.

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Did anyone actually RP his regime had collapsed, or did the Emperor issue a decree threatening that future fighting would be futile? If words could collapse nations alone, I'd take out a few nations out every morning before I have my coffee.

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this post is wiped for godmodding.

Kankou was party to the pre-planning session between patrick and PD, and minutes after it was over, this post is made. Unless my fellow GM's overturn this ruling, it stands.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1345752279' post='3024590']
If I don't participate in the war, does it matter? Furthermore, are you saying that if I hadn't been in the channel, there would be no problem? What kind of flipflopping logic is that?

Pretty much, but you were made aware of everything that went on in that discussion, so you used it to your advantage with the post. OOCly information to influence ICly events, specifically in Ireland, directly after you were made party to this war.

If you were NOT part of the planning process, then the RP you posted would of been fine due to the existing RP in tha blackwatch thread.

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I don't recognize your authority to make such a ruling because you yourself are now in the British Islands and also you were in the channel. Granted Curristan was in the channel but he was a little... busy at the time. You have an agenda to help Patrick and I simply don't think it's fair he has a GM on his side.

Curristan and Lyn, I would really like to ask you guys to reconsider this and make a rational decision. Get back to me if you have any questions.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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