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Everything posted by DJPenguin

  1. Ok...nice? Good show, but not sure why it still needs to be stated.
  2. So most of the Grämlins and The German Empire are stereotyped as Nazis? o.o, news to me. I will never see HellAngel the same again NPO - Evil TOP/Gre - Stat Collectors
  3. Great player, even better guy. Take care dude.
  4. As many 'threats' are made in this game, though, you have to realize that if I tell you to "Go die", the odds are I am not insinuating that I would be dancing on your grave at your funeral, nor am I wishing you dead. Just as ShamedMonkey stabs everyone on IRC, he is not insinuating that he wants to stab you OOC, nor does he plan to come to your house and stab you(unless you're Bob). Imo, and if you disagree feel free to point it out, there is a difference in IRC hostmasks and IPs, in regards to tracking. Anyone's IRC hostmask is shown instantly on my IRC client whenever they join any channel I am in. If someone queries me, I get a full whois on them when they query me. That is not "seeking it out" or "stalking it", as it is right there, presented to you. I personally use a vhost. It's not hard to cover up your hostmask on IRC, and while I agree the use of alternate methods to mask ones IP address can be cumbersome at times(I know, I have to do it at school sometimes ), it is much, much harder to sniff out an IP address than an IRC hostmask. Once you have an IRC hostmask, you run it through the logs, and bingo if you get a hit on someone, you're set. IPs take a bit of effort to find, especially when you have no idea which ruler might be a reroll.
  5. If you do something that the people in power do not like, and the people in power can back it up because that's what they want, all that it takes is for someone to do something to make the people in power change their minds. And yes, II is less ridicuolous, but JB currently as of this post does not have that option, so it appears. But it is not "stalking" if you have the same name, same IP, and it's all plainly there for you. btw, good luck JB.
  6. If you reroll and don't cover your IRC hostmask, that's just...not good. That's fundamental right there, use mibbit/grab a vhost(or both). In regards to the true reasons for JB's EZI, if there is more to it than logs, they shouldn't be posted here. If someone who has a direct conflict of interest(JB wants to join said person's alliance, stuff like that), needs to know, go shoot a PM to TrotskysRevenge, FinsterBaby, etc for their official response. There is no reason for everything to be posted on here because it will be taken, spun out of control, misconstrued, and then thrown back in the faces of those who instituted it at the very beginning. Sorry, but that's the Bob we live on. Edit: I don't condone EZI, just stating above reasons for the lack of all reasons
  7. DJPenguin. He's an idiot. Also Admin. I want to see where he is at all times.
  8. Come on already, lol. I expected better, Misr. Or did I?
  9. If anyone would like to apply, they can contact myself, LiquidMercury, or Ejayrazz for instructions. Forums and IRC will be released shortly. No, not april fools.
  10. In the famous words of the ever-famous meme, "I c wut u did thar" :lol: Nice thread though, I think the main opinion is clear. but I must ask you, what about the Lux Aeterna is "2) and the sovereignty sucking verbage in most block treaties, ", if that's what you meant? Apologies if I misunderstand/read. The Citadel is quite open to all discussion, just ask any member of any Cit alliance, or Vox, I'm sure they'll agree.
  11. Nooooo, Zuli!!!!!! Good luck to STA, nice update Tyga.
  12. Cute. You sir, made me chuckle a good bit. I see what you're implying there. Anyways, it'd be intriguing to see how Genmay would operate in today's world. Edited the quote for clarity as to exactly what this man was implying.
  13. Resorting to insulting an alliance with 8 members, .10 score and just emerged as a presence on the OWF, man I know I want to be your friend. Best of luck to Prussia
  14. DJPenguin, ruler of Penguinistan, laughed out loud harder than he has in a long time here. Thanks guys
  15. I use my Blackberry Storm to check CN sometimes.
  16. Hmm, looks like our application decision was good, hindsight being 20/20. I still like MCXA, but people like yourself try your best to undo that.
  17. Good point, it should be used as a fine, fine example. I'd rather be optimistic that GGA can overcome this though, whether there is a chance of that or not I do not know.
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