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[quote name='cheezy' timestamp='1300544001' post='2670175']
I think youll find youre wrong. NoR*2, NoV*1 = 3. Changing the name but keeping the membership != new allaince. This is excluding the micros.

No market exists in CN as theres no labour...theres just allainces made of of like minded people or allainces with a set form of hierarchy, and thats about all the information you have to define youre allainces. SO I guess youre entire statment is just utterly wrong.

I also see people in here sayying NoR is sucesfull in comparison with lefty allainces, this is false, LSF is yet to dispand and was around in the time of NoR V1.
I think you'll find you're wrong. We did NOT keep all of the membership over the years, we DID change a significant amount of documentation to prevent people like that from entering, and we still find it hilarious when people try to have a communist alliance on CN. Alliances such as INT are NOT Communist alliances, they are Communist THEMED alliances run in a rather organized manner. I enjoy my talks with Q and FC because, regardless of our disagreement on certain issues, they are actually fun, intelligent people to talk to.

LSF on the other hand is not a Communist alliance period, bar none. They're leftist sure, but more Anarcho/Socio-Liberatarian than anything else. Other than GOSPLAN USSR who has it out for anyone with an NoR banner and swears I'm a Nazi, I enjoy talking to the LSF boys.

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1300547805' post='2670201']
I think you'll find you're wrong. We did NOT keep all of the membership over the years, we DID change a significant amount of documentation to prevent people like that from entering, and we still find it hilarious when people try to have a communist alliance on CN. Alliances such as INT are NOT Communist alliances, they are Communist THEMED alliances run in a rather organized manner. I enjoy my talks with Q and FC because, regardless of our disagreement on certain issues, they are actually fun, intelligent people to talk to.

LSF on the other hand is not a Communist alliance period, bar none. They're leftist sure, but more Anarcho/Socio-Liberatarian than anything else. Other than GOSPLAN USSR who has it out for anyone with an NoR banner and swears I'm a Nazi, I enjoy talking to the LSF boys.

Many NoR members are the same, and theres no denying that NoV, and the new NoR were not reformations of the original NoR.

Im glad you didnt keep all youre members, and I'm glad you did change significantly to reduce the ammount of 'people like that' from entering. I remember seeing many nation bios, posts and (old) NoR leaks and if the new NoR still held members like that in its ranks then it would reflect badly on CN as a whole that those nations are aloud to continue.

You are correct, and thats the point I was trying to get accross in the second part of my post but youve put it clearer. There are no communist allaicnes in CN per say, there are just themed allainces.

Personaly I like GOSPLAN USSR's attatude towards NoR, I was on a perma ZI list in old NoR and many nations that have been treated as such will dislike any incarnation of NoR. on top of that GOSPLAN USSRs stereo typing is based on old NoRs history and a reflection of many new NoR members attatudes towards the left, I guess if things are to change nations need to back off, this wont happen while NoR members come into lefty allaince announcments only to moan about leftys...what did they expect to find?

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[quote name='Diego Rivera' timestamp='1300506496' post='2669805']
Right. Very admirable how you waited until the situation benefitted you before you came into the conflict.

I'm tired of people bringing this up. It really compliments us, and only proves that most people here are too blind to listen to reason but rather listen to the precedents Cyber Nations have left behind through it's history. You cannot blame us for getting ready for something before jumping into it. And if you do, you must have the IQ of a squirrel. Honor is something that is kicked around CN and is abused greatly. You find honor in going against the odds and putting your alliance in risk. I find honor in the thought and the intentions, rather the action.

I don't think we, as in the people in this thread, have to worry about the SWF or their views. If this truly is their 4th time coming back then they are obviously a beacon of pure success. Right? [i]No.[/i] Communism, as in real communism, is not something I hate. I also don't hate people running around with Red and Yellow Stars and calling themselves commies. If you truly want to be given one straight mindset and be controlled like a flock of mindless pawns over a Red and Yellow Flag then please, continue to do so. You'll be gone before this even gets started.

Other than that, good luck brohams.
[size="1"]You'll need it[/size]

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1300547805' post='2670201']
I think you'll find you're wrong. We did NOT keep all of the membership over the years, we DID change a significant amount of documentation to prevent people like that from entering, and we still find it hilarious when people try to have a communist alliance on CN. Alliances such as INT are NOT Communist alliances, they are Communist THEMED alliances run in a rather organized manner. I enjoy my talks with Q and FC because, regardless of our disagreement on certain issues, they are actually fun, intelligent people to talk to.

LSF on the other hand is not a Communist alliance period, bar none. They're leftist sure, but more Anarcho/Socio-Liberatarian than anything else. Other than GOSPLAN USSR who has it out for anyone with an NoR banner and swears I'm a Nazi, I enjoy talking to the LSF boys.

Yeah, we over at the federation are definately more lib.com than anything.

Iv enjoyed that conversations that we have had, but YOU NEVER GET ON IRC ANYMORE :(

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[quote name='cheezy' timestamp='1300550050' post='2670219']
Many NoR members are the same, and theres no denying that NoV, and the new NoR were not reformations of the original NoR.

Im glad you didnt keep all youre members, and I'm glad you did change significantly to reduce the ammount of 'people like that' from entering. I remember seeing many nation bios, posts and (old) NoR leaks and if the new NoR still held members like that in its ranks then it would reflect badly on CN as a whole that those nations are aloud to continue.

You are correct, and thats the point I was trying to get accross in the second part of my post but youve put it clearer. There are no communist allaicnes in CN per say, there are just themed allainces.

Personaly I like GOSPLAN USSR's attatude towards NoR, I was on a perma ZI list in old NoR and many nations that have been treated as such will dislike any incarnation of NoR. on top of that GOSPLAN USSRs stereo typing is based on old NoRs history and a reflection of many new NoR members attatudes towards the left, I guess if things are to change nations need to back off, this wont happen while NoR members come into lefty allaince announcments only to moan about leftys...what did they expect to find?
If you review my posts in INT and LSF's announcements, they have generally been good and supportive. Now you can't blame us for any Anti-SWF sentiment saying it's Anti-Leftist if the Commissar of the INT himself agrees with us. People who honestly believe we hate INT, LSF, etc. are living in the past. I know several members of NoR that get along quite nicely and don't mind having a good round with the Gentlemen over on the Leftist side. I for one was treated to some nice cinema by a (at the time) Senior INT Agent that really turned my opinion on many matters. We're not stone cold Right Wing Concrete Walls that have no soul (okay, not all of us are) and hate the Left Wingers simply because they are Leftist. If more people like Agressivenutmeg would come join us for a pint, we'd be more than happy to have fun with you all.

I understand your concerns, and in reality they are legitimate to have considering past events and circumstances. All I ask is that you adapt to the times and actually get to know us before you turn a blind eye and seat with hatred (not that all of you have).

OOC: It's kind of funny actually, I believe AntiFa from LSF is in the Nordreich Clan in a similar game to CN. In our Spiel Cafe section in our forums we have a thing where other people from other alliances can come in and list their contact info so we can all play various games together. We also have a Teamspeak3 server if anyone out there is ever interested in hopping in.

[quote='Comrade Trotsky']Yeah, we over at the federation are definately more lib.com than anything.

Iv enjoyed that conversations that we have had, but YOU NEVER GET ON IRC ANYMORE[/quote]
OOC: I know, I know! I've been trying to but there's a lot going on overseas and it's GREATLY effecting my work hours. I'll see if I can stop by later on tonight when I get home. :)

Edited by Vladimir Nikanor
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[quote name='cheezy' timestamp='1300544001' post='2670175']
I think youll find youre wrong. NoR*2, NoV*1 = 3. Changing the name but keeping the membership != new allaince. This is excluding the micros.

No market exists in CN as theres no labour...theres just allainces made of of like minded people or allainces with a set form of hierarchy, and thats about all the information you have to define youre allainces. SO I guess youre entire statment is just utterly wrong.

I also see people in here sayying NoR is sucesfull in comparison with lefty allainces, this is false, LSF is yet to dispand and was around in the time of NoR V1.

NoV =/= NoR

No market exists? What about the tech market?

So, what you're saying is that just because an alliance doesn't disband makes it successful. That's funny and completely wrong.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1300556759' post='2670292']
NoV =/= NoR

No market exists? What about the tech market?

So, what you're saying is that just because an alliance doesn't disband makes it successful. That's funny and completely wrong.

NoR = NoV, even other NoR members put them in the same group.

The tech market is pritty restricted with only one product being created by one consenting nations. Its not asif theres a real labour force behind it (baring maybe allainces that force members to organise deals).

An alliances sucess can be measure by how long it stands, if survival isnt sucess then nothing is. If an alliacne had 1000 members for 1 month, then dispanded, at best its sucess would span a month.

@Vladimir Nikanor - I agree with what you ahve to say :)

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1300556759' post='2670292']
NoV =/= NoR

No market exists? What about the tech market?

[b]So, what you're saying is that just because an alliance doesn't disband makes it successful. That's funny and completely wrong.[/b]

What do you measure success by? In my opinion, if a nation is able to live freely in this world unharmed and has the opportunity to become active in a greater community, then they are living successfully in this world.

Not all alliances must be bent on making the top 10.

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[quote name='Rocky Horror' timestamp='1300455062' post='2669055']
I've never seen a successful alliance operating in any way other than as a socialist dictatorship.

IRON works as an Oligarchy dont know why people think most alliances work as a socialist society. If every alliance was run as a socialist society then the high nations would be suffering to grow the small nations (which is not the case now is it?)

[quote name='8 Mile' timestamp='1300491431' post='2669553']
I'll give you three examples that are currently sanctioned:

2 out of those 3 I wouldnt exactly call succesfull.

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[quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1300583996' post='2670603']
IRON works as an Oligarchy dont know why people think most alliances work as a socialist society. If every alliance was run as a socialist society then the high nations would be suffering to grow the small nations (which is not the case now is it?)

2 out of those 3 I wouldnt exactly call succesfull.

High-end nations tend to provide smaller nations with a ton of start-up cash... granted it's not enough for them to "suffer", but at the same time they're limited to just 6 aid slots...

otoh small nations continuously try to pump tech (which they buy at a cheaper rate) to nations who would otherwise have to buy it at a more expensive rate.

i'm not poli-sci major but that sounds like a pretty good definition of socialism to me.

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While we have this thread up anyways, I'd like to take this opportunity to announce the resurrection and reformation of the ICSN.

From our glory days of spying on the NPO and initiating the first great war to our subsequent reformation, then our subsequent reformation, then our subsequent reformation, etc. the ICSN helped shape many great events in the cyberverse. We championed workers rights throughout the game, participated in the greatest merge of nations owned by 16 year olds, and were renowned for our policy of never keeping banks, churches, or stadiums on hand so as to not encourage bourgeois activities.

There were many obstacles, from forced disbandments to our members gaining some insight into real world economics, but we have persevered through all and I stand before you today to offer yet another alternative alliance where one can preach as much as they wish about socialism and never have to worry about their audience understanding them and refuting any points.

The day is upon us once again. Workers! Rise up now! File out of the room accordingly and go back to contributing to society! The rest of us have nations to run and quizzes to take to see which variation of communism fit us best

Kortal out

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[quote name='Kortal' timestamp='1300586696' post='2670670']
While we have this thread up anyways, I'd like to take this opportunity to announce the resurrection and reformation of the ICSN.

From our glory days of spying on the NPO and initiating the first great war to our subsequent reformation, then our subsequent reformation, then our subsequent reformation, etc. the ICSN helped shape many great events in the cyberverse. We championed workers rights throughout the game, participated in the greatest merge of nations owned by 16 year olds, and were renowned for our policy of never keeping banks, churches, or stadiums on hand so as to not encourage bourgeois activities.

There were many obstacles, from forced disbandments to our members gaining some insight into real world economics, but we have persevered through all and I stand before you today to offer yet another alternative alliance where one can preach as much as they wish about socialism and never have to worry about their audience understanding them and refuting any points.

The day is upon us once again. Workers! Rise up now! File out of the room accordingly and go back to contributing to society! The rest of us have nations to run and quizzes to take to see which variation of communism fit us best

Kortal out

So...the ICSN really is back? :blink:

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Like Walrus said, success in Planet Bob can be achieved simply by living. Of course, many alliances want to have a powerful say in World Politics, as a result they pump the iron a bit harder in order to be sanctioned, in the top 20 or whatever their goals are in order to be considered a "World Power". At the end of the day it all comes down to who's got the best military. Polaris was deemed a successful alliance before they were caught in a war and pushed down to spot 19.

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[quote name='PinkV' timestamp='1300626644' post='2671048']
Like Walrus said, success in Planet Bob can be achieved simply by living. Of course, many alliances want to have a powerful say in World Politics, as a result they pump the iron a bit harder in order to be sanctioned, in the top 20 or whatever their goals are in order to be considered a "World Power". At the end of the day it all comes down to who's got the best military. Polaris was deemed a successful alliance before they were caught in a war and pushed down to spot 19.

I thought NoR was pretty succesfull too until they actually surrendered in the NpO front to join the Doomhouse front.

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[quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1300650933' post='2671285']
I thought NoR was pretty succesfull too until they actually surrendered in the NpO front to join the Doomhouse front.
If you're still calling it a surrender you're severely misinformed and did not read in between the lines in the document that ended the war. Which I'm definitely not going to hold against you considering the layout it was presented in. Nobody should ever be forced to read something like that.

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[quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1300650933' post='2671285']
I thought NoR was pretty succesfull too until they actually surrendered in the NpO front to join the Doomhouse front.

Ok, you keep telling yourself that. Also why don't you ask World Federation if we surrendered to them.

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[quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1300650933' post='2671285']
I thought NoR was pretty succesfull too until they actually surrendered in the NpO front to join the Doomhouse front.

Such idiocy leading a nation. It frightens me sometimes.

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1300652725' post='2671322']
If you're still calling it a surrender you're severely misinformed and did not read in between the lines in the document that ended the war. Which I'm definitely not going to hold against you considering the layout it was presented in. Nobody should ever be forced to read something like that.

[quote name='pd73bassman' timestamp='1300653523' post='2671335']
Ok, you keep telling yourself that. Also why don't you ask World Federation if we surrendered to them.

[quote name='PinkV' timestamp='1300661192' post='2671483']
Such idiocy leading a nation. It frightens me sometimes.

speaking of which I guess breaking [s]surrender[/s] Peace terms doesnt matter when you are on the winning side does it?


[quote]Nordreich shall refrain from committing any further acts of warfare upon any alliance who is engaged in combat with the New Polar Order
or the New Pacific Order[/quote]

I guess you can try to E-lawyer your way out of this by saying you declared war on NPO but I dont think anyone is going to buy that shenanigang

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[quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1300666584' post='2671580']
speaking of which I guess breaking [s]surrender[/s] Peace terms doesnt matter when you are on the winning side does it?


I guess you can try to E-lawyer your way out of this by saying you declared war on NPO but I dont think anyone is going to buy that shenanigang
Not to burst your bubble but that's EXACTLY why it was written the way it was written. We did NOT break any peace terms at all. Like I said, you're not reading. If you ARE reading, you're not comprehending.

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No, seriously, you're a retard. :lol1:

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1300669912' post='2671646']
Not to burst your bubble but that's EXACTLY why it was written the way it was written. We did NOT break any peace terms at all. Like I said, you're not reading. If you ARE reading, you're not comprehending.

[quote name='ImperialCubanacan' timestamp='1300670519' post='2671665']

No, seriously, you're a retard. :lol1:

whatever helps you sleep at night. I know carpe diem who basically told everyone the same thing (poorly worded surrender terms) but got shot down on having a Valid reason to declare. Like I said I guess it doesnt matter when you are on the winning side does it? (for carpe diem it obviously did because of the large amount of rage emitting from MK to CD and saying how bad their surrender terms are gonna be for breaking it)

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