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The GM's Court


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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1338038199' post='2972718']
I have to believe that we have the issue of "what is a space-based weapon". It seems "pretty unanimous consent" is limited to space-to-earth weapons. Was there ever a conclusive consensus on space-to-space? No, it was always flipflopped by the GM team that was removed. Also, more than an year isn't really "a few month".

I believe there is still room for discussions.

We're playing Cybernations Roleplay not Star Wars Roleplay, if you want to play that there are plenty of forums available.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1338039382' post='2972722']
We're playing Cybernations Roleplay not Star Wars Roleplay, if you want to play that there are plenty of forums available.
I guess that is the best argument that comes from someone who doesn't know why the mods changed the system. But oh well, I guess people are blind.

That aside, space is an extension of terrestrial politics. Allowing idiotic spamming from earth or spamming micro-satellites to "block" while not giving space assets the ability to defend themselves is a hypocritical situation, in my belief.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1338032755' post='2972705']
Lasers don't work like that and if they did it would very much be offensive.

As for detection I'm looking forward to finding out how considering at the time you didn't have satellites, your post indicates your surveillance remains within territorial waters and the Central Atlantic isn't a small thing.
Blinding with lasers is pretty common in CNRP.
Mega- and Gigawatt-range lasers can move spaceships, with a sort of solar sail.
But those would annihilate sats, and my nation doesn't liek that.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1338042671' post='2972734']
Blinding with lasers is pretty common in CNRP.
Mega- and Gigawatt-range lasers can move spaceships, with a sort of solar sail.
But those would annihilate sats, and my nation doesn't liek that.

pretty much that.

Anyhow, apparently Cent got a waiver for me not trying to pre plan?

We had one IRC discussion which ended with

[06:50] <Centurius> also in a preplan you'll need to put them in writing, considering the whole preplanning stage
[06:50] <Centurius> so you can just as well say now

so he never said he was getting a waiver, never warned m he was going to get a waiver or anything like that. I tried querying him like 3 times since and only today he has responded, I call bull. One IRC discussion I go AFK for a bit (because you know, RL is a bit of a priority compared to CNRP) and I come back and he is Cnet|Away, so I was like il wait. He is saying I took advantage of the rules by making movements. I had a plan for a civil war and I was going to do it either way, so I dont see how an OOC threat of war will stop my IC actions (which would require an OOC/IC merger) The only thing in question is how I detected his movements which I am writing about now, the rest was decided by an impartial mediator to be cannon. I dont see why hes trying to push so many things when he is obviously the winning sid eof this conflict no matter what. I call that we need another planning session. Right now I am trying to talk to him and he is AFK so I am posting it here. I know there are no GMs so I guess this will either have to wait or Voodoo will have to decide on it again.

[b]EDIT: He is now talking to me so I guess I am asking for a cancellation of the waiver so as to not cause miscommunication.[/b]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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Compared to simple jamming signals it definitely is. Though me and Cent have settled on a plan. I have also edited all of my posts in response to Voodoos decision on what was cannon and what was needed to be proven. I have removed claim that I know of the Athenien movements as a whole after looking at the range of a JSTAR (which I misread).

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Isaac, we're talking about general stuff, nor your specific situation.

BTW Zoot, seems like your prediction that people wouldn't be dicks to take advantage of the lack of a GM team has been proven wrong.

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Hold on, Triyun, you are fighting eva (or now Kankou) without even an application for a waiver or anything? You cant say ICly someone ignored your government so you attempted to plan it out and you were ignored. Did you make an attempt to plan it out OOCly in query or something? Even if you did I dont see a waiver application.

EDIT: She said all you did was contact her just between Kankous last response and the public announcement asking for an open war no rules....

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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I'm discussing the terms of war now with her. I haven't launched attacks. I have declared my political claims because she is ignoring that topic to give it away when IC she really would not be able to. There is a difference between political declarations and the actual kinetic action phase of a military conflict, I have not started the kinetic action phase if you read my post.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1338103158' post='2973152']
With the GM team dismissed from duty, I refuse to recognize any of the current existing rules until a community vote has been held to determine what the community wishes to be held to.

Launching my death star now.

Community votes have been held, several dozen. It's how we got the ruleset.

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Just because we don't have current permanent sitting GMs does not mean this thread can turn into OOC spam. This thread is still being used as a place to negotiate with temporary GMs, ie: the Cent-Issac dispute. So, please, take your campaigning and other non-temporary GM dispute issues to the other threads devoted to stuff relating to new GMs and rules.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1338202468' post='2973532']
Just because we don't have current permanent sitting GMs does not mean this thread can turn into OOC spam. This thread is still being used as a place to negotiate with temporary GMs, ie: the Cent-Issac dispute. So, please, take your campaigning and other non-temporary GM dispute issues to the other threads devoted to stuff relating to new GMs and rules.

Yes Admin Yawoo <_<

they seem to be discussing something that would be relevant in the GM thread.

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