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England Prevails

King Timmy

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Strikes were rampant across England. The current government was to blame and unable to stop it. Several new policies introduced in the past few days had not been passed through the House of Commons without repercussions. With the reduction of the state pension from £97.65 per week to £85.21, the increase of student tuition fees from £9,000 to £20,000 per year, the increase of VAT from 20% to 22.5%, the removal of a minimum tax threshold and the increase of inheritance tax from 40% to 55% meant everyone had something to complain about. However, most did more than complain. While the majority of rioters came from working class families, there was a significant increase in these particular riots of people from middle class and even upper class backgrounds.

They started off as peaceful protests for the most part. People had no interest in becoming violent, as they knew it would only hinder their cause rather than help them. That was until the incidents. St. Mary's primary school, a London Underground station and Three Waters water treatment facility were all targeted with biological weapons. The same virus had been released in all three locations simultaneously. Approximately 100,000 people died in the attacks. It was one the most horrific acts of terrorism known to man. Men, women and children all died as a result of the virus. After the attacks a quarantine zone had to be established around the affected areas, so far the spread of the virus has been mostly contained however there are still outbreaks. Three men were tried, convicted and sentenced at the Old Bailey, which had reopened as a court after London had been rebuilt to become the center for justice in England. They pleaded guilty on all counts and as a result they were hanged together on a new set of gallows, which had been erected in Trafalgar square. It was the first public execution in England since 1964 when Peter Anthony Allen and Gwynne Owen Evans were executed for the murder of John Alan West.

All three of the men were Muslim, claiming to have carried out the attack as a religious Jihad against England. This is what caused the violence to erupt on the streets. People who were already angry with their governments policies were now scared for their safety as well. With an added hatred of Muslims now instilled in a vast amount of people it was only a matter of time fore the peaceful protests became violent. It started in London and quickly spread to all the major cities in England. Police forces were stretched and the army was quickly called in as a last resort measure to try and keep the peace. They were successful to a point. A curfew was brought into place, with anyone breaking it being quickly arrested.

Meanwhile one of the newest political parties in England had been gaining an increasing amount of support. After the dissolving of the Labour Party in England many of their members had joined Norsefire, a fascist political party with some very extreme views. This came as a surprise to many, however, with the Conservative’s policies being so unpopular Norsefire quickly became the second most supported party in England in a matter of months. With a general election merely weeks away there was even speculation that they could compete with the Torries and take a majority in parliament.

People waited with baited breath to hear the results of the election as they came in. At the end of the day, after all votes being counted, the results came in.

It was a landslide victory for Norsefire, who took 87% of the votes. Adam Sutler, the party leader and now the Prime Minister of England, was ready for his opening address to the nation he now led.

"People of England," he began, with a wry smile on his face, "as your Prime Minister I should begin by thanking you, the voters, for bringing about a new era of prosperity for England. We can now begin to build our nation back up to it's former glory. We can now implement the measures that need to be taken to provide security for our nation, to prevent those who would see your freedom taken from you from doing so. Together we can make our nation what it should be. Strong. We can remove anything undesirable about our culture to further improve ourselves to us to the forefront of the entire world."

He spoke for several more minutes about different policies he planned to implement. Each one was met with a roar from the crowd as they had all been written to do so. He then began to finish his speech.

"We can achieve all of this if we achieve unity in England. Strength through Unity. Unity through Faith. England Prevails!"

The crowd burst into a rapturous applause as Sutler saluted them at the end of his speech. He had them, and he knew it. The next few months would reveal more and more of Sutlers plans for England. It was a dark time for the Island nation indeed.

*** Confidential ***

Meanwhile, a pharmaceutical company with several ties to Norsefire through various members began producing, out of nowhere, a miracle cure for the very virus that helped Norsefire gain so much momentum in the first place...

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The USRS condems this new facist regime taking hold over the United Kingdom. We do not recognise this incarnation of 'England' or the Norsefire Party to be the legimate Government and we [i]urge[/i] the European community to remove it and restore the previous, stable regime.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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The United Federation of the East will not recognize the fascist government of England.


LEO Orbital Satellites are to deploy anti-hostile and stealth countermeasures for conduct of aerial surveillance. Space Forces are to be supplemented by S-1 and unmanned space plane reconnaissances.

European forces and Polar forces are to move to high alert. [/quote]

Edited by Triyun
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Now placed on High Alert, two Carrier Stike Groups, their escorts, and their cargo, previously off the coast of Morocco were ordered to relocate to the Celtic Shelf and monitor the situation.


The people of the realm are deeply disturbed at sudden reports of biological weapons within England, and even more disturbed with the installation of a fascist police state in place of a relatively prosperous social democracy. We find the election particularly suspicious, and as such, can not at this time, recognise Mr. Sutler and his Norsefire party as legitimate representatives of the English people and hereby condemn it and its institutions.

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It has been discovered that due to an administrative error Norsefire did in fact only receive 8.7% of the votes and not 87%. With this astounding revelation Adam Sutler was removed from his position of power as prime minister with the conservative party regaining control again until the next general election. Fascism was short lived in England, and thankfully so at that. Any of the currently invading parties are welcome to help remove any unwilling fascists from power and restore democracy to it's rightful place in England. Hopefully the riots will quite down again and England will once again become a fairly uneventful nation left to do it's own bidding and not be disturbed by any other nations and peace will be restored.

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It is impossible for an administrative error to have forcibly re-written 78.3% of the votes from any other party to the Norsefire party. In fact, it's impossible for an administrative error to also change the reaction of the people to the news of the Norsefire victory; it's also impossible for an administrative error to change those 8.7% of votes to gigantic crowds screaming in support of Norsefire victories; it's also impossible for the administrative error to have been responsible for months of Norsefire political victories as it rose to the #2 party in the nation; it's also entirely possible and likely that the Norsefire party is attempting to use this as a ruse to get offensive actions out of the island, only for them to return to power later.

Ireland will not accept this obviously falsified !@#$%^&* that you call an "administrative error". The only error here by any administration is the one just foisted upon us.

Edited by Sargun
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It turns out the entire system was flawed. Software was used to calculate the vote percentages and as it has never failed before it was announced before the hand vote had finished. The entire vote was off completely due to a software bug but now seeing the hand counted voted it is clear that the mistake was made.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1313185004' post='2778845']
It turns out the entire system was flawed. Software was used to calculate the vote percentages and as it has never failed before it was announced before the hand vote had finished. The entire vote was off completely due to a software bug but now seeing the hand counted voted it is clear that the mistake was made.
This doesn't explain why everyone in England accepted the 87% vote, when in fact only 8.7% had voted for Norsefire. That's 78.3% of people who would have known that their votes were done wrong, and not a single person came forward to say that this was not how they voted. We're talking about tens of millions of people who knew their votes were wrong but were too afraid to face the fascist state to come and say that their votes were counted wrong. And it still doesn't explain any of the other severe inconsistencies in your story.

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Due to voter confidentiality people were unaware that their own votes were wrongly calculated. They simply assumed everyone else must have voted for them. An inquiry will be made there is no doubt, we thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1313185248' post='2778849']
Due to voter confidentiality people were unaware that their own votes were wrongly calculated. They simply assumed everyone else must have voted for them. An inquiry will be made there is no doubt, we thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.

Other nations historically have had voter confidentiality and it is plainly evident that vote-rigging or vote miscounting had gone on at the time. Your explanation is entirely off-base, [b]and[/b] still doesn't explain how Norsefire rose to the #2 party, had a huge amount of support, and then was voted in with 87% [b]and everyone was happy with it,[/b] and now everyone is happy with only an 8.7% vote? This is an entirely !@#$%^&* scenario you're throwing at us with more holes than a syphilitic swiss cheese.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1313185591' post='2778855']
Only minutes have passed since the announcement and the removal of the government from power, there was no time for people to rise up and complain.
It took several minutes for the speech to happen, [b]and again this completely ignores all the other holes in your alleged explanation[/b]. People rose up to complain about elections before the votes were even [i]finished[/i] counting, and there wasn't a single word of protest. Further, your "minutes" have actually been several hours, including in which there have been multiple strikes made on your country by another power. You're actually lying to our faces right now.

OOC: By the way, seeing as several hours passed in between posts, and a lot of movements were made in between your posts, there was not in fact only a few minutes in between and you can't just speed up a timeline.

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OOC: I would consider the exchanges in this thread to be on a separate timeline from the other movements made against me. These exchanges would have happened over a matter of minutes IC whether or not hours have passed, for example if you're having a conversation with someone in a thread and they don't post till a day later is it not still and instant reply IC? Any talk of the attacks should stay in the other thread so we don't get our timelines messed up, thanks for pointing that out.

IC: Okay you have us, it was all a ruse to make you all go away so we could still be in control without you thinking we were in control. We see no reason why good Englishmen should perish in this way and we shall step down and give control back to the conservatives if it will stop any chance of English blood being shed. You, the athenians and anyone else who bandwagoned are more than welcome to oversee the transition back to democracy and I, Adam Sutler, shall surrender myself and my party to you freely.

Edited by King Timmy
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IC: Okay you have us, it was all a ruse to make you all go away so we could still be in control without you thinking we were in control. We see no reason why good Englishmen should perish in this way and we shall step down and give control back to the conservatives if it will stop any chance of English blood being shed. You, the athenians and anyone else who bandwagoned are more than welcome to oversee the transition back to democracy and I, Adam Sutler, shall surrender myself and my party to you freely.

"Seeing as your heart seems to be in the right place..I might suggest you surrender to Athens, they seem to have the biggest guns."

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The USRS respectfully suggests that the Athenian authorities accept this confession and surrender from the facists. No blood needs to be shed over this incident if the offending party is willing to surrender it's power to the previous regime aswell as hand itself over to Athenian jurisdiction.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1313186236' post='2778864']
IC: Okay you have us, it was all a ruse to make you all go away so we could still be in control without you thinking we were in control. We see no reason why good Englishmen should perish in this way and we shall step down and give control back to the conservatives if it will stop any chance of English blood being shed. You, the athenians and anyone else who bandwagoned are more than welcome to oversee the transition back to democracy and I, Adam Sutler, shall surrender myself and my party to you freely.

With the absence of a working English government, Ireland hereby activates the Aoife Addendum certifying an Irish protectorate over the territory known as England for the immediate moment; however, due to respect to the Athenians who were first to take action, Ireland will jointly share the necessary duties with Athens if requested and would wait until an Athenian decision on the matter to decide what to do after.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1313198799' post='2778995']
With the absence of a working English government, Ireland hereby activates the Aoife Addendum certifying an Irish protectorate over the territory known as England for the immediate moment; however, due to respect to the Athenians who were first to take action, Ireland will jointly share the necessary duties with Athens if requested and would wait until an Athenian decision on the matter to decide what to do after.
As we speak power is being handed back over to the rightful English government, how can you possibly justify claiming a protectorate over it?

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1313228655' post='2779535']
As we speak power is being handed back over to the rightful English government, how can you possibly justify claiming a protectorate over it?
Is there an issue that we are granting you military protection from other nations while you attempt to reorganize your government? Perhaps we should have clarified: this is no misused-term protectorate in which we claim unilateral control of a territory without annexation; this is an actual protectorate, in which England is being protected from third party threats by Ireland while it gets itself in order. The Addendum specifically forbids taking advantage of England while it is down or using force to grab land - and seeing England still has something of a functioning government while going through a terrible period, not only are we bound by the Addendum not to cast the kind of protectorate you're thinking of, but we're not Martens' or Haas' Germany: we're content with our borders.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1313241589' post='2779594']
Is there an issue that we are granting you military protection from other nations while you attempt to reorganize your government? Perhaps we should have clarified: this is no misused-term protectorate in which we claim unilateral control of a territory without annexation; this is an actual protectorate, in which England is being protected from third party threats by Ireland while it gets itself in order. The Addendum specifically forbids taking advantage of England while it is down or using force to grab land - and seeing England still has something of a functioning government while going through a terrible period, not only are we bound by the Addendum not to cast the kind of protectorate you're thinking of, but we're not Martens' or Haas' Germany: we're content with our borders.
Ah, now that type of protection we can welcome. We apologize for our earlier confusion.

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