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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1301243976' post='2678287']
OOC: Then stop spamming IC. This thread was not made to deal with piracy. If you want to pirate my nation make a seperate thread for it. This thread is to discuss the resistance CLOSED between me and granite.

OOC: You stated this thread was public, therefore it is public.



Hamzah began plotting once again, this time with a better strategy than he used with the USA.

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OOC: Supercheese, this is an Open and public thread as you yourself stated. You did not indicate that this was a closed RP hence anyone with an interest can join in ICly.

Maybe you did not know about the terminology to be used, but unfortunately you do have to deal with the IC offshoots developed in this thread.

Consider it a GM opinion.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1301194001' post='2677778']
OOC: Triyun who are you raiding me or granite?

Also this is a CLOSED matter.


But yes your right if it was open they could. But there not joining in the revolt. There being pirates.

Edited by supercheese
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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1301244539' post='2678296']
OOC: Supercheese, this is an Open and public thread as you yourself stated. You did not indicate that this was a closed RP hence anyone with an interest can join in ICly.

Maybe you did not know about the terminology to be used, but unfortunately you do have to deal with the IC offshoots developed in this thread.

Consider it a GM opinion.

[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1301244692' post='2678300']

OOC: Sorry no, mark it as closed next time.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1301244995' post='2678309']
OOC: HAHAHA so when i dont mark it closed its open and when i mark it closed its still open. Gotcha ;)

OOC: You can't mark it as closed if you already started an open thread, you made the thread and others have the freedom to post in it, simple as that. Now get back to roleplaying.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1301246076' post='2678329']
OOC: I started a PUBLIC thread not a open thread.

OOC: You didn't state it was closed at the beginning.


Hamzah got in to contact with a man willing to risk his job and life to help Hamzah enter the world stage again. Hamzah wanted to attack Pihana, to subtly assist the Aboriginals without outright supporting their revolution. A nuclear attack was out of the question, as he no longer had access to those warheads. Recently, Hamzah purchased a weapons-ready nerve agent. He was familiar with this agent, known as Novichok-7, and its effects. He had to fly to Union of the Southern Cross. This would allow him to best assault the target he sought to hit. Hamzah drove to a runway in the desert and boarded his plane. He directed his pilot to inform the Union of the Southern Cross he was planning on investing in companies whose headquarters are in the nation if he should be asked the reason for their visit.

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The Southern Cross Central Flight Authority, would clear Mr. Hamzah's flight as a business executive on a investment venture into the Union, seeing as the country was still ailing from the recent conflicts. Hamzah would be directed to land in Melbourne, where the airport had remained unscathed from conflict. Melbourne currently represented the best investment opportunities, any business investors would be directed there at the moment.

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1301249242' post='2678365']
The Southern Cross Central Flight Authority, would clear Mr. Hamzah's flight as a business executive on a investment venture into the Union, seeing as the country was still ailing from the recent conflicts. Hamzah would be directed to land in Melbourne, where the airport had remained unscathed from conflict. Melbourne currently represented the best investment opportunities, any business investors would be directed there at the moment.

Hamzah's plane landed and he drove to meet his contact. Now that he was in USC, he could also procure a weapon to disperse the nerve agent. He had a favorite for a simple missile. It was easy to use, and could cause damage beyond what the nerve agent could do. His contact, at least he assumed, was able to get him both the Novichok-7 and the missile. He needed both for this particular operation.

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Norman Cross was a patriot, of course, that is what he thought of himself anyways, he had supported the downfall of Communist Australia and the Australian Free State. While he respected the new government in the Union of the Southern Cross, he had balked at its decision not to unify Australia fully. He was an Australian Unitarian, a more radical group of the Free Australian movement, even more radical then the militant wing of the group. The extremists of the Australian Unitarian movement could find a connection with the 'Weathermen' of the United States peace movement back in the '70s.

Cross had a deep resentment for Pihana, feeling it had proven itself at defending itself, and therefore the Australian people it governed. It had been international forces that had won the day and secured the Union of the Southern Cross its freedom, but it hadn't been enough for Cross. No, he knew that if Australia was not united once again, it could fall into disarray once again. This new movement in Northwest Australia was no comfort to him either, and felt this so-called 'Queen of Australia and Hawaii' would only make things worst. There was no word on what Pihana would do against this new force, but it appeared that Pihana was not going to stop her from usurping her own lands on the northwest coast of the continent.

When Cross got a contact through a friend of someone in Novak, someone who was looking to assist the Aboriginals, he quickly agreed to the idea, and agreed to meet this man outside of Melbourne in one of the many parks that surrounded the lovely city.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1301249038' post='2678362']
OOC: Fine if you guys are so hell bent on screwing with it go ahead.
OOC: Apparently if you neglect to mark an RP as 'private' people will come in and $%&@ it up. Go figure.

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The S-500 battery had now penetrated five kilometers into the interior of Pihanna. Acquiring a lock on of four of the USC AWACS, surface to air missiles equipped with an incendiary warheads took off and were set to proximity detonate against the AWAC destroying both it and the warhead. The missile launcher would then rapidly be moved back to sea with a team of special operations escorting it.

Meanwhile the pirates had completed their looting of Exmouth. Triyun himself had done a particularly good job loading up with swag yet he was disappointed at the choice of such a small target, it really did not make sense why such a large operation would be conducted against a small town.

Nevertheless he got up in his skiff and began to go back towards the mother ship when a Great White Shark capsized the skiff and devoured his other crew. Making it too shore Triyun ran into the wilderness. It was now him alone, versus the entire Pihannan and Rebel forces. It was time to channel his inner rambo!

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With reports of the raids on the coastal cities the 5th and 6th regiments were ordered to move into both Kimbrely and Exomouth and secure them. The 1st Regiment will remian at Darwin for defensive purposes. Other Regiments are on alert and ready to move out at a moments notice.

Meanwhile the batterys have been detected and the information passed onto the USC. 2 Superhornets have been deployed to destroy them.

Edited by supercheese
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OOC: You know I fired missiles on your ministry of defense and capital several pages back. You might want to RP how you managed to defend against them when I was jamming your radar sites before you claim uninterrupted command and control.

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OOC: Oh you were shooting them at me? Well i dont know what you hit because we dont have a ministry of defense.
And has far has radar goes batterys dont make it 5 kilometers into ones nation without being noticed.

Edited by supercheese
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[b]SCDF Central Command - Sydney[/b]

There were simultaneously reports from four AWACS aircraft that surface-to-air missiles had been targeted at them and then suddenly launched. All of the missiles had originated from Pihana, and many at Central Command were left scratching their heads at the sudden belligerence. Frantic yells could be heard over the clear radio channels, with alarms screaming in the background, as pilots tried to take evasive maneuvers. The Central Command tapes clearly recorded the flurry of countermeasures that were launched to try to evade the Surface-to-Air Missile threat.

Radar feed coming in from the frontier territory mobile stations clearly showed the SAMs had come from Pihana, as the missiles got closer to the AWACs aircraft, the yelling over the radio channels only became more frantic. The missiles appeared to not be buying any of the emergency countermeasures, and trying to maneuver such huge aircraft was out of the question. The radar and communication techs only listened on helplessly, as one by one, four AWACS aircraft disappeared successively from radar scopes. In one instance, a scream could be heard upon missile impact, some of the radio and radar techs looked at each other, one took of his headset altogether, a few even wept at the hopelessness of the incident.

[b]Coded report was immediately flashed to the Governor General's office;[/b]


As soon as Robert Abel received the transmission, and read it over, he let the report fall to his desk, he shook his head, and heaved a sigh, and would pick up the phone.

"Julie, I need an emergency press conference in an hour, all major networks."

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The SuperHornets watched what happend in horror. All the missiles hit there marks. The pilots had failed and ordered to return.

Meanwhile Darwin was in chaos. The missiles hit on capital buildings had appeard out of nowhere. The first Regiment were doing everything they can in search and rescue. Supplies have been sent into the area. The Director of defense and foreign affairs have been located. The rest have yet to be found. For all they knew they could be dead.

The national News has arrived and are already filming the events live across the nation.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1301257433' post='2678448']
OOC: Oh you were shooting them at me? Well i dont know what you hit because we dont have a ministry of defense.
And has far has radar goes batterys dont make it 5 kilometers into ones nation without being noticed.

OOC: I'm going to help you out here because you are new:

Your nation really doesn't start off with automatic radar coverage. Building a radar system for a nation of your size is a considerable under taking and would require a lot of resources, thats part of the reason why from a purely tactical perspective its generally not a good idea for a nation your size to take half a continent. Secondly radar coverage really doesn't detect small craft like the hovercraft I used to infiltrate your coast line. Radar detects stuff in the air, you can fly below radar to avoid detection.

Now you can have surface radar aboard naval vessels or on shore but to have it span entire areas of coast to detect the hover craft is really not that feasible.

Secondly in order to control a national defense bureaucracy you really need to have a ministry of defense in some form or another. You need to have a centralized command in control, now what you call it is a matter of each nation but you can't run an organization without a head of it giving orders. In my nation for example we call our ministry of defense the Central Military Commission but it is still a ministry of defense. Armies need heads they don't work through simultaneous psychic thought.

Thirdly. F/A-18s. While its true the F/A-18 A-D blocs were available during the Cold War the F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet is a different airframe and wasn't built until well after. The differences on both units are quite large, if you wish to use the F/A-18 you need to stick with the earlier versions of the Hornet until you reach 500 tech in game. I would recommend flying Mig 29s or F-15 Strike Eagles though, both are significantly better machines overall.

Candidly if another air force intervenes you won't be standing much of a chance but if you have any questions about using air power and radar systems for this fight feel free to PM me.


With the aircraft withdrawing from the engagement before expending any ordinance, the missile system was able to make it onto the hovercraft and out of the combat area.

Meanwhile Triyun had managed to disguise himself as a hitchhiker and carjack a pick up truck from some kindly old man. Arriving at a gas station he loaded up some old cases of beer bottles with gas before shooting up the store. He then made himself some molotov cocktails and found a portable pumping device with a tank that he would make into a make shift flame thrower. !@#$ would burn when he found a town to raid.

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OOC: You are right about the radar systems. But still especially with my nation on military alert from the war that just passed, pirate raids, and a possible revolt im sure someone somewhere would point up into the sky and see it.

I also did have the security council but i dissolved it at the end of the last war and i havent really made a new military command yet. But ill agree with you and say that a building like that was hit.

Thanks for the info.

IC: A car pulled up to the gas station. The man inside was having a craving for some choclate and walked inside to get some. When he entered he looked around in fear at the mess the store had become. He called the police and 3 squad cars were sent in to invesitgate.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1301208852' post='2678087']
Can somebody either delete or lock this thread? The ORIGINAL topic has been moved to http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100368

OOC: So this is retconned?

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