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If you'd do the same, that'd be great.


Also, I actually did. I did not give numbers, but  I did insert casualties. Rubber bullets do kill, as well, so I could very easily make that what happened... and the dead soldier wouldn't change, because a pocket knife is NIOT  a weapon until you use it as such. Tyvm.

A fork isn't a weapon until you harm somebody with it. Lets call a spade a spade and that pocket knife is a weapon. Rubber bullets do kill correct, if shot into the eyes or the throat, be aware that there is a reason that rubber bullets are only shot at the torso area by trained Police and civil enforcement military forces.

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Alright gals and pals, I'm happy to have a good discussion, but what's been happening in here the past few days is nothing more than OOC discussion between participants of disputed land. This is the GM's Court, not an OOC discussion area. The GM team would be more than happy to help mediate any dispute, but to ensure we don't miss any requests from other RPers please either use the OOC thread or make a conflict specific OOC thread if you do not have any requests for the GMs. 

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Requesting a spyroll to find Eva's commander Elberto via small drone, same odds as my previous spyroll. First doesn't work, use my second.If the first does work, use the second to get my drone past her sky-watch. (Which, yes, I will RP sufficiently, and as regards to the drone, already have.

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Requesting a spyroll to find Eva's commander Elberto via small drone, same odds as my previous spyroll. First doesn't work, use my second.If the first does work, use the second to get my drone past her sky-watch. (Which, yes, I will RP sufficiently, and as regards to the drone, already have.

It's been over a week, so to be better safe than sorry please post a photo of your spy odds against Eva.

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And following. It has been so in the past and it is so now. It's customary law, if you so want.


Not so much as customary law as it is RPing appropriately. If you hold out for better spy odds on something that's going to be difficult to do, without RPing the failures, it's assuming you are perfect in IC. This isn't the case, for anyone, in IC.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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It also denies the opposition the chance to exploit your failure which is often part of the reason why people don't like rping them. Having your drones fly over the wrong spot, or whatever... puts them at risk of being spotted... meaning Eva really ought to have a chance to respond to that failure. 

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This is what I get for attempting cooperation...  Seriously this is ridiculous.  I have her force under active surveillance, which should allow me to verify targets, along with her activating her own radars, allowing me to identify and take them out with anti-radiation missiles and she takes absolutely no casualties?   How the hell would her force, which has been constantly on the move, be able to deploy that many decoys that are able to fool my smart munitions to the point where nothing was hit?  I know smart munitions aren't infallible but I feel a weapon using a dual millimeter-band radar/infrared seeker should be able to pick out actual vehicles from decoys.  I call shenanigans.


Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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That link is broken, as it contains a link to the main boards and a load of text that seemingly is the next paragraph, I guess.


In the spirit of a failed roll is to leave the target with a method to respond, I say Mara RPing out her failure as a simple easy to fix technical issue is laughable and should not be allowed to go. For now, I made a placeholder for further action, depending on how the GMs see this issue.


Next, just so she doesn't even try that next, if you are taking shots at my commander without getting past the rear guard, I'll just ignore them.


And I agree with MGL, this is just ridiculous. You cannot in one line say that you were completely missed, without any real explanation how his barrage only hit decoys... Well, you can, as you just demonstrated, but I say that's complete and utter godmodding.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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In regards to the radars, he has you there Mara.  You turn them on, you can't hide them, if you have something else broadcasting like a radar it is also in fact a radar, and therefore by definition not a decoy.  I also feel MGL you're correct in regards to the point about decoys and movement.  Its a lot harder to use decoys when moving then when showing development at a static site to overhead reconnaissance.  Therefore the number of decoys being deployed and plausibly fooling a professional military is going to be much lower.  This is particularly true because Mara atm really lacks a major manufacturing base.

Edited by Triyun
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That link is broken, as it contains a link to the main boards and a load of text that seemingly is the next paragraph, I guess.


In the spirit of a failed roll is to leave the target with a method to respond, I say Mara RPing out her failure as a simple easy to fix technical issue is laughable and should not be allowed to go. For now, I made a placeholder for further action, depending on how the GMs see this issue.


Next, just so she doesn't even try that next, if you are taking shots at my commander without getting past the rear guard, I'll just ignore them.


And I agree with MGL, this is just ridiculous. You cannot in one line say that you were completely missed, without any real explanation how his barrage only hit decoys... Well, you can, as you just demonstrated, but I say that's complete and utter godmodding.


Mara may RP out her failed spy rolls as she wishes, so long as the failure remains reasonable and gives an opponent the opportunity to respond to the failed rolls. Now, in this case, I agree that a loose wire is hardly an appropriate response to losing two spy rolls. Considering this is not a military grade drone, it's probably more appropriate that the item in question is damaged beyond repair or lost to the enemy.

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The only reason I posted as such, Eva, was because his attack assumed that he'd be able to overwhelm my defenses. I'm not giving him the opportunity to cause mass-casualties without any response from my people, forcing me to fight him. I just don't operate that way. You will not force me to fight you if I don't choose to. Blowing my folks up for no good reason forces me to.


Also, Yawoo... I've CRASHED a home-made drone before. (Home made: $2000 dollar drone) It was barely damaged, after a 120 foot drop at 30mph... which is considerably higher and faster than the drone in the thread was going at the time.

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The only reason I posted as such, Eva, was because his attack assumed that he'd be able to overwhelm my defenses. I'm not giving him the opportunity to cause mass-casualties without any response from my people, forcing me to fight him. I just don't operate that way. You will not force me to fight you if I don't choose to. Blowing my folks up for no good reason forces me to.


Also, Yawoo... I've CRASHED a home-made drone before. (Home made: $2000 dollar drone) It was barely damaged, after a 120 foot drop at 30mph... which is considerably higher and faster than the drone in the thread was going at the time.

First paragraph: Sorry, but reading this, you are not entitled to go free of all casualties, just because his attack was too overwhelming. Sure, you need not RP 100% death and destruction. You can have like half of the vehicles still in shape, trying to form a defense against the approaching enemy. That'd be the reasonable way to RP this situation. This attempt at justifying your RP as it is, is honestly a bad joke.


Second paragraph: Then RP some other failure that destroys the drone or leads to it failing, which has a more severe outcome.

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The only reason I posted as such, Eva, was because his attack assumed that he'd be able to overwhelm my defenses. I'm not giving him the opportunity to cause mass-casualties without any response from my people, forcing me to fight him. I just don't operate that way. You will not force me to fight you if I don't choose to. Blowing my folks up for no good reason forces me to.


Also, Yawoo... I've CRASHED a home-made drone before. (Home made: $2000 dollar drone) It was barely damaged, after a 120 foot drop at 30mph... which is considerably higher and faster than the drone in the thread was going at the time.


There are consequences to losing spy rolls, it's what keeps it in balance with the successful rolls. A loose wire is not a reasonable outcome to losing two spy rolls. I consider you extremely lucky to have your aircraft not destroyed, but a quick bit of research and a whole lot of watching fun crash videos confirms that is not the norm. My fellow GMs are free to overrule me, but you need to RP your homemade drone more severely failing either through damage, capture, or loss. 

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The only reason I posted as such, Eva, was because his attack assumed that he'd be able to overwhelm my defenses. I'm not giving him the opportunity to cause mass-casualties without any response from my people, forcing me to fight him. I just don't operate that way. You will not force me to fight you if I don't choose to. Blowing my folks up for no good reason forces me to.


Also, Yawoo... I've CRASHED a home-made drone before. (Home made: $2000 dollar drone) It was barely damaged, after a 120 foot drop at 30mph... which is considerably higher and faster than the drone in the thread was going at the time.

Wow, the reasoning behind your actions are... enlightening.  "I don't wanna lose anything so I'm not gonna acknowledge the actual damage that would result from an attack?"  If you read the post carefully you would realize that only air defenses were targeted, after you activated them, and with the amount of force I used it would be able to overwhelm your defenses.  Even so if I wanted to I can attack how I want with what I want and it shouldn't matter.  I redid the post out of courtesy for your "problems" with my previous attack which I did as an gesture of "cooperation" even though I could have perfectly well kept it the way it was.  I will not be making the same mistake again.

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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