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The GM's Court


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I'm inclined to agree with Cent, claiming near total control of the country in a span of such few posts before your adversaries even have a chance to respond is a god mode.

Additionally the content and particularly graphic nature with which you are depicting a race war has been disturbing and reported for possible forum violation. I think it is incumbent upon you to cool it.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1335134147' post='2957357']
Have to consider these parts metagaming, you seem to rp the area to an extent that is not allowed as you do not have OOC control of the country. Please fix them asap or the parts will be wiped.
I would personally have to say no one except myself has RPed any kind of geographical area. Unless that is settled, isn't this basically a dispute over the entire island?

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335144397' post='2957490']
I would personally have to say no one except myself has RPed any kind of geographical area. Unless that is settled, isn't this basically a dispute over the entire island?

Your claim is entirely new now. TBM and Lavo both have claim to operating on the island and being there longer than you.

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Yes, but at the same time, given that they've been RPing the heavily populated Papua New Guinea side, wouldn't that leave the other parts of the country effectively open for disputes? And what geographic region would you think is suitable for me? Western New Guinea?

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Wouldn't mind if you did say island-wide, since it makes my work much easier. Of course, you should have mentioned the fact in the RP :)

A GM issue: I believe that so far both the damages RPed by TBM and Lavo are way to low. With an area denial weapon such as VX, a significant part of New Guinea would be a poisonous unlivable hellhole particularly in the face of untrained civilian warriors.

Edited by Kankou
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I would like to request an auto-advance on Elrich von Richt to land my troops on the shore at Camperduin and set up a forward base, in addition to capture the Harbor of Den Helder with my naval forces. With the defeat of Sweden and the subsequent nukings, I feel like a large amount of time has passed to allow this.

Thank you.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335206311' post='2957866']

Spyrolls to have Kamborian members of Lavo's Organization commit atrocities and broadcast them to discredit.

86 70

Both rolls failed, keep in mind with this specific operation failure needs rp too.

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1335208723' post='2957874']

I would like to request an auto-advance on Elrich von Richt to land my troops on the shore at Camperduin and set up a forward base, in addition to capture the Harbor of Den Helder with my naval forces. With the defeat of Sweden and the subsequent nukings, I feel like a large amount of time has passed to allow this.

Thank you.


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I call BS.
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109845&view=findpost&p=2953466 <- she mentions the nuke
[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1334450527' post='2953466']
Mara snorted. "No, we really wouldn't. Suffice to say the whole city would likely be vented to space by the suit's failsafe nuke. While I'm not opposed to that in your case, anonymous speaker, I don't particularly like the thought of dying." She said, doffing her armor's limbs and keeping her helmet and undersuit firmly attached to eachother.

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109845&view=findpost&p=2953533 <- if the nuke hadn't been noticed, it would go off in a remote location, doing no damage.
[quote]Her armour was moved into an external storage place, far enough from the Lunar capital - and anything else, really - that even a 5 MTon detonation would barely do anything other than giving people who watched a nice reading light. [/quote]

Edit: Due to her edit, calling in question how she can make a spyroll on me missing that, when technically, it would have to be me using my 90% odds on her to miss it?

Edited by Lynneth
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EDIT: Intended to post in the OOC thread, but w/e:

[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1335229562' post='2958126']

Hey Lavo, two questions:

I use the Predator C UAVs ([url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Atomics_Avenger"]General Atomics Avenger[/url]), not the predator A/reapers. I don't think machine guns would do very much?

Second question, how did you broadcast the Public Announcement?

Edit: Grammar fix.

Edited by iKrolm
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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1335237133' post='2958251']I use Predator C UAVs ([url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Atomics_Avenger"]General Atomic Avenger[/url]), not the predator A/reapers. I don't think machine guns would do very much?[/quote]
Machine guns wouldn't do much; they're an act of desperation on the part of those guys. I don't expect the guys with MGs to leave more than a scratch; maybe one, or by some miracle two, drones would be downed.

[quote]Second question, how did you broadcast the Public Announcement?
Various radio wavelengths and other unencrypted frequencies.

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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1335237437' post='2958256']
Various radio wavelengths and other unencrypted frequencies.

There's only a few frequencies that can reach long distances (it's 600 kilometers [i]minimum[/i] from New Guinea to the Avalon protectorate, and 1600 from central New Guinea, and 2500 from the initial Kamborian missile launches), and I've been jamming long range frequencies and targeting external broadcasts. (Long-range, NLOS antennas are big and require lots of power.)

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1335143342' post='2957472']
Finally, smaller guided munitions were targetted at the fiber channels that had linked the county before the nuclear blast and the numberous radio broadcasts emminating from Kamborian revolutionaries and chinese-papuans alike. News would be released, but not by anyone and their mother with a camera.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure that usable satellite dishes are all destroyed to nothing, so this leaves us with most likely short-range radio broadcasts to Australia and Oceanesia, meaning it's impossible for others to get any further info.

Edited by Kankou
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So basically in a toxic chemical weapon environment you conveniently have antenna systems powerful enough to punch through the jamming of Selenactos and the technicians to run the multiple range of large antennas (which would have been bombed by Selenactos) and frequencies into the directions necessary to get the message where you want to? Given the actions already taken, I doubt anyone in New Guinea can get concrete messages outside.

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